Lessoon Keead as Shey-Jeig: Thalloo fo Ushtey?
Lesson One Hundred and Sixteen: Land under Water?
keead as shey-jeig (KEE-ud-azz-SHAY-jegg) - 116
thalloo (TOL-oo) - land
ushtey (USH-cha) - water
Quite a few Manx words start with th. Remember this is NOT pronounced as in English - ignore the h and pronounce the t with some force!
Ean: My vees paart jehn rio ec Ard y Twoaie as Ard y Jiass goll er lheie,
bee yn keayn girree as sluggey seose paart jehn thalloo.
Peddyr: She, sleih ta cummal er ellanyn beg ta injil dy liooar, tad cheet dy ve
boirit mychione shoh nish.
Ean: Shegin dhyt geddyn thie ta heose!
my vees (ma-VISS) - if (there) will be
paart (pert) - part; some
jehn (jane) - of the
rio (ryoh) - ice
Ard y Twoaie (ERD-a-TOO-ee) - the North Pole
Ard y Jiass (ERD-a-JASS) - the South Pole
lheie (LYAY-ee) - melting
Ean says the ice may be goll er lheie (GULL-err-LYAY-ee) - going on melting, since this is something which may happen to the ice.
yn keayn (in-KEEDN) - the sea
girree (GIRR-ee) - rising
sluggey (SLUGG-a) - swallowing
seose (sooss/sohss) - up
injil (INN-jil) - low
tad cheet dy ve (tadd-CHITT-the-vay) - they are becoming
boirit (BURR-it) - worried
mychione (ma-HYOWN) - about
Manx does not need joining words like who and which (relatives):
Sleih ta cummal er ellanyn beg ta injil dy liooar... - People who live on little islands which are low enough...
Shegin dhyt geddyn thie ta heose (SYDN-dut-GETH-un-TY-ta-HOOSS) - You must get a house which is up above.
We use heose for up if motion is not involved.
Tooilley Gaelg: Thalloo fo Ushtey?
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh: