Lessoon Keead as Shey-Jeig: Thalloo fo Ushtey?
Lesson One Hundred and Sixteen: Land under Water?

keead as shey-jeig (KEE-ud-azz-SHAY-jegg) - 116
thalloo (TOL-oo) - land
ushtey (USH-cha) - water

Quite a few Manx words start with ‘th’. Remember this is NOT pronounced as in English - ignore the ‘h’ and pronounce the ‘t’ with some force!


Ean: My vees paart jeh’n rio ec Ard y Twoaie as Ard y Jiass goll er lheie,
bee yn keayn girree as sluggey seose paart jeh’n thalloo.
Peddyr: She, sleih ta cummal er ellanyn beg ta injil dy liooar, t’ad cheet dy ve
boirit mychione shoh nish.
Ean: Shegin dhyt geddyn thie ta heose!

my vees (ma-VISS) - if (there) will be
paart (pert) - part; some
jeh’n (jane) - of the
rio (r’yoh) - ice
Ard y Twoaie (ERD-a-TOO-ee) - the North Pole
Ard y Jiass (ERD-a-JASS) - the South Pole
lheie (L’YAY-ee) - melting

Ean says the ice may be ‘goll er lheie’ (GULL-err-L’YAY-ee) - ‘going on melting’, since this is something which may happen to the ice.

yn keayn (in-KEEDN) - the sea
girree (GIRR-ee) - rising
sluggey (SLUGG-a) - swallowing
seose (sooss/sohss) - up
injil (INN-jil) - low
t’ad cheet dy ve (tadd-CHITT-the-vay) - they are becoming
boirit (BURR-it) - worried
mychione (ma-H’YOWN) - about

Manx does not need joining words like ‘who’ and ‘which’ (relatives):

Sleih ta cummal er ellanyn beg ta injil dy liooar... - People who live on little islands which are low enough...

Shegin dhyt geddyn thie ta heose (SYDN-dut-GETH-un-TY-ta-HOOSS) - You must get a house which is up

We use ‘heose’ for ‘up’ if motion is not involved

Tooilley Gaelg: Thalloo fo Ushtey?

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:

  1. Bee Peddyr ec Ard y Jiass.
  2. Ta sleih cummal er thalloo ta injil dy liooar.
  3. T’ad cheet dy ve boirit mychione shoh nish.
  4. Shegin dhyt geddyn thie ta heose! She.
  5. Ta Ean sluggey seose paart jeh.
  6. My vees paart jeh’n rio ec Ard y Twoaie goll er lheie bee sleih boirit.
  7. Bee yn keayn girree as sluggey seose paart jeh’n thalloo.
  8. Ta paart jeh’n rio goll er lheie.
  9. My vees Peddyr paart jeh bee Ean cheet dy ve boirit.
  10. Bee Ean ec Ard y Twoaie.
  11. Bee sleih boirit mychione cummal er ellanyn beg.
  12. My vees Ean cummal er paart jeh’n thalloo injil bee eh boirit.

Cur Baarle orroo shoh:

116 keead as shey-jeig
about mychione
ice rio
if (there) will be my vees
land thalloo
melting lheie
of the jeh’n
ow injil
part; some paart
rising girree
swallowing sluggey
the North Pole Ard y Twoaie
the sea yn keayn
the South Pole Ard y Jiass
they are becoming t’ad cheet dy ve
up seose
water ushtey
worried boirit

Vel fys ayd?

a) Manx does not need joining words like ................. and .....................?

b) Quite a few Manx words start with ‘th’. How is the ‘th’ pronounced?

c0 What do we use for ‘up’ if motion is not involved?
