Lessoon Keead as Nuy-Jeig: Ny schoe er-nonney ny sfeayr?
Lesson One Hundred and Nineteen: Hotter or else colder?
keead as nuy-jeig (KEE-ud-azz-NEE-jegg) - 119
ny schoe (nass-CHO) - hotter
er-nonney (err-NONN-a) - or else
ny sfeayr (nass-FOOR) - colder
Some Manx adjectives have a special form when we are comparing things, others just stay the same:
cheh (chay) - hot schoe (scho) - hotter; hottest
Ta shoh ny schoe na shen (ta-SHAW-nass-CHO-na-SHEN) - This is hotter than that.
feayr (foor) - cold sfeayr (sfoor) - colder; coldest
Ta shoh ny sfeayr na shen (ta-SHAW-nass-FOOR-na-SHEN) - This is colder than that.
Ean: Tad gra dy bee boayllyn ennagh cheet dy ve ny schoe as dy bee
boayllyn elley gaase ny sfeayr kyndagh rish yn Eiyrtys Thie-Gless.
Peddyr: Cren aght oddagh shen y ve?
Ean: Kyndagh rish caghlaaghyn ayns troaghyn ayns ny faarkaghyn.
Peddyr: Hooin roin dys y thie-lhionney!
tad gra (tadd-GRAA) - they say
dy bee (the-BEE) - that will be
boayllyn (BAWL-un) - places
Instead of boayllyn we can say buill (BOO-ill) for places. Several nouns in Manx have alternative plurals. Another example is boayrd (bored), meaning table, where we can say either boayrdyn (BORD-un) or buird (BOO-erd) for tables.
ennagh (enn-YAKH) - some
cheet dy ve (CHITT-the-VAY) - becoming
elley (ELL-ya) - other
gaase (gaass) - growing
kyndagh rish (KINN-dakh-rish) - because of
Cren aght oddagh shen y ve? (krinn-AKHT-OTH-akh-SHEN-a-VAY) -
How could that be? (How could that to be?)
caghlaaghyn (kakh-LAA-un) - changes
troaghyn (TRAW-un) - currents
ny faarkaghyn (na-FERG-akh-un) - the oceans
Tooilley Gaelg : Ny schoe er-nonney ny sfeayr?
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:
119 keead as nuy-jeig
because of kyndagh rish
becoming cheet dy ve
changes caghlaaghyn
colder ny sfeayr
currents troaghyn
growing gaase
hotter ny schoe
or else er-nonney
other elley
places boayllyn
some ennagh
that will be dy bee
the oceans ny faarkaghyn
they say tad gra
Cur Baarle orroo shoh: