Lessoon Keead as Nuy-Jeig: Ny s’choe er-nonney ny s’feayr?
Lesson One Hundred and Nineteen: Hotter or else colder?

keead as nuy-jeig (KEE-ud-azz-NEE-jegg) - 119
ny s’choe (nass-CHO) - hotter
er-nonney (err-NONN-a) - or else
ny s’feayr (nass-FOOR) - colder

Some Manx adjectives have a special form when we are comparing things, others just stay the same:

cheh (chay) - hot s’choe (scho) - hotter; hottest
Ta shoh ny s’choe na shen (ta-SHAW-nass-CHO-na-SHEN) - This is hotter than that.

feayr (foor) - cold s’feayr (sfoor) - colder; coldest
Ta shoh ny s’feayr na shen (ta-SHAW-nass-FOOR-na-SHEN) - This is colder than that.


Ean: T’ad gra dy bee boayllyn ennagh cheet dy ve ny s’choe as dy bee
boayllyn elley gaase ny s’feayr kyndagh rish yn Eiyrtys Thie-Gless.
Peddyr: Cre’n aght oddagh shen y ve?
Ean: Kyndagh rish caghlaaghyn ayns troaghyn ayns ny faarkaghyn.
Peddyr: Hooin roin dys y thie-lhionney!

t’ad gra (tadd-GRAA) - they say
dy bee (the-BEE) - that will be
boayllyn (BAWL-un) - places

Instead of ‘boayllyn’ we can say ‘buill’ (BOO-ill) for ‘places’. Several nouns in Manx have alternative plurals. Another example is ‘boayrd’ (bored), meaning ‘table’, where we can say either ‘boayrdyn’ (BORD-un) or ‘buird’ (BOO-erd) for ‘tables.’

ennagh (enn-YAKH) - some
cheet dy ve (CHITT-the-VAY) - becoming
elley (ELL-ya) - other
gaase (gaass) - growing
kyndagh rish (KINN-dakh-rish) - because of

Cre’n aght oddagh shen y ve? (krinn-AKHT-OTH-akh-SHEN-a-VAY) -
How could that be? (‘How could that to be?’)

caghlaaghyn (kakh-LAA-un) - changes
troaghyn (TRAW-un) - currents
ny faarkaghyn (na-FERG-akh-un) - the oceans

Tooilley Gaelg : Ny s’choe er-nonney ny s’feayr?

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:

119 keead as nuy-jeig
because of kyndagh rish
becoming cheet dy ve
changes caghlaaghyn
colder ny s’feayr
currents troaghyn
growing gaase
hotter ny s’choe
or else er-nonney
other elley
places boayllyn
some ennagh
that will be dy bee
the oceans ny faarkaghyn
they say t’ad gra

Cur Baarle orroo shoh:

  1. Hooin roin dys boayllyn elley!
  2. T’ad gra dy bee caghlaa ayns ny faarkaghyn.
  3. Kyndagh rish Peddyr.
  4. Cre’n aght oddagh shen y ve?
  5. T’ad gra dy bee Ean cheet dys y thie-lhionney.
  6. Kyndagh rish yn Eiyrtys Thie-Gless.
  7. T’ad gra dy bee caghlaaghyn ayns troaghyn.
  8. Cre’n aght oddagh boayllyn cheet dy ve ny s’feayr?
  9. Kyndagh rish caghlaaghyn ayns ny faarkaghyn ayns troaghyn.
  10. T’ad gra dy bee boayllyn ennagh cheet dy ve ny s’choe.
  11. Kyndagh rish ny faarkaghyn.
  12. Hooin roin dys y thie-lhionney!
  13. Cre’n aght oddagh boayl gaase ny s’feayr?
  14. T’ad gra dy bee boayllyn elley gaase ny s’feayr.
  15. Hooin roin dys boayllyn ennagh!

Vel fys ayd?

a) Instead of ‘boayllyn’ for ‘places’ what can we say?
b) Instead of ‘boayrdyn’ for ‘tables’ what can we say?

Some Manx adjectives have a special form when we are comparing things

c) What does cheh - ‘hot’ become?
d) What does feayr - ‘cold’ become?
