Lessoon Shey Feed: Loghtyn
Lesson One Hundred and Twenty: Crimes

shey feed (shay-feed) - 120 (‘six twenties’)

‘One hundred and twenty’ can also be expressed as ‘keead as feed’
(KEE-ud-azz-FEED) - ‘a hundred and twenty’, or as ‘feed as keead’.

loghtyn (LAWKH-tun) - crimes


Ealish: C’red t’ou coontey jeh imraa-bleeaney ny meoiryn-shee?
Catreeney: Cha nel monney fys aym er. V’ad loayrt my-e-chione er y radio.
Ealish: Ta ram sleih ronsaghey trooid ny h-earrooyn nish. Bentyn rish drogh-
haghyrtyn gleashtan, ta Skylley Vreeshey y boayl smoo sauchey.
Cha row agh un drogh-haghyrt ayns shen.

C’red t’ou coontey? (KERR-id-tow-KOOND-a) - What do you think?
imraa (imm-RAA) - a report; mention
bleeaney (BLEE-an-a) - annual; of year
meoir-shee (merr-shee) - policeman; policewoman
ny meoiryn-shee (na-MERR-un-SHEE) - the police

‘imraa-bleeaney ny meoiryn-shee’ (imm-RAA-BLEE-an-a-na-MERR-un-SHEE) - ‘the annual report of the police.’

Remember that no initial ‘the’ is needed in the Manx when we have the construction ‘the X of the Y.’

‘Cha nel monney fys aym er’ (ha-NELL-monn-a-FISS-imm-ERR) - ‘I don’t know much about it’ (‘There is not much knowledge at-me on-it’).

v’ad loayrt (vadd-LAWRT) - they were speaking
my-e-chione (ma-a-H’YOWN) - about it/him
ram sleih (ram-sly) - lots of people
ronsaghey trooid (RONN-zakh-a-TROOD) - sifting through
ny h-earrooyn (na-HIRR-oo-un) - the numbers
bentyn rish (BENN-tin-RISH) - concerning
drogh-haghyrtyn (drawkh-HAGH-ert-un) - accidents
gleashtan (GLAYSH-chan) - car
Skylley Vreeshey (SKILL-a-VREEZH-a) - Parish of Bride
boayl (bawl) - a place
smoo sauchey (smoo-SOW-cha) - most safe

‘Cha row agh un drogh-haghyrt ayns shen’ (ha-ROW-akh-UNN-drawkh-HAGH-ert-unnss-SHEN) - ‘There was only one accident there’ (‘There was not but one accident there’).

Lessoon Shey Feed: Loghtyn

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:

120 shey feed
a place boayl
a report; mention imraa
about it/him my-e-chione
accidents drogh-haghyrtyn
annual; of year bleeaney
car gleashtan
concerning bentyn rish
crimes loghtyn
lots of people ram sleih
most safe smoo sauchey
Parish of Bride Skylley Vreeshey
policeman; policewoman meoir-shee
sifting through ronsaghey trooid
the numbers ny h-earrooyn
the police ny meoiryn-shee
they were speaking v’ad loayrt
What do you think? C’red t’ou coontey?

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:

  1. Bentyn rish ny meoiryn-shee.
  2. Cha row agh Catreeney ayns shen.
  3. C’red t’ou coontey jeh imraa-bleeaney ny meoiryn-shee?
  4. Bentyn rish imraa-bleeaney.
  5. Cha row agh un drogh-haghyrt ayns shen.
  6. Bentyn rish sauchey.
  7. Ta Skylley Vreeshey y boayl smoo sauchey.
  8. C’red t’ou coontey jeh ny h-earrooyn?
  9. Cha row sleih loayrt my-e-chione er y radio.
  10. Cha nel monney fys aym er ny h-earrooyn.
  11. Ta ram sleih ronsaghey trooid ny h-earrooyn nish.
  12. C’red t’ou coontey jeh Skylley Vreeshey?
  13. Bentyn rish drogh-haghyrtyn gleashtan.
  14. Cha nel monney fys aym er drogh-haghyrtyn.
  15. V’ad loayrt my-e-chione er y radio.
  16. Cha nel monney fys aym er ny meoiryn-shee.

Vel fys ayd?

a) ‘One hundred and twenty’ can also be expressed as ‘keead as feed’
- ‘a hundred and twenty’, or as?

b) In a sentence such as ‘The colour of the dog.’ What is missed out?
