Lessoon Shey Feed as Jees: Tooilley Loghtyn
Lesson One Hundred and Twenty-Two: More Crimes
shey feed as jees (SHAY-FEED-azz-JEESS) - 122
tooilley (TULL-ya) - more
Catreeney: She, raghtalys, shen y red ta cur imnea er feallee.
Ealish: Agh ta mee fakin dy row daa cheead, nane-jeig as daeed dy
haghyrtyn raghtal nurree cosoylit rish daa cheed, hoght-jeig as
feed sy vlein roish shen.
Catreeney: Agh my ta dunverys lhiassit mastey yn earroo sloo shen, cha nel
reddyn cheet dy ve ny share.
she (shay) - it is (yes)
raghtalys (RAKHT-al-iss) - violence
In Manx, it is quite common to make an abstract noun from an adjective by adding -ys: raghtal - violent: raghtalys - violence.
imnea (imm-NYAY) - anxiety, concern
feallee (FOLL-ee) - folk, folks
Shen y red ta cur imnea er feallee (SHEN-a-RID-ta-KURR-imm-NYAY-err-FOLL-ee) - Thats the thing which worries folk (Thats the thing which is putting anxiety on folk).
daa cheead ... (DAA-HEE-ud) - two hundred...
daa (two) makes the k in keead (hundred) change to ch.
taghyrtyn (TAGH-ert-un) - incidents
dy (of) changes t to h: dy haghyrtyn (the-HAGH-ert-un) - of incidents
k to ch and t to h are examples of a mutation (letter change) called lenition.
cosoylit rish (ko-ZOLE-it-rish) - compared with
my ta (ma-taa) - if there is
dunverys (DUNN-verr-iss) - murder
lhiassit (LYAZZ-it) - alleged
mastey (MAST-a) - among, amongst
yn earroo (in-IRR-oo) - the number
sloo (sloo) - lesser; least
shen (shen) - that
cheet dy ve ny share (CHITT-the-VAY-na-SHARE) - improving