Lessoon Shey Feed as Tree: Sollaghey-Marrey
Lesson One Hundred and Twenty-Three: Marine Pollution

shey feed as tree (SHAY-FEED-azz-TREE) - 123
sollaghey (SOLL-akh-a) - pollution
marrey (MARR-a) - of (the) sea; marine

An alternative to ‘shey feed as tree’ is ‘keead as feed as tree’.
The commonest word for ‘sea’ in Manx is ‘keayn’ (pronounced ‘keedn’, with an unwritten ‘d’). ‘Marrey’ is the so-called genitive of ‘mooir’, which also means ‘sea’. Think of ‘sollaghey-marrey’ as meaning ‘pollution of sea’.


Ean: Vaik oo dy row thunnaghyn dy vleaystanyn er nyn geau sy cheayn faggys da Mannin lurg y nah chaggey?
Peddyr: Lhaih mee y skeeal. Cha nel uss boirit mychione shen, vel?
Ean: Dy jarroo, ta. Ta bleaystanyn-loshtee er jeet dys traieyn Vannin.
Peddyr: Cha lhiass dhyt boirey. Choud’s t’ad faagit ayns shee, s’cummey.

vaik oo? (VACK-oo) - did you see?
thunnaghyn (TUNN-akh-un) - tons
bleaystanyn (BLAYSS-tan-un) - bombs
ceau (k’yow) - throwing

‘...dy row thunnaghyn dy vleaystanyn er nyn geau..’ (the-row-TUNN-akh-un-the-VLAYSS-tan-un-err-nan-G’YOW) - ‘that tons of bombs were thrown’ (‘that tons of bombs were after their throwing’).
‘nyn’ means ‘their’, ‘your’ or ‘our’, and causes a letter change called nasalisation. Here, the ‘c’ in ‘ceau’ is changed to ‘g’.

sy cheayn (sa-KHEEDN) - in the sea
faggys da (FAH-gus-daa) - near to
lurg (lurg) - after
y nah (a-NAH) - the second
caggey (KAH-ga) - war; battle
lhaih mee (L’YA-EE-mee) - I read
y skeeal (a-SKEE-al) - the story
cha nel uss boirit (ha-nell-uss-BURR-it) - you aren’t worried
mychione shen (ma-H’YOWN-shen) - about that
bleaystanyn-loshtee (BLAYSS-tan-un-LAWSH-tee) - incendiary bombs
er jeet (err-JITT) - after coming
traieyn (TRA’EE-un) - shores
cha lhiass dhyt boirey (ha-L’YASS-dut-BURR-a) - you needn’t worry
choud’s t’ad faagit (HOWDS-tad-FAAG-it) - as long as they’re left
ayns shee (unnss-SHEE) - in peace
s’cummey (SKUMM-a) - it doesn’t matter