Lessoon Shey Feed as Kiare: Ny Jean Boirey
Lesson One Hundred and Twenty-Four: Dont Worry
shey feed as kiare (SHAY-FEED-azz-KAYR) - 124
jean! (jinn) - do! make!
ny jean! (na-JINN) - dont! dont make!
boirey (BURR-a) - worrying; disturbing
We can give orders in Manx by using the imperative (order form) of the verb itself, or by using jean with the verbal noun (as above). Another example is:
tar! (tar) - come!
jean cheet (jinn-CHITT) - come! (make coming)
Ean: Tou ass dty cheeayll. My hig bleaystanyn-loshtee er-cheer, oddagh
ad jannoo assee da sleih.
Peddyr: Cha jean sleih loaghtey ad. Beemayd mie dy liooar.
Ean: Eaisht, tad gra dy vel gas-nearag sy cheayn neesht. Shen agglagh.
Peddyr: Tou boirey rouyr. Caddil dy mie noght.
tou (tow) - you are
ass dty cheeayll (ASS-the-KHEE-al) - out of your sense(s)
my hig (ma-HIGG) - if will come
er-cheer (err-CHEER) - ashore (on country)
oddagh ad (OTH-akh-add) - they could
jannoo assee (JINN-oo-ATH-ee) - doing harm
da sleih (daa-SLY) - to people
cha jean (ha-JINN) - will not do/make
loaghtey (LAWKH-ta) - handling
Instead of using the auxiliary jannoo, we could say Cha loaghtee sleih ad (ha-LAWKH-tee-SLY-ad) - People will not handle them.
eaisht! (aysht) - listen!
tad gra dy vel... (tadd-GRAA-the-VELL) - they say there is ..
gas-nearag (gas-NEER-ag) - nerve gas
neesht (nyiss) - as well; also
shen agglagh (shen-AGG-lakh) - thats awful
rouyr (rowr) ow like how - too much; too many
caddil! (KADD-il) - sleep!
Instead of caddil Peddyr could have said jean cadley (jinn-KADD-la), which has the literal meaning make sleeping. The verbal noun is cadley (sleeping) in this case.
noght (nawkh) - tonight