Lessoon Shey Feed as Queig: Bioyrid-Goull
Lesson One Hundred and Twenty-Five: Radioactivity
shey feed as queig (SHAY-FEED-aZZ-KWEGG) - 125
bioyrid-goull (BYOH-rid-GOWL) - radioactivity
goull (gowl) - ray; beam
In Manx, abstract nouns are quite often made by adding -id to an adjective:
bioyr (byohrr) - active
bioyrid (BYOH-rid) - activity
Ean: Ta mee credjal dy dooar ad bioyrid-goull ayns eeastyn as roaganyn.
Peddyr: Shenn naightyn tayn. Cha nel monney bioyrid-goull ayndoo.
Ean: Agh tad feddyn plutoyniu as cha nel ny stoo dooghyssagh.
Peddyr: Tad gra nagh lhiass dooin boirey my-e-chione.
Ean: Cha gredjym shen. Tan stoo shoh gaase ny smoo as ny smoo.
ta mee credjal (TAMM-ee-KREDJ-al) - I believe
dy dooar ad (the-DOOR-add) - that they found
Instead of dy dooar ad, Ean could have said dy ren ad feddyn
(the-REN-add-FETH-un) - that they did finding.
eeastyn (YEEST-un) - fish (plural)
roaganyn (RAWG-an-un) - scallops
Shenn naightyn tayn (SHAN-NOY-akht-yn-TAWN) - Thats old news
(Old newses which is in).
cha nel monney (ha-NELL-MONN-a) - there isnt much
ayndoo (AWN-doo) - in them
plutoyniu (ploo-TONE-yoo) - plutonium
ny (na) - in his/her/its
dooghyssagh (DOOGH-izz-akh) - natural
cha nel shen ny stoo dooghyssagh (ha-NELL-SHEN-na-stoo-DOOGH-izz-akh) - thats not natural stuff (thats not in-its natural stuff).
This is an example of a Gaelic way of classifying things or people.
Take another example:
Teh ny ghooinney mooar (TAY-na-WUN-ya-MOOR) - Hes a big man.
Literally, this is Hes in-his (state of being a) big man.
So the Gaels knew all about roles.
my-e-chione (ma-a-HYOWN) - about it; about him
cha gredjym (ha-GREDJ-im) - I wont believe