Lessoon Shey Feed as Shey: Mooynlagh
Lesson One Hundred and Twenty-Six: Sewage

shey feed as shey (SHAY-FEED-azz-SHAY) - 126
mooynlagh (MOON-lakh) - sewage


Peddyr: Lhisagh oo boirey ny smoo mychione y mooynlagh. Ta shen jannoo
foddey ny smoo assee sy cheayn na’n bioyrid-goull.
Ean: Foddee dy vel. Agh fodmayd jannoo red ennagh mychione y mooynlagh. Cha nel monney niart ain er y vioyrid-goull.
Peddyr: She red scammyltagh dy vel mooynlagh garroo roie stiagh sy cheayn.
Ean: She, shen y saase smoo cadjin ayns Mannin foastagh. Cre’n brock!

lhisagh oo (L’YITH-akh-oo) - you ought
ny smoo (na-SMOO) - more
ta shen jannoo (ta-shen-JINN-oo) - that does/makes
foddey ny smoo (FAWTH-a-na-SMOO) - far more
assee (ATH-ee) ‘TH’ as in ‘the’ - harm; damage
sy cheayn (sa-KHEEDN) - in the sea

The basic word for ‘sea’ is ‘keayn’ (‘keedn’). This is changed to ‘cheayn’ after ‘sy’ (‘sa’) - an abbreviation of ‘ayns y’ (‘UNNSS-a’) meaning ‘in the’. On another topic, Manx has developed a feature called intrusive d’s, where an unwritten ‘d’ is pronounced in certain words before the letter ‘n’. We also come across intrusive b’s before the letter ‘m’ in some words. For instance, the name ‘Tom’ can be pronounced as ‘Tobm’.

foddee dy vel (FUTH-ee-the-VELL) - maybe so
fodmayd jannoo (FODD-mudj-JINN-oo) - we can do
red ennagh (ridd-enn-YAKH) - something
cha nel monney (ha-NELL-MONN-a) - there isn’t much
niart (n’yart) - strength
ain (ine) Rhymes with ‘fine’. - at us

Cha nel monney niart ain er y vioyrid-goull (ha-NELL-MONN-a-N’YART-ine-err-a-V’YOH-rid-GOWL) - We haven’t got much control over the radioactivity (‘There isn’t much strength at us on the radioactivity’).

scammyltagh (SKAMM-ill-takh) - disgraceful
garroo (GARR-oo) - rough
roie stiagh (ra-ee-SCHAKH) - running into
y saase (a-SAASS) - the method
smoo cadjin (smoo-KADJ-in) - commonest
foastagh (FAWST-akh) - still
cre’n brock! (krinn-BROCK) - what a mess!