Lessoon Shey Feed as Shey: Mooynlagh
Lesson One Hundred and Twenty-Six: Sewage
shey feed as shey (SHAY-FEED-azz-SHAY) - 126
mooynlagh (MOON-lakh) - sewage
Peddyr: Lhisagh oo boirey ny smoo mychione y mooynlagh. Ta shen jannoo
foddey ny smoo assee sy cheayn nan bioyrid-goull.
Ean: Foddee dy vel. Agh fodmayd jannoo red ennagh mychione y mooynlagh. Cha nel monney niart ain er y vioyrid-goull.
Peddyr: She red scammyltagh dy vel mooynlagh garroo roie stiagh sy cheayn.
Ean: She, shen y saase smoo cadjin ayns Mannin foastagh. Cren brock!
lhisagh oo (LYITH-akh-oo) - you ought
ny smoo (na-SMOO) - more
ta shen jannoo (ta-shen-JINN-oo) - that does/makes
foddey ny smoo (FAWTH-a-na-SMOO) - far more
assee (ATH-ee) TH as in the - harm; damage
sy cheayn (sa-KHEEDN) - in the sea
The basic word for sea is keayn (keedn). This is changed to cheayn after sy (sa) - an abbreviation of ayns y (UNNSS-a) meaning in the. On another topic, Manx has developed a feature called intrusive ds, where an unwritten d is pronounced in certain words before the letter n. We also come across intrusive bs before the letter m in some words. For instance, the name Tom can be pronounced as Tobm.
foddee dy vel (FUTH-ee-the-VELL) - maybe so
fodmayd jannoo (FODD-mudj-JINN-oo) - we can do
red ennagh (ridd-enn-YAKH) - something
cha nel monney (ha-NELL-MONN-a) - there isnt much
niart (nyart) - strength
ain (ine) Rhymes with fine. - at us
Cha nel monney niart ain er y vioyrid-goull (ha-NELL-MONN-a-NYART-ine-err-a-VYOH-rid-GOWL) - We havent got much control over the radioactivity (There isnt much strength at us on the radioactivity).
scammyltagh (SKAMM-ill-takh) - disgraceful
garroo (GARR-oo) - rough
roie stiagh (ra-ee-SCHAKH) - running into
y saase (a-SAASS) - the method
smoo cadjin (smoo-KADJ-in) - commonest
foastagh (FAWST-akh) - still
cren brock! (krinn-BROCK) - what a mess!