Lessoon Shey Feed as Kiare-Jeig: Shennaghys ny Gammanyn
Lesson One Hundred and Thirty-Four: The History of the Games
shey feed as kiare-jeig (SHAY-FEED-azz-KAYR-jegg) - 134
shennaghys (SHAN-akh-iss) - history
Instead of Shennaghys ny Gammanyn, we could say Yn Shennaghys jeh ny Gammanyn (in-SHAN-akh-iss-jay-na-GAMM-an-un) for The History of the Games.
Catreeney: Cre cho shenn as ta ny gammanyn shoh?
Ealish: Vad currit er bun ec Mannin ayns Blein y Spoyrt, ayns nuy cheead jeig, queig as kiare feed. Hooar ny Manninee y varriaght sy vlein shen ayns Mannin hene. As hooar Mannin y varriaght daa vlein lurg shen ayns Guernsey, as ayns Ellanyn ny Geyrragh neesht, ayns nuy
cheead jeig, nuy as kiare feed.
Catreeney: Ta lane fys ayd er y chooish shoh, nagh vel?
Ealish: Cha nel noadyr. Ta mee lhaih eh sy phabyr-naight.
cre cho shenn as ta ...? (kra-ho-SHANN-azz-taa...) -how old is/are..?
ny gammanyn shoh (na-GAMM-an-un-SHAW) - these games
currit (KURR-it) - put
bun (bun) - base; meaning
Note the idiom for founding: Vad currit er bun ec Mannin (vadd-KURR-it-er-BUN-eck-MANN-in) - They were founded by the Isle of Man (They were put on base at Mann).
Blein y Spoyrt (BLAYN-a-SPOHRT) - The Year of (the) Sport
nuy cheead jeig (NA-EE-khee-ad-JEGG) - nineteen hundred
hooar (hoor) - got, found
y varriaght (a-VARR-ee-akht) - the victory
Hooar ny Manninee y varriaght (HOOR-na-MANN-in-ee-a-VARR-ee-akht) - The Manx won (The Manx got the victory).
sy vlein shen (sa-VLAYN-SHEN) - in that year
ayns Mannin hene (unnss-MANN-in-HEEN) - in the Isle of Man itself
daa vlein lurg shen (daa-vlayn-LURG-shen) - two years after that
Ellanyn ny Geyrragh (ELL-yan-un-na-GAYR-akh) - the Faroe Islands
neesht (nyiss) - also
lane (leddn) - full
Ta lane fys ayd er y chooish shoh, nagh vel? (ta-LEDDN-fiss-EDD-err-a-KHOOSH-shaw, nakh-VELL) - You know a lot about this subject, dont you? (There is full knowledge at you on this subject, isnt there?)
cha nel noadyr (ha-NELL-NAWTH-er) - certainly not (there is not, neither)
sy phabyr-naight (sa-FAAB-er-NY-akht) - in the newspaper