Lessoon Shey Feed as Queig-Jeig: Gammanyn y Chreg
Lesson One Hundred and Thirty-Five: The Rock Games
shey feed as queig-jeig (SHAY-FEED-azz-KWEGG) - 135
creg (kregg) - a rock
In Classical Manx, The Games of the Rock (The Games associated with the Rock) would be Gammanyn ny Creggey (GAMM-an-un-na-KREGG-a), using the genitive form Creggey to express of (the) Rock.
Since creg is a feminine noun, we say ...ny Creggey.
However, there was a strong tendency from a very long time ago to treat more and more nouns as masculine (certainly as regards expressions involving of the), while discarding genitive forms.
So, in later Manx, The Games of the Rock is Gammanyn y Chreg (GAMM-an-un-a-KHREGG).
Ealish: Ren ny Manninee feer vie ayns Gibraltar. Chossyn ny roareyryn medal
argid as chossyn skibbyltagh aeg medal airh. As ren ny lhiggeyderyn
dy mie neesht.
Catreeney: Agh cha ren Mannin chammah as Jersey as Guernsey. Erskyn ooilley,
ren sleih Jersey cosney ram medallyn airh.
Ealish: Tan emshyr foddey share ayns shen na ayns Mannin!
Catreeney: Scummey shen. Vaik oo dy ren lught bluckan-coshey Vannin gaccan
mychione ny fir-reaghys?
ren ny Manninee.. (RENN-na-MANN-in-ee) - the Manx did..
ny roareyryn (na-raw-RAY-run) - the cyclists
skibbyltagh (SKIBB-ilt-akh) - a gymnast
aeg (aag) - young
ny lhiggeyderyn (na-LYIGG-ad-er-un) - the shooters
dy mie (the-MY) - well
Remember that in Manx you make an adverb by simply putting dy before an adjective: mie - good, dy mie - well.
Another example: gennal - cheerful, dy gennal - cheerfully.
cha ren Mannin.. (ha-renn-MANN-in) - Mann didnt do..
chammah as (HOMM-a-azz) - as well as
erskyn ooilley (er-SKIN-ULL-ya) - above all
cosney (KAWZ-na) - winning, earning
yn emshyr (in-EMM-sher) - the weather
foddey share na (FAWTH-a-SHARE-na) - far better than...
scummey shen (SKUMM-a-SHEN) - that doesnt matter
Vaik oo dy ren lught bluckan-coshey Vannin gaccan? (VACK-oo-the-renn-LUKHT-BLUGG-an-KAWZH-a-VANN-in-GAHG-un) - Did you see that the Manx football people complained? (Did you see that (the) people (of) football (of) Mann did complaining?)
ny fir-reaghys (na-firr-RAYKH-iss) - the referees