Lessoon Shey Feed as Shey-Jeig: Sourey Cheh
Lesson One Hundred and Thirty-Six: A Hot Summer
shey feed as shey-jeig (SHAY-FEED-azz-SHAY-jegg) - 136
sourey (SOW-ra) - summer
cheh (chay) - hot
Ean: She emshyr yindyssagh tayn, gyn ourys erbee.
Peddyr: She, yn sourey share rish ymmodee blein. Agh, dy firrinagh, cha mie lhiam yn chiass. She Manninagh dooie mish.
Ean: Ny bee cho treih. Jeeagh er yn aght ta sleih cho maynrey. Foddee ad goaill soylley jehn emshyr as beaghey cheu-mooie ny smoo.
Peddyr: Sfeer shen. Agh ny-yeih shen as ooilley, er-lhiam pene dy vel eh foddey ro heh. Ta mish bunnys marrooit ec yn chiass.
She emshyr yindyssagh tayn (shay-EMM-sher-YIND-iss-akh-TAWN) - Its wonderful weather (Its wonderful weather (which) is in).
gyn ourys erbee (ginn-OW-riss-er-BEE) - without any doubt
she (shay) - it is (yes)
share (share) - best, better
To say the best X, we sandwich X between yn and share:
yn sourey share (in-SOW-ra-SHARE) - the best summer
ymmodee (IMM-oth-ee) - many
blein (blayn) - a year
Often, rish means to. Here, it means for:
rish ymmodee blein (rish-IMM-oth-ee-BLAYN) - for many years
Note that we can leave blein in the singular here.
dy firrinagh (the-FIRR-in-yakh) - truly
yn chiass (in-CHASS) - the heat
dooie (DOO-ee) - true, natural
cho treih (ho-TRY) - so miserable
jeeagh er yn aght (JEE-akh-err-in-AKHT) - look at (on) the way
cho maynrey (ho-MAAN-ra) - so happy
foddee ad (FOTH-ee-ad) - they can
goaill soylley (goyll-SOLE-ya) - taking enjoyment
beaghey (BAY-akh-a) - living
cheu-mooie (chow-MOO-ee) - outside
sfeer shen (sfeer-SHEN) - thats true
ny-yeih shen as ooilley (na-YA-ee-SHEN-azz-ULL-ya) - nevertheless
er-lhiam pene (err-lyamm-PEEN) - I myself think
After a word ending in m, hene (heen/heedn), meaning self, becomes pene (peen/peedn).
foddey ro heh (FAWTH-a-raw-HAY) - far too hot
bunnys marrooit (BUNN-iss-MARR-oo-it) - nearly killed