Lessoon Shey Feed as Shiaght-Jeig: Ny h-Imbaghyn
Lesson One Hundred and Thirty-Seven: The Seasons
shey feed as shiaght-jeig (SHAY-FEED-azz-SHAKH-jegg) - 137
imbagh (IMM-bakh) - season
imbaghyn (IMM-bakh-un) - seasons
Note the unusual plural for imbagh. We might have expected imbee or imbeeyn, but the plural is actually imbaghyn.
Also, if we have the (ny) before a plural noun which starts with a vowel, in classical Manx we insert the letter h, as in the title above.
Ean: Cha lhiass dhyt boirey. Tan sourey ersooyl, bunnys. Bee eh feayr roish foddey. Tan fouyr as y geurey cheet.
Peddyr: Smie shen. Cha nel mee er ve cho cheh as shoh sy vea ayms.
Ean: Foddee dy bee eh myr shoh dy chooilley hourey.
Peddyr: Nar lhig eh Jee! Ta mee jerkal dy bee eh fliugh sy gheurey as syn arragh. Ta ny doouryn bunnys follym nish.
Ean: Ny jean boirey. Teh cliaghtey ceau ayns Mannin.
cha lhiass dhyt (ha-LYASS-dut) - you need not
This is literally not need to-you. I need is slhiass dou (SLYASS-dow) - is need to-me.
ersooyl (er-SOOL) - away; gone
bunnys (BUNN-iss) - nearly
roish foddey (rohsh-FAWTH-a) - before long
y fouyr (a-FOWR) - the autumn
y geurey (a-GYOW-ra) - the winter
Cha nel mee er ve cho cheh as shoh (ha-NELL-mee-err-VAY-ho-CHAY-azz-SHAW) - I havent been so/as hot as this.
cho fliugh as (ho-FLYUKH-azz) - so / as wet as
cho feayr as (ho-FOOR-azz) - so/as cold as
sy vea ayms (sa-VAY-imm-iss) - in my life
dy choilley hourey (the-KHULL-ya-HOW-ra) - every summer
dy chooilley changes s to h.
Nar lhig eh Jee! (narr-LYIGG-a-JEE) - God forbid!
ta mee jerkal (TAMM-ee-JERK-al) - I hope
syn arragh (sin-YARR-akh) - in the spring
ny doouryn (na-DOOR-un) - the reservoirs
follym (FOLL-um) - empty
ny jean boirey (na-JINN-BURR-a) - dont worry
Teh cliaghtey ceau (tay-KLYAKH-ta-KYOW) - it usually rains