Lessoon Shey Feed as Nuy-Jeig: DYNSCA
Lesson One Hundred and Thirty-Nine: NIMBY

shey feed as nuy-jeig (SHAY-FEED-azz-NEE-jegg) - 139

DYNSCA - dyn sy chooyrt ayms (DINN-sa-khoort-IMM-iss) - not in my (back) yard (NIMBY)


Catreeney: Ta sleih ennagh gra dy vel eh gaueagh dy lostey orch. T’ad gra dy vel y jaagh skeayley nieu harrish y thalloo as cur er sleih dy ve ching.
Ealish: Cre’n fa nagh vod ooilley yn orch goll fo halloo?
Catreeney: T’ad gra nagh vel reamys dy liooar ayn.
Ealish: Cre’n fa nagh vodmayd cur eh ayns baatyn as cur eh harrish y cheayn? Ta colughtyn geddyn rey rish ayns Sostyn.
Catreeney: T’ad gra nagh vel kied ain shen y yannoo.
Ealish: S’treih shen.

gaueagh (GOW-akh) - dangerous
y jaagh (a-JAAKH) - the smoke
skeayley (SCALE-ya) - spreading
nieu (n’yeh-oo) - poison
cur er sleih (kurr-er-sly) - makes people

If we make someone do something, in Manx we ‘put it on them’ to do it:
Ren shin cur er Juan goll magh (RENN-shin-KURR-er-JOO-an-gull-MAKH) - We made Juan go out (‘We put on Juan going out’).

cre’n fa nagh vod..? (krinn-FAA-nakh-VODD) - why can’t..?
cre’n fa nagh vodmayd..? (krinn-FAA-nakh-VODD-mudj) - why can’t we..?

Note that ‘thalloo’ (TOLL-oo) - ‘ground’ - becomes ‘halloo’ after ‘fo’, which means ‘under’: fo-halloo (foh-HOLL-oo) - underground.

reamys (RAYM-iss) - room (space)
baatyn (BAAD-un) - boats
harrish y cheayn (HARR-ish-a-KHEED’N) - over the sea
colughtyn (KOH-lukht-un) - companies
kied (k’yidd) - permission

T’ad gra nagh vel kied ain shen y yannoo (tan-RAIL-tiss-GRAA-nakh-vell-k’yidd-INE-shen-a-YINN-oo) - They say that we are not allowed to do that (‘They say that there is not permission at us that to do’).

Catreeney could also have said: ‘T’ad gra nagh vel kied ain jannoo shen.’ The first expression is more literary.