Lessoon Shiaght Feed as Nane: Cre’n Sorch dy Vaatey?
Lesson One Hundred and Forty-One: What Sort of Boat?

shiaght feed as nane (SHAKH-FEED-azz-NAAN) - 141
cre’n sorch? (krinn-SURCH) - what sort?
dy vaatey (the-VAAD-a) - of (a) boat

After ‘dy’ (‘of’), we get the letter change (mutation) called lenition or aspiration. In this change, ‘b’ and ‘m’ become ‘v’, ‘c’ and ‘k’ become ‘ch’, ‘d’ and ‘g’ become ‘gh’, ‘f’ is dropped, ‘j’ becomes ‘y’, ‘p’ becomes ‘ph’, ‘qu’ becomes ‘wh’, ‘s’, ‘sh’, ‘t’, ‘th’ and ‘ch’ become ‘h’.

Here are some other examples:
caffee (KAFF-ee) - coffee: cappan dy chaffee (KAVV-an-the-KHAFF-ee) - a cup of coffee
tey (tay) - tea: cappan dy hey (KAVV-an-the-HAY) - a cup of tea


Ean: Ta mee credjal dy jagh y Kayt-Marrey eddyr y toor-soilshey as y Vurroo er y Cholloo. Gyn ourys, va shen feer vie.
Peddyr: Ta shen kiart. Agh cha dod shin fakin ny conneeyn.
Ean: Bee y Kayt-Marrey ec y Phaggad Bree sy traa ry-heet?
Peddyr: Cha s’ayms. Foddee dy bee saagh tappee un-cholbagh oc.
Bee ad shirrey fer ta garraghey sleih, gleashtanyn as lughtyn.

Ta mee credjal dy jagh y Kayt-Marrey ... (TAMM-ee-KREDJ-al-the-JAKH) - I believe that the SeaCat went....

Alternatively: Ta mee credjal dy ren y Kayt-Marrey goll ....

eddyr (EDD-ur) - between
toor-soilshey (toor-SILE-zha) - lighthouse
y Vurroo (a-VURR-oo) - the Burroo
y Cholloo (a-KHOLL-oo) - the Calf
cha dod shin (ha-DODD-shin) - we could not
ny conneeyn (na-KUNN-yeen) - the rabbits
ec y Phaggad Bree (EGG-a-FAGG-ad-BREE) - at the Steam
sy traa ry-heet (sa-TRAA-ra-HITT) - in the future (‘in the time to come’)
The ‘ch’ in ‘cheet’ (‘coming’) becomes ‘h’ after ‘ry’.

saagh tappee (saakh-TAVV-ee) - a fast craft
un-cholbagh (unn-KHOLB-akh) - mono-hull(ed)
shirrey (SHIRR-a) - looking for
garraghey (GARR-akh-a) - shifting
lughtyn (LUKHT-un) - cargoes