Lessoon Shiaght Feed as Nane: Cren Sorch dy Vaatey?
Lesson One Hundred and Forty-One: What Sort of Boat?
shiaght feed as nane (SHAKH-FEED-azz-NAAN) - 141
cren sorch? (krinn-SURCH) - what sort?
dy vaatey (the-VAAD-a) - of (a) boat
After dy (of), we get the letter change (mutation) called lenition or aspiration. In this change, b and m become v, c and k become ch, d and g become gh, f is dropped, j becomes y, p becomes ph, qu becomes wh, s, sh, t, th and ch become h.
Here are some other examples:
caffee (KAFF-ee) - coffee: cappan dy chaffee (KAVV-an-the-KHAFF-ee) - a cup of coffee
tey (tay) - tea: cappan dy hey (KAVV-an-the-HAY) - a cup of tea
Ean: Ta mee credjal dy jagh y Kayt-Marrey eddyr y toor-soilshey as y Vurroo er y Cholloo. Gyn ourys, va shen feer vie.
Peddyr: Ta shen kiart. Agh cha dod shin fakin ny conneeyn.
Ean: Bee y Kayt-Marrey ec y Phaggad Bree sy traa ry-heet?
Peddyr: Cha sayms. Foddee dy bee saagh tappee un-cholbagh oc.
Bee ad shirrey fer ta garraghey sleih, gleashtanyn as lughtyn.
Ta mee credjal dy jagh y Kayt-Marrey ... (TAMM-ee-KREDJ-al-the-JAKH) - I believe that the SeaCat went....
Alternatively: Ta mee credjal dy ren y Kayt-Marrey goll ....
eddyr (EDD-ur) - between
toor-soilshey (toor-SILE-zha) - lighthouse
y Vurroo (a-VURR-oo) - the Burroo
y Cholloo (a-KHOLL-oo) - the Calf
cha dod shin (ha-DODD-shin) - we could not
ny conneeyn (na-KUNN-yeen) - the rabbits
ec y Phaggad Bree (EGG-a-FAGG-ad-BREE) - at the Steam
sy traa ry-heet (sa-TRAA-ra-HITT) - in the future (in the time to come)
The ch in cheet (coming) becomes h after ry.
saagh tappee (saakh-TAVV-ee) - a fast craft
un-cholbagh (unn-KHOLB-akh) - mono-hull(ed)
shirrey (SHIRR-a) - looking for
garraghey (GARR-akh-a) - shifting
lughtyn (LUKHT-un) - cargoes