Lessoon Shiaght Feed as Tree: Ynseemayd
Lesson One Hundred and Forty-Three: We Will Learn

shiaght feed as tree (SHAKH-FEED-azz-TREE) - 143

We can talk about what we will do in the future by taking the imperative (order form) of a regular verb and adding ‘mayd’ to it. For example:
ynsee! (INN-zee) - learn!
ynseemayd (INN-zee-mudj) - we will learn

We can talk about what we did in the past by also taking the imperative, but since ‘mayd’ is only used for ‘we’ in the future, we have to say ‘shin’ here. Also, since this particular imperative starts with a vowel (in Manx, ‘y’ can be both a vowel and a consonant), we have to add ‘d’ to get the past tense:
dynsee shin (DINN-zee-shin) - we learned
Remember that in all tenses we can also use ‘to do/make’ as an auxiliary, along with the verbal noun, ‘gynsaghey’ - ‘learning’:
neemayd gynsaghey (N’YIMM-udj-GINN-zakh-a) - we will learn
ren shin gynsaghey (RENN-shin-GINN-zakh-a) - we learned


Ealish: Beeym smooinaghtyn ayns puntyn as pyntyn son dy bragh.
Catreeney: Cha bee. Nee oo gynsaghey tappee dy liooar.
Ealish: Cha jeanym. Ta mee ro henn.
Catreeney: Cha nel. Ansherbee, t’ad foast gymmydey red goll rish punt sy Rank lurg daa cheead blein!
Ealish: Cha beeym lhag-chreeagh eisht.

beeym smooinaghtyn (BEE-um-SMUNN-yakht-in) - I’ll be thinking
son dy bragh (sonn-the-BRAAKH) - for ever
cha bee (ha-BEE) -will not be(‘no’)
nee oo gynsaghey (NEE-oo-GINN-zakh-a) - you will learn
tappee (TAVV-ee) - fast
cha jeanym (ha-JINN-um) - I’ll not do/make
ro henn (raw-HANN) - too old
‘ro’ causes lenition (aspiration), so ‘shenn’ (shann) meaning ‘old’ becomes ‘henn’ (hann) after ‘ro’.

cha nel (ha-NELL) - am/is/are not
gymmydey (GIMM-ud-a) - using
red goll rish (ridd-GORR-ish) - a thing like
sy Rank (sa-RANK) - in France
daa cheead blein (DAA-khee-ud-BLAYN) - 200 years
cha beeym (ha-BEE-um) - I will not be
lhag-chreeagh (lagg-KHREE-akh) - down-hearted
This last expression contains the word ‘cree’, which means ‘heart’.