Lessoon Shiaght Feed as Shey: Tan Niart Kiart
Lesson One Hundred and Forty-Six: Might is Right
shiaght feed as shey (SHAKH-FEED-azz-SHAY) - 146
niart (nyart) - strength
kiart (kyart) - right (correct)
Catreeney: As eer ny Germaanee ooilley-niartal, shegin dauesyn lhiggey da spooyteraght cheet stiagh sy cheer oc dy gholl er creck marish ny lhuneyn mie oc hene. Shen dellal seyr dhyt.
Ealish: Shen eh. Agh cha vod oo cumrail er sleih my tad geearree reddyn ta costal ny sloo.
Catreeney: Foddee nagh vod. Agh bee ram sleih coayl ny kiartaghyn oc.
Ealish: As bee yn sleih shen ayns colughtyn beggey.
Catreeney: Shen yn aght.
eer (eer) - even
ooilley-niartal (ULL-ya-NYART-al) - all powerful
shegin dauesyn (sydn-DAA-oo-zin) - they must
shegin dauesyn literally means there is compulsion to them.
dauesyn is the emphatic form of daue (DAA-oo) - to them.
lhiggey da (LYIGG-a-DAA) - allowing
In his dictionary, Cregeen defined spooyteraght (SPOOT-er-akht) as spurtable drink, only fit to be spurted out!
cheet stiagh sy cheer oc (chitt-SCHAKH-sa-CHEER-ock) - coming into their country (coming in in-the country at-them).
Their country can be expressed as y cheer oc (the country at-them) or as nyn jeer (nin-JEER). However, the latter expression is ambiguous, since it can also mean our country or your country.
Note that nyn (nin), which means our, your or their, causes a letter change called nasalisation or eclipsis. Here, ch becomes j.
dy gholl er creck (the-GHULL-err-KRECK) - to be sold
marish (MAA-rish) - with
cha vod oo (ha-VODD-oo) - you cannot
cumrail er (kumm-RAIL-err) - hinder
geearree (GEE-arr-ee) - wanting
reddyn (RITH-un) - things
foddee nagh vod (FUTH-ee-nakh-VODD) - perhaps (you) cant
coayl (kawl) Like English call. - losing
ny kiartaghyn oc (na-KYART-akh-un-ock) - their jobs
colughtyn beggey (ko-LUKHT-un-BEGG-a) small companies