Lessoon Keead as Queig: Y Quaaltagh
Lesson One Hundred and Five: The First Foot
keead as queig (KEE-ud-azz-KWEGG) - 105
y quaaltagh (a-KWAAL-takh) - the first foot
Peddyr: Bee shiu goll magh Oie Nollick Beg?
Ean: Bee, son shickyrys. Beemayd cur shilley er ny thieyn.
Peddyr: Quoi by vie lhiat myr quaaltagh?
Ean: Cha nel mee laccal sleih erbee as folt ruy oc. Ta shen bunnys cho olk as
kayt. Ta mish laccal dooinney as folt doo echey!
Peddyr: Ta sleih ennagh gra dy row ad coontey shen dy ve neu-aighoil er y twoaie.
Vad laccal quaaltagh va fynn, tad gra.
Ean: Tad quaagh er y twoaie.
Oie Nollick Beg (EE-NULL-ick-BEGG) - New Years Eve
The Manx for New Years Eve means The Night of Little Christmas.
You will also see Oie Nollick Veg for this, with the b mutated (changed) to v. Oie Nollick Beg is the older form.
cur shilley er (kur-SHILL-ya-err) - visiting (putting a sight on)
quoi by vie lhiat? (KWOY-ba-VY-lyatt) - who would you like?
myr quaaltagh (merr-KWAAL-takh) - as a first foot
sleih erbee (SLY-er-BEE) - any people
folt (fault) - hair
ruy (RA-ee) - red
Folt refers to the hair on your head and not to individual hairs or animal hair, in which cases other words are used.
The word ruy usually means natural red (describing hair or features of landscape).
Note the use of and in this sentence:
Cha nel mee laccal sleih erbee as folt ruy oc (ha-NELL-mee-LALL-SLY-er-BEE-azz-fault-RA-ee-ock) - I dont want any people with red hair (I dont want any people and red hair at them).
bunnys cho olk as (BUNN-iss-ho-ULK-azz) - nearly as bad as
echey (EGG-a) - at him
sleih ennagh (SLY-enn-YAKH) - some people
gra (graa) - saying
neu-aighoil (nyow-aykh-OLE) - unlucky
er y twoaie (err-a-TOO-ee) - on (in) the north
fynn (finn) - fair-haired
quaagh (kwaakh) - strange
Tooilley Gaelg: Y Quaaltagh
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh.
any people sleih erbee
as a first foot myr quaaltagh
at him echey
fair-haired fynn
hair folt
nearly as bad as bunnys cho olk as
New Years Eve Oie Nollick Beg
on (in) the north er y twoaie
red ruy
saying gra
some people sleih ennagh
strange quaagh
the first foot y quaaltagh
unlucky neu-aighoil
visiting (putting a sight on) cur shilley er
who would you like? quoi by vie lhiat?
Cur Baarle orroo shoh.
b.) Which word usually means natural red (describing hair or features of landscape)?