Lessoon Keead as Shiaght: Dy Beagh....
Lesson One Hundred and Seven: If....
keead as shiaght (KEE-ud-azz-SHAKH) - 107
dy (the) - if
beagh (BEE-ukh) - would be
Ealish: Cre yinnagh oo dy jinnagh oo cosney sy chronghyr?
Catreeney: Cren cronghyr? Yn cronghyr Manninagh ny yn cronghyr Goaldagh?
Ealish: Scummey. Cre yinnagh oo dy beagh ram argid ayd?
Catreeney: Cha jinnin ginsh da peiagh erbee!
yinnagh oo (YINN-akh-oo) - you would do
cre yinnagh oo? (kra-YINN-akh-oo) - what would you do?
dy jinnagh oo (the-JINN-akh-oo) - if you did
cosney (KAWZ-na) - winning; earning
dy jinnagh oo cosney (the-JINN-akh-oo-KAWZ-na) - if you won
cronghyr (KRONN-kher) - lottery
ny (na) - or
Goaldagh (GAWL-dakh) - British
scummey (SCUMM-a) - it doesnt matter
ram argid (RAM-ERG-id) - lots of money
Remember that Manx has two words for if: my (say ma with a vague vowel sound as in English the) for a possible condition, and dy (say the) for an impossible condition or for conjecture:
Dy beagh ram argid ayd (the-BEE-ukh-RAM-ERG-id-EDD) - If you had lots of money (If there were lots of money at you).
My teh ceau (ma-tay-KYOW) - If its raining.
cha jinnin (ha-JINN-in) - I would not do
ginsh (ginsh) - telling
cha jinnin ginsh (ha-JINN-in-GINSH) - I would not tell
da (daa) - to
peiagh (PIE-akh) - person
erbee (er-BEE) - at all
Note again how we can use parts of the verb to do/to make along with verbal nouns (words ending in -ing in English). Other examples are:
yinnagh ee ginsh (YINN-akh-ee-GINSH) - she would tell
jinnagh ee ginsh? (JINN-akh-ee-GINSH - would she tell?
cha jinnagh ee ginsh (ha-JINN-akh-ee-GINSH) - she wouldnt tell
Tooilley Gaelg: Dy Beagh....
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh.
107 keead as shiaght
at all erbee
British Goaldagh
I would not do cha jinnin
I would not tell cha jinnin ginsh
if dy
if you did dy jinnagh oo
if you won dy jinnagh oo cosney
it doesnt matter scummey
lots of money ram argid
lottery cronghyr
or ny
person peiagh
she would tell yinnagh ee ginsh
she wouldnt tell cha jinnagh ee ginsh
telling ginsh
to da
what would you do? cre yinnagh oo?
winning; earning cosney
would be beagh
would she tell? jinnagh ee ginsh?
you would do yinnagh oo
Cur Baarle orroo shoh.