Lessoon Daa Cheead: Yn Ard-Reihys Reesht
Lesson Two Hundred: The General Election Again

daa cheead (DAA-KHEE-ud) - two hundred
Remember that daa causes letter changes in words following it.

Peddyr: Jean uss votal syn ard-reihys? T’eh jeeaghyn nagh vel uss coontey veg jeh er chor erbee.
Ean: Nee’m votal mie dy liooar. Bee’m my ghooinney mie, ga nagh vel mee coontey monney jeh ny yeearreyderyn sy rheynn-reihys ain.
Peddyr: Quoi yiow ny voteyn ayd?
Ean: Cha jeanym gra. Nagh vel oo toiggal dy re red follit t’ayn?
Peddyr: Ersooyl lhiat. Er-lhiam nagh vel oo er smooinaghtyn er y chooish.
Ean: Ta, dy jarroo. Agh she red follit t’ayn, ghooinney.

Jean uss votal? (JINN-USS-VOT-al) - Will you vote?
Nee’m votal. (NEE-um-VOT-al) - I will vote.
You can use the verb jannoo (JINN-oo) - doing/making to express the future, past or conditional of other verbs:
nee - will do/will make: nee’m (NEE-um) - I will do/make: nee’m votal (NEE-um-VOT-al) - I will vote.
jean? (jinn) - will do?/will make? Jean uss? (jinn-uss) - Will you do?/Will you make? Jean uss votal? (JINN-USS-VOT-al) - Will you vote?
T’eh jeeaghyn nagh vel uss coontey veg... (tay-JEEKH-un-nakh-vell-USS-KOON-da-VEGG) - It appears that you do not reckon anything..
jeh (jay) - of it
Note that jeh can mean of, of him, or of it.
er chor erbee (er-KHOR-er-BEE) - at all
Bee’m my ghooinney mie (BEE-um-ma-WUNn-ya-MY) - I will be a good man (‘I will be (in) my good man’).
...ga nagh vel mee coontey monney... (GAA-nakh-VELL-mee-KOON-da-MONN-a) - ...although I do not reckon much....

rheynn-reihys (renn-RA-EE-iss) - constituency
sy rheynn-reihys ain (sa-renn-RA-EE-iss-INE) - in our constituency (‘in the constituency at us’)
Quoi yiow...? (kwoy-yo) - Who will get..?
Cha jeanym gra. (ha-JINN-um-GRAA) - I won’t say.
red follit (ridd-FOLL-it) - a secret thing
Er lhiam nagh vel oo er smooinaghtyn er y chooish (err-L’YAMM-nakh-VELL-oo-err-SMUNN-yakht-in-err-a-KHOOSH) - I think that you haven’t thought about the matter (‘I think that you are not after thinking on the matter’).
Agh she red follit t’ayn, ghooinney (akh-shay-ridd-FOLL-it-TAWN-WUNN-ya) - But it’s a secret thing, yussa (‘But it’s a secret thing (which) is in, man’).