Lessoon Shiaght Feed as Daa-Yeig: Doghan-Inchyn Ollee
Lesson One Hundred and Fifty-Two: Mad Cow Disease
shiaght feed as daa-yeig (SHAKH-FEED-azz-DAA-yegg) - 152
doghan (DAWKH-an) - disease
inchyn (INN-chin) - brains
ollee (OLL-ee) - of cattle
ollee is the genitive of ollagh (OLL-akh) - cattle. In his dictionary, Cregeen says of ollagh: Though this word does not require the plural article, it requires the plural adjective.
So we talk of yn ollagh - the cattle.
Ealish: Bee Breeshey gee feill-vart ayns y scoill ny dyn?
Catreeney: Ny jean spotchal! Yinnin goaill yindys dy jinnagh ish gee feill erbee.
Ealish: Ram lughtyn-reill ayns Sostyn nish, cha nel ad lowal da feill-vart goll er arral ayns ny scoillyn hoal.
Catreeney: Cha nel y Rheynn Ynsee ayns shoh jannoo shen.
Elaish: Agh ta reih ec ny paitchyn.
feill (fail) - meat
feill-vart (fail-VART) - beef
ny dyn (na-DIN) - or not
We can give orders by using jean (jinn), meaning do! or make!, with any verbal noun (ends in -ing in English):
spotchal (SPOTCH-al) - joking
ny jean spotchal! (na-JINN-SPOTCH-al) - dont joke!
yinnin goaill (YINN-in-GOYL) - I would take
yindys (YIND-iss) - wonder
This is the idiom for Id be surprised.
dy jinnagh ish gee (the-JINN-akh-ish-GEE) - if she ate
yinnin and jinnagh are parts of the verb jannoo, which has been used as an auxiliary here. In literary Manx:
Ghoin yindys dy neeagh ish feill erbee (GHO-in-YIND-iss-the-NEE-akh-ISH-fail-er-BEE) - Id be surprised if she ate any meat at all.
lughtyn-reill (LUKHT-un-RAIL) - authorities
lowal da (LOW-al-daa) - allowing
arral (ARR-al) - offering
goll er arral (GULL-err-ARR-al) - being offered
hoal (haul) - over there
Rheynn Ynsee (RENN-INN-zee) - Department of Education
reih (RAY-ee) - a choice
paitchyn (PAACH-un) - children