Lessoon Shiaght Feed as Tree-Jeig: Ny gow aggle!
Lesson One Hundred and Fifty-Three: Dont be frightened!
shiaght feed as tree-jeig (SHAKH-FEED-azz-TREE-jegg) - 153
gow! (gow) - take!
aggle (ahgl) - fear
Remember that we negate an order by putting ny in front of it -
Ny gow! (na-GOW) means Dont take!
If the order (imperative) starts with a vowel, use nagh:
Nagh ee! (nakh-ee) - Dont eat!
In Manx, if you are frightened, you take fear:
Ny gow aggle (na-gow-AHGL) - Dont be frightened (Dont take fear)
Catreeney: Ta sleih ennagh goaill aggle roish bainney chammah as feill-vart nish.
My tou giu bainney ta cheet voish booa as doghan-inchyn eck, foddee
dy jean shen cur doghan-inchyn dhyt neesht.
Ealish: Nagh ee feill-vart! Nagh iu bainney! Cha bee veg faagit ta sauchey.
sleih ennagh (SLY-enn-YAKH) - some people
roish (rohsh) - before
In Manx, we take fear before things if were afraid of them.
chammah as (HOMM-a-azz) - as well as
my tou giu (ma-tow-gyoo) - if you drink
...ta cheet voish (ta-CHITT-vush) - ...which comes from
booa (BOO-a) - a cow
doghan-inchyn (DAWKH-an-INN-chin) - brain disease
eck (eck) - at her
booa as doghan-inchyn eck - a cow with brain disease (a cow and brain disease at her)
foddee dy jean shen cur - maybe that will give
iu! (yoo) - drink!
In Manx, eating and drinking are verbs which have identical forms for the imperative and the verbal noun - ee means both eat! and eating, and iu means both drink! and drinking. Since both verbs start with a vowel, the letter g is generally prefixed to the verbal noun: Tou giu - You drink/You are drinking.
cha bee veg faagit (ha-bee-VEGG-FAAG-it) - nothing will be left
veg comes from beg meaning small. Think of veg as meaning nothing in negative statements, as above. Also, note this:
Vel veg ayd? (vell-vegg-EDD) - Have you got any?
sauchey (SOW-cha) - safe