Lessoon Shiaght Feed as Queig-Jeig: Giu dy Foaysagh?
Lesson One Hundred and Fifty-Five: Drinking Beneficially?

shiaght feed as queig-jeig (SHAKH-FEED-azz-KWEGG-JEGG) - 155
foaysagh (FOW-izz-akh) - beneficial
Remember that in Manx adverbs are formed simply by putting ‘dy’ in front of the adjective - ‘foaysagh’ = ‘beneficial’, ‘dy foaysagh’ = ‘beneficially’.

Peddyr: T’ad gra dy vel eh sauchey dy iu kiare unnidyn dy yough veshtallagh gagh laa.
Ean: Unnid? C’red ta shen?
Peddyr: Shen lieh-phynt dy lhune, ny un ghless dy ‘eeyn, ny un ushtey-bea.
Ean: T’ou uss toiggal ny cooishyn shoh!
Peddyr: As foddee dy jinnagh eh foays da slane-obbaltee dy jinnagh ad giu
jough veg gagh laa.

sauchey (SOW-cha) - safe
dy iu (the-YOO) - to drink
unnid (UNN-id) - a unit
jough (jawkh) - a drink
meshtallagh (MESH-chall-akh) - intoxicating
dy yough veshtallagh (the-YAWKH-VESH-chall-akh) - of intoxicating drink
‘dy’ meaning ‘of’ causes letter changes, so ‘jough’ becomes ‘yough’ here. Also, ‘jough’ is feminine, so ‘meshtallagh’ becomes ‘veshtallagh’.
gagh laa (gakh-LAA) - each day
When we want to say ‘That is....’, it is not essential to use ‘Ta’. We can just say ‘Shen lieh-phynt dy lhune’ (shen-L’YAY-FINNT-the-L’YOON), or ‘Ta shen lieh-phynt dy lhune’ for ‘That is half a pint of beer’.

un ghless dy ‘eeyn (unn-GHLESS-the-EE-un) - one glass of wine
The word for wine is ‘feeyn’. The initial ‘f’ is dropped after ‘dy’ (‘of’).

ushtey-bea (USH-cha-BAY) - whiskey (‘water of life’)
t’ou uss toiggal (tow-uss-TIGG-al) - you understand
foddee dy jinnagh eh (FUTH-ee-the-JINN-akh-a)- maybe it would do
foays (FOW-iss) - benefit
slane-obbaltee (slenn-OBB-alt-ee) - teetotallers

Instead of ‘dy jinnagh ad giu’ (the-JINN-akh-add-G’YOO) for ‘if they drank’, Peddyr might have said ‘dy niuagh ad’ (the-N’YOO-akh-add).
Note that ‘dy’ means ‘if’ (the hypothetical ‘if) here. If the condition is not hypothetical, you use ‘my’ (ma) for ‘if’ and a different form of the verb - for instance, ‘my nee ad giu’ (ma-NEE-add-G’YOO) - ‘if they (will) drink’.