Lessoon Hoght Feed: Caggey ny Tree Cassyn
Lesson One Hundred and Sixty: The War of the Three Legs

hoght feed (hawkh-feed) - 160 (‘eight twenties’)
Caggey ny Tree Cassyn (KAHG-a-na-TREE-KAZZ-un) - The War of the Three Legs (Feet).
There is no need for the definite article (‘Y’/‘The’) before ‘Caggey’.

Ean: Vel uss smooinaghtyn dy vel ny Tree Cassyn oikoil chyndaa myr y clag ny noi’n chlag?
Peddyr: C’red ta ‘oikoil’? Cha nel mee er chur monney geill da’n chooish.
Ean: Ta un chass ny shassoo ec y vun as ta ny cassyn roie myr y clag.
Jeeagh er y chooiney shoh.
Peddyr: Yinnins gra dy vel ad roie noi’n chlag.
Ean: N’abbyr un ‘ockle! T’ad goll myr y clag.

Vel uss smooinaghtyn..? (vell-USS-SMUNN-yakht-in) - Do you think..?
oikoil (eeck-OLE) - official
chyndaa (chin-DAA) - turning
myr y clag (mar-a-KLAGG) - clockwise
noi’n chlag (NA-een-khlagg) - anticlockwise
Literally, ‘myr y clag’ means ‘as the clock’ and ‘noi’n chlag’ means ‘against the clock’. The letter change from ‘c’ to ‘ch’ is caused by ‘noi’n’.
monney (MONN-a) - much, many
geill (gale) - attention, heed
da’n chooish (daan-KHOOSH) - to the matter
Cha nel mee er chur monney geill (ha-NELL-mee-err-KHUR-monn-a-GALE) - I haven’t given much attention (‘I am not after giving much attention’).

un chass (unn-khass) - one foot
If ‘one’ is followed by a noun, we use the Manx ‘un’, not ‘nane’.
‘un’ causes letter changes (lenition/aspiration).

ny shassoo (na-SHATH-oo) - (in-her) standing
Ean is being very scrupulous here and allowing for the fact that ‘cass’ is feminine.
ec y vun (EGG-a-VUN) - at the base
er y chooiney shoh (err-a-KHOON-ya shaw) - on this coin
Both ‘bun’ and ‘cooiney’ have undergone letter changes after prepositions followed by ‘y’ (‘the’ in the singular).

Yinnins gra (YINN-innss-GRAA) - I would say
An alternative to ‘Yinnins gra’ is ‘Yiarrins’ (YARR-innss).

N’abbyr un ‘ockle! (NABB-er-unn-AWL) - Don’t say one word!
T’ad goll (tadd-gull) - They’re going