Lessoon Hoght Feed as Jees: Daa-Cheayllaght
Lesson One Hundred and Sixty-Two: Ambiguity

hoght feed as jees (HAWKH-FEED-azz-JEESS) - 162
daa-cheayllaght (daa-KHEE-al-akht) - ambiguity

Ean: Ta sleih ennagh gra dy ren ny Loghlinee cur lesh Ny Tree Cassyn dys Mannin veih’n Chissyl.
Peddyr: Cre yinnagh shin fegooish ny Loghlinee? S’cosoylagh dy row yn cowrey shen ry-gheddyn ayns shoh roish my daink ny Loghlinee.
T’eh thousaneyn dy vleeantyn dy eash.
Ean: S’mie lhiam y skeeal dy ren y Duic jeh Atholl chyndaa yn cowrey mygeayrt dy hoilshaghey magh dy row Mannin cur biallys da Sostyn.
Peddyr: My ta shen kiart, shegin caghlaa y jarroo-raa ‘Raad erbee cheauys oo eh, shassee eh’.

sleih ennagh (SLY-enn-YAKH) - some people
dy ren...cur lesh (the-RENN...kur-LESH) - that...brought
yn Chissyl (in-CHIZZ-ul) - Sicily
Cre yinnagh shin? (kra-YINN-akh-shin) - What would we do?
fegooish (fa-GOOSH) - without
ny Loghlinee (na-LAWKH-linn-ee) - the Scandinavians
s’cosoylagh dy... (skozz-OLE-akh-the) - it’s likely that...
cowrey (COW-ra) - emblem; sign
ry-gheddyn (ra-GHETH-un) - to be found

We can use ‘my’ on its own to mean ‘before’, as in:
My daink ny Loghlinee ..(ma-DENK-na-LAWKH-linnee) - Before the Scandinavians came...
To reinforce the sense of ‘before’, we can say ‘roish’ (‘before’) first, as Peddyr does. Note that ‘my’ can also mean ‘if’, when a different form of the verb is used:
My haink ny Loghlinee ..(ma-HENK-na-LAWKH-linnee) - If the Scandinavians came...

thousaneyn dy vleeantyn (tow-ZAAN-un-the-VLEENT-un) - thousands of years
dy ren...chyndaa (the-RENN...chin-DAA) - that...changed
dy hoilshaghey magh (the-HILE-zhakh-a-MAKH) - to show
cur biallys da (kur-BY-al-iss-daa) - giving obedience to

‘shegin caghlaa’ (SYD’N-kakh-LAA) can be translated as ‘one must change’. The literal meaning is ‘there is compulsion changing’.

jarroo-raa (JARR-oo-RAA) - motto
raad erbee (RAAD-er-BEE) - any way
cheauys oo eh (H’YOW-iss-oo-a) - which you will throw it
shassee eh (SHATH-ee-a) - it will stand