Lessoon Hoght Feed as Kiare: Mannin Veg Voght
Lesson One Hundred and Sixty-Four: Poor Little Isle of Man

hoght feed as kiare (HAWKH-FEED-azz-KAYR) - 164
beg/veg (beg/vegg) - little
boght/voght (bawkh/vawkh) - poor
‘Mannin’ (‘Mann’) is feminine, so ‘b’ changes to ‘v’ in ‘beg’ and ‘boght’.

Catreeney: Shimmey keayrt ta sleih cheu-mooie jeh Mannin geearree jannoo reddyn quaagh ayns shoh.
Ealish: She, ayns nane jeh lioaryn P.D. James v’ee gimraa Mannin myr coloin-cherree.
Catreeney: My ta sleih jannoo jeeyl, t’eh jeeaghyn dy vel peiagh ny ghaa ayns shid hoal smooinaghtyn ‘Neemayd eebyrt ad dys y chreg shen t’ayns mean y cheayn’.
Ealish: Bleeantyn er dy henney, dooyrt fer-lhee Manninagh ayns Lunnin dy row Mannin ny creg as lieh-cheead thousane meshtallee croghey ree.
Catreeney: Cha nel Mannin er ny caslyssyn-cheerey nish. Beemayd sauchey.

shimmey keayrt (SHIMM-a-KEERT) - many’s the time
cheu-mooie jeh (chow-MOO-ee-jay) - outside of
geearree (GEER-ee) - wanting
reddyn quaagh (RITH-un-KWAAKH) - strange things
ayns nane jeh lioaryn P.D. James (unnss-NAAN-jay-L’YAWR-un...) - in one of P.D. James’s books
gimraa (gimm-RAA) - mentioning
my ta sleih... (ma-ta-SLY..) - if people are...
jeeyl (JEE-ul) - havoc
t’eh jeeaghyn (tay-JEEKH-in) - it seems/looks
peiagh ny ghaa (PY-akh-na-GHAA) - one or two people
ayns shid hoal (unnss-shidd-HAWL) - over there
eebyrt (EEB-ert) - banishing
neemayd eebyrt (N’YIMM-udj-EEB-ert) - we’ll banish
The alternative to ‘neemayd eebyrt’ is ‘eebreemayd’ (EEB-ree-mudj).

t’ayns mean y cheayn (tunnss-MAYN-a-KHEED’N) - which is in the middle of the sea

bleeantyn er dy henney (BLEE-an-tun-er-the-HINN-ya) - years ago
dy row Mannin ny creg.. (the-row-MANN-in-na-KREGG) - that Mann was a rock (that Mann was in-her rock)
lieh-cheead thousane (l’yay-KHEE-ud-towz-AAN) - fifty thousand
meshtallee (MESH-chall-ee) - drunkards
croghey ree (KRAWGH-a-ree) - clinging to her
caslyssyn-cheerey (KAZZ-lizz-un-CHEER-a) - maps
sauchey (SOW-cha) - safe