Lessoon Hoght Feed as Shiaght: Jannoo Filmyn
Lesson One Hundred and Sixty-Seven: Making Films
hoght feed as shiaght (HAWKH-FEED-azz-SHAKH) - 167
jannoo filmyn (JINN-oo-FILL-mun) - making films
Ealish: Geayll oo dy vel ad laccal cur lesh shynnagh stiagh syn Ellan dy ghoaill ayrn sy fillym shen tad jannoo?
Catreeney: Cheayll. Teh slane ommidjagh. Nagh row ad er-chee goaill ymmyd jeh moddey va slaait ruy as famman foalsey kianlt er?
Ealish: Dooyrt y colught-fillym dy row shen boghtynid. Cha dooyrt ad shen agh dy hoilshaghey magh ommidjys y clane red.
Geayll oo? (GEE-al-oo) - Did you hear?
Instead of Geayll oo? for Did you hear? Ealish could have said Ren oo clashtyn? (renn-oo-KLASH-chin). Note question and answer in each case:
Geayll oo? Cheayll (KHEE-al) - Heard (Yes).
Ren oo clashtyn? Ren - Did (Yes).
..dy vel ad laccal (the-vell-add-LALL) -..that they want
cur lesh (kur-lesh) - bringing
shynnagh (SHINN-akh) - a fox
dy ghoaill ayrn (the-ghoyl-ARN) - to take part
slane ommidjagh (sleddn-OMM-idj-akh) - absolutely ridiculous
er-chee (er-CHEE) - about to
goaill ymmyd (goyl-IMM-ud) - using
..moddey va slaait ruy (MAWTH-a-va-SLAA-it-RU-ee) - ..a dog which was painted red
famman (FAMM-an) - a tail
foalsey (FAWL-za) - false
kianlt (kynlt) - tied
Dooyrt y colught-fillym dy row shen...(DOORT-a-KO-lukht-FILL-um-the-ROW-shen) - The film company said that that was..
boghtynid (BAWKH-nid) - nonsense
Cha dooyrt ad shen (ha-DOORT-add-SHEN) - They did not say that
dy hoilshaghey magh (the-HILE-zhakh-a-MAKH) - to show
ommidjys y clane red (OMM-idj-iss-a-KLEDDN-RIDD) - the foolishness of the whole thing
Cha dooyrt ad shen agh dy hoilshaghey magh ommidjys y clane red -
They only said that to show the foolishness of the whole thing
(They did not say that but to show the foolishness of the whole thing).
Note the change from slane to clane.
The alternative to dooyrt (said) is ren..gra (did saying):
Ren y colught-fillym gra..(RENN-a-KO-lukht-FILL-um-GRAA).