Lessoon Hoght Feed as Daa-Yeig: Feill-Vart Dy Chooilley Voayl
Lesson One Hundred and Seventy-Two: Beef Everywhere.
hoght feed as daa-yeig (HAWKH-FEED-azz-DAA-yegg) - 172
dy chooilley voayl (the-KHULL-ya-VAWL) - everywhere
dy chooilley (every, each) causes the letter change called lenition or aspiration: the b in boayl changes to v.
Catreeney: She, foddee dy row doghan-inchyn cheet er peiagh aeg ny ghaa kyndagh rish gee feill voish ollagh va doghan-inchyn jannoo orroo.
Ealish: Agh ta ny pabyryn Sostnagh gra nagh vel yn earroo dy leih as y doghan shoh oc er ngoll seose foast. Va sleih loayrt myr dy beagh millioonyn bwoallit sheese ec y doghan shoh.
Catreeney: Teh ro leah foast. Er y cheer vooar Oarpagh, shen y fa dy vel ad ooilley fuirraghtyn.
doghan-inchyn (DAWKH-an-INN-chin) - brain disease
peiagh aeg (PY-akh-AAG) - a young person
ny ghaa (na-GHAA) - or two
kyndagh rish (KINN-dakh-RISH) - because of
..gee feill voish ollagh va doghan-inchyn jannoo orroo (GEE-FAIL-vush-OLL-akh-va-DAWKH-an-INN-chin-JINN-oo-ORR-oo) - ..eating meat from cattle which were afflicted by BSE (..eating meat from cattle was BSE doing on-them).
yn earroo dy leih (in-IRR-oo-the-LIE) - the number of people
..nagh vel yn earroo dy leih as y doghan shoh oc er ngoll seose foast
(nakh-VELL-in-IRR-oo-the-LIE-azz-a-DAWKH-an-SHAW-JINN-oo-ORR-oo-err-NULL-SOOSS-fohss) - ..that the number of people with this disease hasnt gone up yet (..that the number of people and this disease at-them isnt after going up yet).
er ngoll is an example of a type of letter change called nasalisation or eclipsis. Other examples are:
(1) Ta mee er jeet (TAMM-ee-err-JITT) - I have come.
ch in cheet has changed to j.
(2) Ta mee er vakin (TAMM-ee-err-VAHG-in) - I have seen.
f in fakin has changed to v.
Va sleih loayrt myr dy beagh millioonyn bwoallit sheese (va-SLY-LAWRT-mar-the-BEE-akh-mill-YOON-un-BOOLTCH-SHEESS) - People were talking as if millions would be struck down.
ro leah (RAW-LEE-a) - too early
y cheer vooar Oarpagh (a-cheer-VOO-ar-AWRP-akh) - the European mainland
fuirraghtyn (FURR-akht-un) - waiting