Lessoon Hoght Feed as Tree-Jeig: Oural Losht
Lesson One Hundred and Seventy-Three: Burnt Offering

hoght feed as tree-jeig (HAWKH-FEED-azz-TREE-jegg) - 173
oural (OW-ral) - offering; sacrifice
losht (lawsht) - burnt

Ealish: S’agglagh dy bee thousaneyn dy veiyn marrooit myr sorch dy h-oural losht. T’eh slane keoi.
Catreeney: Foddee nagh vel. Ta shiartanse dy ‘leih gee feill-vart reesht, agh ta’n margey feer faase. Mannagh vees red ennagh goll rish oural losht jeant, nee eh tannaghtyn myr shen.
Ealish: Agh ta shen dooney ny sooillyn da’n feanish oaylleeagh.
Catreeney: Dy firrinagh, cha nel monney feanish oaylleeagh ry-gheddyn!

S’agglagh dy bee.. (SAGG-lakh-the-BEE) -It’s terrible that..will be..
dy veiyn (the-VA-een) - of animals
The plural of ‘baagh’ (baakh) - ‘animal’ - is ‘beiyn’ (BA-een) - ‘animals’. After ‘dy’ (the) - ‘of’ - ‘b’ becomes ‘v’.

slane keoi (sledd’n-ky) - completely mad
Foddee nagh vel. (FUTH-ee-nakh-VELL) - Perhaps not.
shiartanse dy ‘leih (shart-ANSS-the-LY) - some (of) people
Alternatives to ‘shiartanse dy ‘leih’ are ‘paart dy ‘leih’ (PERT-the-LY) and ‘kuse dy ‘leih’ (K’YOOSS-the-LY).
reesht (reesht) - again
yn margey (in-MARG-a) - the market
feer faase (feer-FAASS) - very weak
Mannagh vees..jeant.. (MANN-akh-VISS..JINNT) - If..is not done..
red ennagh (RIDD-enn-YAKH) - something
goll rish (GORR-ish) - resembling
tannaghtyn (TANN-akht-un) - staying
Remember the use of the verb ‘jannoo’ (‘doing’, ‘making’) as an auxiliary - ‘nee’ is the form for the future (‘will do’, ‘will make’):
Nee eh tannaghtyn (NEE-a-TANN-akht-un) - It will stay.
Alternatively: Tannee eh (TANN-ee-a) - It will stay.

myr shen (mar-SHEN) - like that
dooney ny sooillyn (DOON-a-na-SOOL-yun - shuts the eyes
da’n (daan) - to the
feanish (FAIN-ish) - witness
oaylleeagh (AWLL-ee-akh) - scientific
dy firrinagh (the-FIRR-in-yakh) - truly
You can end letters with ‘Lhiats dy firrinagh’ (L’YATTS-the-FIRR-in-yakh) - ‘Yours truly’.
cha nel monney (ha-NELL-MONN-a) - there isn’t much
ry-gheddyn (ra-GHETH-un) - to be found/had