Lessoon Hoght Feed as Kiare-Jeig: Lhing Noa
Lesson One Hundred and Seventy-Four: A New Era
hoght feed as kiare-jeig (HAWKH-FEED-azz-KAYR-jegg) - 174
lhing (lying) - era
Cregeen gives the English of lhing as life time, days of life, as in Lhing Ree Gorree.
Ean: Cred tou coontey jeh ny mainshtyryn noa jehn Phaggad Bree?
Peddyr: Foddee dy jean ad foays dan cholught. Teh jeeaghyn dy bee tooilley shirveishyn son Nerin as bee saagh tappee goll son y TT.
Ean: Foddee dy bee eh mie ec y toshiaght, agh ta mish goaill aggle mychione y traa ry-heet.
Peddyr: Tou dty phartan Manninagh! Bee eh mie dy liooar.
Ean: Partan Manninagh ny dyn, jeeagh er ny reddyn ren taghyrt ayns Ellanyn Vooir Eeaght.
Cred tou coontey? (KERR-id-tow-KOON-da) - What do you think?
ny mainshtyryn (na-MINE-shter-un) - the bosses
yn Paggad Bree (in-PAGG-ad-BREE) - the Steam Packet
In Paggad, p goes to ph after jehn (jayn) - of the.
foays (FOW-iss) - benefit
colught (KO-lukht) - compant
Foddee dy jean ad foays dan cholught (FUTH-ee-the-JINN-add-FOW-iss-daan-KHO-lught) - Maybe theyll do the company good (Maybe that they will do benefit to the company).
After dan (to the) colught changes to cholught.
tooilley shirveishyn (TULL-ya-sher-VAYSH-un)- additional services
saagh tappee (saakh-TAVV-ee) - a fast vessel
ec y toshiaght (EGG-a-TOZH-akht) -at the beginning
Remember that, in Manx, you take fear if you are afraid:
ta mish goaill aggle (ta-MISH-goyl-AHGL) - Im afraid (I am taking fear).
y traa ry-heet (a-TRAA-ra-HITT) - the future
heet comes from cheet (coming) - ry causes the letter change.
partan (PART-an) - crab
ny dyn (na-DINN) - or not
jeeagh! (jeekh) - look!
taghyrt (TAGH-ert) - happening
..er ny reddyn ren taghyrt.. (err-na-RITH-un-renn-TAGH-ert) - at the things which happened (on the things [which] did happening)
Ellanyn Vooir Eeaght (ELL-yan-un-voor-EE-akht) - the Channel Islands
Literally, the Islands of the Sea of Wight. Note also: Mooir yn Eeaght (MOOR-in-EE-akht) - the English Channel.