Lessoon Nuy Feed as Nane: Tannaghtyn ayns Mannin
Lesson One Hundred and Eighty-One:Staying in the Isle of Man
nuy feed as nane (NA-EE-FEED-azz-NAAN) - 181
tannaghtyn (TANN-akht-un) - staying
Ean: Bee Manninee abyl dy yannoo coorsyn-keim dy bollagh ec y Cholleish?
Peddyr: Bee, lurg blein ny ghaa, er-lhiam. Agh hoshiaght, bee Manninee jannoo y chied vlein ec y Cholleish as goll dys Ollooscoill Lerpoyll son
daa vlein ny tree bleeaney lurg shen.
Ean: Nagh bee ooilley ny coorsyn shoh ry-hoi cooishyn dellal as argidys?
Peddyr: Er-lhiam dy bee ad cummey coorsyn ayns jeshaghteyrys as chaghnoaylleeaght-fysseree.
Ean: As cre mysh yn Ghaelg as Studeyrys Celtiagh?
Peddyr: Nagh bee Laare Studeyrys Manninagh jannoo shen?
Ean: Ta treisht aym dy bee.
dy bollagh (the-BOLL-akh) - entirely
ec y Cholleish (EGG-a-kholl-AYSH) - at the College
Bee Manninee abyl..? Bee.. - Will Manx people be able..? Yes..
blein ny ghaa (BLAYN-na-GHAA) - a year or two
hoshiaght (HOZH-akh) - at first
y chied vlein (a-HYIDD-vlayn) - the first year
Remember that we generally use nane and jees for one and two if we are counting (pure numbers with no associated nouns). If there are nouns involved, we use un and daa, which cause letter changes:
Ta nane aym (ta-NAAN-IMM) - Ive got one.
Ta jees ayns shoh (ta-JEESS-unnss-SHAW) - There are two here.
Un vlein ny daa vlein? (UNN-VLAYN-na-DAA-VLAYN) - One year or two years?
For counting above two years, we have bleeaney, a special form of blein (year): tree bleeaney (tree-BLEE-an-a) - three years.
ry-hoi (ra-HY) - for (the purpose of)
cooishyn dellal (KOOSH-un-DELL-al) - business subjects
argidys (ERG-idd-iss) - finance
cummey (KUMM-a) - putting together
jeshaghteyrys (jesh-akht-AYR-iss) - engineering
chaghnoaylleeaght (chakh-NAWL-ee-akht) - technology
fysseree (FIZZ-er-ee) - information
Studeyrys Celtiagh (styood-AYR-iss-KELT-chagh) - Celtic Studies
Laare Studeyrys Manninagh (LAAR-styood-AYR-iss-MANN-in-akh) - Centre for Manx Studies
Nagh bee...jannoo shen? (nakh-bee...JINN-oo-SHEN) - Wont... be doing that?
ta treisht aym (ta-TRAYSHT-imm) - I hope
..dy bee (the-BEE) - ...that will be