Lessoon Nuy Feed as Kiare: Feailley-Kiaullee
Lesson One Hundred and Eighty-Four: Music Festival
nuy feed as kiare (NA-EE-FEED-azz-KAYR) - 184
feailley (FAILL-ya) - festival
Catreeney: Ren shiuish goll dys y feailley-kiaullee ec Cashtal Phurt ny h-Inshey Jedoonee?
Ealish: Ren. Veh mie er-bashtal. Va kiaull yindyssagh ry-chlashtyn.
Catreeney: Cha ren shinyn goll. Smooinee shin dy row eh ro chostal.
Ealish: Er-lhiam nagh row eh ro chostal. Daa phunt yeig son y slane laa, cha nel shen ro ard.
Catreeney: Agh my ta lught-thie goll, bee ad geeck argid ass towse.
Ealish: Va lughtyn-thie dy liooar ayn marish paitchyn dy liooar.
Ren shiuish goll? (renn-SHOO-ish-GULL) - Did you go?
The pronouns in Manx (words like you, me) have emphatic forms:
shiu (shoo) - you: shiuish - (SHOO-ish) - you
shin (shin) -we: shinyn (SHING-un) - we
Cha ren shinyn goll (ha-renn-SHING-un-GULL) - We didnt go.
Veh mie er-bashtal (vay-MY-er-BASH-tal) - It was excellent.
Remember that with regular verbs we can form the past tense with the imperative (stem), making a letter change if necessary:
Smooinee! (SMUNN-ee) - Think!
Smooinee shin (SMUNN-ee-shin) - We thought
Theres no letter change with sm-.
Alternatively, we can use the verbal noun with to do / make as auxiliary:
smooinaghtyn (SMUNN-yakht-in) - thinking
Ren shin smooinaghtyn - We thought.
...dy row eh (the-ROW-a) -...that it was
...nagh row eh (nakh-ROW-a) -...that it wasnt
daa phunt yeig (daa-funt-yegg) - twelve pounds
After daa, all nouns stay in the singular: daa causes letter changes.
son y slane laa (sonn-a-sleddn-LAA) - for the whole day
ro ard (raw-erd) - too high
my (ma) - if
lught-thie (lukht-TY) - family
lughtyn-thie (LUKHT-un-TY) - families
geeck (geeck) - paying
The basic word here is eeck, which means either pay! or paying. The initial g came from ec eeck - at paying:
bee ad geeck - they will be paying (they will be at paying)
ass towse (ass-TOWSS) - out of measure
marish (MAA-rish) - (in company) with