Lessoon Nuy Feed as Queig: Kiaulley Foastagh
Lesson One Hundred and Eighty-Five: Still Making Music
nuy feed as queig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-KWEGG) - 185
kiaulley (KYAWL-a) - making music
Several words in Manx are made emphatic by adding -agh to them:
foast (fohss) - still: foastagh (FOHSST-akh) - still
nish (nish) - now: nishtagh (NISH-chakh) - now
reesht (reesh) - again: reeshtagh (REESH-chakh) - again
eisht (esh) - then: eishtagh (ESH-chakh) - then
Catreeney: Quoi va ny fir-chiaullee ec y feailley-kiaullee?
Ealish: Va fir-chiaullee voish Mannin, Nerin, Bretin, y Ghaleesh, Sostyn, Nalbin - as cheeraghyn elley, gyn ourys. As va loayrtyssyn as taishbynyssyn goll er ayns paalan beg.
Catreeney: Cren sorch dy loayrtyssyn?
Ealish: Mychione reiltys Vannin, yn Ghaelg, arraneys Yernagh as Albinagh,
piobberaght Ghaleeshagh----
Catreeney: Scuirr! Scuirr! Nagh row shiu marrooit ec ooilley yn stoo shen?
Ealish: Cha row. Ta shin creoi. Ansherbee,va shin gee as giu paart jehn traa.
Catreeney: Bee feailley ayn gagh blein nish?
Ealish: Tad gra dy bee. Bee feailley kione-shiaghtin ayn y vlein shoh cheet.
quoi? (kwoy) - who?
ny fir-chiaullee (na-fir-HYAWL-ee) - the musicians
Nerin (NYAY-rin) - Ireland
Bretin (BRETT-in) - Wales
y Ghaleesh (a-ghal-EESH) - Galicia
Sostyn (SAWSS-tun) - England
Nalbin (NOLB-in) - Scotland
cheeraghyn (CHEER-akh-un) - countries
loayrtyssyn (LAWRT-iss-un) - talks
taishbynyssyn (TESH-bin-iss-un) - demonstrations
paalan (PAAL-an) - tent
Note that reiltys Vannin means the government of Mann. There is no need for yn before reiltys. We express of Mann by changing (leniting) the M in Mannin to V.
arraneys (arr-AAN-iss) - singing
piobberaght (PEEB-er-akht) - piping
Galeeshagh (gal-EESH-akh) - Galician
Scuirr! (skwirr) - Stop!
For scuirr, the imperative (stem) and the verbal noun are the same, so scuirr means both stop! and stopping.
marrooit ec (MARR-oo-it-eck) - killed by (at)
creoi (KRA-ee) - hard
gagh blein (gakh-blayn) - each year
feailley kione-shiaghtin (FAIL-ya-kyown-SHAKHT-in) - weekend festival