Lessoon Nuy Feed as Queig: Kiaulley Foastagh
Lesson One Hundred and Eighty-Five: Still Making Music

nuy feed as queig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-KWEGG) - 185
kiaulley (K’YAWL-a) - making music
Several words in Manx are made emphatic by adding ‘-agh’ to them:
foast (fohss) - still: foastagh (FOHSST-akh) - still
nish (nish) - now: nishtagh (NISH-chakh) - now
reesht (reesh) - again: reeshtagh (REESH-chakh) - again
eisht (esh) - then: eishtagh (ESH-chakh) - then

Catreeney: Quoi va ny fir-chiaullee ec y feailley-kiaullee?
Ealish: Va fir-chiaullee voish Mannin, Nerin, Bretin, y Ghaleesh, Sostyn, Nalbin - as cheeraghyn elley, gyn ourys. As va loayrtyssyn as taishbynyssyn goll er ayns paalan beg.
Catreeney: Cre’n sorch dy loayrtyssyn?
Ealish: Mychione reiltys Vannin, yn Ghaelg, arraneys Yernagh as Albinagh,
piobberaght Ghaleeshagh----
Catreeney: Scuirr! Scuirr! Nagh row shiu marrooit ec ooilley yn stoo shen?
Ealish: Cha row. Ta shin creoi. Ansherbee,va shin gee as giu paart jeh’n traa.
Catreeney: Bee feailley ayn gagh blein nish?
Ealish: T’ad gra dy bee. Bee feailley kione-shiaghtin ayn y vlein shoh cheet.

quoi? (kwoy) - who?
ny fir-chiaullee (na-fir-H’YAWL-ee) - the musicians
Nerin (N’YAY-rin) - Ireland
Bretin (BRETT-in) - Wales
y Ghaleesh (a-ghal-EESH) - Galicia
Sostyn (SAWSS-tun) - England
Nalbin (NOLB-in) - Scotland
cheeraghyn (CHEER-akh-un) - countries
loayrtyssyn (LAWRT-iss-un) - talks
taishbynyssyn (TESH-bin-iss-un) - demonstrations
paalan (PAAL-an) - tent
Note that ‘reiltys Vannin’ means ‘the government of Mann’. There is no need for ‘yn’ before ‘reiltys’. We express ‘of Mann’ by changing (leniting) the ‘M’ in ‘Mannin’ to ‘V’.
arraneys (arr-AAN-iss) - singing
piobberaght (PEEB-er-akht) - piping
Galeeshagh (gal-EESH-akh) - Galician
Scuirr! (skwirr) - Stop!
For ‘scuirr’, the imperative (stem) and the verbal noun are the same, so ‘scuirr’ means both ‘stop!’ and ‘stopping’.
marrooit ec (MARR-oo-it-eck) - killed by (at)
creoi (KRA-ee) - hard
gagh blein (gakh-blayn) - each year
feailley kione-shiaghtin (FAIL-ya-k’yown-SHAKHT-in) - weekend festival