Lessoon Nuy Feed as Shey: Yn Eeastagh
Lesson One Hundred and Eighty-Six: The Fishing
nuy feed as shey (NA-EE-FEED-azz-SHAY) - 186
eeastagh (YEEST-akh) - fishing
eeastee (YEEST-ee) - of fishing
eeastee is the genitive of eeastee.
Peddyr: Ta shen agglagh mysh ny cagleeyn-eeastee, nagh vel?
Ean: Cred ta shen?
Peddyr: Smooinee dy chooilley pheiagh dy row Mannin reill harrish cagliagh- eeastee daa veeiley yeig, agh nish teh jeeaghyn nagh vel Mannin reill harrish veg.
Ean: Scooin lhiam dy row y cagliagh er ny heeyney veih tree meeiley dys daa veeiley yeig. Heill mish dy row dy chooilley red reaghit.
Peddyr: Nish tad gra dy negin da Mannin geddyn coardailys veih ooilley ny cheeraghyn mygeayrt-y-mooin.
agglagh (AGG-lakh) - terrible
mysh (mush) - about
cagliagh (KAGG-lyakh) - boundary; limit
Lots of Manx nouns ending in -agh have plurals ending in -ee. However, other nouns ending in -agh have plurals ending in -eeyn:
cagleeyn (KAGG-lee-un) - boundaries; limits.
cagleeyn-eeastee (KAGG-lee-un-YEEST-ee) - fishing limits
Remember that you can get the past tense of a verb by taking its stem (that is, its imperative or order form) and changing its first letter if necessary (leniting it). The combination sm is not changed: smooinee eh (SMUNN-ee-a) - he thought
dy chooilley (the-KHULL-ya) - each; every
peiagh (PY-akh) - person
Letter changes (lenition) are caused by dy chooilley.
reill (rail) - ruling
harrish (HARR-ish) - over
teh jeeaghyn (tay-JEEKH-in) - it appears
scooin lhiam (SKOON-lyamm) - I remember
sheeyney (SHEE-un-a) - extending
...dy row y cagliagh er ny heeyney (the-row-a-KAGG-lyakh-err-na-HEE-un-a) - ...that the limit was extended
heill mish (heel-mish) - I supposed
reaghit (RAYKH-it) - arranged
...dy negin da Mannin.. (the-NYDN-da-MANN-in) - ...that Mann must
(..that there is compulsion to Mann..)
coardailys (kor-DAIL-iss) - agreement
cheeraghyn (CHEER-akh-un) - countries
mygeayrt-y-mooin (ma-GEERT-a-MOON) - around us