Lessoon Nuy Feed as Shiaght: Genney Eeastyn
Lesson One Hundred and Eighty-Seven: Shortage of Fish
nuy feed as shiaght (NA-EE-FEED-azz-SHAKH) - 187
genney (GENN-ya) - shortage
eeastyn (YEEST-un) - fish
eeastyn is the plural of eeast (a fish).
Ean: Cren fa shegin da Mannin geddyn coardailys veih cheeraghyn elley bentyn rish ny cagleeyn-eeastee?
Peddyr: Smooinee yn chooid smoo dy leih dy row smaght ec Mannin er y cheayn mygeayrt Mannin, magh gys y cagliagh daa veeiley yeig.
Agh cha nel shen kiart as shegin da ny Manninee geddyn coardailys veih Sostyn, Nerin as Nalbin roish my vees red erbee jeant.
Ean: Geddyn coardailys dy choadey ny eeastyn ain hene?
Peddyr: Shen eh. Tra vees ooilley ny cheeraghyn ayns coardailys, foddee nagh bee eeastyn erbee faagit!
cren fa? (krinn-FAA) - why?
Remember that the literal meaning of shegin da is there is compulsion to: shegin da Mannin... (SYDN-daa-MANN-in) - the Isle of Man must...
geddyn (GETH-un) - getting
elley (ELL-ya) - other
bentyn (BENT-in) - touching
bentyn rish (BENT-in-rish) - concerning
yn chooid smoo dy leih (in-KHOODJ-SMOO-the-LY) - most people (the greatest part of people)
smaght (smakht) - control
er y cheayn (err-a-KHEEDN) - on the sea
...dy row smaght ec Mannin er y cheayn... (the-row-SMAKHT-eck-MANN-in-err-a-KHEEDN) - ...that the Isle of Man controlled the sea... (...that there was control at Mann on the sea...)
roish my vees (ROHSH-ma-VISS) - before there will be
dy choadey (the-KHAWD-a) - to protect
ny eeastyn ain hene (na-YEEST-un-ine-HEEN) - our own fish (the fish at ourselves)
tra vees (traa-VISS) - when..will be
ooilley (ULL-ya) - all
foddee nagh bee (FUTH-ee-nakh-BEE) - maybe there will not be
eeastyn erbee (YEEST-un-er-BEE) - any fish
faagit (FAAG-it) - left
With regular verbs, the past participle in Manx is formed by adding -it or -t to the stem (imperative):
faag! (faag) - leave! faagit (FAAG-it) - left
caill! (kal) - lose! caillit (KAL-yit) - lost
screeu! (skryoo) - write! screeut (skryoot) - written