Lessoon Nuy Feed as Hoght: Bea er Mart?
Lesson One Hundred and Eighty-Eight: Life on Mars?

nuy feed as hoght (NA-EE-FEED-azz-HAWKH) - 188
bea (bay) - life
Mart (mart) - Mars

Ealish: Jeeagh er y phabyr shoh: ‘Ta fir-sheanse Americanagh credjal dy vel ad er ngeddyn fooillagh bea er Mart, y chied feanish nagh vel yn Chruinney ny lomarcan sy tuinney, ny eer ayns corys ny greiney’.
Catreeney: C’red hooar ad? Fir ghlassey beggey?
Ealish: Ny bee bolvaneagh. T’eh jeeaghyn dy dooar ad fossyl jeh red ennagh va bio keayrt dy row. ‘Cummey-bea as un chillag echey. Foddee dy row eh beaghey ayns ushtey fo eaghtyr y phlanaid millioonyn dy vleeantyn er dy henney’.

Remember you look on things in Manx. In pabyr, p becomes ph after er y.
fir-sheanse (firr-SHEE-anss) - scientists
credjal (KREDJ-al) - believing
...dy vel ad er ngeddyn... (the-VELL-add-err-NETH-un) -...that they have found (‘...that they are after finding...’)
fooillagh (FOOL-yakh) - remains
y chied feanish (a-h’yidd-FAIN-ish) - the first evidence
yn Chruinney (in-KHROON-ya) - the Earth
ny lomarcan (na-LUMM-ark-an) - alone
sy tuinney (sa-TOON-ya) - in the universe
corys ny greiney (KOH-riss-na-GRAIN-ya) - the solar system
C’red hooar ad? (KERR-id-HOOR-add) - What did they find?
fir ghlassey beggey (FIRR-GHLAZZ-a-BEGG-a) - little green men
Some adjectives in Manx have plural forms:
magher glass (marr-glass) - a green field
magheryn glassey (MARR-un-GLAZZ-a) - green fields

Ny bee bolvaneagh! (na-BEE-bol-VAAN-akh) - Don’t be stupid!
t’eh jeeaghyn (tay-JEEKH-in) - it appears
dy dooar ad (the-DOOR-add) - that they found
fossyl (FOZZ-il) - a fossil
..va bio (va-B’YOH) - ...which was alive
keayrt dy row (KEERT-the-ROW) - once upon a time
cummey-bea (KUMM-a-BAY - a life-form
killag (KILL-yag) - a cell
Remember that un (one) causes letter changes (lenition):
un chillag (unn-KHILL-yag) - one cell
beaghey (BAYKH-a) - living
fo (foh) - under
eaghtyr y phlanaid (EEKHT-er-a-flan-AID) - the surface of the planet