Lessoon Nuy Feed as Nuy: Y Planaid Jiarg
Lesson One Hundred and Eighty-Nine: The Red Planet
nuy feed as nuy (NA-EE-FEED-azz-NA-EE) - 189
planaid (plan-AID) - planet
jiarg (jarg) - red
Catreeney: S’treih lhiam nagh dooar ad fir ghlassey beggey er Mart.
Ealish: Cha nel ad shickyr dy vel veg feddynit oc foast.
Catreeney: Ansherbee, c’raad hooar ad y red shoh?
Ealish: Ayns clagh-chenney haink neose syn Antarctagh ayns nuy cheead jeig kiare as kiare feed.
Catreeney: Kevys daue dy daink eh veih Mart?
Ealish: V’eh jeant jeh creg ren cheet veih shen.
Catreeney: Dy jarroo!
S’treih lhiam (STRY-l’yamm) - I’m sorry
...nagh dooar ad (nakh-DOOR-add)..that they didn’t find.
The alternative expression is ...nagh ren ad feddyn (nakh-RENN-add-FETH-un)
shickyr (SHIGG-er) - sure
veg (vegg) - anything
...dy vel veg feddynit oc (the-vell-VEGG-FETH-un-it-OCK) - ...that they have found anything (‘...that anything is found at them’)
hooar ad (HOOR-add) - they found
The alternative to hooar ad is ren ad feddyn.
clagh-chenney (klakh-CHENN-ya) - meteorite
haink (henk) - came
Remember that Manx has three words for ‘down’:
For motion down: Goll sheese (gull-SHEESS) - Going down.
At rest below: Heese ayns shoh (HEESS-unnss-SHAW)-Down here.
From above: Haink neose (henk-NOOSS) - Came down.
Also, there are three words for ‘up’:
For motion up: Goll seose (gull-SOOSS) - Going up.
At rest above: Heose ayns shoh (HOOSS-unnss-SHAW) - Up here.
From below: Haink neese (henk-NEESS) - Came up.
Kevys daue? (KEVV-iss-DAA-OO) - How do they know?
...dy daink eh (the-DENK-a) - ...that it came
The alternative to ...dy daink eh is ...dy ren eh cheet (the-RENN-a-CHITT)
jeant (jint) - made; done
jeh (jay) - of
creg (kregg) - rock
...creg ren cheet veih shen (KREGG-renn-CHITT-va-ee-SHEN) - ..rock which came from there.
Alternatively: ...creg haink veih shen - ..rock which came from there