Lessoon Nuy Feed as Jeih: Speeideilys
Lesson One Hundred and Ninety: Success
nuy feed as jeih (NA-EE-FEED-azz-JY) - 190
speeideilys (speed-AIL-iss) - success
Peddyr: Vaik oo ny troaryn Leval-A son Mannin?
Ean: Cha vaik. Cre goll rish vad?
Peddyr: Mie er-bashtal. Teh jeeaghyn dy row ad ny share nan chooid smoo jeusyn ayns Sostyn as Bretin. As ren un scoill Vanninagh dy mie mirrilagh.
Ean: Cren scoill va shen?
Peddyr: Cha jean ad gra. Teh follit. Folliaght-steat tayn.
Ean: Tad shirrey shaghney taabylyn-commeeys.
Vaik oo? (VACK-oo) - Did you see?
The answer to this question can be either Cha vaik (ha-VACK) or Honnick (HONN-ick) - No and Yes respectively.
troaryn (TROHR-un) - results
Basically, troar means a crop. Troar is used here rather than eiyrtys, which means result in the sense of consequence.
ny troaryn Leval-A (na-TROHR-un-LEVV-al-AY)- the A-Level results
Cre goll rish vad? (kra-GORR-ish-VADD) - What were they like?
mie er-bashtal (MY-er-BASH-tal) - excellent
Teh jeeaghyn (tay-JEEKH-in) - It appears
dy row ad (the-ROW-add) - thay they were
ny share na (na-SHARE-na) - better than
yn chooid smoo (in-khoodj-SMOO) - the larger part
Cooid often means goods, but here it means portion or part.
Smoo (the comparative/superlative of mooar) means bigger or biggest.
jeusyn (JOW-zun) - of them
We make jeu (jow) emphatic by adding -syn.
...ny share nan chooid smoo jeusyn (na-SHARE-nan-khoodj-SMOO-jow-zun) - ...better than most of them (of those ones)
dy mie mirrilagh (the-my-MIRR-ill-yakh) - extremely well
Literally, dy mie mirrilagh means miraculously well.
cha jean ad gra (ha-JINN-add-GRAA) - they wont say
An alternative way of saying this is: cha jir ad (ha-JIRR-add)
follit (FOLL-it) - secret
folliaght-steat (FOLL-ee-akht-STATE) - a state secret
follit is the adjective and folliaght is the noun.
shirrey (SHIRR-a) - looking for
shaghney (SHAHN-a) - avoiding
Tad shirrey shaghney (tadd-SHIRR-a-SHAHN-a) - They are seeking to avoid (They are seeking avoiding).
taabylyn-commeeys (TAAB-il-un-KOMM-ee-iss) - league tables