Lessoon Nuy Feed as Nane-Jeig: Co-hirrey Cairagh?
Lesson One Hundred and Ninety-One: Fair Competition?

nuy feed as nane-jeig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-NAAN-jegg) - 191
co-hirrey (ko-HIRR-a) - competition
cairagh (KAYR-akh) - fair; just

Peddyr: Cre hon t’ad shaghney taabylyn-commeeys ayns Mannin?
Ean: Cha nod taabylyn cairagh ve jeant. Cha nee co-hirrey cairagh t’ayn.
Peddyr: Cha nel mee toiggal shen. Ta ynseydee ayns scoill ennagh cosney troaryn-scrutaght ennagh as ta’n scoill cur magh ny troaryn shen. Ta shen soilshaghey magh vel y scoill mie ny dyn.
Ean: Foddee nagh vel eh ommidjagh dy ghra shen ayns Mannin. Agh my ta’n scoill ayns ard boght ayns Sostyn as my ta’n scoill tuittym veih-my- cheilley as cha nod ad fordrail stoo-ynsee dy liooar, s’cosoylagh nagh bee ny troaryn-scrutaght chammah as adsyn ayns scoill verchagh.

cre hon? (kra-HONN) - why? (what reason?)
cha nod (ha-NODD) - cannot
ve jeant (vay-JINNT) - be made; be done
Cha nee co-hirrey cairagh t’ayn (ha-N’YAY-ko-HIRR-a-KAYR-akh-TAWN) - It isn’t fair competition (‘It is not fair competition which is in’).
The ‘non-Gaelic’ way of saying this is: Cha nel eh co-hirrey cairagh.
ynseydee (INNZ-a-dee) - pupils; learners
ynseydee is the plural of ynseydagh. Lots of nouns ending in -agh have plurals in -ee.
scoill ennagh (SKOLL-enn-YAKH) - some school
cosney (KAWZ-na) - gaining; winning
troaryn-scrutaght (TROHR-un-SKROOT-akht) - exam results
cur magh (kur-makh) - publishing
soilshaghey magh (SYLZH-akh-a-MAKH) - showing
Ta shen soilshaghey magh vel y scoill mie ny dyn (ta-SHEN-SYLZH-akh-a-MAKH-vell-a-skoll-MY-na-dinn) - That shows if the school is good or not.
Note that Manx does NOT use the word ‘if’ here!

Foddee nagh vel eh... (FUTH-ee-nakh-VELL-a) - Maybe it isn’t...
ommidjagh (OMM-idj-akh) - foolish
my ta’n scoill... (MA-tan-SKOLL) - if the school is
ard boght (erd-bawkh) - a poor region
Remember that ard can be a noun or an adjective. As a noun, ard can mean region. As an adjective, ard means high if it goes after the noun and chief if it goes before the noun.
tuittym (TUZH-im) - falling
veih-my-cheilley (VY-ma-KHILL-ya) - apart
cha nod ad fordrail (ha-NOD-add-ford-RAIL) - they can’t afford
scoill verchagh (skoll-VERCH-akh) - a rich school