Lessoon Nuy Feed as Tree-Jeig: Oney ny Oolee?
Lesson One Hundred and Ninety-Three: Innocent or Guilty?
nuy feed as tree-jeig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-TREE-jegg) - 193
oney (OH-na) - innocent
oolee (OOL-ee) - guilty
Peddyr: Oolit ayns queig cheead punt! As quoi vees geeck lhied y final shen? Cha vod ram sleih geeck y lhied as eisht bee ad geearree cur ad ayns pryssoonyn ta lung-lane hannah. Ansherbee, bentyn rish Mannin as sleih aegey lesh jough veshtallagh, my vees eh noin leigh dy iu eh mooie fon aer, bee ad giu eh cheu-sthie. Ass shilley, ass smooinaghtyn.
Ean: Dy beagh tooilley meoiryn-shee shooyl mygeayrt, veagh eh foddey share. Tad kinjagh gimman mygeayrt ayns gleashtanyn nish.
Oolit ayns queig cheead punt (OOL-it-unnss-KWEGG-KHEE-ud-PUNT) - Fined five hundred pounds.
Quoi vees geeck? (KWOY-viss-GEECK) - Who will be paying?
lhied y final shen (LYIDD-a-FINE-al-SHEN) - a fine like that
The literal meaning of this last expression is The like of that fine.
cha vod (ha-VODD) - cannot
bee ad (BEE-add) - they will be
geearree (GEER-ee) - wanting
Note Bee ad geearree cur ad.. (BEE-add-GEER-ee-KUR-add) - They will be wanting to put them (They will be wanting putting them..).
This could also be: Bee ad geearree dy chur ad...
pryssoonyn (prizz-OON-un) - prisons
..ta lung-lane (ta-lung-LEDDN) - ..which are completely full
hannah (HANN-a) - already
my vees eh (ma-VISS-a) - if it will be
dy iu eh (the-YOO-a) - to drink it
cheu-sthie (CHAA-oo-STY) - inside
Ass shilley, ass smooinaghtyn (ASS-SHILL-ya-ASS-SMUNN-yakht-in) - Out of sight, out of mind (Out of sight, out of thinking).
Dy beagh tooilley meoiryn-shee shooyl mygeayrt..(the-BEE-ukh-TULL-ya-MERR-un-SHEE-SHOO-al-ma-GEERT) - If more police were walking about..
Note the difference between Dy beagh... and Dy row...
Dy beagh... means If there were (was)..., If ... were (was)..
Dy row ... is used to wish for something:
Dy row tooilley meoiryn-shee shooyl mygeayrt! - I wish more police were walking about!
veagh eh foddey share (VEE-ukh-a-FAWTH-a-SHARE) - it would be much better
kinjagh (KIN-jagh) - always
gleashtanyn (GLAYSH-chan-un) - cars