Lessoon Nuy Feed as Kiare-Jeig: Baase y TT?
Lesson One Hundred and Ninety-Four: The Death of the TT?
nuy feed as kiare-jeig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-KAYR-jegg) - 194
baase (baass) - death
Remember that in Manx when you are saying The X of the Y you do not need the at the start. So, Baase y TT means The death of the TT.
Co-loayrtys (ko-LAWRT-iss) - Conversation
Catreeney: Cre shoh mychione Y jerrey jehn TT?
Ealish: Tan eaghtyrane jeh conastey eddyr-ashoonagh ennagh smooinaghtyn dy vel y TT ro ghaueagh.
Catreeney: Foddee dy vel eh kiart. Agh ta sleih gra y lhied rish ymmodee blein.
Ealish: Agh teh jeeaghyn dy vel pooar ennagh ec y dooinney shoh. Eshyn yn eaghtyrane jeh conastey niartal jeh fir roar-bree. As ta ny pabyryn Iddaalagh gra dy by vie lesh geddyn rey rish y TT. Ta whilleen sleih marrooit ec y TT.
Cre shoh? (kra-SHAW) - Whats this?
mychione (ma-HYOWN) - about
Instead of saying Y jerrey jehn TT (a-JERR-a-jayn-TT) for The end of the TT, Catreeney could have said Jerrey y TT (JERR-a-TT). Similarly, the alternative to Baase y TT is Y baase jehn TT.
The more Gaelic form is the three-word one.
eaghtyrane (eekht-ur-AAN) - president
conastey (KO-nast-a) - federation
eddyr-ashoonagh (EDD-ur-azh-OON-akh) - international
ennagh (enn-YAKH) - some
smooinaghtyn dy vel... (SMUNN-yakht-in-the-VELL) - thinks that..is
ro ghaueagh (raw-GHOW-akh) - too dangerous
Remember that ro (meaning too) causes the letter change called lenition (aspiration). Here, g becomes gh.
Foddee dy vel shen kiart (FUTH-ee-the-vell-shen-KYART) - Maybe thats right (Maybe that that is right).
rish (rish) - for; to
ymoddee blein (IMM-odd-ee-BLAYN) - many years
teh jeeaghyn (tay-JEEKH-in) - it appears
..dy vel pooar ennagh ec y dooinney shoh (the-vell-POOR-enn-YAKH-egg-a-DUNN-ya-shaw) - ..that this man has some power (..that there is some power at this man).
Eshyn yn eaghtyrane (EZH-un-in-eekht-ur-AAN) - He is the president
niartal (NYART-al) - powerful
fir roar-bree (fir-rawr-bree) - motorcyclists
ny pabyryn Iddaalagh (na-PAAB-er-un-idd-AAL-akh) - the Italian papers
..dy by vie lesh (the-ba-VY-lesh) - that he would like
geddyn rey rish (GETH-un-RAY-rish) - getting rid of
whilleen sleih (HWILL-yin-SLY) - so many people
marrooit (MARR-oo-it) - killed