Lessoon Nuy Feed as Queig-Jeig: Ratchyn ny Shennaghys?
Lesson One Hundred and Ninety-Five: Races or History?

nuy feed as queig-jeig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-KWEGG-jegg) - 195
ratchyn (RATCH-un) - races
shennaghys (SHAN-akh-iss) - history

Catreeney: Cha nel sleih eginit goaill ayrn sy TT. Nagh vel y dooinney shoh toiggal dy re feailley mooar t’ayn?
Ealish: Foddee nagh vel. Ta Manninee goll dy loayrt rishyn ec chaglym sy Niar Foddey. Bee ad prowal dy hoilshaghey dy re feailley mooar y TT as ard-ghoo echey feiy ny cruinney.
Catreeney: By vie lesh y fer shoh geddyn rey rish y TT dy bollagh?
Ealish: Cha by vie lesh. By vie leshyn soilsheydaghtyn y ve ayn.
Catreeney: Cre’n sorch dy hoilsheydaghtyn?
Ealish: Reddyn veagh soilshaghey magh eiraght ny roaryn-bree, foddee.

Cha nel sleih eginit (ha-NELL-sly-AYG-nit) - People are not compelled
goaill ayrn (goyl-arn) - taking part
Nagh vel y dooinney shoh toiggal dy re feailley mooar t’ayn? -
- Doesn’t this man understand that it’s a big festival? (‘Isn’t this man understanding that it’s a big festival (which) is in?’)
The word re comes from nee, which is part of the verb she, which can be translated as it is.

Foddee nagh vel. (FUTH-ee-nakh-VELL) - Maybe not.
rishyn (RIZH-un) - to him
chaglym (CHAGG-lim) - a meeting
sy Niar Foddey (sa-NARR-FAWTH-a) - in the Far East
Bee ad prowal (BEE-add-PROW-al) - they’ll be trying
dy hoilshaghey (the-HILE-zhakh-a) - to explain
..dy re feailley mooar y TT (the-ray-FAIL-ya-MOOR-a-TT) - ..that the TT is a big festival (‘..that it’s a big festival the TT’)
ard-ghoo (erd-ghoo) - fame
..as ard-ghoo echey feiy ny cruinney (azz-erd-ghoo-EGG-a-fa-ee-na-KROON-ya) - ..which is famous throughout the globe (‘..and fame at it throughout the globe’)
geddyn rey rish (GETH-un-RAY-rish) - getting rid of
dy bollagh (the-BOLL-akh) - completely
Note that the answer to By vie lesh y dooinney shoh..? - Would this man like..? is Cha by vie lesh - He wouldn’t like (‘Would not be good with him’).
By vie leshyn (ba-VY-LEZH-un) - He would like
soilsheydaghtyn (SILE-zha-dakht-un) - demonstrations
soilshaghey magh (SILE-zhakh-a-MAKH) - demonstrating
eiraght (EYE-rakht) - heritage