Lessoon Nuy Feed as Shiaght-Jeig: Niart yn Argid
Lesson One Hundred and Ninety-Seven: the Power of Money
nuy feed as shiaght-jeig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-SHAKH-jegg) - 197
niart (nyart) - strength; might
argid (ERG-id) - money
The literal meaning of Niart yn argid is The might of the money, meaning money in general.
Ean: Cha nel mish arryltagh dy lhiggey dan reiltys ceau millioonyn dy phunt dy chionnaghey ynnyd Vannishter Rosien.
Peddyr: Craad tan annym ayd? Ansherbee, cha beagh eh costal millioonyn dy phunt. Dy beagh eh costal millioon dy lieh veagh eh feeu. Shoh yn ard-ynnyd jehn Agglish Chreestee ayns Mannin.
Ean: She yn argid yn ard-red nish. Tad ooilley cur ooashley da ayns Straid Athol. Ansherbee, teh ny share nish ec Mannishter Rosien fegooish ny sooghyn-thallooin as y key.
arryltagh (ARR-ilt-akh) - willing
dy lhiggey da (the-LYIGG-a-daa) - to allow
ceau (kyow) - spending; wearing; throwing
dy chionnaghey (the-HYONN-akh-a) - to buy
ynnyd Vannishter Rosien (INN-id-VANN-ish-ter-RUZH-en) - the Rushen Abbey Site (the site of Rushen Abbey). The m in Mannishter changes to v to express of. There is no need for yn (the) before ynnyd.
yn annym ayd (in-ANN-um-EDD) - your soul
The other way to say Your soul is Dty annym (the-ANN-um).
ansherbee (ANSH-er-BEE) - anyway
cha beagh eh (ha-BEE-ukh-a) - it would not be
dy beagh eh costal ... (the-BEE-ukh-a-KAWST-al) -if it were to cost..
Remember we use dy for if when we have a hypothetical or impossible condition: dy is followed by beagh.
millioon dy lieh (mill-YOON-the-LYAY) - a million and a half
veagh eh feeu (VEE-ukh-a-FYOOO) - itd be worthwhile
shoh yn ard-ynnyd (SHAWKH-in-erd-INN-id) - this is the centre
In this case, the centre means the most important site - yn ard-ynnyd.
yn Agglish (in-AGG-lish) - the Church (institution)
Creestee (KREEST-ee) - Christian
yn ard red (in-ERD-RIDD) - the most important thing
Tad ooilley cur ooashley da (tadd-ULL-ya-kur-WUZH-la-DAA) - They all worship it (They are all giving worship to it).
teh ny share nish (tay-na-SHARE-nish) - its better now
fegooish (feg-OOSH) - without
sooghyn-thallooin (SOO-un-tol-OON) - strawberries
key (kay) - cream