Lessoon Nuy Feed as Shiaght-Jeig: Niart yn Argid
Lesson One Hundred and Ninety-Seven: the Power of Money

nuy feed as shiaght-jeig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-SHAKH-jegg) - 197
niart (n’yart) - strength; might
argid (ERG-id) - money
The literal meaning of Niart yn argid is The might of the money, meaning money in general.

Ean: Cha nel mish arryltagh dy lhiggey da’n reiltys ceau millioonyn dy phunt dy chionnaghey ynnyd Vannishter Rosien.
Peddyr: C’raad ta’n annym ayd? Ansherbee, cha beagh eh costal millioonyn dy phunt. Dy beagh eh costal millioon dy lieh veagh eh feeu. Shoh yn ard-ynnyd jeh’n Agglish Chreestee ayns Mannin.
Ean: She yn argid yn ard-red nish. T’ad ooilley cur ooashley da ayns Straid Athol. Ansherbee, t’eh ny share nish ec Mannishter Rosien fegooish ny sooghyn-thallooin as y key.

arryltagh (ARR-ilt-akh) - willing
dy lhiggey da (the-L’YIGG-a-daa) - to allow
ceau (k’yow) - spending; wearing; throwing
dy chionnaghey (the-H’YONN-akh-a) - to buy
ynnyd Vannishter Rosien (INN-id-VANN-ish-ter-RUZH-en) - the Rushen Abbey Site (the site of Rushen Abbey). The ‘m’ in Mannishter changes to ‘v’ to express ‘of’. There is no need for yn (the) before ynnyd.
yn annym ayd (in-ANN-um-EDD) - your soul
The other way to say Your soul is Dty annym (the-ANN-um).

ansherbee (ANSH-er-BEE) - anyway
cha beagh eh (ha-BEE-ukh-a) - it would not be
dy beagh eh costal ... (the-BEE-ukh-a-KAWST-al) -if it were to cost..
Remember we use dy for if when we have a hypothetical or impossible condition: dy is followed by beagh.
millioon dy lieh (mill-YOON-the-L’YAY) - a million and a half
veagh eh feeu (VEE-ukh-a-F’YOOO) - it’d be worthwhile
shoh yn ard-ynnyd (SHAWKH-in-erd-INN-id) - this is the centre
In this case, the centre means the most important site - yn ard-ynnyd.
yn Agglish (in-AGG-lish) - the Church (institution)
Creestee (KREEST-ee) - Christian
yn ard red (in-ERD-RIDD) - the most important thing
T’ad ooilley cur ooashley da (tadd-ULL-ya-kur-WUZH-la-DAA) - They all worship it (‘They are all giving worship to it’).
t’eh ny share nish (tay-na-SHARE-nish) - it’s better now
fegooish (feg-OOSH) - without
sooghyn-thallooin (SOO-un-tol-OON) - strawberries
key (kay) - cream