Lessoon Nuy Feed as Nuy-Jeig: Yn Ard-Reihys
Lesson One Hundred and Ninety-Nine: The General Election
nuy feed as nuy-jeig (NA-EE-FEED-azz-NA-EE-jegg) - 199
yn ard-reihys (in-erd-RA-EE-iss) - the general election
Peddyr: Cha nod tooilley sleih goll er enmys son yn ard-reihys nish.
Bee un yeearreyder jeig as daeed prowal cosney tree ynnydyn as feed sy Chiare as Feed.
Ean: Tree as feed sy Chiare as Feed? Vel shen kiart?
Peddyr: Cha nel co-hirrey ayns Malew as Stondane.
Ean: Chouds ta cooinaghtyn aym, va tree yeearreyderyn jeig as tree feed son yn ard-reihys ayns nuy cheead jeig nane-jeig as kiare feed.
Peddyr: Teh jeeaghyn goll rish neuyeeanid, streih lhiam gra.
Ean: Foddee dy vel keeall ec sleih. Cha nel ad geearree cur seose son y Kiare as Feed.
Peddyr: Ersooyl lhiat! She grangan agglagh uss.
Ean: Cha nee. She dooinney resoonagh mish.
Cha nod tooilley sleih goll er enmys (ha-NOD-TULL-ya-SLY-gull-er-ENN-miss) - More people cannot be nominated (More people cannot go on nominating)
yeearreyder (YEER-ad-er) - candidate
Bee ... prowal cosney... (BEE...PROW-al-KAWZ-na) - ...will be trying to win
ynnydyn (INN-id-un) - seats (places)
y Kiare as Feed (a-KAYR-azz-FEED) - the House of Keys
Notice that Kiare changes to Chiare (hyayr) after sy (short for ayns y - in the)
co-hirrey (ko-HIRR-a) - a competition
Stondane (ston-DAAN) - Santan
Chouds ta cooinaghtyn aym (KHOUDZ-ta-KUNN-yakht-in-IMM) - As far as I remember (As far as there is remembrance at me).
jeeaghyn goll rish (JEEKH-in-GORR-ish) - looking like
neuyeeanid (nyow-YEE-an-id) - apathy
Streih lhiam gra (stry-lyamm-graa) - Im sorry to say.
Foddee dy vel keeall ec sleih (FUTH-ee-the-vel-KEE-al-eck-SLY) - Maybe people have sense (Maybe that there is sense at people)
Ersooyl lhiat! (er-SOOL-lyatt) - Get away!
grangan (GRANG-an) - peevish person
agglagh (AGG-lakh) - awful
An alternative expression to She grangan agglagh uss (Its an awful peevish person you (are)) is Tou dty ghrangan agglagh (You are (in) your awful peevish person).
Eans reply to the statement She grangan agglagh uss is Cha nee (ha-NYAY) - No (Is not).
dooinney (DUNN-ya) - a man
resoonagh (re-ZOON-akh) - reasonable