1. In olden days there was a strange custom connected with courtship.
2. The lovers would 'sit up' all night.
3. That is to say, she was courting him at night -
4. after the other people in the house had gone to their beds.
5. In those days, the people did not think this strange.
6. At times it was necessary for them, for this reason,
7. the man lived many miles away from his girl, -
8. and he had to work late at the farm.
9. The mother and father knew about it -
10. and it was done with their consent.
11. There were many frightening stories at these men
12. (who) were visiting their maidens in the darkness.
13. They saw fairies, bugganes and other strange things.
14. Although this custom was dangerous to morals,
15. and although there were many (loose) women to be found,
16. there were not many (illegitimate) children born in Mann.
17. Perhaps the men were too tired after the long walk.
I promise, the last numbers for a while.
18. He left 263 days later.
19. She had walked 53 miles when she met him.
20. They spoke together for 112 minutes.
21. Each of the 954 words was full of sorrow.
22. 127 tears fell towards the ground
23. Mervin caught 37 of them in his hand
24. His 15 fingers were wet.
25. Hilda saw 45 fingers through her 3 eyes
26. We are not numerous, said Hilda
27. but we are numerate, said Mervin, for certain.