Lessoon 18.

  Remember that many words change their initial letters under the following circumstances:	( 
___   marks the word to change )

	un ___ 
	daa ___
	preposition + yn + noun 
	my,  dty,  e ___
	yn + feminine noun
	feminine noun + adjective

Don't worry if you can't remember all the times that words change, you will gradually 
learn them in phrases as you go along.  Here are some to help you.
1.  Ta un chayt as daa voddey ec y thie    	  One cat and two dogs are at the house
2.  Ta'n inneen beg as  ta'n scoill mooar  	The girl is little and the school is big
3.  Ta'n inneen veg 'sy scoill vooar            	The little girl is in the big school
4.  Va daa ghooinney er y vaatey shen     	Two men were on that boat
5.  Ta shoh my hie, dty voddey as e chayt 	This is my house, your dog and his cat
6.  Vel shoh ny lhongyn mooarey?           	Are these the big ships?
7.  Ta shoh ny baatyn va eeastagh          	These are the boats which were fishing
8.  Row shen my vainney? Voirrey           	Was that my milk, Mary?	
9.  Va ny biljyn 'sy dubbaghyn                  	The trees were in the ponds	
10. Er-lhiam dy vel shen y dooinney         	I think that that is the man

a)  	Nouns are either masculine or feminine.
b)  	Singular feminine nouns may change the initial letters of qualifying adjectives. 
  (inneen veg)
c)  	After a preposition + yn the initial letters of a following noun  may change. 

(er y vaatey)
d)  	There are different forms of  'that'.  (dy vel,  shen)
e)  	The plural form of  'the'  is  'ny'.   (ny lhongyn)
f)  	Some plurals are formed by adding  -yn.  (pingyn)
g)  	Possessives may change the initial letters of following nouns.
      	(my,  dty,  e  voddey)
h)  	Observe strict use of the Future Tense.  (Bee'm goll mairagh)
i)  	Some plurals are formed by adding -aghyn.  (ayraghyn)
j)  	Some nouns ending  -ey  form plurals by dropping the -ey  and then adding  -	aghyn. 
k)  	The adjectives mooar and beg have plural forms. (mooarey, beggey)
l)  	The numbers one and two may change the initial letters of  following nouns.
(un chayt,  daa voddey)
m)  	After yn the following noun if feminine may change its initial  letter.   (yn voir)
n)  	Nouns following the numbers one and two are singular.
      	(un vaatey, daa ghooinney)   
o)  	'That' meaning  'who' or  'which' is not translated.
       	(Ta shoh y dooinney ta goll)
    	(Vel shen y guilley va eeastagh?)
	Lessoon 18a.

   1.  This is the man who was working at the mill.
   2.  Is this the girl who is going to England?  Yes.                
   3.  This is the stream which I am fishing.
   4.  That was the horse which was tired.
   5.  It was John who was on the horse.
   6.  That is the girl who was in the boat.
   7.  That wasn't the door which was new.
   8.  These are the boys who were at the farm.
   9.  Is that the boy who was wet?  No.
  10.  That wasn't the boat which was fishing.
  11.  That was the cheese which was on the table.
  12.  Is that the man who saw my dog?  Yes.
  13.  This is the horse which was on his farm.
  14.  Were these the fish which were on your boat?  Yes.
  15.  Who was the man who was fishing?
  16.  This is the girl who was working yesterday.
  17.  Is this the house which is wet?  No.
  18.  Perhaps it is John who is in that house.
  19.  Is this the church which is cold?  Yes.
  20.  I think she is the girl who wasn't pleased.
  21.  Those are the windows which weren't clean.
  22.  Are these the hands which were dirty?  No.
  23.  Were those the stones which were on your farm?  Yes.
  24.  Aren't these the boys who were in the river?  No.
  25.  Was that the boy who was running home?  Yes.
  26.  It was the dog which was under the table.
  27.  Who was the man who was in the boat?
  28.  This is the cat which was at the table.
  29.  These were the fish which were in the dishes.
  30.  I saw the boy who was running.
  31.  Are those the girls who are getting new shoes?  Yes.
  32.  Weren't they the men who were going to his house?  No.
  33.  Who was the big man who was at his door?
  34.  Isn't that her dog which was on the road?  Yes.
  35.  This is the boy who was fishing in the river.
  36.  Are you the man who was in the church?  No.
  37.  I said that these were the boys who were fishing.
  38.  Who is the boy who said that?  It was John.
  39.  Is this the soap which was in the hot water?  Yes.
  40.  Is it the dish which was on the table?  Yes.
  41.  Perhaps that is the boy who was dirty.
  42.  Is that the milk which was in the house?  Yes.
  43.  Was that your ship which he saw?  No.
  44.  Where is the little table which was in the house?
  45.  Is this the room which was cold?  No.
  46.  Where is the coat which was on this table?
  47.  Is that your milk which is on that table?  Yes.
  48.  Are those the sisters whom I saw?  No.