Lessoon 6.

Exercise 9

1) Foddee dy vel y dooinney mooar skee.
2) Ga nagh vel y laa fliugh as feayr.
3) S'treih lhiam dy vel y moddey cheh as skee.
4) Foddee nagh vel mee goll.
5) Ga dy vel y cabbyl beg goll.
6) S'treih lhiam nagh vel yn aile mooar as cheh.
7) Foddee dy vel ee cur Moirrey er cabbyl.
8) Ga nagh vel ad cheet er baatey.
9) S'treih lhiam dy vel yn inneen skee.
10) Foddee nagh vel y bainney cheh.

Exercise 10

1 ) Isn't the man tired and wet?
2 ) Aren't the boy and girl ready?
3 ) Isn't the big table heavy?
4 ) Isn't the girl at the door?
5 ) Hasn't John a fine horse?
6 ) Isn't the day warm and f ine?
7 ) Aren't they running to the warm fire?
8 ) Isn't the boy going to the big door?
9) Isn't the girl in a big boat?
10 ) Isn't she tired?
11 ) Nagh vel ad cur y boayrd ayns y thie?
12) Nagh vel shiu shooyl dys y scoill?
13 ) Nagh vel y cabbyl mooar cheh as skee?
14) Nagh vel shiu cur y bainney ec y dorrys?
15) Nagh vel eh goll ayns baatey?
16 ) Nagh vel bainney cheh ec kayt?
17) Nagh vel Juan as Moirrey goll er cabbyl?
18 ) Nagh vel thie mooar ec Moirrey?
19) Nagh vel y geayl fliugh?
20 ) Nagh vel ad aarloo?

Lessoon 6a

1) Foddee dy vel shin goll dys y thie.
2) S'treih lhiam nagh vel y dorrys ayns y scoill aarloo.
3) Foddee dy vel ee cur y kayt ec y dorrys.
4) Ga nagh vel eh cur yn inneen ayns baatey.
5) S'treih lhiam dy vel y guilley beg ayns y scoill.
6) Foddee nagh vel Jamys fliugh as feayr.
7) Ga dy vel shin cheh as skee.
8) S'treih lhiam dy vel y laa braew.
9) Foddee dy vel Juan ayns y thie.
10) Ga nagh vel y boayrd mooar trome.
11) S'treih lhiam dy vel y dooinney mooar skee.
l 2) Foddee nagh row y laa fliugh as feayr.
13) Ga dy row y moddey cheh as skee.
14) S'treih lhiam nagh row mee goll.
15) Foddee dy row y cabbyl beg goll.
16} Ga nagh row yn aile mooar as cheh.
17) S'treih lhiam dy row ee cur Moirrey er cabbyl.
18) Foddee nagh row ad cheet er cabbyl.
19} Ga dy vel yn inneen skee.
20) S'treih lhiam nagh vel y bainney cheh.
21) Foddee dy vel yn inneen shooyl.
22} Ga dy vel ee er baatey.
23) S'treih lhiam dy vel y scoill feayr.
24) Foddee nagh vel Moirrey cheet.
25) Nagh vel ad roie?
26) Nagh vel shiu cheet dys scoill?
27) Nagh vel eh aarloo?
28) Nagh vel yn inneen feayr?
29) Nagh vel y dooinney ec y dorrys?
30) Nagh vel eh / ee beg?
31} Nagh row eh goll ayns baatey?
32) Nagh row y guilley beg er cabbyl?
33) Nagh row y guilley shooyl dys y thie?
34) Nagh row shugyr ayns y tey?
35) Nagh row ee er baatey?
36) Nagh row eh cur geayl er yn aile?
37) Nagh vel Moirrey cur y bainney ec y dorrys?
38) Nagh vel ad cur y geayl ayns yn aile?
39) Nagh vel y thie cheh nish?
40) Nagh vel shin shooyl?
41) Nagh vel Moirrey roie nish?
42) Nagh row ee cur bainney as shugyr ayns y tey?
43) Nagh row bainney as shugyr goan?
44) Nagh row y tey cheh?
45) Nagh row eh er boayrd mooar?
46) Nagh row y moddey ec y dorrys?
47) Nagh row Moirrey as Jamys cheh?
48) Nagh row y guilley as yn inneen skee?