We have seen that in the present and past tenses the verb remains unchanged whatever the person or number. In the FUTURE tense there are changes made in the FIRST PERSON, SINGULAR AND PLURAL. As these terminations (ym or yms for the first person singular, and mayd for the first person plural) show clearly the person and number without the aid of the usual pronouns, it is customary when using the FIRST PERSON FUTURE TENSE of any verb to OMIT the personal pronouns.

The verb "to be," future tense, affirmative, bee.

bee'm (=beeym). I shall be.
bee oo (or b'ou). you will be.
bee eh he will be.
bee ee she will be.
bee-mayd we shall be.
bee shiu you will be.
bee ad they will be.

(The emphatic form of mayd is mainyn, but this is rarely found.)

The future interrogative and future negative of ta are like the affirmative: Bee oo ayns Doolish mairagh? (Will you be in Douglas tomorrow?). Cha bee. (No; future tense).

When the future of ta occurs in a relative or conditional clause, it has a special form:

my vee'm (if I shall be)
my vees oo (if you will be)
my vees eh (if he will be)
my vees ee (if she will be)
my vees-mayd (if we shall be)
my vees shiu (if you will be)
my vees ad (if they will be)

The Irregular Verbs, future tense.

Cheet, coming.

Affirmative Interrogative. Negative.

(Will) (Will?) (Will not)

higym jigym? (or jim?) cha jigym
hig oo jig oo? cha jig oo
hig eh jig eh? cha jig eh
hig ee jig ee? cha jig ee
hig-mayd jig-mayd? cha jig-mayd
hig shiu jig shiu cha jig shiu
hig ad jig ad? cha jig ad

(nagh takes the same form as interrogative and negative).

Goll, going.

hem (=hedym). jem (=jedym?) cha jem.
hed oo. jed oo? cha jed oo.
hed eh. jed eh? cha jed eh.
hed ee. jed ee? cha jed ee.
hemmayd. jemmayd? cha jemmayd
(= hed-mayd) (= jed-mayd)
hed shiu. jed shiu? cha jed shiu.
hed ad. jed ad? cha jed ad.

Cur, giving or putting.

verym. derym? cha derym.
ver oo. der oo? cha der oo.
ver eh. der eh? cha der eh.
ver ee. der ee? cha der ee.
ver-mayd. der-mayd? cha dermayd.
ver shiu. der shiu? cha der shiu.
ver ad. der ad? cha der ad.

Goaill, taking.

goym (= gowym). Goym? cha goym.
gowee (oo, eh, ee). gow (oo, eh, ee)? cha gow (oo, eh, ee).
gowee-mayd. gow-mayd? cha gow-mayd.
gowee (shiu, ad). gow (shiu, ad)? cha gow (shiu, ad).
Gra, saying.

jirym. n'yiarrym? cha n'yiarrym
jir (oo, eh, ee). n'yiarrys (oo, eh, ee)? cha n'yiarrys (oo, eh, ee).
jir-mayd. n'yiarr-mayd? cha n'yiarr-mayd).
jir- (shiu, ad). n'yiarrys (shiu, ad)? cha n'yiarrys (shiu, ad)

Jannoo, doing or making.

nee'm. jeanym? cha jeanym.
nee (oo, eh, ee). jean (oo, eh, ee)? cha jean (oo, eh, ee).
nee-mayd. jean-mayd? cha jean-mayd.
nee (shiu, ad). jean (shiu, ad)? cha jean (shiu, ad).

Clashtyn, hearing.

cluinym. chluinym? cha gluinym
cluinee (oo, eh, ee). chluinnee (oo, eh, ee)? cha gluinnee (oo, eh, ee)
cluinee-mayd. chluinnee-mayd? cha gluinnee-mayd
cluinee (shiu-ad). chluinnee (shiu, ad)? cha gluinee (shiu, ad).

(nagh ghluinym?)
(nagh ghluinnee (oo, eh, ee).
(nagh gluinneemayd)
(nagh ghluinnee) (shiu ad)?

Fakin, seeing.

hee'm. vaikym? (or naikym) cha vaikym.
hee (oo, eh, ee). vaikys (oo, eh, ee)? cha vaikys (oo, eh, ee)
hee-mayd. vaik-mayd? cha vaik-mayd.
hee (shiu, ad). vaikys (shiu, ad)? cha vaikys (shiu, ad).

Feddyn, Geddyn, finding or getting.

yioym (or yiowym) voym (or noym)? cha voym.
yiow (oo, eh, ee). vow? (oo, eh, ee) cha vow (oo, eh, ee).
yiow-mayd. vow-mayd? cha vow-mayd.
yiow (shiu, ad). vow (shiu, ad)? cha vow (shiu, ad).

(Instead of "vow oo?" simply "vow?"or "vow uss?" may be used).

Infinitive of the Irregular Verbs.

dy akin to see
dy chlashtyn to hear
dy chur to give
dy gheddyn to get
dy ghoaill to take
dy gholl to go
dy ghra to say
dy heet to come
dy ve to be
dy yannoo to do

Cur Baarle orroo shoh.

A. B.

  1. ver eh. der eh?
  2. cha jig ee cha gow-mayd.
  3. cha n'yiarrym cha vaikym.
  4. der-mayd? vow ad?
  5. cha der eh. jig eh?
  6. hig eh der ee?
  7. cluinee ad. cha jeanym.
  8. hig oo cha jean-mayd.
  9. jirym. jig ee?
  10. vaikym? (or naikym) hee oo.
  11. jir- ad. jed ee?
  12. cha der ee. cha jemmayd
  13. cha n'yiarrys shiu. nee'm.
  14. cha gluinee shiu. hee'm.
  15. cha vow-mayd. yiow shiu.
  16. cha jean eh. nee-mayd.
  17. vaikys ee? vow eh?
  18. hig ee n'yiarrym?
  19. nee ad. jean ad?
  20. cha dermayd. gowee-mayd.
  21. jeanym? chluinnee shiu?
  22. hed ee. n'yiarrys shiu?
  23. jean-mayd? cha jig oo.
  24. cha jed ee. hemmayd.
  25. jemmayd? ver-mayd.
  26. cha vow oo. vow-mayd?
  27. gow-mayd? jed eh?


arroo-y-jea the day before yesterday.
arroo-y-riyr the night before last.
Balley-Cashtal Castletown.
cre shen? what's that?
cre shoh? what's this?
cre shid? what is yonder.
Doolish Douglas.
dy heet dy ve to become.
dys shen, gys shen thither. there.
goaill arrane to sing.
goaill ayns laue to undertake.
goaill boggey to be glad.
goaill fea to rest.
goaill nearey to be ashamed.
goaill padjer to pray.
goaill yindys to wonder.
jea yesterday.
jiu to-day.
mairagh to-morrow.
noght to-night.
nuyr the day after to-morrow.
Purt-ny-Hinshey Peel.
Rhumsaa Ramsey.
riyr last night.
veih shen from there.
yn nah laa the next day.

Cur Baarle orroo shoh.

  1. Cha nel oo ayns Purt-ny-Hinshey nish.
  2. Va mee ayns shen jea.
  3. Vel oo goll thie jiu? Ta. Cha nel.
  4. R'ou ayns shen jea? Va. Cha row.
  5. Bee ad ayns shen mairagh? Bee Cha bee.
  6. Bee oo goll dys çheer feer foddey? Ta mee goll dys Sostyn (England).
  7. Ta mee goll dy-valley (home) nish, ta mee goll gys Purt-ny-Hinshey.
  8. V'ad ayns shoh jiu, as va mee ayns shen arroo-y-jea.
  9. Vaik mee dy row eh ayns shen?
  10. Foddey as gerrit (near).
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh.

  1. Are they at Peel? They are in Douglas.
  2. Is he here? He is there.
  3. They are yonder.
  4. What's this? What's that?
  5. He will be here to-morrow.
  6. She was there yesterday, and will be here again to-morrow.
  7. I am here to-day, I shall be at Castletown to-morrow and I shall be back (= here again) the day after.
  8. I say that I am in PeeI.
  9. I said that I was in Douglas. Did he say that I was there?
  10. He did not say that you were there, but that you were going there.

Conversational Phrases for Memorising and Use.

  1. R'ou ec y thie riyr? (Were you at home last night?)

  2. Cha row. Hie mee dys Villa Marina. Va daunse ayns shen. No, I went to Villa Marina. There was a dance there.)

  3. Row ymmodee pobble ayn? (Were there many people at it (in)?)

  4. Va slane palchey. Mysh three cheead. Agh cha vaik mee uss ayns shen. (Yes, a lot. About three hundred. But I didn't see you there.)

  5. Cha row mish ayns shen dy-jarroo! Haink mee dy-valley anmagh, as va mee feer skee, myr shen hie mee dy lhiabbee mysh lieh-oor lurg nuy er y chlag. (Indeed, I wasn't there! I came home late and I was very tired, so I went to bed about half-past nine o'clock).

  6. Shegin dou goll nish, cha nel traa aym dy heet harrish y traid. Hee'm oo mairagh! (I must go now. I haven't time to come over the street. I'll see you to-morrow).