In singular nouns of both genders after a preposition plus the article y, yn.

ass y                      ayns y
cour y, yn
ec y, yn                  er y, yn
erskyn y, yn
fo'n                        fud y, yn
gys y
harrish y, yn
lesh y, yn              liorish y, yn            lurg y, yn
marish y, yn          mastey'n                mychione y, yn            mysh y, yn
rish y, yn              roish y, yn
son y, yn
trooid y, yn
voish 'n, y, yn        veih 'n


ass y

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Breb y kayt shen magh ass y thie. Kick that cat out of the house.
Cadley hoght ooryn ass y cheilley. Sleeping eight hours solid.
Cha nel keeayl erbee ry gheddyn ass y skeeal shoh. This story makes nonsense.
Chass ee ass y çhamyr. She flounced out of the room.
Clagh ta deamey ass y voalley. Stone that projects from the wall.
Deayshil mee mee hene ass y ghreim echey. I freed myself from his grasp.
Dirree eh ass yn staartey. He dropped the job.
Dobbree eh e laueyn ass y chiangle. He worked his hands free.
Dreill eh magh ass y chaggey. He kept out of the war.
Dy akeral ass y jerrey. To anchor by the stern.
Dy chadley nuy ooryn ass y cheilley. To sleep for nine hours solid.
Dy cheau peiagh ennagh magh ass y thie. To bundle someone out of the house.
Dy chur magh ass y dorrys. To turn out of doors.
Dy chur red ennagh ass ymmyd. To put something out of action.
Dy gholl magh ass y çhamyr. To leave the room.
Dy irree ass y lhiabbee. To leave one's bed.
Dy irree ass yn fastee. To break cover.
Dy irree neese ass y thalloo. To rise from underground.
Dy loayrt ass y Vaarle. To speak in English.
Er ny hyndaa ass y Yernish. Translated from Irish.
Ghow eh yn earkey ass y voteil. He opened the bottle.
Haink ben y phoosee as ny mraane banshey magh ass y cheeill. The bride and bridesmaids came out of the church.
Haink eh ass y chiassagh. He got over the fever.
Haink lhong ass y chay. A ship loomed out of the fog.
Hie eh ass y cheer. He went abroad.
Hie eh magh ass y thie. He went out of the house.
Hooar ad ram aittys ass y skeeal. They got a lot of amusement out of the story.
Hooar mee daa vlein ass y chooat shoh. This coat lasted me two years.
Huitt ad magh ass y ghleashtan. They fell out off the car.
Immee ass y cheer. Go abroad.
Jimmee ad ass yn vea echey. He lost touch with them.
Kiaull y chassey ass y feddan millish. Tootle on the flute.
Laa ass yn daa laa. One day out of two.
Lhune sharroo ass y vullag. Keg bitter.
Loayr ass y Ghaelg. Speak in Manx.
Magh ass y dorrys lesh! Out of the door with it!
Magh ass y wyllin. Fresh from the mint.
Ny ayns y chorp ny ass y chorp. Whether in the body or out of the body.
Raip eh y gunney ass y phoggaid echey. He whipped the gun out of his pocket.
Ren ad skeabey magh ass yn thie eh. They bustled him out of the house.
Ren ee ruightey eh ass y thie. She drove him out of the house.
T'ad çheet ass yn ooh. They are hatching out.
T'eh ass y daah gorrym nish. He has got on in the world.
T'eh ass ymmyd. It is out of use.
T'eh ass yn jeeragh. It is out of perpendicular.
T'eh ass yn theay. He is sprung from the people.
T'eh tuittym ass y cheilley. He is cracking up.
T'eh tuittym ass y cheilley lesh yn litcherys. He is mouldering in idleness.
Ta mee ass y voayl shoh. I belong here.
Ta mee goll ass y chooish. I am digressing.
Ta mee jeeaghyn magh ass yn uinnag. I am looking out of the window.
Ta queig jeh ny troailtee foast ass yn choearroo. Five of the passengers are unaccounted for.
Ta reayrt mie ass yn thie shoh. This house commands a good view.
Ta shin goaill nyn jinnair dy kinjagh ass y thie. We always dine out.
Ta spollag ass yn skaal. There is a chip out of the saucer.
Ta'n fockle Gaelgagh shoh çheet magh ass y Yernish. This Manx word is derived from Irish.
Ta'n margey er duittym ass y cheilley. The bottom has fallen out of the market.
Ta'n sambyl girree neese hood ass yn eaddagh. The pattern stands out against the cloth.
Ta'n stabyl çheet ass yn thie. The stable is built on to the house.
Tayrn ass y cheilley ad. Pull them asunder.
Tree bleeaney ass y cheilley. Three succeeding years.
Tree laghyn ass y cheilley. On three consecutive days.
Tree ooryn ass y cheilley. Three hours at a stretch.
Tuittym ass y cheilley. Falling to pieces.
V'ad loayrt ass y Ghaelg. They were talking Manx.
V'ad shen ny focklyn haink ass yn veeal echey. Those were his exact words.
V'eh loayrt ass yn Valtish. He was speaking in Maltese.
Va sheeanyn çheet ass yn chamyr. There were sounds proceeding from the room.
Va'n daa hooill shassoo magh ass yn chione echey. His eyes were starting out of his head.
Va'n noid glent dy slane ass y valley. The town was clear of the enemy.
Vel eh ass y chree echey? Does he mean what he says?
Yiar eh magh bollagh dasyn magh ass y çhamyr. He fought his way out of the room.
Yiow uss gorley dty vaaish ass y feayraght shen. You will catch your death of cold.
Yllee Juan magh ass y thie. Call John out of the house.

ayns y

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Ben jeh foaynoo mooar ayns y traa t'er n'gholl shaghey. Woman with a past.
Cha vaikym eh ayns y lhing ayms. I won't see it in my time.
Cur treisht ayns yn Chiarn. Trust in the Lord.
Hoie ee sheese ayns y doo as y jeirree. She sat down in the blackness of tears.
Hug eh lesh stiagh billey ayns Y Chiare as Feed. He introduced a bill into the Keys.
Nagh nhare gyn ad shoh dy ve ayns y vaatey? Is it not better that these should not be in the boat?
Ny ayns y chorp ny ass y chorp. Whether in the body or out of the body.
Ren ad troailt 'sy Rank as ayns Yn Spaainey ny yei shen. They travelled in France and then in Spain.
T'ee ayns y chorneil. She is pregnant.
T'ee ayns y chree echey. He cares for her.
T'eh ayns y fillym. He figures in the film.
T'eh rish e cheird ayns y traid. He is plying his trade in the street.
T'ou ayns y çhamyr echey. You are in his room.
Ta beishteigyn ayns y voddey. The dog has worms.
Ta liargagh ayns y gharey sheese gys yn awin. The garden slopes down to the river.
Ta'n uinnag sollys ayns y sheear. The window is bright in the west.
V'eh ayns yn ynnyd aym. He appeared for me.
V'eh bioyr ayns y valley jiu. It was active in town today.


Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

B'egin da'n valley cur seose. The town was forced to capitulate.
Brattagh yn irree magh y chur da'n chroan. To raise the standard of revolt.
By vie lhiam cur da'n chayt ayd agh cha bloys dou. I'd like to lash your cat but I dare not.
Casherickit da'n Voidyn Moirrey. Devoted to the Virgin Mary.
2198: Cha dug eh geill da'n sarey. He disregarded the command*.
Cha nel eh çheet jesh da'n fer elley. It doesn't match the other one.
Cha nel entreilys erbee aym da'n cheshaght shen. I have no entrance to that society.
Cha nel keeall erbee da'n traa echey. He has no sense of time.
Cha nhyrrys da'n vean ve cha thanney. No wonder the centre is so thin.
Cheau eh jeh da'n chrackan. He stripped to the buff.
Cooie da'n phaart. In character.
Croo focklyn noa-emshyragh da'n Ghaelg. Inventing new words for Manx Gaelic.
Cur ammys da'n chenndiaght. Respect your elders.
Cur arrym da'n sleih t'er dty skyn. Show respect to your betters.
Cur bree da'n chilley. Turn on the vision.
Cur cleaysh da'n choyrle! Listen to reason!
Cur dty vraag da'n thoyn echey! Kick his bottom!
Cur eh faggys da'n fer elley. Put it close up to the other one.
Cur meer da'n feeagh. Give the raven a mouthful.
Cur meer da'n feeagh as hig eh reesht. Give the raven a bit and he'll come again.
Cur meer da'n feeagh as hig eh reesht. Give the raven a piece and he will come again.
Cur ny spuirryn dy eddrym da'n chabbyl. Give the horse a touch of the spurs.
Cur shoh da'n coontys echey. Enter this to his credit.*
Cur sthoo da'n vooa shen! Clear that cow off!
Cur yn kione echey da'n chabbyl. Give the horse the reins.
Cur-jee graih yn derrey yeh da'n jeh elley. Love one another.
Currit da'n jough. Subject to drinking.
Daag shin eh da'n chronney echey. We left him to his fate.
Deiyr ee mish da'n jough. She drove me to drink.
Derrey va'n jough iuit da'n vine s'jerree. Until the drink was drunk down to the last drop.
Dobbyr da'n traen immeeaght voin. It was touch and go whether we should catch the train.
Dy cheau creenaght da'n gheay. To throw discretion to the dogs.
Dy gholl da'n Twoaie Vooar. To go up north.
Dy gholl da'n vaatey. To join one's ship.
Dy hiaulley faggys da'n thalloo. To hug the shore.
Dy lhiggey da'n ghreimmeyder skirrey. To slip the clutch.
Dy ve currit da'n jough. To lift one's elbow.
7170: Eeastagh faggys da'n clyst. Fishing in coastal waters.*
Erreish da'n traa. After hours.
Faag eh da'n choyrle echey hene. Leave him to his own devices.
Faggys da'n gheay. Close to the wind.
Faggys da'n thie. In the vicinity of house.
Faggys da'n traie. Inshore.
Faggys da'n valley. Near the town.
Feyshtyn bentyn da'n chooish. Questions connected with the matter.
Foshlit da'n theay. Open to the public.
Ghow eh cappan dy caffee erreish da'n jinnair echey. He topped off his dinner with a coffee.
Goll da'n phremmee. Going to the lavatory.
Gow royd da'n valley. Betake yourself to the town.
Gyn keeal da'n ynsaghey. Unapt for teaching.
Gyn scansh da'n chostys. Regardless of cost.
Haink ny rollageyn roo erreish da'n fliaghey. The stars came out after the rain.
Haink shin er gerrey da'n valley. We came nigh unto the town.
Hem roym da'n thie echey. I'll step over to his house.
Hie e kenjallys da'n chree echey. He was touched by her kindness.
Hie eh da'n thie. He went to the house.
10118: Hie eh roish da'n çhapp. He popped over to the shop.
Hie yn moylley da'n chione echey. He was intoxicated with praise.
Hie yn speeideilys da'n chione echey. Success turned his head.
Hionn ee eh da'n oghrish eck. She pressed him to her breast.
Hoie eh e hene faggys da'n dorrys. He took his stand near the door.
Hug ad da'n cheilley nyn mreearraghyn. They pledged their troths.
Hug e eddin ghaaney da'n danjeyr. He braved the danger.
Hug ee glenney beg da'n çhamyr. She gave the room a once over.
Hug eh aile da'n thie. He set fire to the house.
Hug eh cassey da'n abane echey. He gave his ankle a wrench.
Hug eh cummey da'n çhaglym. He presented a plan to the meeting.
Hug eh eh da'n vondeish echey hene. He turned it to advantage.
Hug eh eh hene da'n obbyr. He devoted himself to the work.
Hug eh famman cuttagh da'n chabbyl. He bobbed the horse's tail.
Hug eh lesh yn folliaght echey da'n oaie. His secret died with him.
Hug eh seose da'n noid. He gave way to the enemy.
Hug eh y thie da'n vac echey. He gave the house over to his son.
Hug mee cleaysh vouyr da'n irriney. I closed my ear to the truth.
Hug mee lhiam ooilley ny feeaghyn aym da'n leighder. I took all my claims to the lawyer.
Hug shin nyn oaie da'n noid. We confronted the enemy.
Hymnee eh y lioar da'n ven echey. He dedicated the book to his wife.
Hymnee eh yn thie da'n vac echey. He willed the house to his son.
Insh shen da'n eayst! Tell that to the marines!
Iumayd da'n claynt echey. We'll drink his health.
Jannoo gyn yss da'n teihll. Do without anyone being the wiser.
Kiangle y cabbyl da'n villey. Hitch the horse to the tree.
Kiarail y yannoo da'n lught thie ayd. Make provision for one's family.
Lhiant eh da'n choorse echey. He kept his course.
Lhig da'n tey tayrn rish tammylt. Let the tea draw a bit.
Lhig da'n ven çheet stiagh. Let the woman come in.
Lhig eh lesh hene da'n jough. He abandoned himself to drink.
Lhong y chur da'n ghrunt. Send a ship to the bottom.
Loayr eh myr haink eh da'n veeal echey. He spoke off-hand.
M'annym da'n jouyll! Well, I'm damned!
Moghey da'n logh, anmagh da'n awin. Early to the lake, late to the river.
Mynvuilley y chur da'n vluckan. Snick the ball.
Myr s'niessey da'n oie smoo mitchooryn. The nearer the night the more rogues.
Myr s'niessey da'n oie, shlee mitchoor. The nearer the night the more rogues.
Nagh vel bentyn da'n chooish. Not material to the point in question.
Nee eh jannoo da'n chooish. It will serve the purpose.
Nee'n fliaghey jannoo foays da'n gharey. The rain will help the garden.
Noid foshlit da'n reiltys. Professed enemy of the government.
Ny lhig da'n aer roshtyn huggey. Not to be exposed to the air.
Ny lhig da'n chaa shoh scaapail. Don't let this chance go by.
Oaie da'n jiass. Southerly exposure.
Raink mee erreish da'n taghyrt. I arrived after the event.
Red y rooishtey da'n toilshey. Bring something to light.
Ren eh clean jeh ny roihaghyn echey da'n lhiannoo. He cradled the child in his arms.
Ren eh gerrym iu-laynt da'n ven phoosee. He proposed the health of the bride.
Rug ee mac da'n theihll. She bore a son to the world.
S'faggys v'eh da'n baase. How near he was to death.*
She briw mie er enn da'n theay. He has an eye for a horse.
She cooish da'n er lhee eh. It's a case for the doctor.
She feeudys da'n scoill eh. He is a credit to the school.
She'n dooinney kiart da'n staartey eh! He is the very man for the job!
She'n Nile ta cur ushtey da'n Ejypt. Egypt is watered by the Nile.
Shee da'n annym echey. Peace to his spirit.
Shee Yee da'n annym echey. May he rest in peace.
Shegin da jinnair y ve currit da'n sleih shoh ooilley. All these people will have to be dined.
Shegin da'n 'er lhee çheet chelleeragh. It is urgent that the doctor should come.
Shegin da'n chaffee eck ve jeant myr shoh as myr shen. She must have her coffee so and so.
Shegin da'n daa skeeal shoh goll er insh. Both these stories must be told.
Shiaull faggys da'n traie. Keep close inshore.
Shoh fogrey da'n phobble dy. Notice is hereby given that.
Slane currit da'n staartey echey. Devoted to his job.
Sniessey da'n chrackan. Next to the skin.
T'ad cur beeal-ghraih da'n Ghaelg er Cronk Keeill Eoin. They pay lip-service to Manx on Tynwald hill.
T'ad er n'gholl da'n chlash. They have gone to the tip.
T'ad er n'gholl da'n vaulk. They have gone to the longline fishing.
T'ad er nyn gasherickey da'n Çhiarn. They consecrated to the Lord.
T'ad jannoo ceaghlaghyn da'n thie. They are making alterations to the house.
T'eh aarloo da'n oaye. He's near his last.
T'eh anchiart da'n obbyr. He is unequal to the task.
T'eh cur reamys da'n chamyr. It gives the room a spacious effect.
T'eh currit da'n çhingys marrey. He is a bad sailor.
T'eh currit da'n jough. He is addicted to drink.
T'eh currit da'n lhaihderys. He is fond of reading.
T'eh currit da'n loght shen. He is addicted to that vice.
T'eh currit seose da'n vaase. His condition is desperate.
T'eh er n'gholl da'n jouyll. He has gone to the dogs.
T'eh gaarlaghey eh da'n obbyr. It fits him for the work.
T'eh gobbragh da'n oays echey hene. He is acting in his own interest.
T'eh jannoo coamrey da'n venrein. He dresses the queen.
T'eh ny yee beg da'n theay. He's the darling of the people.
T'eh reirey sheese da'n laare. It reaches down to the floor.
T'eh s'niessey da'n dorrys. He is nearer the door.
T'eh screeu da'n phabyr naight. He contributes to the paper.
T'eh tayrn faggys da'n daeed. He's getting on for forty.
Ta cleaysh vie echey da'n chiaulleeaght. He has an ear for music.
Ta lhiaragh er y traie sheese da'n cheayn. The shore shelves down to the sea.
Ta margey mooar ayn da'n chooid shoh. There is a great field for these goods.
Ta mee cur geill da'n tuarym echey. I respect his opinion.
Ta mee currit da'n ferg. I am disposed to anger.
Ta mee currit da'n jough. I am fond of drink.
Ta mee lane da'n chrossag. I am full to the gullet.
Ta mee lane da'n chrossag j'ee. I'm fed up to the teeth with her.
Ta ny raaidjyn glen erreish da'n sniaghtey. The roads are clear after the snow.
Ta shen bentyn da'n traa shen. That relates to that time.
Ta shen cowrey cooinaghtyn da'n obbyr vea echey. That is a monument to his life's work.
Ta shen cur crackan ny firriney da'n skeeal. That lends colour to the story.
Ta shin er gerrey da'n thie echey. We are near his house.
Ta shin ny s'boghtey erreish da'n immeeaght echey. We are the poorer for his going.
Ta'n aghaue veg shuyr da'n aghaue vooar. A small sin is sister to a great one.
Ta'n cheish aarloo da'n vargey. The fat pig is ready for the market.
Ta'n dorrys fosley da'n traid. The door opens onto the street.
Ta'n eayst lhiantyn da'n choorse eck. The moon keeps on her way.
Ta'n moddey shen currit da'n ghounsternee! That dog is a barker!
Ta'n uinnag fosley da'n çheu mooie. The window opens to the outside.
Troggal argid da'n chooish. Raising money for the cause.
Ullee da'n chaggey. Ready for the fray.
Urryssaght da'n treeoo fer. Third-party insurance.
V'eh bun as barre da'n cholught. He was all in all to the firm.
V'eh cloie da'n theay. He was playing to the gallery.
V'eh currit da'n jough. He was given over to drink.
V'eh kiarit da'n Agglish. He was destined for the church.
V'eh lhieggit da'n thalloo. He was thrown.
V'eh troggit da'n leigh. He was bred to the law.
Va mee currit da'n eeastagh. I was sent to the fishing.
Va mee currit da'n Rank. I was posted to France.
Vel y pabyr-naight fillit da'n phost? Is the newspaper done up for the mail?
Ver eh dwoaie da'n derrey yeh as graih da'n jeh elley. He will hate the one and love the other.
Ver eh scaa da'n voalley. It will shade the wall.
Woaill eh bassag da'n vluckan. He gave the ball a hard smack.
Yn aght ta mee currit da'n jough. My partiality to drink.
Yn cho-phadjer da'n laa. The collect for the day.
Yn dooinney kiart da'n obbyr. The right man in the right place.
Yn oghe gyllagh thoyn losht da'n aiee. The oven calling the kiln burnt arse.
Yn raad da'n cheeill. The way to the church.
Yn raad da'n valley. The approach to the town.
Yn thie sniessey da'n thie ain. The house next door to our house.

ec y

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Baatey y voaral ec y jerrey. Make a boat fast astern.
Bee ec y choontyr. Stand-up buffet.
Bee fys ec yn theihll ooilley er! The whole world will know.
Billey tayrnit ass ny fraueyn ec y gheay. Tree uprooted by wind.
Blaaghyn daahit ec yn rio. Flowers touched by the frost.
By ghoillee eh dy hooyl ec yn sniaghtey. The snow made it difficult to walk.
By jiark yn argid ec y traa shen. Money was tight at that time.
C'raad va ynnyd ny lhong ec y vunlaa? What was the ship's position at noon?
Cha geaynin ec y chooid sloo. Least of all I would cry.
Cha nel ad my vlaa ec y traa t'ayn. They are out of bloom just now.
Cha nel agh tree feiy er diuinid ec y vooir-hraie. There are only three fathoms at low water.
Cha nel ee hene ec y thie. The wife is not at home.
Cha nel eh hene ec y thie. The master is not at home.
Cha nel mee er ve ec y cheeill. I have not been to church.
Cha row agh beggan sleih ec y chaglym. There was only a meagre attendance at the meeting.
Cha row eh ec y scoill monney. He hasn't much education.
Cha row mee ayns shen ec y traa. I wasn't there at the time.
Cha row mee ec y cheeill. I have not been to church.
Cheau shin yn oie ec y thie oast. We slept at the hotel.
Cheer nagh row fys urree ec y traa shen. Country at the time undiscovered.
Cloie ec y tawlish mooar. Playing backgammon.
Cloie ec yn ingagh. Net play.
Cooishyn boiragh ec y thie. Family troubles.
Cre t'er bun ec y thie cloie? What's on at the theatre?
Daa lhiannoo ec yn un' chennar. Twin birth.
Daahit ec y ghrian. Burned by the sun.
Dy cadjin ta mee ec y thie son queig er y chlag. In the ordinary way I am home by five.
Dy fieau ec y voayrd. To wait at table.
Dy ghearey ec y traa kiart. To laugh at the right place.
Dy lhie ec y toshiaght jeh baatey. To berth forward.
Dy reayll goll ec yn obbyr. To keep on working.
Dy ve ayn ec y jerrey. To be in at the finish.
Dy ve currit stiagh ec yn un cheayrt. To run concurrently.
Dy ve ec y toshiaght. To lead.
Dy ve fo chosh ec y noid. To be under the heel of the enemy.
Dy ve treigit ec y theihll. To be in the doldrums.
Eeit ec yn ourys. Possessed with doubt.
Faag ec yn dorryser eh. Leave it with the porter.
Faagym my vannaghtyn er ec y stashoon. I'll see him off at the station.
Foddym ec y chooid sloo roie gys y thie. I can at least run to the house.
Fuirree ec y chrosh orrym. Wait for me at the market cross.
Ghow shin y Chreestiagh moghrey jiu ec y cheeill. We communicated this morning at church.
Goaill toshiaght ec y toshiaght. Beginning at the beginning.
Gowym chiow ec yn aile. I'll have a warm before the fire.
Gyn kiangley mee hene ec y traa shoh. Without committing myself at this stage.
Hass gard ec y dorrys. A guard stood at the door.
Hayrn eh ooashley er e hene ec y scoill. He distinguished himself at school.
Hig ee er ash ec yn 'Eaill Eoin. She will come back at midsummer.
Higym er ash ec jeih er y chlag ec y chooid s'anmey. I'll come back at ten at the latest.
Honnick eh ad hene ec y droghad. He saw the fairies at the bridge.
Hug ad arreyder ec y dorrys. They posted a sentry at the door.
Huitt yn daa haglym ec yn un traa. The two meetings clashed.
Jean jee myr dy beagh shiu ec y thie. Make yourselves at home.
Jeant ec yn thallear. Made to measure.
Keead punt ec y chooid sloo. A hundred pounds at the least.
Kiare ec yn un' cheayrt. Four at a time.
Kiart ec y toshiaght. At the very beginning.
Lhig ad orroo ec y chied hilley. They shot them on sight.
Lhig dooin loayrt mychione echey ec y chaglym. Let us give it an airing at the meeting.
Lieh cheead ec y chooid smoo. Fifty at the utmost.
Mooirchooraghyn currit lesh seose yn awin ec y tidey. Driftwood tided up the river.
Myr t'eh ec y traa t'ayn. Under the present circumstances.
Raaidyn goit ec y fliaghey. Roads cut up with the rain.
Ry akin ec yn tooill. Visible to the naked eye.
Scuirr ec y chorneil. Pull up at the corner.
Shayll ec yn stiur. Trick at the wheel.
Shayll ec yn stiur. Turn at the wheel.
Soie eh ec y voayrd. Set him at the table.
Soie sheese ec y voayrd. Sit down to the table.
Soie sheese ec yn aile. Sit down at the fire.
Soie stiagh ec y voayrd. Sit down to the table.
T'ad ooilley ec y clieau giarrey moain. They are all at the mountain making turves.
T'ee cheerey y cooat aym ec yn aile. She's drying my coat at the fire.
T'eh castit ec yn kinseyr. It is censored.*
T'eh ec yn daa voyn aym. He is tagging at my heels.
T'eh eeit ec yn troo. He is green with envy.
T'eh er y lioar ec y feeagh doo. He is doomed.
T'eh feer aghtal ec y eeastagh. He's a dab hand at fishing.
T'eh mie ec yn imman. He is a good driver.
T'eh moal ec yn Vaarle. He's poor at English.
T'eh ny henn-oayllee ec yn obbyr. He's an old hand at the job.
T'eh ratchal ec yn obbyr. He works spasmodically.
Ta bree ec y tiggad. The ticket is valid.
Ta dagh ooilley ghooinney co-ooasle ec y vaase. Death is no respecter of persons.
Ta drogh-hoilshey ec y londeyr shoh. This lamp gives a bad light.
Ta dromman voyd er y raad ec y chorneil shen. There is an adverse camber on the road at that corner.
Ta eadoilys ec y vun jeh. Jealousy has a lot to do with it.
Ta feeaghyn ec yn theihll mooar er. He owes money right and left.
Ta fys ec y theihll er. It goes without saying.
Ta fys ec yn theihll. It is common talk.
Ta fys er shen ec yn ommidan smoo. The veriest fool knows that.
Ta Gaelg ec y dooinney ooasle shoh. This gentleman knows Manx.
Ta greim ec yn acker. The anchor is holding.
Ta greim mie ec y ghleashtan shoh er y raad. This car holds the road well.
Ta mee ec yn laue ayd. I am at your service.
Ta mee jeant baccagh ec yn vraag. The shoe has lamed me.
Ta mee lostit ec y ghrian! I'm boiled!
Ta ny duillagyn daahit ec yn rio. The frost has bitten the leaves.
Ta queig thousane punt orrin ec y vanc. We owe the bank five thousand pounds.
Ta shin broit ec y çhiass. We are baking in the heat.
Ta soaral mie ec y voddey. The dog has a good nose.
Ta taitnys ec yn ree ayns dt'aalid. The king is enchanted by your beauty.
Ta ynnyd da daa-yeig ec yn voayrd shoh. This table seats twelve.
Ta'n eayst ec y vullagh. The moon is at the full.
Ta'n eayst ec y vullagh noght. The moon is full tonight.
Ta'n lhiannoo goit ec yn mooinjer veggey. The child is spirited away.
Ta'n plaggad lhieggit ec y fliaghey. The rain has beaten down the corn.
Ta'n roayrt ec y vullagh. It is high tide.
Ta'n snaie ain eeit ec y ghobbag. Our netting is eaten by the dogfish.
Towshym yn eeast ec y thie. I will weigh the fish at home.
Tra va mee ec y scoill. In my school days.
Tree laghyn ec y chooid smoo. Three days at the longest.
V'eh ny vraar sooree aym ec y traa shen. He was a rival suitor of mine at that time.
V'eh yn leigh ayns Mannin ec y traa shen. It was the law in Mann at that time.
V'eshyn ec y vun jeh. He was at the bottom of it.
Va çhaglym mooar ayn ec y halley riyr. There was a big do at the hall last night.
Va coayl mooar ec yn daa armee. Both armies lost heavily.
Va cooinaght yindyssagh mie ec y çhenn dooinney. The old man had a wonderfully good memory.
Va daa funnyl mooar jiarg ec y lhong. The ship had two big red funnels.
Va graih ec yn theihll er. He was beloved of all.
Va ny biljyn lhieggit ec y gheay. The trees were blown down.
Va ny goaldee er nyn oltaghey ec yn dorrys. The guests were received at the door.
Va shin currit magh ec y thooilley. We were drowned out.
Va shin er creau* ec y naight. We thrilled at the news.
Va'n ree foayragh da ec y traa shen. He was in favour with the king at the time.
Va'n uinnag kiart er ve brisht ec y gheay. The window had just been broken by the wind.
Vel pooar ec yn eayst? Is the moon shining?
Vel yn roayrt ec y vullagh? Is the tide full?
Yiogh ad sluight ec y thie ain. They used to get something to eat at our house.

er y

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Armyn er y gheaylin. Arms at the slope.
As myr baare er y chooish. And to top it all.
Ayns thie er y çhooylaghan. In a house on the front.
Bee eh ayns shoh roish tree er y chlag. He will be here by three o'clock.
Bee eh grainnit er y chlag oaie echey. It will be written on his gravestone.
Bee teiy ayn ec jeih er y chlag noght. There will be a division at ten o'clock tonight.
Bee'n loayrts echey er y radio noght. His talk will be put on the air tonight.
Bee-jee graihagh er y cheilley. Love one another.
Beeym er y thalloo kiart nish. I'll be on the ground just now.
Beeym er y thalloo nish hene. I'll be on the ground just now.
Beggan sniaghtey er y clieau. Patch of snow on the mountain.
Billey y chur er y voayrd. Table a bill.
Bunnys nuy er y chlag. Close on nine o'clock.
Bwoaill lhome er y gheay. Thrash to windward.
Bwoalley er y gheay. Thrashing to windward.
C'wooad er y chlag t'eh? What o'clock is it?
Carr ad er y cheilley. Twist them together.
Cass er y cheilley ad. Twine them together.
Ceau eh er y voayrd. Plonk it on the table.
Ceau er y traie. Wash ashore.
Cha lhisagh oo ve er y çheu echey. You should not discriminate in favour of him.
Cha nel ad feer vooar er y cheilley. There is a coldness between them.
Cha nel ad ro ghraihagh er y cheilley. They love each other none too well.
Cha nel clouag dy liooar er y screeuyn shoh. This letter is insufficiently stamped.
Cha nel enmys dy liooar er y screeuin shoh. This letter is insufficiently addressed.
Cha nel enney aym er y screeuyn shoh. This writing is strange to me.
Cha nel enney erbee aym er y Ghaelg. I don't know a thing about Manx.
Cha nel mee çheet er y fer shen. I don't mean that fellow.
Cha nel monney rick er y vea echey. There's not much fixity in his life.
Cha nel my ooreyder er y traa. My watch is wrong.
Cha nel shin er y raad cheddin. We are at cross-purposes.
Cha nel smaght erbee eck er y phaitchey. She has no control over the child.
Cha noddym beaghey er y gheay. I can't live on air.
Cha s'aym cre'n erree hig er y chooish. I don't know how things will go.
Chass eh er y chass echey. He rounded on his heel.
Cheau eh e vea er y chooish. He dedicated his life to the cause.
Cheau mee laa er y cheer. I spent a day in the country.
Chossyn mee thie ec jeih er y chlag. I got back home at ten.
Chruinnee ad ry-cheilley ec hoght er y chlag 'sy voghrey. They fell to at 0800 hours.
Çhyndaait magh er y dorrys. Turned out of doors.
Cloie er y traie. Sporting on the shore.
Collagh lheim er y laair. Stallion serving the mare.
Corrillagh vees appee er y chied laa Mee Voaldyn. Balance due on the first of May.
Craa geinnagh er y laare. Sprinkling the floor with sand.
Cre'n erree hig er y theihll? What are things coming to?*
Crogh dty chooat er y treiney. Hang your coat on the nail.
Croghey er y voalley. Hanging on the wall.
Cur baare er y phennleoie. Sharpen the pencil.
Cur beeal heose er y voayrd. Lay face upwards on the table.
Cur cassey jeh er y chroan! Take a turn round the mast!
Cur eeasaght er y vargey. Floating a loan.
Cur eh er y sclate. Book it.
Cur eh er y skelloo. Put it on the shelf.
Cur eh er y stang. Put him on the stocks.
Cur eh er y vargey. Put it up for sale.
Cur eh er y voayrd. Lay it on the table.
Cur er y choontey eh. Put it on the bill.
Cur er y ghoan-chooid. Put on short rations.
Cur er y latt eh. Put it on the rack.
Cur er y vaatey lhie huggey. Make the boat lie to.
Cur foyr geyre er y skynn. Put a fine edge on the knife.
Cur fys dou er y raad gys y stashoon my sailliu. Please direct me to the station.
Cur fys er y fer lhee. Call the doctor.
Cur jerrey er y voghtynid shen. Do away with that nonsense.
Cur leagh er y chooid. Make a valuation of the goods.
Cur magh er y dorrys eh. Give him his marching orders.
Cur myn-chlaghyn er y raad. Putting chippings on the road.
Cur ny kaartyn ayd er y voayrd. Show your hand.
Cur oardagh er y çhamyr. Put the room straight.
Cur scain er y sock. Putting an edge on the ploughshare.
Cur y brout er y dorrys my sailliu. Please bolt the door.
Cur y sneg er y dorrys! Bar the door!
Cur yn aarnrit er y voayrd. Lay the cloth.
Daag ad slane er y cheilley. They said goodbye.
Dagh ooilley pheiagh er y lout. All hands on deck.
Dirree yn aarkey er y valley. The town was overwhelmed by the sea.
Dty laue y chur er y phenn. Put one's pen to paper.
Dug oo shilley er y thie? Did you view the house?
Dumpal gleashtanyn er y vargey. Dump cars on the market.
Dunverys er y clane. Wholesale murder.
Dy arraghey magh er y cheer. To move into the country.
Dy cadjin ta mee ec y thie son queig er y chlag. In the ordinary way I am home by five.
Dy cherraghey peccaghyn ny hayraghyn er y chloan. To visit the sins of the fathers upon the children.
Dy chur baare er y donnys! To crown all!
Dy chur er y yannoo. To make it necessary to do.
Dy chur er y yannoo trooid cluigys. To jockey into doing.
Dy chur meeonnor er y vooinjer. To bring dishonour on the family.
Dy chur nearey er y lught-thie. To bring dishonour on the family.
Dy chur paitchey ny hoie er y voayrd. To sit a child on the table.
Dy chur stiagh er y cheilley. To come to a close.
Dy cur baare er y donnys. To complete the misfortune.
Dy cur failt er y niarragh. To greet the spring.
Dy gheddyn baase er y stiur. To die in harness.
Dy gholl er ash er y ghialdyn ayd. To dishonour one's word.
Dy gholl er y çhelg. To go hunting.
Dy gholl er y kione toshee. To make the pace.
Dy gholl er y kione toshee. To set the pace.
Dy gholl er y raad s'girrey. To go on the shortest route.
Dy gholl er y scooyr. To go boozing.
Dy gholl er y thalloo. To stick fast.
Dy gholl er y traen. To go by train.
Dy gholl lhome er y gheay. To hug the wind.
Dy gholl lhome er y gheay. To sail on a bowline.
Dy gholl magh er y cheer. To go up country.
Dy gholl sheese er y cheer. To go up country.
Dy gholl toshiaght er y jough. To take a drink.
Dy heidey lhong er y thalloo. To blow a ship ashore.
Dy hiaulley magh er y cheayn. To stand out to sea.
Dy hooyl er y faiyr. To step on the grass.
Dy hoshiaghey er y chass hoshtal. To step off with the left foot.
Dy imman er y raad. To drive along the road.
Dy imman magh er y cheer. To drive into the country.
Dy lhie magh er y cheayn. To stand out to sea.
Dy lhie stiagh er y jough. To indulge in drink.
Dy loayrt rish er y chellvane. To ring up on the telephone.
Dy roie er y ghrunt. To run aground.
Dy roie er y thalloo. To run aground.
Dy ve er y fergaght. On the rampage.
Dy ve er y lieh-hraa. To work half time.
Dy ve er y philleen. To ride pillion.
Dy ve er y radio. To be on the air.
Dy ve er y vullagh. To be at the top of.
Dy ve sheeynt er y ghrunt. To be couched on the ground.
Dy woalley dooinney as eshyn er y ghrunt. To hit a man when he is down.
Dy woalley er y chleaysh. To greet the ear.
Dy yeeaghyn er y çheu elley. To look the other way.
Eaddagh y yiarrey er y snaie. Cut material on the straight.
Eam ny grottag er y traie. Call of the curlews on the shore.
Ec jeih er y chlag 'sy voghrey. At ten o'clock in the forenoon.
Ec kiare er y chlag 'syn astyr. At four p.m.
Ec shiaght er y chlag. At the hour of seven.
Eddyr daa stoyl ta'n thoyn er y laare. Between two stools the arse is on the floor.
Eeasaght y chur er y vargey. Float a loan.
Eeast y chur er y thalloo. Land a fish.
Eeastagh er y ghrunt. Fishing on the bottom.
Er yn un çheu t'eh kiart er y çheu elley cha nel eh. On the one hand it's O.K. on the other it's not.
Etlan y chur er y thalloo. Land an aeroplane.
Faagail er y traie follym. Leave high and dry.
Faik y caslys er y lheanagh hoal. See the picture on the opposite page.
Feayshil er y voght. Relieve the poor.
Fer oik cocheimagh er y çheu elley. Opposite number.
Fuirraght er y vus. Waiting for the bus.
Ghooist mee ec shiaght er y chlag. I awoke at seven o'clock.
Ghow eh tayrn er y phiob. He took a pull at the pipe.
Gleashaghey er y noid. Advancing against the enemy.
Gleashtan as yn wheeyl er y çheu hoshtal. Left-hand drive car.
Gleashtanyn y cheau er y vargey. Dump cars on the market.
Gow yn raad er y çheu chiare. Take the left-handed turn.
Gyn agh yn snig y chur er y dorrys. To leave the door on the latch.
Gyn çheet er y chorrillagh. In round figures.
Gyn çheet er y vaase echey. Apart from the fact that he is dead.
Haink bodjallyn er y ghrian. Clouds hid the sun.
Haink caulg er y voddey. The dog bristled.
Haink dubbaghyn fliaghee er y raad. Pools of rain formed on the road.
Haink eh er y chee shen. He came with that design.
Haink eh er y chee shoh. He came on this account.
Haink eh er y chooish. He broached the subject.
Haink eh stiagh er y dorrys. He came in at the door.
aink scaa er y chooish. The affair was blighted.
Haink yn ushag neose er y vanglane. The bird descended on the branch.
Hayrn ad er y tead derrey vrish eh. They pulled on the rope until it went.
Heese er y cheer. Down in the country.
Heeym oo er y chiaghtin. I will see you during the week.
Heeyn eh eh hene er y laare. He stretched out on the floor.
Heeyn eh eh hene er y thalloo. He lay flat on the ground.
Heeyn eh magh eh hene er y laare. He prostrated himself on the floor.
Hie ad lesh shilley er y clane thie. They went all over the house.
Hie ee er y spincheraght. She went out charring.
Hie eh er y raad aggairagh. He took the wrong road.
Hie eh er y scooyr. He went on a bender.
Hie eh er y traen. He took the train.
Hie mee er y cheayrt. I went begging.
Hie shin er y vaatey. We went by boat.
Hie shin er y vaatey. We went on the boat.
Higym dty whail ec jees er y chlag. I will meet you at two o'clock.
Higym er ash ec jeih er y chlag ec y chooid s'anmey. I'll come back at ten at the latest.
Hoie yn ushag er y villey. The bird settled upon the tree.
Honnick mee eh er y traid. I saw him in the farmyard.
Honnick mee Parick Mooar yn Owe er y chiaghtin. I saw Big Patrick of the Howe last week.
Hooar eh baase ec jees er y chlag. He met his death at two o'clock.
Hooar eh y glass er y dorrys roish. He found himself locked out.
Hooar shin reayrt-hallooin ec tree er y chlag. We sighted land at three o'clock.
Hoshee yn cloie ec 'nane er y chlag. Play started at one o'clock.
Hrog ad culleeyn er y lhong. They dressed the ship.
Hug ad failt er y cheilley 'sy Ghaelg. They greeted each other in Manx.
Hug ad jerrey er y cholught. They wound the company up.
Hug ad jerrey er y treealtys lesh garaghtee. They laughed down the proposal.
Hug ad laare elley er y thie. They added another storey to the house.
Hug ad lhiettrimys er y villey ayns Tinvaal. They tried to block the bill in Tynwald.
Hug eh cleayney er y chainle. He tipped the candle.
Hug eh e lhong er y ghrunt. He grounded his ship.
Hug eh e lhong er y thalloo. He grounded his ship.
Hug eh e phing yerrinagh er y chabbyl. He put his shirt on the horse.
Hug eh er y chabbyl dy hooyl seose as neose. He walked the horse up and down.
Hug eh garaghtee er y theihll. It raised a storm of laughter.
Hug eh ny joughinyn er y sclate. He chalked up the drinks.
Hug eh yn drogh er y claynt echey. It undermined his health.
Hug mee keead punt yeearlys er y ghleashtan. I put a hundred pounds deposit on the car.
Hug mee shilley er y thie echey. I called at his house.
Hug shen jerrey er y chaggey. That stopped the war.
Hug shin keayrt er y valley. We made a circuit of the town.
Hug y gheay lhiettrimys er y 'liaghey. The wind kept the rain off.
Huitt eh frap er y laare. He fell smack on the floor.
Huitt mee ooilley ny jystyn er y laare. I crashed all the dishes on the floor.
Huitt tendreil er y thie. The house was struck y lightning.
Immee er y vriaght. Look for fish.
Jean er y vinnid eh! Do it this minute!
Jean er y vod shoh eh. Do it in this manner.
Jeeagh er y çhenn chaillagh! Look at the old witch!
Jeeagh er y çhenn vuitch. Look at the old witch!
Jeeagh er y jannoo t'er! Look at its style!
Jeeaghyn er y çheu ghroamey jeh. Looking on the dark side of it.
Jees er y chlag. Two o'clock.
Jeih er y chlag 'syn oie. Ten o'clock at night.
Jeih gys 'nane verym er y troin echey. Ten to one I'll bet on his nose.
Kiare er y chlag 'sy voghrey. Four o'clock in the morning.
Kiartee y clag dy woalley ec shiaght er y chlag. Set the clock for seven.
Kionnaghey er y leagh s'ardjey. Bull the market.
Laa er y Cholloo. Day on the Calf.
Leaghyryn glassey er y chassan. Green rushes on the pathway.
Lhiann er y chied chassey er y laue chlee. Take the first turning on the left.
Lhiann er y chied chassey er y laue yesh. Take the first turning on the right.
Lhiannoo y hroggal er y voteil. Bring up a baby by hand.
Lhie eh stiagh er y jough. He gave himself up to drink.
Lhie er y dorrys shoh marym. Bear on this door with me.
Lhie er y farkyl! Bear down on the lid!
Lhieg ee e kione er y chlooisag. She laid her head on the pillow.
Lhiegg mee eh er y chied orraghey. I got him with the first shot.
Lhig eh feddan er y voddey. He whistled to the dog.
Loayr eh rhym er y chellvane. He called me up.
Loayrym rhyt er y chellvane. I'll give you a call on the 'phone.
Lughtaghey er y vooarchur. Loading in bulk.
Magh er y dorrys. Out through the door.
Mooie er y cheayn. Out at sea.
Mooie er y çheer feayn foshlit. In the open country.
Mooirchooraghyn ceaut er y traie. Flotsam cast up on the shore.
My vees sym mie er y chapp. If the shop catches on.
Myr baare er y donnys! To crown all!
Myr bishaght er y faill echey. In addition to his wages.
Nish t'ou çheet er y traa t'er n'gholl shaghey. Now you are dipping into the past.
Nod oo çheet ec shey er y chlag? Can you come at six?
Nod oo cur reaghys er y feysht shoh? Can you dispose of this question?
Ny cur beeal mooar er y skeeal. Don't exaggerate the story.
Ny geegyn shey er y chlag. The six o'clock pips.
Ny jean cadley er y chleaysh shen! Don't bank on that!
Ny smoo er y tailley ny s'trimmey yn eeck. The worse the crime the heavier the punishment.
Nyn lhie chionn er y cheilley. Lying close together.
Obbraghey y ghleashtan er y raad. The car's behaviour on the road.
Pargys er y theihll shoh. Earthly paradise.
Punt er y chooid sloo. A pound at least.
Queig er y chlag 'syn oie. Five o'clock in the morning.
Queig er y chlag 'syn voghrey. Five o'clock in the morning.
Quoid er y chlag t'eh. What time do you make it?
Raink eh er y tullagh. He arrived on the dot.
Reeayllagh mie dy hugyr er y vereen. A good scattering of sugar on the cake.
Ren ee soiaghey er y ghrunt. She grounded.
Ren eh filley e roihaghyn er y cheilley. He folded his arms.
Ren shin eh er y phing neugheyr. We did it on the cheap.
Ren y finneig sniemmey stiagh er y voir-lhong. The capsule docked with the mother ship.
Ren yn skeeal skeaylley myr aile er y clieau. The story spread like wildfire.
Roie er y traie. Driving ashore.
Rosh ad Baie Doolish ec hoght er y chlag. They made Douglas Bay at eight o'clock.
Row peiagh erbee er y chellvane? Has anyone called on the 'phone?
Ry-chur er y chrackan. For external application.
S'doillee eh dy reayll rick er y phaitchey shen. That child is a handful.
Scannane y chur er y tooill. Glaze the eye.
Scarr eh eh hene er y chaair. He sat astride the chair.
Screeu y figgyr er y lhiehnagh. Write the figure on the page.
Screeu yn earroo er y lhiehnagh. Write the number on the page.
Scuirr eh er y chooyl. He stopped short.
Shamyr as yn oaie eck er y traid. Room that looks on the street.
Shegin dou ve er my chosh ec shiaght er y chlag. I must be up at seven.
Shiaulley e vurling er y dubbey. Floating his yacht on the pond*.
Shiaulley er y rhumlinney. Mercator's sailing.
Shir er y dooinney shen eh. Ask that man for it.
Shir er y fer lhee. Go for the doctor.
Shir yn argid er y charrey ayd. Ask your friend for the money.
Skeayl eayl er y thalloo. Lay lime on the land.
Skell ny heayst er y logh. The shimmer of the moon on the lake.
Snig er y chleaysh. Fillip on the ear.
Soit corrym er y vun. Set square on its base.
Sooillyn dooint er y cheilley. Eyes tightly shut.
Stiagh er y dorrys. In through the door.
Stiagh er y traie. On to the shore.
Stroie yn foddyr er y ghrunt. Spend what you have while you live.
Surlit er y cheayn. Tossed on the sea.
T'ad çheet er y hoshiaght. They are coming forward.
T'ad çheet er y laa as er yn oie neesht. They come in the daytime and in the night-time as well.
T'ad cloie er y chammag. They are playing shinty.
T'ad er n'estal eh er y voalley. They have stuck it on the wall.
T'ad feer vooar er y cheilley. They are great chums.
T'ad mooie er y chosheeaght. They are out walking.
T'ee baghey er y gheay. She lives on nothing.
T'ee cur nearey er y scoill. She's a disgrace to the school.
T'eh çheet er y raad shoh dagh ooilley hiaghtin. He comes this way every week.
T'eh er y cheayrt. He is visiting.
T'eh er y lioar ec y feeagh doo. He is doomed.
T'eh er y phlan. He is a local preacher.
T'eh er y phlan beg. He is a local preacher on trial.
T'eh er y raad kiart. He is working on the right lines.
T'eh er y raad mooar. He is on the tramp.
T'eh er y scooyr. He is in the cups.
T'eh er y veggan. He has little.
T'eh er y veggan cheeaylley. He's halfwitted.
T'eh feer chronnalagh er y ghuillag vane. It shows up against the white page.
T'eh goll er y chione. He's going ahead.
T'eh goll er y hoshiaght. It's going forward.
T'eh hoght er y chlag. It is eight o'clock.
T'eh jeeaghyn er y gharey. It looks onto the garden.
T'eh jeih er y chlag rere clag ny keeilley. The church clock says ten.
T'eh kiare er y chlag ny myr shen. It is four o'clock or thereabouts.
T'eh lhiggey er dy vel sym echey er y Ghaelg. He professes to be interested in Manx.
T'eh lurg shey er y chlag hannah. It has gone six already.
T'eh lurg shiaght er y chlag. It is turned seven o'clock.
T'eh mysh kiare er y chlag. It is about four o'clock.
T'eh ny ghooinney mooar er y jough. He's a great drinker.
T'eh ooilley croghey er y noi-vreihys echey. It's all due to his difficulty.
T'eh shey er y chlag. It is six.
T'eh tayrn dy trome er y phiob echey. He is puffing away at his pipe.
T'eh tayrn er tree er y chlag. It's going on for three o'clock.
T'eh tree er y chlag. It is three o'clock.
T'eh trome er y jough. He is fond of drink.
T'ou er y vaarney veayl. You are in the gap of danger.
T'ou goll er shirrey er y chellvane. You are wanted on the telephone.
Ta 'Dooag' yn ennym er y voddey. The dog answers to 'Blackie'.
Ta aggyrtys mooar er y chooid shoh. These goods are much sought after.
Ta ammys mooar aym er y leigh. I have great respect for the law.
Ta ardjid çhing echey er y chooid elley. He stands head and shoulders over the rest.
Ta askaid er y wannal echey. He has a boil on his neck.
Ta brat chray er y voalley. The wall is daubed with clay.
Ta brat hrome sniaghtey er y thalloo. The snow lies deep.
Ta cosoylaght trome-chooishaght er jeet er y chooish. The affair has assumed a serious complexion.
Ta daa heu er y skeeal shen. That cuts both ways.
Ta drogh cummey er y voain. The turf seems to be in a bad way.
Ta drogh yien er y vainshtyr. The boss is on the warpath.
Ta dromman voyd er y raad ec y chorneil shen. There is an adverse camber on the road at that corner.
Ta feme aym er y lioar shen. I want that book.
Ta feoh echey er y vee. He loathes the food.
Ta foays mooar er y cheer. The country has progressed greatly.
Ta fys ennagh echey er y Ghaelg. He has some idea of Manx.
Ta fys mie dy liooar aym er y Ghaelg. I have a decent knowledge of Manx.
Ta glass y dorrys er y çheu sthie. The door locks on the inside.
Ta greim mie ec y ghleashtan shoh er y raad. This car holds the road well.
Ta greim mie er y jeelt echey. He has a good seat.
Ta lane fys aym er y danjeyr. I am fully alive to the danger.
Ta lhiaragh er y traie sheese da'n cheayn. The shore shelves down to the sea.
Ta loght er y lheian. The light has fused.
Ta mee cur shilley er y chlaare. I look up the timetable.
Ta mee er y çheu echey. I'm for him.
Ta mee er y vullagh echey. I am down on him.
Ta mee fakin peiagh ennagh ec tree er y chlag. I have an appointment at three o'clock.
Ta mee fassaghey ny kirree er y clieau. I am pasturing the sheep on the mountain.
Ta mee gobbragh er y vun shoh. I am working on this assumption.
Ta mee goll er y chooyl. I am going just now.
Ta mee goll er y chooyl. I am going this instant.
Ta mee gyndyr ny kirree er y clieau. I am pasturing the sheep on the mountain.
Ta mee jeeaghyn er y çheu share jeh. I am looking on the bright side of it.
Ta mee lieh lhie er y voalley. I am leaning against the wall.
Ta mee smooinaghtyn, er y fa shen ta mee ayn. I think, therefore I am.
Ta mooirjeenys er y speyr. It is beclouding.
Ta my ooreyder er y traa kiart. My watch is right.
Ta ny baatyn er y vriaght. The boats are looking for herring.
Ta ny tidaghyn er y chontraie nish. The tides are on the neap now.
Ta queeyllyn er y voayrd. The table goes on wheels.
Ta ribbey vleaystanagh er y dorrys. The door is booby trapped.
Ta scoidey er y voalley. The wall is leaning.
Ta shen cur cummey elley er y skeeal. That makes all the difference.
Ta shen er y hon hene! That's a good one!
Ta shen er y nah ghuillag. That comes on the next page.
Ta shirveish voghey ec shiaght er y chlag. Early service is at seven.
Ta shoh cur fys ain er y raad er nyn doshiaght. This points the way forward to us.
Ta sing er y vooa. The cow has a vaginal secretion.
Ta smull er y vite. There is a darkness on the wick.
Ta sniaghtey er y veinn. There is snow on the peak.
Ta soar tash er y çhamyr. The room smells damp.
Ta soiaghey jesh er y thie. The house is well placed.
Ta sollyssid frangagh er y voayrd. The table is French-polished.
Ta tarmestey er y valley beg. The village is out of bounds.
Ta tooilley argid er y feeyn. The wine is extra.
Ta treisht ain er y Chiarn. We hope in the Lord.
Ta tushtey mie echey er y Ghaelg. He has a competent knowledge of Manx.
Ta'n aaley shoh ny lhie er y Cholloo as Kione Vradda. This fishing spot takes its bearing on the Calf and Bradda.
Ta'n baatey tuittym er y traie. The boat is drifting on shore.
Ta'n chamyr er y çheu yesh. The room is on the right.
Ta'n cheayn brishey stiagh er y thalloo. The sea is encroaching upon the land.
Ta'n ellan er y çheu hwoaie. The island lies to the north.
Ta'n feeyn boirey er y volg echey. The wine does not agree with him.
Ta'n Ghaelg Vanninagh er y chengey echey. He is a fluent speaker of Manx.
Ta'n lhong chionn er y chreg. The ship is firmly on the rock.
Ta'n oaie echey er y gharey. It looks onto the garden.
Ta'n screb er y voddey. The dog has mange.
Ta'n slane flod er y cheayn. The whole fleet is at sea.
Ta'n thie echey er y raad ain. His house lies on our way.
Ta'n traen ry-heet ec daa er y chlag. The train is due to arrive at two o'clock.
Tannaghtyn er y çheu hoshtal. Keeping to the left.
Tannaghtyn er y chleigh. Sitting on the fence.
Tar ayns shoh er y tullagh! Come here this instant!
Tayrn er y vunlaa. Towards noon.
Thalloo er y lherrym. Land to port!
Tommanyn mooarey er y raad. Big bumps on the road.
Tra verr mee er y gleashtan elley. When I get ahead of the other car.
Tuittee yn eiraght er y fer shinney. The eldest child inherits the property.
V'ad cloie er y phiob. They were playing the pipes.
V'ad queig laa er y jurnaah. The journey took five days.
V'ad sooree er y cheilley. They had an affair.
V'ee er y çheu yesh echey. She was on his right side.
V'ee gra yn fockle er y ven elley. She was saying the word over the other woman.
V'ee scoltey y skeddan er y vink cheumooie. She was gutting the herring on the stone bench outside.
V'eh cormaghey eh hene er y voalley. He was balancing himself on the wall.
V'eh fassaghey ny kirree echey er y chronk. He was grazing his sheep on the hill.
V'eh jeih er y chlag. The clock pointed to ten.
V'eh leah er y laa. It was early in the day.
V'eh lhiggey er y noid. He was blazing away at the enemy.
V'eh ny lhie er y lhiattee echey. He was lying on his side.
V'eh sheeynt er y thalloo. He was lying helpless on the ground.
V'eh son çheet ec nane jeig er y chlag. His arrival was timed for eleven.
V'eh tayrn er y vean oie. It was hard on midnight.
Va brishey mwannal yn ennym er y chassan. It was a breakneck path.
Va foast garrey er y vaatey. The boat still had impetus.
Va jeeyl mooar jeant er y ghleashtan echey. There was extensive damage to his car.
Va mee loayrt rish er y chellvane moghrey jiu. I was on to him on the 'phone this morning.
Va mee ruggit er y twoaie. I was born in the north.
Va roie er y vanc. There was a run on the bank.
Va smooidraght dy liaghey ayn er y laa. There was a little rain during the day.
Va'n baatey eiyrit er y traie. The boat was driven ashore.
Va'n baatey sheidit er y traie. The boat was driven ashore.
Va'n eaddagh echey ny lhie er y thalloo. His clothes were lying on the ground.
Vaggyr eh er y spyrryd neughlen. He threatened the unclean spirit.
Vel bite er y dooan? Is there bait on the hook?
Vel gleashtan echey er y raad? Does he run a car?
Vermayd stiagh er y çhenn dooinney. We will call in at the old man's.
Verymayd shilley er y çhenn pheiagh. We will visit the old one.
Vroill eh y skynn er y yiarn. He hacked the knife on the iron.
Woaill eh e chione er y voalley. He struck his head against the wall.
Woaill eh e ghoarn er y voayrd. He struck his fist on the table.
Woaill mee my chione er y dorrys. I bumped my head on the door.
Woaill y clag tree er y chlag. The clock struck three.
Woaill yn clagh as eh çheet stiagh er y dorrys. The clock struck just as he came through the door.
Y laue y chur er y vluckan. Handle the ball.
Yeeagh mee er y valley. I had a look round the town.
Yeearree ersyn e chaartyn y chur er y voayrd. Call his bluff.
Yiow eh baase er y Jiass. He will be hung.
Yn bluckan y chur er y tee. Tee up.
Yn drogh er y ghuilley. Drat that boy!
Yn eaddagh y chur er y voayrd. Put on the cloth.
Yn keayn tonnaghey er y traie. The sea billowing on the shore.
Yn laue echey ny lhie er y voayrd. His hand resting on the table.
Yn red ta shassoo magh ny smoo er y chronk. The most prominent thing on the hill.
Yn Sharmane er y Clieau. The Sermon on the Mount.
Yn ven as thie eck er y clieau. The woman who has a house on the hill.


Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Cha nel scoip dy liooar dy gholl fo'n droghad. There is not enough clearance under the bridge.
Coloayrtys fo'n ennal. Hushed conversation.
Cur oo hene fo'n churrym echey. Put yourself in his hands.
Dy chloie mooie fo'n aer. To play out of doors.
Dy gholl magh fo'n aer. To take an airing.
Dy heet fo'n tooill. To greet the eye.
Dy huittym fo'n gheay. To fall to leeward.
Faag fo'n ghrian eh. Let it stand in the sun.
Goaill neose nyn shiauill fo'n Charran. Taking down our sails under Bradda Head.
Haink eh magh fo'n voayrd. He came out underneath the table.
Hie'n grian fo'n aarkey. The sun dipped below the sea.
Hug eh lhedjag j'ee fo'n smeggin. He chucked her under the chin.
Hug mee yn argid fo'n churrym echey. I trusted him with the money.
Lhig dooin goll magh fo'n aer. Let's go for a blow.
Loayr eh fo'n ennal echey. He spoke with bated breath.
Mooie fo'n aer. Out in the fresh air.
Mooie fo'n speyr. Out for a breather.
Mooie fo'n speyr. Under the open sky.
Myr eiyrtys jeh cur yn obbyr shen fo'n churrym echey. As a result of the committal of that task to him.
Red ennagh y chur fo'n aer. Expose something to the air.
Ry akin fo'n veegrahilleyder. Visible under the microscope.
Shassoo fo'n phian. Bearing up against the pain.
Shooyl fo'n 'liaghey. Walking in the rain.
T'ad fo'n smaght echey. He dominates them.
T'eh croymmey fo'n errey. He is labouring under the burden.
T'eh fo'n 'oaid. He is dead and buried.
T'eh fo'n ordaag eck. She has absolute control over him.
T'eh fo'n ordaag oc. He is in their clutches.
T'ou foaddey aile fo'n cheayn. You are running your head against a brick wall.
Ta lhong vooar fo'n sarey echey. He commands a big ship.*
Ta mee er chee goll magh fo'n ghrian. I am about to take the sun.
Ta mee fo'n eaghtyrys echey. I am under his authority.
Ta red ennagh fo'n tooill aym. I have something in prospect.
Ta'n chooish fo'n ordaag echey. He is master of the situation.
Ta'n plaggad mooireerey fo'n gheay. The corn is billowy in the wind.
Tar magh ass fo'n voayrd. Come out from under the table.
Tuittym fo'n gheay. Drifting to leeward.
V'eh croymmit fo'n errey. He was bent beneath the burden.
V'eh fo'n cheead. It fell short of the hundred.
V'eh fo'n laue echey. He had it within his grasp.
V'eh greimmit fo'n ghleashtan. He was pinned down under the car.
Va mee fo'n shaghrane shen rish tammylt. I was under that delusion for a while.
Va tree feed meeillaghyn 'syn oor fo'n ghleashtan. The car was doing at least sixty.

gys y

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Chibbyr y heaumey gys y thoyn. Pump a well dry.
Choud's ta shiu shirrey carrey noa cum shiu gys y çhenn 'er. Whilst you are seeking a new friend hold on to the old.
Cooineeym er gys y laa s'odjey veem bio. I will remember it to my dying day.
Cruink roie sheese gys y cheayn. Hills sweeping down to the sea.
Cum gys y chenn. Hang on to the old one.
Cur ee gys y gheay! Hard up with the helm!
Cur fys dou er y raad gys y stashoon my sailliu. Please direct me to the station.
Dorrys magh gys y gharey. Door that opens into the garden.
Dy cheau argid gys y gheay. To throw money down the drain.
Dy chroymmey gys y thalloo. To bow low.
Dy chur lesh gys y dorrys. To see out.
Dy gholl gys y cheayn. To put to sea.
Dy gholl gys y thalloo. To go to stool.
Dy gholl gys y vagher. To take the field.
Dy goll gys y vayr. To sally out.
Dy hayrn stiagh gys y voayrd. To draw up to the table.
Dy heet dy staghylagh gys y thalloo. To pancake to the ground.
Dy heet gys y chrooin. To ascend the throne.
Dy huittym gys y jerrey. To lag behind.
Dy lhie sheear gys y jerrey. To lag behind.
Dy ve jeih poynt gys y jerrey. To be ten points down.
Dy yeeaghyn gys y çheu elley. To look the other way.
Er ash gys y vun. Back to the drawing-board.
Fliugh gys y chrackan. Soaked to the skin.
Foddym ec y chooid sloo roie gys y thie. I can at least run to the house.
Freill eh gys y chione toshee. Keep it always to the fore.
Haink eh gys y thalloo er e ghaa chass. He alighted on his feet.
Haink yn baase gys y voayl shen dy goaill eh. That is where he was destined to die.
Hie eh gys y valley dy tappee. He hurried to the town.
Hie yn oghsan gys y chree. The reproach went home.
Hug mee lhiam eh gys y stashoon ayns gleashtan. I drove him to the station.
Huitt eh gys y jerrey. He dropped to the rear.
Immee gys y dorrys marish. Show him out.
Jiass gys y Sheear. South by West.
Jiass gys y Sheear lieh Heear. South by West half West
Lostit sheese gys y thalloo. Burnt down to the ground.
N gys y nuyoo pooar. N to the ninth power.
Neose gys y traa t'ayn jiu. Down to recent times.
Ratchym oo gys y thie. I'll race you to the house.
Ren ad treigeil gys y noid. They went over to the enemy.
Ren mee garraghey dy moal gys y laue yesh. I edged towards the right.
Roie eh gys y thie lheeys. Rush him to hospital.
Roieym oo gys y thie. I'll race you to the house.
Rooisht gys y vouin. Stripped to the waist.
Scrutaghey veih'n chione gys y thalloo. Look up and down.
Sheear gys y jiass. West by south.
Sheear gys y twoaie. West by north.
Soie stiagh gys y voayrd. Sit up to the table.
Stiur shiar hwoaie gys y shiar. Steer north-east by east.
T'eh goll er ash gys y traa shen. It dates from then.
T'eh goll gys y cheayn. He follows the sea.
T'eh lane gys y veeal. It is brimming.
Ta mee fliugh gys y chrackan. I am soaked to the skin.
Ta shiu çheet gys y theihll. One is born.*
Ta'n bus lane gys y dorrys. The bus is full up.
Ta'n raad roie stiagh gys y dorrys. The road sweeps up to the front door.
Tanneeym gys y jerrey! I'll see it through!
Thie y lostey gys y thalloo. Burn down a house.
Traaue gys y toshiaght. Forging ahead.
Tuittym gys y thalloo. Falling to the ground.
Twoaie gys y sheear lieh heear. North by west half west.
Twoaie gys y shiar. North by east.
V'ad ooilley marrooit gys y fer s'jerree. They were all wiped out.
Va'n boayl lane gys y dorrys. The place was crowded.
Va'n barroose lane gys y dorrys. The bus was jam full.
Va'n skeeal echey goll veih'n Tauin gys y Voaldyn. His story was long-winded.
X gys y treeoo pooar. The cube of x.
Yn feysht y chur gys y reih. Put the question.
Yn stiurey y chur gys y çheu chlee. Port the helm.
Yn stiurey y chur gys y yesh. Starboard the helm.


Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Adsyn ooilley jeh'n varel aym. All such as are of my opinion.
Arganeys jeh'n çhenn hraa. Stock argument.
Ayns cooish jeh'n sorch cheddin. Under similar circumstances.
Baase y gheddyn jeh'n accrys. Die of hunger.
Baase y gheddyn jeh'n ghortey. Die of famine.
Bree jeh'n ockle. The literal sense of the word.
Bun as baare jeh'n chooish. The sum and substance of the matter.
C'wooad jeh'n obbyr ta jeant ayd? Where have you got to with the work?
Ceau y kione seyr jeh'n tead hym. Throw me the free end of the rope.
Cha nel mee coontey monney jeh'n toshiaght ayd! I don't like your approach!
Cha nel mee jeh'n trouise shen. I am not one of that crowd.
Cha nel mee jeh'n un aigney marish. I don't see eye to eye with him.
Cha nel y chooid share jeh'n Vaarle echey. His English is shaky.
Cha nel yn chooid share jeh'n claynt echey. He is not very strong.
Cha ren eh veg jeh'n chooish agh gearey. He laughed the matter off.
Cha ren mee coontey monney jeh'n oraid echey. I was unimpressed by his speech.
Cha ren mee mooar jeh'n oraid echey. I was unimpressed by his speech.
Cha row bun ny baare jeh'n skeeal eck dy kiart. She had neither the start nor the end of the story right.
Cheau eh y chooid elley jeh'n vea echey ayns Mannin. He spent the balance of his life in the Isle of Mann.
Çheu elley jeh'n thie. On the other side of the house.
Çheu hiar jeh'n ellan. East of the island.
Çheu hoal jeh'n awin. Over the river.
Ççheu hoal jeh'n raad. Across the way.
Çheu hoal jeh'n raad. Over the way.
Çheu hoal jeh'n theihll shoh. The beyond.
Çheu veealloo jeh'n dorrys echey. Before his door.
Cheusthie jeh'n thie. Within the house.
Chlish eh neese jeh'n chaair. He started from his chair.
Chum eh dooinney beg jeh'n chray. He formed a little man out of the clay.
Cooid jeh'n raad. Part of the way.
Corocklyn jeh'n choloayrtys. Scraps of the conversation.
Cre ta ny towshanyn jeh'n thie? What are the measurements of the house?
Cre yiow jeh'n chayt agh y crackan echey? What will you get from the cat but its skin?
Cre'n laa jeh'n chiaghtin t'eh? What day of the week is it?
Cre'n laa jeh'n vee t'eh. What's the date today?
Cre'n laa jeh'n vee t'eh? What day of the month is this?
Cur jeh'n dorrys. Fob off.
Cur skeab jeh'n locker er. Run the plane over it.
Dagh ooilley ayrn jeh'n phobble. All sections of the population.
Deiney jeh'n sorch shoh. These kind of men.
Denee mee jeh'n dooinney cre'n naight? I asked the man, what news?
Dty screeuyn jeh'n çheyoo-jeig. Your favour of the sixteenth.
Dy aaventyn jeh'n vluckan jiarg. To cannon off the red.
Dy immeeaght jeh'n raad yiarn. To leave the rails.
Dy irree jeh'n voayrd. To leave the table.
Dy lhie mooie jeh'n thalloo. To bear of from the land.
Dy scarrey un chorneil jeh'n vagher lesh faal. To fence of one corner of a field.
Dy yingey jeh'n phemmad. To crowd off the pavement.
Ec yn çheu hoal jeh'n çhamyr. At the farther end of the room.
Er çheu yn astee jeh'n ellan. Under the lee of the island.
Er y çheu hoal jeh'n vayr. Across the road.
Er y chied laa jeh'n Arree. On the first of February.
Er y chied laa jeh'n vee as veih shen magh. On and after the first of the month.
Er y wheigoo laa jeh'n vee shoh. On the fifth instant.
Famman y yannoo çheu mooie jeh'n thie jalloo. Line up for the cinema.
Feeyn jeh'n chied reih. Choice wine.
Fer jeh'n ennym Quilliam. A party of the name of Quilliam.
Fer jeh'n veggan dy 'lieh ta enney echey er. One of the few people he knows.
Fer mooar jeh'n phobble. Public character.
Fo daa veeilley jeh'n valley. Within two miles of the town.
Focklyn jeh'n vree shen. Words to that effect.
Geddyn baase jeh'n aggle. Half dead with fright.
Ghlen eh yn ollish jeh'n eddin echey. He mopped his brow.
Ghlen mee y laagh jeh'n ghleashtan. I got the mud off the car.
Ghow eh yn chied ayrn jeig jeh'n argid. He took the eleventh part of the money.
Ghow mee greim jeh'n laue eck. I took her hand.
Ghow mee soylley jeh'n jinnair aym. I enjoyed my dinner.
Gleashtan jeh'n teih. Quality car.
Gleashtan jeh'n vlein 1920. Car of 1920 vintage.
Gow çheu ny geayee jeh'n chreg. Work to windward of the rock.
Gow greim jeh'n voddey rish minnid. Hang on to the dog for a minute.
Gys ny king s'odjey magh jeh'n theihll. To the utmost ends of the earth.
Haink ad neose jeh'n clieau. They descended the hill.
Haink eh lhiam dy ve m'oltey jeh'n chlub. I got into the club.
Haink mee ayns eiraght jeh'n chair. I came in to the property.
Haink nyn screeuyn jeh'n cherroo laa. Your favour of the first instant to hand.
Haink y lhong jeh'n chreg. The ship came off the rock.
Hannee eh magh jeh'n chaggey. He kept out of the war.
Hannee y baatey magh jeh'n thalloo. The boat kept off the land.
Harlheim eh jeh'n chabbyl. He climbed down from the horse.
Hed eh er seyrey jeh'n cherr. He will get off the charge.
Heeyn yn clane twoaie jeh'n ellan roin. The whole north of the island lay before us.
Hiauill eh gys ny king s'odjey magh jeh'n theihll. He sailed to the ends of the earth.
Hie mee tammylt jeh'n raad er chosh. I went part of the distance on foot.
Hooar ad skyoll dy skeddan riyr mooie jeh'n Gheaylin. They got a lot of herring last night off the Shoulder.
Hooar ad y lhong jeh'n Cholloo. They got the ship off the Calf.
Hooar ee baase jeh'n ghraue. She died of grief.
Hooar eh paart jeh'n chair. He came in for some of the property.
Hooar mee bhutt jeh'n voalley. I steadied myself against the wall.
Hug eh magh yn çheu yiarg jeh'n chrackan echey. He was raving and storming.
Hug eh mee jeh'n vuilley aym. It put me off.
Idd jeh'n fashan s'noa. The last word in hats.
Jannoo ardeailley jeh'n varriaght ain. Celebrating our victory.
Jeeck eh yn ayrn echeysyn jeh'n argid. He contributed his share of the money.
Kione hoal jeh'n eayst. The far side of the moon.
Lhiennoo jeh'n un chennar. Twins of the one birth.
Lioaryn jeh'n lheid shen. Books of that character.
Marrinagh jeh'n chied vrastyl. Leading seaman.
Marrinagh jeh'n nah vrastyl. Able seaman.
Marrinagh jeh'n trass brastyl. Ordinary seaman.
Meer jeh'n vagher. Part of the field.
My chooid jeh'n theihll. My all.
Myn-choontey jeh'n skeeal. Detailed account of the story.
Nane jeh ny yindyssyn jeh'n theihll. One of the wonders of the world.
Nane jeh'n sleih. One of the crowd.
Ny chied cosoylaghtyn jeh'n Ouyir. The first touches of Autumn.
Ny fir vooarey jeh'n lhing. The great men of the age.
Ny kiare raiee jeh'n vlein. The four seasons of the year.
Orraghey jeh'n leoaie. Cast of the lead,
Quallian jeh'n chied seiy. Pup of the first litter.
Red beg çheu hoal jeh'n droghad. A little past the bridge.
Reddyn jeh'n lheid. Such things.
Reggyryn jeh'n çhioltane. Few of the flock.
Ren eh dean jeh'n eab. He converted the try.
Ren eh doarn jeh'n laue echey. He clenched his fist.
Ren eh mooar jeh'n voddey. He thought a lot of the dog.
Ren eh soo dy vie jeh'n lioar. He made good use of the book.
Ren yn aile jannoo tholtan jeh'n thie. The fire gutted the house.
Sambyl jeh'n obbyr aym. A piece of my work.
Screeb jeh'n penn. Stroke of the pen.
Screeb jeh'n phenney. Scrape of the pen.
She'n chooid s'aitt jeh'n skeeal eh dy row eh echey hannah. The joke is that he already had it.
Sheear yeeragh jeh'n Cholloo. Due west of the Calf of Mann.
Shiauill çheu hwoaie jeh'n ellan. Sail north of the island.
Shiauill my hwoaie jeh'n ellan. Sail north of the island.
Sleih elley jeh'n cheint shen. Others of that ilk.
Sleih jeh'n çheeloghe shen. People of that age.
Sleih jeh'n çheeloghe shen. People of that generation.
Sliss jeh'n junt. A cut off the joint.
Son y chooid smoo jeh'n laa. For the better part of the day.
Sy chooid hoshee jeh'n lioar. Early in the book.
Sy chooid hoshee jeh'n traen. In the front part of the train.
Syn ard shen jeh'n valley. In that quarter of the town.
T'ad jeh'n un eash. They are of an age.
T'ad soiaghey beg jeh'n vea. They hold life cheap.
T'ee geddyn baase jeh'n ghortey. She is starving to death.
T'eh cur cooinaghtyn orrym jeh'n ayr echey. He puts me in mind of his father.
T'eh fer jeh'n çhenn lhing. He's one of the old guard.
T'eh fer jeh'n chynney ain. He is one of our brood.
T'eh goaill kiarail jeh'n thie. He's taking care of the house.
T'eh jannoo e chooid hene jeh'n lioar. He is assimilating the book.
T'eh jeh'n çheel shen. He is one of that family.
T'eh ny ghooinney jeh'n ockle echey. He is a man of his word.
T'eh ny henn ghooinney seyr Manninagh jeh'n çhenn jannoo. He is a fine old Manx gentleman.
T'eh ny oltey jeh'n Çheshaght Ghailckagh. He belongs to the Manx Gaelic Society.
T'eh ny speilt jeh'n çhenn villey. He is a chip off the old block.
T'eshyn y crootagh jeh'n boirey. He is the creator of the trouble.
Ta 'neen echey jeh'n eash ayd. He has a daughter your age.
Ta aggle orrym jeh'n annym aym. I go in fear of my life.
Ta bee jeh'n lheid feer neu follan. Such food is very unwholesome.
Ta breck-oallys jeh'n Ghaelg aym. I have a smattering of Manx.
Ta cooid jeh'n chiart ayd. There is something in what you say.
Ta cooid vie jeh'n theihll echey. He has a tidy fortune.
Ta mee goaill kiarail jeh'n lhiannoo. I am minding the child.
Ta mee jeh'n sluight jeeragh jeh'n dooinney shen. I am a direct descendant of that man.
2Ta mee jeh'n un aigney lhiat. I think like you.
Ta ny paitchyn shoh jeh'n chlein. These children form part of the tribe.
Ta paart jeh'n chiartys echey. He is right to a certain extent.
Ta tushtey mooar jeh'n Ghaelg echey. He has a great understanding of Manx.
Ta'd ooilley paart jeh'n chroo. They are all part of the creation.
Ta'n chooid s'messey jeh'n sterrym harrish. The worst of the storm is over.
Ta'n eaddagh eck jeh'n un daah. Her clothes are very plain.
Ta'n gleashtan çheu mooie jeh'n dorrys. The car is standing at the door.
Ta'n lhong ard jeh'n thalloo. The ship is far off.
Ta'n Spaainey my yiass jeh'n Rank. Spain lies south of France.
Ta'n sneg jeh'n dorrys. The door is unlocked.
Ta'n thie çheu hoal jeh'n cheeill. The house is beyond the church.
Trog eh shen jeh'n laare. Pick that up off the floor.
Trog yn poht jeh'n aile. Take the pot off the fire.
V'eh currit jeh'n choorse echey liorish y gheay. He was driven off his course by the wind.
V'eh currit jeh'n theihll. He was launched into eternity.
Va eaddagh jeh'n sheeidey doo urree. She wore a black silk.
Va ny bulladyn girree jeh'n voalley. The bullets went spitting against the wall.
Va shen coontey mie jeh'n Albin. That was a good description of Scotland.
Va'n ushtey deayrtey neose jeh'n chlea. The water was pouring from the roof.
Veih kione dys kione jeh'n lhong. From end to end of the ship.
Vel oo jannoo ymmyd jeh'n skynn ayd? Are you using your knife?
Ver shoh toiggalys da jeh'n danjeyr. This will awaken him to the danger.
Y nah cur magh jeh'n lioar. The second edition of the book.
Ymmodee jeh'n sleih. Many of the people.
Yn çheu aggairagh jeh'n raad. The wrong side of the road.
Yn çheu elley jeh'n cronk. The far side of the hill.
Yn çheu share jeh'n skeeal. The bright side of things.
Yn çheu shoh wass jeh'n oaye. This side of Jordan.
Yn chied laa jeh'n vee. The first of the month.
Yn chooid smoo jeh'n sleih. The great bulk of the people.
Yn chooid smoo jeh'n traa. For the most part.
Yn coyrt oikoil jeh'n troggal. The official handover of the building.
Yn cummey shoh jeh'n lioar. This version of the book.
Yn daa heu jeh'n skeeal. The pros and cons.
Yn derrey lieh jeh'n skeeal. The latter half of the story.
Yn fer s'lhiurey jeh'n troor. The biggest fellow of the tree.
Yn fer shinney jeh'n lught thie. The senior member of the household.
Yn kiart doobyl jeh'n fer elley. The exact duplicate of the other.
Yn kione heese jeh'n voayrd. The lower end of the table.
Yn kione heose jeh'n voayrd. The upper end of the table.
Yn kishtey y ghoaill neose jeh'n skelloo. Lift the box down from the shelf.
Yn leagh jeh'n traa t'ayn. Present value.
Yn loayreyder dooghyssagh jerrinagh jeh'n Ghaelg. The last native speaker of Manx.
Yn sleih anwooiagh jeh'n ellan. The discontented spirits of the island.

lesh y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

By hrimshey lesh yn ree. The king was sorry.
C'red t'ou keeayllaghey lesh yn ockle shoh? What do you intend by this word?
Cha laik lesh yn sleih eh. He is disliked.
Cha n'oddym jannoo lesh yn feayraght. I cannot stand the cold.
Cha nel eh er covuilley lesh y chooid elley. He is out of time with the rest.
Çhing lesh y çhiassaghey. Stricken with fever.
Chionnee mee thalloo lesh yn argid. I used the money to buy land.
Cluic y ghoaill lesh yn ree. Take a trick with the king.
Dagh ooilley red lesh yn red elley. All in all.
Dooinney broddey lesh yn tree feed. A man in the late fifties.
Dy der lesh yn jouyll oo! Go to the deuce!
Dy gholl ayns commeeys lesh yn chooid elley. To stand in with the others.
Dy gholl lesh y bieauid. To go express.*
Dy gholl lesh y noid. To bear down on the enemy.
Dy gholl lesh yn 'aasagh. To run to waste.
Dy gholl lesh yn reeastanid. To run to waste.
Dy hannaghtyn lesh yn irriney. To stick to facts.
Dy heet lesh y noid. To bear down on the enemy.
Dy hiaulley lesh yn choose. To coast along.
Dy imman stiagh lesh y chassan. To hug the kerb.
Dy irree lesh y ghrian. To rise with the lark.
Dy lhie stiagh lesh yn thalloo. To stand in to land.
Dys niurin lesh yn costys. Hang the expense.*
Er oaie lesh y daunse! On with the dance!
Ersooyl lesh y gheay. Gone with the wind.
Gimmeeaght lesh y gheay. Driving before the wind.
Goll lesh y twoaie. Going northwards.
Goll mygeayrt lesh y thammag. Going about with the wren-bush.
Gow kiarail lesh y shugyr. Go easy with the sugar.*
Gys yn Jouyll lesh y leagh! Blow the expense!
Haink ad thie lesh y vooilley orroo. They came home with the blessing.
Haink eh lesh y gheay. He dropped from the clouds.
Haink eh thie lesh yn laa. He came home at daybreak.
Hed eh lesh y niaghyn. It will wash out.
Hed yn broogh lesh yn stroo. The riverbank will be washed away.
Hie eh dy jeeragh lesh y voayrd. He made a bee-line for the table.
Hie eh lesh y thie. He directed his steps towards the house.
Hoshee mee dy snaue lesh y traie. I struck out for the shore.
Hug eh e oaie lesh yn awin. He faced the river.
Hug eh lesh y chooish gys Jee. He put the matter in the hands of God.
Hug eh lesh yn folliaght echey da'n oaie. His secret died with him.
Jannoo suggane lesh y choar. Making suggane with the twister.
Jimmee eh lesh yn argid. He ran off with the money.
Lhig y laare lesh y trimmid. The floor yielded under the weight.
Markiagh lesh y vullagh. Jockeying for position.
Marroo lesh yn chadley. Heavy with sleep.
Neeym lhiggey lesh y cheayrt shoh. I'll be indulgent this time.
Quoi by lesh yn thie? Whose was the house?
Ren ad ooilley gleashagh lesh y dorrys. There was a general movement towards the door.
Ren ee lesh yn aigney share 'sy theihll eh. She did it with the best intentions in the world.
Roie eh lesh yn annym echey. He ran for dear life.
Roie lesh y gheay. Sailing before the wind.
S'mie lesh toghtaney tudjeen lesh y lhune echey. He likes to smoke a cigarette with his beer.
Saagh roie lesh y gheay. Vessel running free.
Sheear hwoaie lesh y twoaie. North-west by west.
Shegin dooin goaill y mie lesh y tie. We must take the ill with the good.
Sou goll lesh y gheay. Mist going with the wind.
T'ad lesh y charr. They are in tune.
T'ad myrane lesh y cheilley. They are as one.
T'ee lhiggey lesh y stiur. She is yielding to the helm.
T'eh goit seose dy bollagh lesh yn obbyr echey. He is absorbed in his work.
T'eh jannoo lesh y daeed. He is going on for forty.
T'eh jannoo lesh yn lieh-cheead. He is going fifty.
T'eh lesh y choonid. It's rather narrow.
T'eh lesh yn anmys. It is growing late.
T'eh lhiggey eh hene lesh y troa. He is letting himself drift.
T'eh ny lhie lesh y çhiassaghey. He is down with the fever.
T'eh ooilley lesh y vie. It's all to the good.
T'eh sheeyney lesh y vayr. It borders the road.
T'eh tuittym ass y cheilley lesh yn litcherys. He is mouldering in idleness.
Ta beoyn er yn ushtey dy roie lesh yn inshley. Water has a tendency to run towards a lower place.
Ta mee ergooyl lesh yn obbyr. I am behind with the work.
Ta ny sleityn sheeyney magh lesh y twoaie. The hills sweep away to the north.
Ta shin ayns hobbyl agglagh lesh y staartey shoh. We are in terrible difficulties with this job.
Ta'n raad goll lesh y yesh. The road strikes of to the right.
Ta'n snaid dy kinjagh sheeyney lesh yn twoaie. The needle always points north.
Ta'n uinnag jeeaghyn lesh y twoaie. The window faces north.
Thie as e eddin lesh y niar. House facing the east.
Thie as e oaie lesh y jiass. House facing south.
V'eh soilshean lesh y eunys v'er. He was beaming with delight.
V'eh sthie lesh yn ard-er. He had the bosses ear.
Va'n kione echey lhieent lesh yn obbyr. He was giving all his attention to the work.
Vaih mee yn coraa echey lesh yllagh. I shouted him down.

mysh y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Chruinnee ad mysh y loayreyder. They packed round the speaker.
Cur yn tead mysh y vollad. Put the rope around the bollard.
Ren yn aarnieu chionney mysh y chonning. The snaked closed round the rabbit.
T'eh mysh yn lieh-cheead. He is somewhere about fifty.
T'eh mysh yn obbyr echey. He is about his work.

rish y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Ayns cordailys rish yn leigh. In accordance with the law.
Baatey ta shiaulley rish y choose. Boat that follows the coast.
Bayr ta sheeynt rish yn awin. Road that runs along the river.
Bulladyn y skeaylley rish y noid. Pepper the enemy with bullets.
Cadjoor rish dooinney loayrt rish y gheay. Like a man talking to the wind.
Cha nel eh corrym rish yn staartey. It is not adequate for the job.
Cha nel eh heose rish y Ghaelg. He is ignorant of Manx.
Cha nel mee cliaghtit rish yn obbyr. I am strange to the work.
Cha nel mee corrym rish y cheim echeysyn. I am not up to his standard.
Cha nel mee goaill rish y reiltys. I do not recognize the government.
Cha nel mee lowal rish y fer aeg shen. I do not approve of that young man.
Cha nel shen bentyn rish y cheisht. That is immaterial to the question.
Cha nel shen bentyn rish y chooish. That's beside the point.
Cha nel shen bentyn rish y skeeal. That's outside the question.
Cha nel yn ennym echey heese rish y thie. The house does not stand in his name.
Chagg ad rish y cheilley. They fought with each other.
Çheet seose rish yn obbyr. Clearing off arrears of work.
Cho creoi rish y darragh. As hard as oak.
Coardail rish y reaghey dy jig eh. On the understanding that he comes.
Corrym rish y dorrys. Flush with the door.
Corrym rish y share. Equal to the best.
Corrym rish y thalloo. Level with the ground.
Cosoylley y yannoo rish y sampleyr roie. Draw a parallel with the previous example.
Croghey rish y voalley. Hanging on the wall.
Cruink ghlassey rish y cheayn. Green hills beside the sea.
Cruink veggey rish y cheayn. Little hills by the sea.
Cur ny hassoo rish yn voalley. Prop against the wall.
Cur rish yn staartey. Attack the job.
Cur y kiebbey ny hassoo rish y voalley. Stand the spade against the wall.
Deaisht eh rish yn Erin. He attended Mass.
Dooyrt yn jerrey rish yn jeh elley. The second said to the first.
Dy chliaghtey ny deiney rish y chiass. To condition the men to the heat.
Dy chur yn ordaag rish y troin gys. To cock a snook at.
Dy eaishtagh rish yn erin. To hear mass.
Dy hannaght rish y thalloo. To stand close in.
Dy hassoo dy gloo rish y voalley. To stand jam up against the wall.
Dy hiaulley rish y traie. To sail alongshore.
Eaisht rish yn dooinney. Listen to the man.
Ellan ta sheeynt rish y çheer vooar. Island that ranges along the mainland.
Gyn reir rish y cheilley. Out of proportion.
Haink shin neese rish yn çheu eck. We came alongside.
Haink yn lhong rish y cheiy. The ship berthed.
Hannee shin 'sy thie oast rish yn oie. We put up at the hotel for the night.
Hass shin eddin ry eddin rish y noid. We confronted the enemy.
Hayrn mee caair stiagh rish yn aile. I drew up a chair to the fire.
Heose rish yn traa t'ayn. Abreast of the times.
Hie eh rish y cheird. He took up the trade.
Hie eh rish yn leigh. He went into the legal profession.
Hie eh rish yn ynsaghey. He went in for teaching.
Hug eh rish yn lheeys rish feed vlein. He practised medicine for twenty years.
Hug eh yn ordaag rish y troin echey rhym. He made a long nose at me.
Jannoo cagliagh rish y vooir. Bounded by the sea.
Kiongoyrt rish yn ree. In the presence of the king.
Kyndagh rish yn emshir. Due to the weather.
Lhiant rish y vayr shoh. Follow the road.
Lhie eh stiagh rish y voalley. He flattened himself against the wall.
Lhong y heeyney rish y chey. Lay a ship alongside the quay.
Lioar bentyn rish y Ghaelg. Book dealing with Manx.
Loayrym rish yn cleih. I will address the people.
Neeym shassoo rish yn uinnag. I'll stand by the window.
Ny benn rish y gleashtan. Don't fiddle with the car.
Ny benn rish yn sleih shen. Have nothing to do with those gentry.
Ogher ta freggyrtagh rish y ghlass. Key that fits the lock.
Rea rish yn ushtey. Level with the water.
Red y hroggal rish y toilshey. Hold a thing up to the light.
Ren eh eh hene ainjyssagh rish y thalloo shoh. He made himself familiar with Manx.
Scarr eh rish yn oik. He laid down the post.
Scarr eh rish yn oik. He relinquished the post.
Screeu eh e ennym rish y docamad. He set his hand to the document.
T'ad gleck rish y noid. They are at grips with the enemy.
T'eh çheet stiagh rish yn red elley. It falls in with the other thing.
T'eh corrym rish yn staartey echey. He is up to his job.
T'eh er ny eeck coardail rish yn traa. He is paid by time.
T'eh heose rish yn obbyr echey. He is up to date with his work.
T'eh kianglt rish yn obbyr echey. He is tied down with his work.
T'eh oayllagh rish y valley. He knows his way about the town.
T'eh poost rish y ven nish. He is married to the woman now.
T'eh sheeyney rish y raad. It verges on the road.
Ta biljyn rish yn awin. There are trees along the river.
Ta cooyl y thie rish y raad mooar. The house backs on the high-road.
Ta dt'ennym rish y screeuyn. The letter bears your signature.
Ta enney aym er rish ymmodee yn laa foddey. I know him from old.
Ta mee cliaghtit rish y chiass nish. I am acclimatized to the heat now.
Ta mee cur shen rish yn eash echey. I put that down to his age.
Ta mee my hassoo rish y ghiat. I am standing by the gate.
Ta mee slane oayllagh rish yn danjeyr. I am fully aware of the danger.
Ta shin corrym rish y cheilley. We are quits.
Ta shin dellal rish y cholught shen. We do business with that firm.
Ta shin dellal rish y vanc shen. We bank there.
Ta'n baatey rish y cheiy ayns Doolish. The boat is alongside the quay in Douglas.
Ta'n fer shen corrym rish y fer elley. That fellow is equal to the other.
Ta'n linney A kern-jeeragh rish y linney B. The line A is perpendicular to line B.
Ta'n oaie echey rish y cheayn. It faces towards the sea.
Ta'n slieau reirey rish y cheayn. The mountain reaches to the sea.
Ta'n thie ain er un linney rish yn nah hie. Our house ranges with the next building.
Ta'n thie dy baghtal ry akin rish y cheyll. The house stands out against the wood.
Trooid stiagh rish yn aile. Come on up to the fire.
Va ny cassyn echey rish yn aile. He had his feet to the fire.
Va'n çheu eck rish y traie. She was broadside on to the shore.
Va'n eddin eck lhiantyn rish yn uinnag. Her face was glued to the window.
Yn thalloo sheeynt rish y chooid ayms. The land adjoining mine.


Ashoonyn ta caggey rish y cheilley. Warring nations.
Cha nel yn daa heiltynys shen corrym rish y cheilley. Those two suppositions don't agree.
Cullyryn neuchosoylagh rish y cheilley. Contrasting colours.
Ny lioaryn y chur ayns coardailys rish y cheilley. Agree the books.
T'ad anchasley rish y cheilley. They are different.
T'ad caggey rish y cheilley. They fighting each other.
T'ad casley rish y cheilley. They are the same shape.
T'ad corrym rish y cheilley. They are on equal terms.
T'ad croghey rish y cheilley. They cling together.
T'ad feer vooar rish y cheilley. They are very fond of each other.
Scarr mish as eshyn rish y cheilley. He and I separated.
T'ad neuchoardail rish y cheilley. They differ from each other.
T'ad oayllagh rish y cheilley. They are acquainted with each other.
T'ad screeu rish y cheilley. They communicate with each other by letter.
T'ad streeu rish y cheilley. They are at strife.
Ta e chione as e chassyn bentyn rish y cheilley. He is bent double.
Trooraneyn ta corrym rish y cheilley. Triangles equal to each other.
V'ad caggey rish y cheilley. They were at war with each other.
V'ad caggey rish y cheilley. They were fighting with each other.

harrish y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Bare lhiam y fer toshee harrish y fer s'jerree. I prefer the former to the latter.
Boallagh ad cur er yn ollagh dy naue harrish y Cheeyllys. They used to swim the cattle across the Sound.
Cabbyl y chur harrish y lheim. Put a horse over the fence.
Çheeraghyn harrish yn aarkey. Foreign parts.
Dunnallys harrish yn chadjin. Conspicuous gallantry.
Dy heet harrish y chashtal jerree. To poop a ship.
Ghrapp eh harrish y voalley. He climbed over the wall.
Harrish y chagliagh. Out of bounds.
Harrish y cheayn. Over the sea.
Harrish y chione. Above value.
Harrish yn oayllys ain. Beyond our ken.
Harrish yn oayllys aym. Out of my range.
Hie ad ass keim harrish y droghad. They broke step over the bridge.
Hug y fliaghey yn awin harrish y broogh eck. The rain flooded the river.*
Huitt eh harrish y droghad. He fell over the bridge.
Lheim eh harrish yn awin. He leaped over the river.
Ny çheeraghyn harrish yn aarkey. The countries beyond the seas.
Ren ny tonnyn skeabey harrish y lout. The waves washed over the deck.
Share lhiam y fer toshee harrish y fer s'jerree. I prefer the former to the latter.
T'ee harrish y cheim. She's dead and buried.
T'eh harrish y cheym nish. He's in the graveyard now.
T'eh harrish yn eash. He is over age.
Ta cron harrish yn eddin echey. He has a scar across his face.
Ta droghad harrish yn awin. A bridge spans the river.
Ta'n thalloo ain sheeyney harrish yn awin. Our land extends beyond the river.
Yn gleashtan y chur harrish yn awin. Ferry the car across the river.
Yn shapp harrish yn raad. The shop opposite.

liorish y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Bodjalyn er nyn imman liorish y gheay. Clouds driven before the wind.
Caglit liorish y vooir. Bounded by the sea.
Cur eh liorish y fer elley. Put it beside the other one.
Dy chur er cabbyl dy hassoo liorish yn streean. To rein up a horse.*
Dy gheddyn baase liorish y cliwe. To fall by the sword.*
Hoie eh eh hene liorish y dorrys. He positioned himself by the door.
Liorish y vun. By all accounts.
Liorish yn loaghtid jeh. By the feel of it.
Liorish yn raad. By the way.
Liorish yn traa shoh. By this time.
Skeabit ersooyl liorish yn tidey. Washed away by the tide.*
Ta mee fakin liorish yn eddin ayd dy ren oo coayl. I gather from your face that you lost.
V'eh currit jeh'n choorse echey liorish y gheay. He was driven off his course by the wind.

marish y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Shegin dooin goaill ny eairkyn marish y çheh. We must take the rough with the smooth.
V'ad marish y cheilley. They were in each other's company.
V'eh gobbragh marish yn armee. He was attached to the army.
Va mee jannoo arrey ny hoie marish yn dooinney çhing. I was sitting up with the sick man.

roish y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Blein roish y Vayrnt shoh chaie. A year last March.
Dy lhie roish y phobble. To lie in state.
Garey roish yn thie. Front garden.
Hig eh roish y whaiyl mairagh. It will come before the court tomorrow.
Hooar eh baase roish yn traa. He met an early death.
Hooar eh lhieggey olk kiart roish y Nollick. He had a bad fall just before Christmas.
Immeeaght roish y raad. Careering along the road.
Insh eh da roish yn eddin echey. Tell him it to his face.
Lhong immeeaght roish y gheay. Ship impelled by the wind.
Ny lhie roish y chonaant shoh. Subject to this condition.
Roish y chroan. Before the mast.
Roish y phobble. In the limelight.
Roish y vadran. Before daylight.
Roish yn aile. In front of the fire.
Roish yn dooinney. Ahead of the man.
Roish yn immeeaght aym. Previous to my departure.
Roish yn toshiaght. On the bow.
Rosh eh queig minnidyn roish y traa. He arrived five minutes too early.
Ruggyr roish yn traa. Premature birth.
T'ou beggan roish y traa. You are a bit too previous.
Ta failt vooar roish yn argid shoh. This money is most welcome.
Ta'n mayl echey eeckit roish yn traa. He is beforehand with the rent.
Tra ta'n eayst girree roish yn laa. When the moon rises before the day.
Va gleashtan roish y thie. There was a car in front of the house.
Yn chiuney roish yn dorrin. The hush before the storm.
Yn fer roish yn fer jerrinagh. The last one but.
Yn laa roish y caggey. On the eve of the battle.
Yn obbyr roish y chaglym. The business before the meeting.
Yn oie roish y caggey. On the eve of the battle.

voish 'n, y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Blein voish y traa t'ayn nish. This time next year.
Dy lhiggey orraghyn voish yn çheu. To fire a broadside.
Failt voish y chree. Open hearted welcome.
Failt voish y chree. Warm hearted welcome.
Haink eh slane voish y lhongvrishey. He was save from the wreck.
Hooar eh eaishtaght voish y Paab. He had an audience with the Pope.
Hooar shin screeuyn voish y vanc. We had a communication from the bank.
Jeeagh er voish yn corneil shoh. Look at it from this angle.
Jeeragh voish y scoill. Fresh from school.
Jeir nagh daink voish y chree. Perfunctory tear.
T'eh beaghey voish y laue dys y veeal. He earns a bare living.
Va immeeaght ayn voish y çhamyr. There was an exodus from the room.
Voish y vadran gys yn astyr. The livelong day.

veih 'n

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Aittys veih'n chree. Unforced mirth.
Arrys veih'n chree. True repentance.
Booise veih'n chree. Warm thanks.
Claghyn tuittit veih'n voalley. Stones dislodged from the wall.
Coadee mee veih'n noid. Protect me from the enemy.
Coraa veih'n traie hoal. Voice from beyond the grave.
Credjue veih'n chree. Implicit faith.
Dy gholl er laghyn seyrey veih'n ollooscoill. To go down from university.
Dy jeeragh veih'n stoyr. Ex warehouse.
Dy scarrey veih'n chass. To fly off the handle.
Ec kione tree meeghyn veih'n date shoh. Three months after date.
Ersooyl veih'n dorrys. Pass down the car!
Fer kiaullee veih'n chlean. Born musician.
Geay veih'n thalloo. Off-shore wind.
Haink eh myr eiraght da veih'n ayr echey. It descended from his father to him.
Haink eh myr taarnagh veih'n speyr. It came like a bolt from the blue.
Hie yn groamid veih'n eddin echey. His face cleared.
Kay ghruightoilagh veih'n ooir girree seose. Dewy fog rising from the earth.
Lhagraghyn veih'n Eear-Vooir. Depressions from the Atlantic.
Lhune veih'n varril. Beer from the wood.
Nee shen freayll y toshiagh joarey veih'n dorrys. That will keep the wolf from the door.
Scrutaghey veih'n chione gys y thalloo. Look up and down.
Seyr veih'n lowanse. Off the ration.
She Sostynagh veih'n chlean eh. He is a pukka Englishman.
Sheeyn neose eh veih'n skelloo. Pass it down from the shelf.
T'ad cheet veih'n chelg. They are coming from the hunt.
T'ee seyr veih'n ghraih. She's fancy free.
T'eh ny Vanninagh veih'n chlean. He is Manx by birth.
T'eh veih'n ard shen. He is from that area.
T'ou foddey veih'n chiart. You are a long way out.
Ta enney aym er veih'n traa v'eh aeg. I have known him from a boy.
Ta mee gaggyrt seyrsnys veih'n cheesh shen. I am claiming exemption from that tax.
Tar neose veih'n chlea shen! Climb down from that roof!
Tar stiagh veih'n fliaghey. Come in out of the rain.
Thie ta sthie veih'n bayr. House standing back from the road.
V'eh neufeeu veih'n toshiaght. It was worthless from the word go.
Va'n derrey yeh oc lheamys veih'n jeh elley. The one was different from the other.
Va'n skeeal echey goll veih'n Tauin gys y Voaldyn. His story was long-winded.
Veih'n cheusthie. From within.
Veih'n gheaylin magh. Straight from the shoulder.
Veih'n laa shen magh. From that day forward.
Veih'n laa shoh magh. From this day forward.
Veih'n nah eash jeig neose. From the twelfth century downwards.
Veih'n Rangish. Translated from the French.
Veih'n Tauin magh. From Hollantide.
Veih'n thie. From home.
Veih'n toshiaght. From the first.
Veih'n toshiaght. From the outset.
Veih'n traa shoh magh. From now on.
Veih'n voghrey gys yn oie. From the morning to the night.
Yinnagh eh troggal ny merriu veih'n oaie! It would wake the dead!
Yn agglish y scarrey veih'n stait. Divorce church from state.
Yn nah hie veih'n thie shoh. The next house but one.

erskyn y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Croghey erskyn y chassan. Projecting over the pathway.
Dardjee yn etlan erskyn yn etlan cassee. The 'plane climbed over the helicopter.
Erskyn y dorrys. Up above the door.
Hie eh erskyn y pooar echey. He went beyond his authority.
My chiartyn erskyn y reiltys. My rights as against the government.
Ny hoie erskyn yn aile. Sitting over the fire.
T'ee jeeragh erskyn yn acker. The anchor is apeak.
T'eh erskyn yn lhieh cheead. He is on the wrong side of fifty.
T'eh erskyn yn toiggal aym. It passed my comprehension.
Ta'n cheeill ny lhie erskyn y valley dy ard. The church dominates the town.
Ta'n doon ard erskyn y valley. The fort commands the town.
Ta'n ennym echey erskyn y dorrys. His name is over the door.
Yrjid erskyn y cheayn. Elevation above sea level.

mychione y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Gaggan mychione yn erree oc. Bemoaning their fate.
Hoshee shin dy haggloo mychione y chaggey. We got talking about the war.
Mychione y dooinney shen. In connection with that man.
Ren ee musthaa mychione y dobberan eck. She made a great display of her sorrow.
Ta mee screeu mychione y vaayl. I am writing relative to the rent.
Ta'd coardail nish mychione y chooish. They are agreeable now about the affair.
V'eh loayrt mychione yn tushtey echey. He was airing his knowledge.

son y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Ass dty ghraih gow padjer er son yn annym echey. Of your charity pray for his soul.
Cha nel mee son yn eie. I don't favour the idea.
Cha nel shen deyr son y leagh t'er reddyn nish. That's not dear as things go.
Cur ny sidooryn fo aile son yn chied keayrt. Blooding the troops.
Dy chur stiagh son y Chiare as Feed. To run for the Keys.
Hooar eh baase er son y chooish. He died for the cause.
Hug eh e vioys son y chooish. He died a martyr to the cause.
Hug eh foill er lag-laynt son y voghtynid echey. He set his poverty down to ill health.
Hug eh seose son y Kiare as Feed. He stood for the Keys.
Hug eh stiagh son y reihys as hooar eh y varriaght. He contested the election and won.
Hug mee sheese yn argid son y chapp. I put up the money for the shop.
Lhieenee shoh yn varney son y traa t'ayn. This will bridge the gap temporarily.
My ta A shassoo son y vieauid. If A represents the speed.
Son y chied red, t'eh ro vie dy ve firrinagh. For one thing it is to good to be true.
Son y chooid smoo. In the main.
Son y chooid smoo jeh'n laa. For the better part of the day.
Son y traa t'ayn. For the time being.
T'ad er nyn dwoaie er son y lhong. They are on their look out for the ship.
T'ad nyn Manninee son y chooid smoo. They are mostly Manx.
T'eh mooar son yn eash echey. He is big for his age.
Ta cooieys mie echey son y jough. He carries his liquor well.
V'eh currit son yn agglish. He was intended for the ministry.
Yeeagh eh er son y traa s'jerree. He looked his last on it.
Yn dooinney va son y scaa da. The man who was passing himself off as a ghost.

cour y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr


fud y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Chur shin fud y cheilley ad. We set them at variance.
Dy chur clou fud y cheilley. To squabble type.
Dy ve ceaut fud yn thie. To lie kicking about the house.
Dy ve fud y cheilley. To be in a maze.
Fud y cheilley. In disorder.
Hea ad fud y cheilley. They fled in disorder.
Hug eh fud y cheilley ad. They are at variance.
Hug eh mee fud y cheilley. It put me out.
Hug shen fud y cheilley eh! That beggared it!
Ooilley fud y cheilley. All at sixes and sevens.
T'ee ooilley fud y cheilley. She's all in a muddle.
T'eh ry akin er fud yn obbyr echey. It runs through all his work.
Ta mee ooilley fud y cheilley. I am still at sea.
V'ad currit fud y cheilley. They were confounded.
Va'n slane cooish currit fud y cheilley. The whole affair was dislocated.

lurg y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Cha nel Manninagh rieau creeney derrey'n laa lurg y vargee. A Manxman is never wise until the day after the market.
Dy imman cabbil lurg y cheilley. To drive tandem.
Hrog ad bass-voylley lurg yn oraid echey. His speech was applauded.
Lurg y cheilley. After one another.
Lurg yn vea shoh. When all is said and done.
Ta sailjys feer vie lurg y Nollick. Plain fare is very nice after Christmas.
Va'n Manninagh rieau yn laa lurg y vargey. The Manxman was always the day after the fair.


Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Cha nel mee mastey'n sleih* chredjys ooilley chluinnys ad. I am not one of those who believe all they hear.
Dy gholl mastey'n sleih. To mix with the crowd.
Mastey dagh yindys dy jagh rieau er fakin. Among every wonder that was ever seen.
Mastey'n chionnal. In the crowd.
Mastey'n sleih mooarey. In high quarters.
Mastey'n ving. Within the committee.
T'ee mestey mastey'n ooashlaght. She is moving in high society.


Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Cre'n reayrtys ta noi'n thie. Which way does the house look?
Cur eh kiart noi'n voalley. Put it flat against the wall.
Drappal yn raad dy moal noi'n chronk. Pulling slowly up the hill.
Dy chur gioal noi'n phairk. To bet against the field.
Gleashaght noi'n noid. Marching against the enemy.
Goll noi'n stroo. Going against the tide.
Gymmyrt noi'n troa. Rowing against the set.
Heid y gheay y fliaghey noi'n uinnag. The wind blew the rain against the window.
Heid y gheay y sniaghtey ayns sheebey noi'n cleigh.* The wind blew the snow against the hedge.
Hie ad noi'n reiltys. They arrayed themselves against the government.
Hoal noi'n scoill. Over against the school.
Hug ad e hoyn noi'n voalley. They brought him to bay.
Noi'n ard-hiamble. Opposite the cathedral.
Noi'n leigh. Contrary to the law.
Noi'n troa. Against the stream.
Queig meeillaghyn as feed noi'n galloon.* Twenty-five miles to the gallon.
Ren eh lutchey noi'n dooinney. He blundered against the man.
Shass noi'n voalley. Stand against the wall.
Shassoo geaylin ry-gheaylin noi'n noid. Presenting an unbroken front to the enemy.
Staayney noi'n jough. Standing firm against drink.
Stroog y kayt noi'n fynney. Stroke the cat backwards.
T'ad cummal noi'n thie ain. They live in front of our house.
T'eh goll dy kinjagh noi'n troa. He is always perverse.
T'eh noi'n chooinsheanse aym. It goes against my conscience.
T'eh noi'n jough. He is opposed to drink.
T'eh noi'n leigh. It is against the law.
T'eh staaynit noi'n jough. He is opposed to drink.
Ta ny Saasilee slane staaynt noi'n jough. The Methodists are completely against drink.
Uinnag ta noi'n gharey. Window that faces the garden.
Uinnagyn ta noi'n traid. Windows that front the street.
Vranse ad y pishin noi'n chreg. They brained the kitten against the rock.

trooid y, yn

Words beginning with t, d, çh, j, are not affected.  But   s - t,  sh - çh,  sl - cl,  str - tr

Begin da croymmey dy gholl trooid yn dorrys. He had to stoop to go through the doorway.
Billey y raipey trooid yn Kiare as Feed*. To race a bill through the Keys.*
Cabbyl y chur trooid yn immeeaght echey. Put a horse through his paces.
Cur eh trooid yn phost. Send it through the post.
Cur trooid y wyllin. Put through paces.
Dy loayrt trooid yn troin. To speak through the nose.
Er lhiam dy jagh eh trooid y dhull. I don't believe your boast.
Ghow shin fastee trooid yn sheidey. We sheltered during the blow.*
Giarrey thiollane trooid y clieau. Driving a tunnel through the mountain.
Jimmee eh trooid yn cheer. He passed through the country.
Joltaghey trooid y ghlion. Weaving along the valley.
Kiaddit trooid yn ardcheeayll echey. Created by his genius.
Raip sterrym trooid yn valley. A storm swept the town.
Ren mee my raad trooid yn sleih. I threaded my way through the crowd.
Ren mee saih trooid y çhionnal. I bored my way through the crowd.
Roie eh trooid yn aigney aym. It crossed my mind.
Shleiy trooid yn lhiattee echey. A spear through his side.
Ta'n awin roie trooid y lheeannee. The river flows through the meadow.
Ta'n smooinaght goll trooid yn aigney aym. The thought fills my mind.
Trooid y phost. By post.
Trooid yn argid t'ain. By means of the money we have.
V'eh guilliney raad da hene trooid y çhionnal. He was elbowing his way through the crowd.
Yiar eh dy bollagh trooid yn roih echey. It cut clean through his arm.
Yiare eh raad da hene trooid y çhionnal. He forced his way through the crowd.
Yiarr eh raad da hene trooid yn sleih. He pushed his way through the people.