An index compiled by A. J. Pilgrim from the work of Rev. R. L. Thomson
Latest revision 16.9.99

abolish, mooghey
access, cair entreil (94.9)
accession, entreilys (86.20)
add to, cur rish
administration, stiurey (88.4), loaghtey (91.7); ~ of justice, shirveish cairys(92.6); ~committee, bing reill (96.4)
adoption, doltanys (85.3)
advocate, turneyr (96.12)
agreement, coardail (95.3)
airport, magher-etlee (88.6)
alcoholic liquor, liggar meshtallagh (87.10)
alderman, shanstyr (89.3)
amalgamate, jannoo unnaneys jeh
(Amendment)(No. 2), (Lhiasaghey yn nah cheayrt) (87.26)
amendments, make other ~ to, jannoo caghlaaghyn elley ayns (86.7)
amusement machines, greienyn-cloie (85.8)
annulment, mooghey-poosee (88.5)
appeal, aghin (nod briwnys) (87.18, 94.2)
applicable law, leigh breeoil (92.21)
application (in Act titles), obbraghey
apply (legislation), cur ayns bree (88.6)
architecture, seyrnaght (92.8)
assessment (tax), coontey (94.16)
assets, charging of, coyrt cooid fo gioalteeaght (96.19)
attorney, powers of, pooaraghyn turneyrys (88.1)
auction, cant (86.18)
authorise, cur kied da, cur pooar da (87.8)
authorities, local, barrantee ynnydoil (99.6)
Authority, Post Office, Fir-reill yn Oik Postagh (87.17)
awards (legal), briwnyssyn ny quaiylyn (98.1)

bank, thie-argid (85.11); ~ holidays, feaillaghyn bancagh (89.11 )
banking, cooishyn bankagh (86.25), bancaght (89.5), bankaght (98.10)
bankruptcy, brishey argidoil (88.19)
betting, bettal (89.6)
bills of exchange, billaghyn-coonree (93.14)
births, cur cloan son y theihll (85.1)
body searches, intimate, ronsaghey colbey, ronsaghey callin sleih dy geyre (94.14)
borough, balleycorpagh (85.22), co-chorp (86.8)
breeding, brey as troggal (88.6)
brewers, imleyderyn (98.11)
Britain, Bretyn Mooar (85.5); of ~, V-
broadcasting, scaalheaney (94.5)
building society, sheshaght son troggal thieyn (86.28), colught troggal (94.12)
business, dellal (86.21)

car-sharing, rheynn carryn (87.5)
carriage (=transport), arraghey (97.7)
cases, in certain, fo conaantyn ennagh
casino, thie-gamman (86.37)
certain (=specified), er-lheh; (=some) shiartanse, caghlaa dy
chapman, fer-margee (96.25)
charge, be in ~ of (a car etc.), reill (99.7)
charging (tax), troggal (994.16)
charity, giastyllys (85.21), sheshaght-ghiastyllagh (87.1), corp giastyllagh (90.6)
children, cloan, gen. clienney (91.3)
chronically sick, sheer-ching (93.6)
Church, ~ Act, Slattys Agglishagh (93.3); ~ Commissioners, Barrantee Agglish (93.3)
cite, cheet harrish
civil, theayagh (85.1); ~ aviation, etlagh sheeoil (88.5); ~ service, Shirveish y Reiltys (87.3)
club, registered, sheshaght recortyssit (91.2)
coastal waters, ushtaghyn mygeayrt yn Ellan (94.7)
collective, co-chadjin (89.5)
commercial dealing, dellal son cosney (93.16)
commission, barrantys (88.20)
communications (written), fyssyree (89.7)
Communities, European, Boodeeyssyn Oarpagh (86.20)
company, sheshaght-ghellal (87.20)
competition (econ.), co-hirrey (97.2)
computer, co-earrooder (92.20)
confer on, cur cair da (87.19), stowal er (92.3)
confiscation, glackey (97.4)
congenital, eiraghtoil (86.24)
connected purposes, cooishyn bentyn rish y chooid cheddin
consequential provisions, conaantyn femoil (92.1)
consolidate, chymsaghey cooidjagh, chaglym ry-cheilley
constituency, rheynn-reih (90.4)
constitution (of state, etc.) aght-reill (85.16); (=make-up) cummey (92.6)
consumer, kionneyder (91.15); ~s, feallagh-kionnee (92.5)
consumption (of food), ymmyd (89.1 )
contaminate, sollaghey, p.p. sollit (87.8)
contract, bargane (85.17); ~ual obligations, curmyn fo bargane (92.21)
control, v. gumeil; (of pests) smaghtaghey (90.2)
convention, conaant (88.18), coardail (95.10)
conveyancing, livrey-ys thalloo (86.4)
co-operation, cooney (88.19)
copyright, cair-hoilshee (92.2), cair aascreeuee (94.5)
coroner, toshiagh-joarrey (88.2); ~ of inquests, Toshiagh-joarrey'n Vaaish
corruption, sollaghey-laue (86.39)
Council of Ministers, Coonceil ny Shirveishee (90.14)
counterfeit, foalsey (96.26)
credit, aaill (91.13); ~ union, colught aaill (94.12)
criminal (adj.) kimmeeagh (86.7), kimmeeys (gen.) (92.19); ~ justice, cairys kimmee (92.19), briwnyssyn kimmagh (95.11)
crossbow, bhow tessyn, pl. b-ghyn (94.15)
cruelty to animals, dewilys noi beiyn (98.5)
currency, argid cadjin (93.12)
custody, pryssooney (87.23), cair-freayll (88.7), freayll fo ghlass (95.6)
customs and excise, y cheesh-varrey as y cheesh-sthie (87.9)(pl. in 93.11)

data, fysseree (87.4)
damages, cooilleeney (98.1)
deconsecration, neuchasherickey (85.14)
defamation, luney (98.1)
degree (academic), keim (90.8)
demolition, lhieggey (92.15)
dentistry, feeackleyraght (86.21)
design right, cair caslyssyn (92.3)
detention, pryssooney (94.11 )
directions, oardaghyn, aaraghyn (87.17)
disabilities, neu-vondeishyn (86.24)
disabled, anlheiltagh (93.6);
born ~, ruggit fo neu-vondeishyn (86.24)
Diocese of Sodor and Man, Aspickys Vannin (93.3)
disease, chingys (90.2)
dismissal (from employment), jiooldey
dispute (n), argane (92.14); ~s, trade, arganeyn obbreeyn (86.10) district, ard, pl. jyn (86.30); Michael ~, Skylley Maayl (89.9); Onchan ~, Ardjyn Chonnaghan (86.30)
divorce, screeuyn-scarree (88.5)
domicile, cummaltys (98.12)
dramatic works, drammaghyn (96.26)
drug trafficking, dellal ayns druggaghyn (87.28)
drugs (medicinal), stoo- lheihys (92.7), (narcotic) druggaghyn (87.28)
duty, keesh (87.11)

ecclesiastical, agglishagh (86.26)
economic trends, beoyn yn arrys-thie (99.11)
economy, farrys-thie (99.11)
education, ynsagh (87.7)
effluent, trade, sooslagh broghe (99.8)
elect(ion), teiy (87.6); local ~s, teiy ynnydagh (86.31)
emergency, tract gaueagh (87.8), tract danjeyr (90.16)
employees, fir-failt (87.19), fir-ny-failley (91.8)
employers, failleyderyn (91.8)
employment, faill, (gen.) -ee (87.19), failley (92.13); control of ~, gurneil faillee (90.15)
enable, gaashaghey (96.23), cur cair da (99.11)
enactment, leigh, slattys; spent ~s, leighaghyn marroo (98.4)
entertainment, goaill soylley (98.7)
equipment, cullee (87.16)
establish, soiaghey seose (90.3), soiaghey (92.9); ~ment, soiaghey er bun (97.6); ~ a right, cur cair (94.3)
estate, cooid-seihlt (88.4), cooid-verriu (91.7)
et cetera, as nyn lheid
evidence, feanish (92.19)
excess alcohol, rouyr alcohol
exclude, dooney magh (96.13)
exclusion, eebyrt (99.4)
Executive Council, Coonceil Obbree (85.16) exemption, seyrey (87.15), seyrsnys (98.11)
expenses, payment of, eeck bairailyn (85.18)
export, cur lesh magh (95.4)
extend to, sheeyney magh gys (88.18)
extension (of boundaries), sheeyney (caglieeyn) (85.22), lheanaghey (92. l )

facilities, caaghyn (98.7)
family income supplement, bishagh er cheet-stiagh lughtyn-thie (86.11 )
family law, leigh yn lught-thie (91.12)
fee, faill (90.7)
feeding stuffs, stoo-beaghee (85.5)
fertilise, toarrey (86.5)
Financial Supervision Commission, Barrantee yn Oaseirys Argidoil (85.12)
fines, oolaghyn (85.23)
fire precautions, kiarailys noi aile (93.5)
fire services, shirveishyn aile (85.9)
flat, cummal-rea (90.19)
foodstuffs, stoo-beaghee (85.5)
force, in, ayns greme (93.1)
forestry, keylljyn (85.10) fraud, molteyrys
functions, Governor's, curmyn (93.9)
future, veih shoh magh (88.3)

gaming, kiarrooghys (85.8)
gas light, soilshey-ghass (92.4)
General Gaol Delivery, Court of, Quaiyl Folmaghey'n Pryssoon (94.2)
government, local, gurneilys ynnydagh (86.16)
Governor in Council, yn Kiannoort ayns Coonceil (91.10)
grading, sorchal (97.8)
guarantee, raanteenys (94.8); ~ agency, oik-shickyree (90.3),
guardianship, oaseiryn-clienney (96.19)

health service, y chirveish slaynt (96.4)
helmets, protective, bayrnyn-coadee (91.11 )
High Court, Ard-whaiyl
highways, raaidyn mooarey (86.38)
home (for elderly, etc.), thie- kemmyrk (88.3)
housing, cummallyn (90.19)
human tissue, stoo kirp gheiney (86.33)
hydrocarbon oil, ooill hydrocarbon (87.13) hypnotism, saveenaghey (88.14)

implement, cur ayns bree (90.3), importation, cur lesh stiagh 'syn Ellan (87.16)
impose a duty (on smthg.), cur (r.e.) fo cheesh (87.11)
incapacity, annoonid (88.1)
income tax, keesh cheet-stiagh (86.14); keesh er cheet-stiagh (92.11 )
industrial, keirdey (86.28)
industry, tarrooghys (87.22), jeidjys (94.12)
information, fysseree (99.11) injury, skielley (98.1)
insider trading, dellal cheusthie (87.30)
inspection, oaseirys (86.23)
installations, offshore, cullee 'sy cheayn (88.17)
insurance, shickyraghey (86,44), urrysaght (94.3, 94.6)
intermediary, fer-meanagh (96.18)
investigation (of smthg.), shirrey magh
investment (adj.) baih-argid (89.5); (n.) argid-baiht (90.3), baighey-argid (92.12)

jurisdiction, pooaraghyn (92.6), briwnys (94.2)
justice, cairys (90.12)

leisure, tract seyr (98.7)
legal aid, cooney ec y leigh (86.45), cooney leighoil (90.23); persons seeking ~, adsyn ta cur eie er y leigh (90.23); ~ practitioners, leighderyn (86.36)
legitimacy, lowallys-clienney (86.3)
liability, civil, currym neu-chimmeeagh (86.24)
licence, driving, kied-imman (90.5)
license, cur kied da (85. ), lhiggey (+acc. of thg.) (92.12)
licensing, coyrt kied da thieyn-oast, coyrt kiedyn (85.20), kied (87.29), lhiggey (92.12), stowal kied (94.5)
lighter (mechanical), greie-foaddee (87.11)
Limitation Act, Slattys Caglieeyn Leighoil (85.7)
limited, charmaanit (94.8)
liquor, jough lajer (85.20), liggar (86.41 )
livestock, sthock (95.1)
lottery, tayrn-aigh (89.6), cronghyr (93.17)

(of equipment) freayll seose (99.8); (of children), pohlldal (91.12); ~ payments, argid meansal (85.23)
management (company), mainshteryn (86.10)
Manx Museum and National Trust, Thie-tashtee Vannin as y Barrantys Ashoonagh (85.15)
marine aquaculture, eirinys-marrey (92.16)
maritime security, sauchys-marrey (95.10)
matrimonial proceedings, immeeaghtyn eddyr sheshaghtyn-poost (86.43)
measure, saase (90.22)
Medical Acts, Slattyssyn ny Fir-lheihys (85.6)
mental, keilley (gen.) (88.1); ~ health, slaynt inchynagh (86.40); ~ly disordered, baanrit (98.9)
merchant shipping, lhongyn marchantagh (85.5/19), lhuingys dellal (92.9), lhuingys-ghellal (97.7)
minerals, stoo meainagh (87.21)
minors, cloan fo-eash (91.12), sleih fo-eash (99.10)
miscellaneous provisions, caghlaaghyn dy chiarailyn (87.24), cooishyn elley (90.23)
money laundering, nieeaghyn-argid (99.2)
moneylenders, useyryn (91.15)
multilateral, eddyrashoonagh (90.3)

nature conservation, coadey'n croo dooghyssagh (90.13)
non-resident, mooie (96.25); ~ company, sheshaght-ghellal veih cheu-mooie jeh’n Ellan (87.25)
notary public, scrudeyr oikoil (96.12)
nursing home, thie boandyrys

obsolete provisions, shenn-reillyn (96.4)
offences, loghtyn (96.17)
offshore, harrish y cheayn (96.1)
open (as ground),. lhome (99.6)
opening hours, ooryn-foshlee
optician, reayrtagh (96.20)
organ transplants, aa-hoiaghey oltyn (93.15) orders, reillyn (87.8)

Parliament, Act of, Slattys Parlamaid Vretyn Mooar (86.26), (92.1 )
partnerships, boodeeyssyn (94.16)
pastoral, bochillaght (gen.) (90.22)
payments, cooilleen (91.8)
penalty, death, kerraghey-baaish
penalties, kerraghyn (94.11 )
pension, argid-pohlldal (96.6),
performer, cloieder, (96.26)
permanent, beayn (93.10)
permitted hours, traaghyn-iu lowal (91.1 )
pest control, smaghtaghey noidyn (shellanyn) (90.2)
pirate goods, garrish cooid onneragh gyn kied (96.26)
planning, reill troggal (92.8)
platform, fixed, ardane shassoo (95.10)
police, y Phollys (99.3); ~ detention, fo ghlass ec y Phollys (99.3)
policy, coyrle (94.19)
pollution, oil, sollaghey lesh ooill (86.35)
Portugal, y Phortingal (86.20)
post office, oik postagh (94.13)
pregnancy, termination of, mooghey mwaneyn (96.9), cur jerrey er thorrid (96.9)
premises, troggalyn (86.8)
prescribed, er aght oardit (91.5)
preservation (trees), coadey (93.19); (other) freayll stayd vie (94.9)
president, eaghtyran (90.18)
prevention, lhiettal
pricing, priseil (97.2)
procedures, aghtyn (99.3)
proceedings, immeeaghtyn (85.13); criminal ~, cooishyn kimmeeys (92.19); matrimonial ~, immeeaghtyn poosee (98.1)
proceeds, cosnaghyn (97.4); ~ of crime, leagh kimmeeys (90.12)
profession, keird (96.20)
prohibit, obbal kied (87.16), lhiettal veih (+ v.n.) (88.20)
promulgat/e, fockley magh; -ion, fockley-magh (88.13)
properties, cummallyn (90.10)
protection, coadey (96.26)
provide for, kiarail son
provision, make fresh ~ for, soiaghey reillyn sodjey 'ny ynnyd son (90.6), kiarail ass-y-noa son; ~s, kiarailyn
public, y theay (gen.) (87.1, 90.21), foshlit (93.17); ~ order, ymmyrkey-bea yn theay (99.5)
purpose, shalee (94.20); ~ trust, treisht-chiarail (96.23), treisht cour kiarailyn neuoayllagh (96.23)

rate (of tax), trimmid (89.2) rating, keesh-thie (87.18)
rebate, eeck sloo (87.12)
reciprocal enforcement, eignaghey caagh- y-cheilley (96.10)
recreation, ooraghey (98.7)

redundancy, coayl obbyr (91.8)
recognition, goaill rish (88.5)
recover(y), geddyn stiagh reesht (87.28)
re-enact, cheet harrish
registration, recortyssey (85.1)
regulat/e, reill; (people) cur conaant-dellal nyn lhie er (sleih) (86.36); ~ion, gurneil
relate, bentyn rish; ~d, bentyn rish y chooish cheddin
relax restrictions on, eddymaghey reillyn noi (98.6)
relief, feaysley (87.15)
rent, mayl (87.18)
repeal, mooghey, cur ass (96.4)
replace, goaill ymmyd jeh, cur nyn ymmyd (96.12)
reports, imraaghyn (94.3)
representation of the people, tuarystallys y phobble (85.24)
require, eginaghey (94.19)
research, ronsaghey (86.33)
residential care home, thie kiarail (88.21)
restrictions (on smthg.), reillyn (noi r.e.) (98.6)
retire (a person). lhiggey sheese (98.1)
revenue (tax), cosney (87.9)
revise, lhiasaghey
riding establishment, schoill-varkee (86.23)
rights, cair (96.26)
road races, ratchyn raaidey (87.27)
road traffic, troailtee er ny raaidyn (86.12), troailtys-raaidey (91.11 ), troailtys-raaidjey (97.11)
safety equipment, cullee sauchys (91.11 )
salvage, sauail-lhuingys (97.7)
schemes, coyrliaghyn (89.5), skeimyn (96.6)
school age, eash schoillaragh (88.12)
sea fisheries, eeastagh-marrey (92.16)
securities, screeunyn-raanagh (87.30)
security, shickyrys (92.20), lhiettal loghtyn (95.10)
separation, scarrey (88.5)
settlement, reaghey (86.10)
sewage disposal works, buill-voonlee (95.2); obbraghyn-glennee sornaigys (99.8)
sewer, sornaig (95.2); ~age, sornaigys (95.2)
sexual offences, loghtyn comyssagh (93.4)
shar/es (company), ronnaghyn (94.8); ~ing, co-ymmyd (86.26)
shotguns, gunnaghyn grine (94.15)
sign (treaty etc.), goaill rish (99.9)
single member company, sheshaght un-oltey (94.8)
social security, shickyrys y theay (86.34)
solemnise, casherickey (85.2)
species, dooghys (95.4)
specific, enmyssit (94.20)
speculation (land), dellal teaymagh (ayns thalloo) (86.14)
spent (of enactments), marroo (98.4)
standard, cadjin (89.2)
statistics, earroo (97.10), steat-choontey (99.11)
statute law, y leigh scruit (86.27)
stored (of data), tashtit (92.20)
street trader, creckeyder 'sy traid (99.6)
summary jurisdiction, briwnys ghiare (86.42); ~ offences, loghtyn hig fo briwnys ny briwnyn beggey (86.42)
supervision, oaseirys (89.5)
supplementary, tooilley (90.4)
supply (n.), coyrt magh (85.5), creek (85.17), livrey-ys (97.1)
surcharge, eeck smoo (87.12)
survey (geog.)(n.) towshan-cheerey; (v.) goaill towshan jeh
Synod, General, Ard-choyrle Chadjin (90.22)

(on), troggal keesh (er) (97.6)
telecommunications, chell-insh (88.20); (adj.) chell-inshagh (89.7)
tenants, adsyn ta cummallyn-maillee oc dy eeck (90.10)
terms, conaantyn (85.17)
territorial sea, mooir reillt (92.1 )
terrorism, tranlaase-agglee (91.9)
timeshare, cronney-imbee (96.21)
tithe(s), jaghee(nyn) (86.9)
tobacco products, troaryn tombagey (87.14)
tourist (adj.), turryssagh (97.8)
trade union, sheshaght-cheirdey (92.14)
trad-er, delleyder (96.25); ~ing, dellal (97.2)
trailers, sleaydyn (86.13)
transfer (v.), livrey harrish (85.11); (n.) livrey-ys (91.2); to, cur harrish gys (96.5)
transport, passenger, ymmyrkey troailtee (85.6)
treaty, conaant (95.3)
trust, treisht (96.13); ~s (on premises), conaantyn (86.8)

unauthorised, neu-lowal (93.20)
undertaking(s), gas, dellal gas (86.1)
unfair, neuchairagh (97.2)

valuation, priceil (92.17)
value added tax, keesh er tooilliu feeuid (96.15)
vehicles, carbid (86.13)
vest in, treishteil da (85.12), stowal er (96.27)
video, feeshag (96.14); ~ recording, feesh-recortys (96.14)
Villa Marina, Plaase ny Marrey (94.20)

waste (=rubbish), brock (95.8)
weapons, air, gunnaghyn aer (94.15)
weights and measures, trimmidyn as towshanyn (89.8)
welfare, foays (88.16), lhiass (97.9)
wildlife, cretooryn feie (90.13)
wills, chymnaghyn (86.2)

young persons, aeglagh (91.3) youth, sleih aegey (87.23)
youth, sleih aegey (87.23)