Aah Choon             	Narrow Ford           	Maughold                            
Aah Chorran           	Ford of the Sickle    	Maughold         
Aah Eary Gormane      	Gormane's Shieling Ford 	Lezayre
Aah Heear             	West Ford             	Maughold  
Aah Laggey            	Ford of the Hollow    	Maughold         
Aah Lhaggagh          	Ford of the Hollow    	Maughold         
Aah ny Gabbag         	Ford of the Docks     	German
Aah ny Lhingey        	Ford of the Pool      	Michael   
Aah ny Loghey         	Ford of the Lake      	Michael          
Aah Whallian          	Whelp's Ford          	Braddan    
Aahley                	Fishing Mark          	Bride            
Aaie (yn)             	Flat (the)            	Rushen
Abb                   	Abbey                 	German  
Aber Geinnee          	Sandy Pastureland     	Andreas
Agg                   	Notch                 	German
Agg Wooar             	Big Cleft             	Patrick  
Agneash               	Edge Ness             	Lonan            
Ais Coon              	Narrow Hillock        	Ballaugh
Aittin Mooar          	Big Gorsy Place       	Jurby  
Aittin Wooar          	Big Gorsy Place       	Santan 
Aittinagh             	Gorsy Place           	German           
Aldrick               	People's Creek        	Rushen
Aldyn                 	Swan's Glen           	Lezayre 
Algayre               	Place of Justice      	Braddan
Alia Dalby            	Other Glen Farm       	German
Alia Gnebe            	Other Peak            	German           
Alia Sulby            	Other Sulby           	Lezayre          
Alkest                	Alfgeirr's Farm       	Lezayre 
Allthong              	? Height              	Lonan  
Alt Doo               	Black Cliff           	Lezayre
Altadale              	Swan's Glen           	Lezayre 
Altar y Jouyl         	Devil's Altar         	German  
Ammell                	Hammer Mountain       	Conchan           
Amnis de Russyn       	Rushen River          	Malew
Amorgarry             	Asmundr's Garth       	Lonan   
Amulty                	Great Cliff           	Rushen                     
Anagh Coar            	Marsh of the Heron    	Braddan          
Anagh Moaney          	Turfy Marsh           	Conchan
Arbyl                 	Tail                  	Patrick
Ard                   	Height                	Bride           
Ard                   	Height                	Maughold        
Ard Balley Chrink     	Hill Farm Height      	Maughold                            
Ard Carnigan          	O'Carnigan's Height   	Patrick        
Ard Challagan         	Little Height         	Patrick    
Ard Eary              	High Shieling         	Conchan          
Ard Ghressagh         	High Briery Place     	Bride           
Ard Loughan           	High Lakelet          	Bride           
Ard Loughan Veg       	Little High Lakelet   	Bride     
Ard ny Lheiy          	Calves' Height        	Bride 
Ard Ole               	Cartoile's Farm       	Patrick 
Ard Onan              	Onan's Height         	Andreas        
Ard Renk              	Hill of Dancing       	Ballaugh       
Ard Vane              	White Height          	Lezayre
Ard Veg               	Little Height         	Maughold    
Ard Vooar             	Great Height          	Maughold       
Ard Whallian          	Whelp's Height        	Braddan        
Ard Woaillagh         	High Fold             	Bride          
Ard Woaillagh         	High Fold             	Maughold       
Ard Woaillee          	High Fold             	Arbory         
Ard Woaillee          	High Fold             	Malew          
Ard Woaillee          	High Fold             	Maughold       
Arey Rea              	Flat Mill Race        	Maughold       
Arragon               	O'Rogan's River Mouth 	Santan         
Ashole                	Holt's Hill           	Santan         
Ashquil               	? Nook                	Bride  
Asmundirtoft          	Asmundr's Knoll       	Maughold
Asney Ruy             	Red Rib               	Maughold 
Astravagan            	?                     	German 
Aust                  	Ottar's Farm          	Lezayre        
Awin Argid            	Silver Stream         	Malew
Awin Blaber           	Blaeberry River       	German
Awin Bully            	Bully's River         	Rushen         
Awin Glion Mooar      	Great Glen River      	German
Awin Kione ny Traie   	Strand End River      	Rushen         
Awin ny Darragh       	Oakwood River         	Marown         
Awin Ruy              	Red River             	Malew          
Awin Taggart          	Taggart's River       	Lezayre    
Awin Valloo           	Dumb River            	Arbory         
Awin Vitchel          	Michael's River       	Arbory         
Awin Vooar            	Big River             	Michael
Awin y Cabbal         	River of the Chapel   	Lezayre 
Awin y Ghollane       	River of the Fork     	Lonan 
Awin yn Reeast        	River of the Moor     	Malew  
Axen Fell             	? Mountain            	Lonan  
Ayre                  	Gravel Bank           	Bride 
Ayrey                 	Gravelly Bank         	Bride 
Ayrey Breck           	Speckled Gravel Bank  	Bride 
Ayrey Corkey          	Oats' Gravel Bank     	Bride          
Ayrn                  	Portion               	Bride          
Ayrn Howe Ruy         	Red Headland Portion  	Bride 
Ayrn Oarney           	Barley Portion        	Bride 
Ayrn Poyllan Thom     	Tom's Small Pool Part 	Bride          
Ayrn Wooar            	Great Portion         	Andreas        
Ayrnyn                	Portions              	Bride          
Baare Doo             	Black Summit          	Braddan
Baare Rush            	Top of the Marsh      	Lonan
Baare Volley          	Top of the Old Road   	Ballaugh
Baareaghar            	Hilly Land            	Lonan
Baarney Jiarg         	Red Gap               	Malew
Baarney Mooar         	Big gap               	German
Backenaldwath         	Swan Fold Bank        	Lonan
Baie 'n Ooig          	Bay of the Cave       	Rushen
Baie Doo              	Black Bay             	Lonan
Baie Fynn             	Sparkling Bay         	Rushen
Baie Mooar            	Big Bay               	Rushen
Baie ny Breechyn      	Bay of the Breeches   	Rushen
Baie ny Carrickey     	Bay of the Rock       	Rushen
Baie ny Ooig          	Bay of the Cave       	Patrick
Baie Track ny Foawr   	Giant's Footprint Bay 	Maughold
Baie yn Chabbal       	Chapel Bay            	Rushen
Baie yn Stackey       	Bay of the Stack      	Rushen
Balley 'n Aah         	Farm of the Ford      	Michael
Balley 'n Aiyr        	Farm of the Grass     	German
Balley 'n Eas         	Waterfall Farm        	Patrick
Balley Adda           	Arthur's Farm         	Patrick
Balley Allen          	Allen's Farm          	Maughold
Balley Arragh         	Rampart Farm          	Bride
Balley Arraght        	Spectre Farm          	Lonan
Balley Aspick         	Bishop's Farm         	Patrick
Balley Aughton        	Aughton's Farm        	Braddan
Balley Bane           	White Farm            	Andreas
Balley Bayr Vane      	White Road Farm       	Malew
Balley Beg            	Little Farm           	Andreas
Balley Beg            	Little Farm           	Arbory
Balley Beg            	Little Farm           	Ballaugh
Balley Beg            	Little Farm           	Braddan
Balley Beg            	Little Farm           	Bride
Balley Beg            	Little Farm           	Lonan
Balley Beg            	Little Farm           	Malew
Balley Beg            	Little Farm           	Marown
Balley Birragh        	Top Farm              	Andreas
Balley Black          	Black's Farm          	Arbory
Balley Boy            	McBoy's Farm          	German
Balley Braarey        	Farm of the Brethren  	Rushen
Balley Brebag         	Farm of the Kiln      	Braddan
Balley Bridson        	Bridson's Farm        	Malew
Balley Brooee         	Riverbank Farm        	Patrick
Balley Brooghee       	River Banks Farm      	Conchan
Balley Brooiee        	Farm of the Brink     	Lezayre
Balley Buinnt         	Mown Farm             	Braddan
Balley Cabbag         	Dockweed Farm         	German
Balley Cain           	Cain's Farm           	Ballaugh
Balley Cain           	Cain's Farm           	Braddan
Balley Cain           	Cain's Farm           	Conchan
Balley Cain           	Cain's Farm           	Jurby
Balley Cain           	Cain's Farm           	Patrick
Balley Cain Mooar     	Cain's Big Farm       	Malew
Balley Cairbre        	Cairbre's Farm        	Lezayre
Balley Caley          	Caley's Farm          	Lezayre
Balley Callin         	Callin's Farm         	Marown
Balley Callin         	Callin's Farm         	Patrick
Balley Callow         	Callow's Farm         	Arbory
Balley Callow         	Callow's Farm         	Bride
Balley Callow         	Callow's Farm         	Michael
Balley Camaish        	Camaish's Farm        	Andreas
Balley Camaish        	Camaish's Farm        	Bride
Balley Cannell        	Cannell's Farm        	Andreas
Balley Cannell        	Cannell's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Cannell        	Cannell's Farm        	Lonan
Balley Cannell        	Cannell's Farm        	Maughold
Balley Cannell        	Cannell's Farm        	Michael
Balley Cardle         	Mill Stream Farm      	Maughold
Balley Carin          	Karran's Farm         	Rushen
Balley Carine         	Carine's Farm         	Arbory
Balley Carnane        	Farm of the Cairn     	Rushen
Balley Caroon         	Caroon's Farm         	Braddan
Balley Carran         	Carran's Farm         	Marown
Balley Casement       	Casement's Farm       	Bride
Balley Cashtal        	Castletown            	Malew
Balley Charry         	Charry's Farm         	Arbory
Balley Charry         	Charry's Farm         	Malew
Balley Chirrym        	Dry Farm              	Andreas
Balley Chirrym        	Dry Farm              	Maughold
Balley Choan          	Farm of the Hollow    	Lonan
Balley Chrink         	Hill Farm             	Braddan
Balley Chrink         	Hill Farm             	Bride
Balley Chrink         	Hill Farm             	German
Balley Chrink         	Hill Farm             	Jurby
Balley Chrink         	Hill Farm             	Lezayre
Balley Chrink         	Hill Farm             	Lonan
Balley Chrink         	Hill Farm             	Maughold
Balley Chrink         	Hill Farm             	Patrick
Balley Christry       	Christry's Farm       	Jurby
Balley Churree        	Miry Farm             	Patrick
Balley Clagh Bane     	White Stone Farm      	Lezayre
Balley Clague         	Clague's Farm         	Arbory
Balley Cleator        	Cleator's Farm        	Andreas
Balley Cleyree        	Clerk's Farm          	Arbory
Balley Clucas         	Clucas' Farm          	Andreas
Balley Clucas         	Clucas' Farm          	Marown
Balley Coan           	Farm of the Hollow    	Conchan
Balley Coan           	Farm of the Hollow    	Michael
Balley Coar           	Farm of the Heron     	Lonan
Balley Cojeen         	Cojeen's Farm         	Lonan
Balley Collister      	Collister's Farm      	Lonan
Balley Colum          	Colum's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Comish         	Comish's Farm         	Arbory
Balley Conley         	Conley's Farm         	Jurby
Balley Coobragh       	Cuthbert's Farm       	Lezayre
Balley Cooil          	Cooil's Farm          	Patrick
Balley Cooyrtey       	Court Farm            	German
Balley Corkill        	Corkill's Farm        	Maughold
Balley Corkish        	Corkish's Farm        	Rushen
Balley Corlett        	Corlett's Farm        	Michael
Balley Corraige       	Corraige's Farm       	Ballaugh
Balley Corris         	Corris' Farm          	Santan
Balley Corteen        	Corteen's Farm        	Maughold
Balley Cosnagh        	Cosnagh's Farm        	Lonan
Balley Cosnahan       	Cosnahan's Farm       	Patrick
Balley Cotch          	Cotch's Farm          	Marown
Balley Cottier        	Cottier's Farm        	Andreas
Balley Cottier        	Cottier's Farm        	Braddan
Balley Cottier        	Cottier's Farm        	Conchan
Balley Cottier        	Cottier's Farm        	Lezayre
Balley Cottier        	Cottier's Farm        	Michael
Balley Cottier        	Cottier's Farm        	Patrick
Balley Courtney       	Courtney's Farm       	German
Balley Cowen          	Cowen's Farm          	Lonan
Balley Cowin          	Cowin's Farm          	Lonan
Balley Cowle          	Cowle's Farm          	Bride
Balley Cowle          	Cowle's Farm          	Lezayre
Balley Cowle          	Cowle's Farm          	Lonan
Balley Cowle          	Cowle's Farm          	Maughold
Balley Craine         	Craine's Farm         	German
Balley Crebbin        	Crebbin's Farm        	Andreas
Balley Creetch        	Creetch's Farm        	Conchan
Balley Cregeen        	Cregeen's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Creggan        	Rocky Farm            	Maughold
Balley Creggan        	Rocky Farm            	Rushen
Balley Creggey        	Rocky Farm            	Braddan
Balley Creggey        	Rocky Farm            	Lonan
Balley Creggey        	Rocky Farm            	Malew
Balley Creggey        	Rocky Farm            	Michael
Balley Creggey        	Rocky Farm            	Santan
Balley Crennell       	Crennell's Farm       	Braddan
Balley Crickyrt       	Cregart's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Cristen        	Cristen's Farm        	Braddan
Balley Croak          	Croak's Farm          	Malew
Balley Cronk          	Knoll Farm            	German
Balley Croshey        	Cross Farm            	Ballaugh
Balley Cross          	Cross Farm            	Arbory
Balley Cross          	Cross's Farm          	German
Balley Cross          	Frost's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Cruink         	Hills Farm            	Arbory
Balley Cruink         	Hills Farm            	Malew
Balley Cruink         	Hills Farm            	Marown
Balley Cruink         	Hills Farm            	Rushen
Balley Cruink         	Hills Farm            	Santan
Balley Cry            	Cry's Farm            	Arbory
Balley Cry            	Cry's Farm            	Ballaugh
Balley Cry            	Cry's Farm            	Jurby
Balley Crynane        	Crynane's Farm        	Michael
Balley Cubbon         	Cubbon's Farm         	Arbory
Balley Cubbon         	Cubbon's Farm         	Braddan
Balley Cubbon         	Cubbon's Farm         	Malew
Balley Cundre         	Cundre's Farm         	Andreas
Balley Cundre         	Cundre's Farm         	Bride
Balley Curn           	Curry's Farm          	Ballaugh
Balley Curn Keyl      	Curry's Narrow Farm   	Ballaugh
Balley Curn Mooar     	Curry's Big Farm      	Ballaugh
Balley Curphey        	Curphey's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Curree         	Marsh Farm            	German
Balley Curree         	Marsh Farm            	Rushen
Balley Curree         	Miry Farm             	Conchan
Balley Curree         	Miry Farm             	Jurby
Balley Curree         	Miry Farm             	Malew
Balley Curree         	Miry Farm             	Santan
Balley Curry          	Curry's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Curry          	Curry's Farm          	Conchan
Balley Doo            	Black Farm            	Lonan
Balley Doo            	Black Farm            	Marown
Balley Doo            	Black Farm            	Santan
Balley Doole          	Doole's Farm          	Lezayre
Balley Doole          	O'Doole's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Doraughan      	Dorgan's Farm         	German
Balley Dorghan        	Doughan's Farm        	Andreas
Balley Downe          	Downe's Farm          	Lonan
Balley Doyne          	Doyne's Farm          	German
Balley Drine          	Blackthorn Farm       	Lonan
Balley Drommey        	Ridge Farm            	Lonan
Balley Drommey Beg    	Little Ridge Farm     	Maughold
Balley Drommey Mooar  	Big Ridge Farm        	Maughold
Balley Duggan         	Duggan's Farm         	Malew
Balley Duke           	Duke's Farm           	Arbory
Balley Eeaghtyragh    	Lower Farm            	Lezayre
Balley Elletson       	Elletson's Farm       	German
Balley Ellys          	Elletson's Farm       	German
Balley Euar           	Yew Tree Farm         	Maughold
Balley Euar Ughtagh   	Yew Tree Farm Slope   	Maughold
Balley Faden          	Faden's Farm          	Lonan
Balley Fadine         	Faden's Farm          	Michael
Balley Fadjeen        	Faden's Farm          	Michael
Balley Fargher        	Fargher's Farm        	Conchan
Balley Fargher        	Fargher's Farm        	Lonan
Balley Farrant        	Farrant's Farm        	Malew
Balley Fayle          	Fayle's Farm          	Bride
Balley Fayle          	Fayle's Farm          	Maughold
Balley Fayle y Callow 	Fayle's Farm Callow   	Maughold
Balley Fayle y Cannell	Fayle's Farm Cannell  	Maughold
Balley Fayle y Kerruish 	Fayle's Farm Kerruish 	Maughold
Balley Fesson         	McPherson's Farm      	Rushen
Balley Fletcher       	Fletcher's Farm       	Braddan
Balley Foddey         	Little Patrick's Farm 	Arbory
Balley Freer          	Freer's Farm          	Marown
Balley Freer          	Freer's Farm          	Michael
Balley Gale           	Gale's Farm           	Rushen
Balley Garee          	River Shrubbery Farm  	Malew
Balley Garee          	River Thicket Farm    	Braddan
Balley Garmin         	Carmick's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Garmin         	Carmick's Farm        	Patrick
Balley Garraghyn      	Garraghyn's Farm      	Jurby
Balley Garrett        	Garrett's Farm        	Bride
Balley Garroo         	Rough Farm            	Lezayre
Balley Garroo         	Rough Farm            	Marown
Balley Gawe           	Gawe's Farm           	Andreas
Balley Gawne          	Gawne's Farm          	Lonan
Balley Gawne          	Gawne's Farm          	Michael
Balley Gawne          	Gawne's Farm          	Rushen
Balley Gay            	Gay's Farm            	Jurby
Balley Ghelby         	Dalby Farm            	Patrick
Balley Ghlionney      	Glen Farm             	Marown
Balley Ghlionney      	Glen Farm             	Patrick
Balley Giare          	Short Farm            	German
Balley Giare          	Short Farm            	Lonan
Balley Gick           	Dik's Farm            	Santan
Balley Gilbert        	Gilbert's Farm        	Malew
Balley Gill           	Gill's Farm           	Patrick
Balley Gilley         	Gill's Farm           	Malew
Balley Gilley         	Gill's Farm           	Maughold
Balley Gilvoirrey     	Morrison's Farm       	Jurby
Balley Giucklagh      	Broom Farm            	Michael
Balley Glass          	Farm of the Stream    	Lonan
Balley Glass          	Green Farm            	Maughold
Balley Glass          	River Farm            	Maughold
Balley Glionney       	Glen Farm             	Arbory
Balley Glionney       	Glen Farm             	Braddan
Balley Glionney       	Glen Farm             	Malew
Balley Glionney       	Glen Farm             	Marown
Balley Glionney       	Glen Farm             	Rushen
Balley Golgane        	Golgane's Farm        	Lonan
Balley Gorry          	Gorry's Farm          	Maughold
Balley Gorry Beg      	Gorry's Little Farm   	Maughold
Balley Gorry Mooar    	Gorry's Big Farm      	Maughold
Balley Greyney        	Farm of the Green     	Arbory
Balley Hain           	O'Hane's Farm         	Rushen
Balley Hamig          	Creek Farm            	Andreas
Balley Hammer         	Farm of the Crag      	Marown
Balley Harra          	Harra's Farm          	German
Balley Harrison       	Harrison's Farm       	Patrick
Balley Hassna         	Hassna's Farm         	Jurby
Balley Hestine        	Hestine's Farm        	Andreas
Balley Hick           	Hick's Farm           	Malew
Balley Hig            	Teig's Farm           	Patrick
Balley Hollee         	Willow Farm           	Jurby
Balley Hom            	Tom's Farm            	Arbory
Balley Hot            	Farm of the Cot       	Malew
Balley Huggal         	Hogell's Farm         	Malew
Balley Hutchin        	Hutchin's Farm        	Marown
Balley Hutchin        	Hutchin's Farm        	Patrick
Balley Injeigyn       	Farm of the Nooks     	Braddan
Balley Isaag          	Issac's Farm          	Maughold
Balley Isaag          	Kissack's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Jerai          	Gerahy's Farm         	Malew
Balley Jiarg          	Red Farm              	German
Balley Juan Vark      	John's Son of Mark Farm 	Malew
Balley Kaighen        	Kaighen's Farm        	Conchan
Balley Kaighen        	Kaighen's Farm        	German
Balley Kaneen         	Kaneen's Farm         	Andreas
Balley Karagher       	Faragher's Farm       	Arbory
Balley Keeill Crump   	Priest's Church Farm  	Andreas
Balley Keeill Ingan   	Fingan's Church Farm  	Lezayre
Balley Keeill Ingan   	Fingan's Church Farm  	Marown
Balley Keeill Mian    	Matthew's Church Farm 	Bride
Balley Keeill Moirrey 	Mary's Church Farm    	German
Balley Keeill Pherick 	Patrick's Church Farm 	Rushen
Balley Keeill Vartyn  	Farm of Martin's Church 	Conchan
Balley Keeill Vartyn  	Farm of Martin's Church 	Rushen
Balley Keeill Vial    	Michael's Church Farm 	Michael
Balley Keggin         	Keggin's Farm         	Arbory
Balley Kelly          	Kelly's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Kelly          	Kelly's Farm          	Arbory
Balley Kelly          	Kelly's Farm          	Marown
Balley Kelly          	Kelly's Farm          	Santan
Balley Kenag          	Kenag's Farm          	Ballaugh
Balley Kennish        	Kennish's Farm        	Maughold
Balley Kermeen        	Kermeen's Farm        	Conchan
Balley Kermeen        	Kermeen's Farm        	Santan
Balley Kew            	Kew's Farm            	Malew
Balley Kewin          	Kewin's Farm          	Malew
Balley Kewish         	Kewish's Farm         	Braddan
Balley Kewish         	Kewish's Farm         	Bride
Balley Key            	Key's Farm            	Andreas
Balley Key            	Key's Farm            	Lonan
Balley Keyl           	Narrow Farm           	Andreas
Balley Kill y Clieau  	Kill's Mountain Farm  	Michael
Balley Killey         	Church Farm           	German
Balley Killey         	Church Farm           	Lonan
Balley Killey         	Church Farm           	Marown
Balley Killowey       	McGillowey's Farm     	Rushen
Balley Kinay          	McInay's Farm         	Andreas
Balley Kinnag         	Kenag's Farm          	Michael
Balley Kinnish        	Kinnish's Farm        	Braddan
Balley Kinry          	Harrison's Farm       	Arbory
Balley Kirkey         	Quirk's Farm          	Patrick
Balley Kissack        	Kissack's Farm        	Santan
Balley Kneale         	Kneale's Farm         	Jurby
Balley Kneale         	Kneale's Farm         	Lonan
Balley Kneale         	Kneale's Farm         	Rushen
Balley Knock          	Hill Farm             	Bride
Balley Knock          	Hill Farm             	Lezayre
Balley Lamyn          	Lamyn's Farm          	Bride
Balley Leece          	Leece's Farm          	German
Balley Leigh          	Leigh's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Leigh          	Leigh's Farm          	Lezayre
Balley Leigh          	Leigh's Farm          	Michael
Balley Lheanee        	Meadow Farm           	Andreas
Balley Lheannee       	Meadow Farm           	Lonan
Balley Lhen           	Ditch Farm            	Andreas
Balley Lhig           	Farm of the Hollow    	Braddan
Balley Lhig           	Farm of the Hollow    	Conchan
Balley Lhig           	Farm of the Hollow    	German
Balley Lhig           	Farm of the Hollow    	Jurby
Balley Lhig           	Farm of the Hollow    	Lonan
Balley Lhig           	Farm of the Hollow    	Malew
Balley Lhig           	Farm of the Hollow    	Maughold
Balley Lhig           	Farm of the Hollow    	Michael
Balley Liargee        	Farm of the Slope     	Conchan
Balley Liargee        	Farm of the Slope     	Patrick
Balley Ling           	Farm of the Pool      	Michael
Balley Loghey         	Lake Farm             	Braddan
Balley Lough          	Lake Farm             	German
Balley Lough          	Lake Farm             	Malew
Balley Lough          	Lake Farm             	Marown
Balley Lough Bane     	White Lake Farm       	Lezayre
Balley Mac Skaly      	Skaly's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Maddrell       	Maddrell's Farm       	Arbory
Balley Maddrell       	Maddrell's Farm       	Rushen
Balley Maynagh        	Monks' Farm           	Patrick
Balley McCoag         	McCoag's Farm         	Bride
Balley McKie          	McKie's Farm          	Bride
Balley McKym          	McKym's Farm          	Bride
Balley Meanagh        	Middle Farm           	Conchan
Balley Meanagh        	Middle Farm           	Jurby
Balley Meanagh        	Middle Farm           	Lonan
Balley Meanagh        	Middle Farm           	Michael
Balley Millan         	Millan's Farm         	Lonan
Balley Moaney         	Farm of the Turbary   	Braddan
Balley Moaney         	Turf Farm             	Ballaugh
Balley Moaney         	Turf Farm             	Lezayre
Balley Moaney         	Turf Farm             	Marown
Balley Moddey         	Farm of Dogs          	Malew
Balley Moddey Beg     	Little Farm of the Dogs 	Malew
Balley Moddey Mooar   	Big Farm of the Dogs  	Malew
Balley Mooar          	Big Farm              	Arbory
Balley Mooar          	Big Farm              	Ballaugh
Balley Mooar          	Big Farm              	Bride
Balley Mooar          	Big Farm              	Jurby
Balley Mooar          	Big Farm              	Lonan
Balley Moore          	Moore's Farm          	Patrick
Balley Mylvoirrey     	Morrison's Farm       	Rushen
Balley Nank           	Farm of the Sheep-pen 	Malew
Balley Nicholas       	Nicholas' Farm        	Marown
Balley Noa            	New Farm              	Andreas
Balley Norris         	Norris' Farm          	Arbory
Balley ny Bannoo      	Farm of the Piglets   	Patrick
Balley ny Barney      	Farm of the Gap       	Maughold
Balley ny Carrickey   	Farm of the Rock      	Lezayre
Balley ny Cooilley    	Nook Farm             	Ballaugh
Balley ny Cooilley    	Nook Farm             	Michael
Balley ny Cree        	Boundary Farm         	Bride
Balley ny Cree        	Boundary Farm         	Lezayre
Balley ny Creggey     	Farm of the Rock      	Bride
Balley ny Giennee     	Sandy Farm            	Bride
Balley ny Glionney    	Glen Farm             	Michael
Balley ny Grangee     	Granary Farm          	Malew
Balley ny Gro         	Acorn Farm            	Marown
Balley ny Groa        	Farm of the Cotes     	Lonan
Balley ny h'Aah       	Ford Farm             	Lezayre
Balley ny h'Ard       	Farm of the Height    	Bride
Balley ny h'Ard       	Farm of the Height    	Maughold
Balley ny h'Awin      	River Farm            	Arbory
Balley ny h'Awin      	River Farm            	German
Balley ny h'Awin      	River Farm            	Lezayre
Balley ny h'Awin      	River Farm            	Maughold
Balley ny h'Awin      	River Farm            	Michael
Balley ny h'Awin      	River Farm            	Santan
Balley ny h'Injeig    	Farm of the River Nook	Patrick
Balley ny h'Oaie      	Farm of the Graves    	German
Balley ny h'Ughtee    	Farm of the Height    	Braddan
Balley ny h'Ughtee    	Farm of the Height    	German
Balley ny Hough       	Farm of the Headland  	Conchan
Balley ny Hough       	Farm of the Headland  	Rushen
Balley ny Hough       	Farm of the Headland  	Santan
Balley ny Joarey      	Farm of the Stranger  	Maughold
Balley ny Killey      	Church Farm           	Bride
Balley ny Killey      	Church Farm           	Malew
Balley ny Killey      	Church Farm           	Maughold
Balley ny Killey      	Church Farm           	Rushen
Balley ny Killey Icnia	Farm of ? Church      	Maughold
Balley ny Lheannee    	Farm of the Meadow    	Braddan
Balley ny Liargee     	Farm of the Slope     	Ballaugh
Balley ny Liargee     	Farm of the Slope     	Marown
Balley ny Liargee     	Farm of the Slope     	Patrick
Balley ny Liargee     	Hillside Farm         	Malew
Balley ny Loghey      	Lake Farm             	Ballaugh
Balley ny Loghey      	Lake Farm             	Patrick
Balley ny Maynagh     	Farm of the Monks     	Lezayre
Balley ny Moddey      	Farm of the Dogs      	Braddan
Balley ny Moddey      	Farm of the Dogs      	Michael
Balley ny Renniagh    	Farm of the Ferns     	Rushen
Balley ny Rhennee     	Farm of the Ferns     	Michael
Balley ny Seyir       	Farm of the Craftsmen 	Andreas
Balley ny Seyr        	Farm of the Craftsman 	Michael
Balley ny Sleih       	Farm of the People    	Maughold
Balley ny Slig        	Farm of the Shells    	Braddan
Balley ny Tonney      	Farm of the Wave      	Andreas
Balley ny Veeagh      	Farm of the Ravens    	Marown
Balley Oates          	Oates' Farm           	Arbory
Balley Oates          	Oates' Farm           	Braddan
Balley Oates          	Oates' Farm           	German
Balley Paddag         	Paddock Farm          	Braddan
Balley Phurt          	Harbour Farm          	Rushen
Balley Phurt          	Harbour Farm          	Santan
Balley Quaggan        	Quaggan's Farm        	Malew
Balley Quane          	Quane's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Quane          	Quane's Farm          	German
Balley Quane          	Quane's Farm          	Jurby
Balley Quane          	Quane's Farm          	Patrick
Balley Quark          	Quark's Farm          	Bride
Balley Quark          	Quark's Farm          	Lonan
Balley Quarry         	Quarry's Farm         	Andreas
Balley Quayle         	Quayle's Farm         	Conchan
Balley Quayle         	Quayle's Farm         	Malew
Balley Quayle         	Quayle's Farm         	Patrick
Balley Queeney        	Mac Queeney's Farm    	Rushen
Balley Quiggin        	Quiggin's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Quiggin        	Quiggin's Farm        	Braddan
Balley Quiggin        	Quiggin's Farm        	Patrick
Balley Quiggin        	Quiggin's Farm        	Santan
Balley Quillan        	Quillan's Farm        	Patrick
Balley Quilleash      	Quilleash's Farm      	Lonan
Balley Quine          	Quine's Farm          	Braddan
Balley Quine          	Quine's Farm          	German
Balley Quine          	Quine's Farm          	Lonan
Balley Quine          	Quine's Farm          	Malew
Balley Quine          	Quine's Farm          	Santan
Balley Quinney        	Quinney's Farm        	Arbory
Balley Quinney        	Quinney's Farm        	Marown
Balley Quirk          	Quirk's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Quirk          	Quirk's Farm          	Braddan
Balley Quirk          	Quirk's Farm          	Jurby
Balley Quitchell      	Christopher's Farm    	Braddan
Balley Radcliffe      	Radcliffe's Farm      	Andreas
Balley Robert         	Robert's Farm         	Arbory
Balley Robin          	Robin's Farm          	Malew
Balley Sayle          	Sayle's Farm          	German
Balley Scally         	Skelly's Farm         	Bride
Balley Shamrag        	Shamrock Farm         	Braddan
Balley Shellagh       	Willow Farm           	Jurby
Balley Shellagh       	Willow Farm           	Malew
Balley Shellagh       	Willow Farm           	Maughold
Balley Sherlogue      	Sherlock's Farm       	Rushen
Balley Sherlok        	Shirlock's Farm       	Arbory
Balley Shimmin        	Shimmin's Farm        	German
Balley Shimmin        	Shimmin's Farm        	Malew
Balley Shoggyl        	Rye Farm              	Braddan
Balley Skaig Beg      	Little Ship Creek Farm	Maughold
Balley Skaig Howe     	Ship Creek Headland   	Maughold
Balley Skaig Mooar    	Big Ship Creek        	Maughold
Balley Skelly         	Skelly's Farm         	Conchan
Balley Skelly         	Skelly's Farm         	Lezayre
Balley Skerroo        	Scarff's Farm         	Lonan
Balley Skipavik       	Ship Creek Farm       	Maughold
Balley Slig           	Shell Farm            	Andreas
Balley Spur           	Farm of the Spur      	German
Balley Steen          	Stephen's Farm        	Malew
Balley Stowell        	Stowell's Farm        	Malew
Balley Stowell        	Stowell's Farm        	Maughold
Balley Strang         	Ridge Farm            	Malew
Balley Strooan        	Strooan's Farm        	Michael
Balley Teare          	Teare's Farm          	Ballaugh
Balley Teare          	Teare's Farm          	Jurby
Balley Tessyn         	Cross Farm            	Marown
Balley Tessyn         	Cross Farm            	Maughold
Balley Tessyn         	Farm of the Cross     	Ballaugh
Balley Tessyn         	Farm of the Staff     	German
Balley Tessyn Heear   	West Cross Farm       	Maughold
Balley Tessyn Heese   	Lower Cross Farm      	Maughold
Balley Tessyn Heose   	Upper Cross Farm      	Maughold
Balley Tessyn Hiar    	East Cross Farm       	Maughold
Balley Trollag        	Trolag's Farm         	Malew
Balley Ughtee         	Upland Farm           	Rushen
Balley Vagher         	Field Farm            	Braddan
Balley Vagher         	Field Farm            	Patrick
Balley Vaish          	Ridge Farm            	German
Balley Varanagh       	Lookout Creek Farm    	Bride
Balley Vargher        	Fargher's Farm        	Marown
Balley Vargher        	Fargher's Farm        	Santan
Balley Vark           	Mark's Farm           	Bride
Balley Varkish        	Marcus' Farm          	German
Balley Varkish        	Mark's Farm           	Arbory
Balley Varkish        	Mark's Farm           	Maughold
Balley Varkys         	Mark's Farm           	Bride
Balley Varron         	Barron's Farm         	Jurby
Balley Varry          	Barry's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Varteen        	Martin's Farm         	Bride
Balley Vartyn         	Martin's Farm         	Santan
Balley Varvane        	Borwan's Farm         	Malew
Balley Vastyn         	Vastyn's Farm         	Andreas
Balley Vell           	Bell's Farm           	Patrick
Balley Verane         	Berane's Farm         	Lonan
Balley Villaghan      	Millaghan's Farm      	Braddan
Balley Villey         	Tree Farm             	Lezayre
Balley Villey         	Tree Farm             	Santan
Balley Vinch          	Finch's Farm          	Conchan
Balley Voddan         	Boddan's Farm         	Andreas
Balley Voddan         	Boddan's Farm         	Malew
Balley Vrew           	Brew's Farm           	Braddan
Balley Vytchell       	Bytchell's Farm       	Marown
Balley Wattleworth    	Wattleworth's Farm    	German
Balley Whannell       	McHonylt's Farm       	Bride
Balley Whetstone      	Whetstone's Farm      	Malew
Balley Woaillee       	Fold Farm             	Marown
Balley Woaillee Killey	Killey's Fold Farm    	Marown
Balley Woods          	Woods Farm            	Malew
Balley Wyllin         	Byllinge's Farm       	German
Balley Wyllin         	Mill Farm             	Braddan
Balley Yack           	Jack's Farm           	Arbory
Balley Yelse          	Giles Farm            	Arbory
Balley Yemmey         	Eamonn's Farm         	Marown
Balley yn Ard         	High Farm             	Conchan
Balley yn Chruink     	Farm of the Hill      	Conchan
Balley yn Drommey     	Ridge Farm            	Lezayre
Balley yn Eddan       	Farm of the Stream    	Ballaugh
Balley yn Toar        	Bleach Green Farm     	Ballaugh
Balley yn Vayr        	Farm of the Road      	Bride
Balley yn Vollee      	Farm of the Road      	Ballaugh
Balley Yoky           	Yocky's Farm          	Andreas
Balley Yonee          	Jonee's Farm          	Rushen
Balley Yuan Aeg       	Young John's Farm     	Bride
Bane Doyle            	Doyle's Lea           	Santan
Banker's Naaie        	Banker's Flat         	Maughold
Bargane Mooar         	Big Bargain           	Bride
Barnagh               	Gap                   	Bride
Barnagh               	Gap                   	Maughold
Barney Jiarg          	Red Gap               	Michael
Barney Nerinagh       	Irishman's Gap        	Lezayre
Barney ny Geayee      	Windy Gap             	Bride
Barney Thunnag        	Gap of the Duck       	Ballaugh
Barney Vooar          	Big Gap               	Bride
Barney Vooar          	Great Gap             	Rushen
Barrey                	Boat Channel          	Patrick
Barrool               	Ward Mountain         	Malew
Barrool               	Ward Mountain         	Maughold
Bayr 'n Ell           	Mountain Road         	Patrick
Bayr Aittin           	Gorse Road            	Malew
Bayr Ammell           	Hammer Mountain Road  	Conchan
Bayr Balley Gawne     	Gawne's Farm road     	Malew
Bayr Bane             	White Road            	Maughold
Bayr Bane Beg         	Little White Road     	Maughold
Bayr Bane Jiass       	South White Road      	Maughold
Bayr Bane Twoaie      	North White Road      	Maughold
Bayr Beg              	Little Road           	German
Bayr Beg              	Little Road           	Malew
Bayr Beg              	Little Road           	Maughold
Bayr Breinn           	Dirty Road            	Maughold
Bayr Breinn           	Stinking Road         	Arbory
Bayr Broigh           	Dirty Road            	German
Bayr Clagh            	Stony Road            	Arbory
Bayr Coon             	Narrow Road           	Arbory
Bayr Cronk yn Illiu   	Road of Wolf Hill     	Patrick
Bayr Crosh            	Cross road            	German
Bayr Curragh          	Marsh Road            	Patrick
Bayr Curragh ny h'Awin	Marshy River Road     	Maughold
Bayr Curree           	Road of the Marsh     	Maughold
Bayr Dhowin           	Deep Road             	Maughold
Bayr Doo              	Black Road            	Braddan
Bayr Drinagh          	Thorny Road           	Arbory
Bayr Drinagh          	Thorny Road           	Patrick
Bayr Frowde           	Frowde's Road         	Ballaugh
Bayr Gaish            	Road of the Causeway  	Michael
Bayr Garroo           	Rough Road            	Michael
Bayr Gawne            	Gawne's Road          	Malew
Bayr Geinnee Bane     	White Sand Road       	Bride
Bayr Ghlion Truan     	Glen Stream Road      	Bride
Bayr Giare            	Short Road            	Maughold
Bayr Halloo Clieau    	Mountain Land Road    	Maughold
Bayr Huntan           	Hampton's Road        	German
Bayr Janet            	Janet's Road          	Bride
Bayr Jiarg            	Red Road              	Braddan
Bayr Jiarg            	Red Road              	Bride
Bayr Jiarg            	Red Road              	Lezayre
Bayr Jiarg            	Red Road              	Maughold
Bayr Kneen            	Kneen's Road          	Patrick
Bayr Lhean            	Broad Road            	Arbory
Bayr Mooar            	Big Road              	Patrick
Bayr Noa              	New Road              	Maughold
Bayr Noa              	New Road              	Patrick
Bayr ny Claarey       	Road of the Plank     	Maughold
Bayr ny Creggey       	Road of the Rock      	Andreas
Bayr ny Creggey       	Road of the Rock      	Jurby
Bayr ny Gabbil        	Horses' Road          	Bride
Bayr ny Geayee        	Windy Road            	Bride
Bayr ny Geayee        	Windy Road            	Maughold
Bayr ny Ghiat         	Road of the Field     	Bride
Bayr ny h'Ayrey       	Road of the Gravel Bank 	Lezayre
Bayr ny Lhaggey       	Road of the Hollow    	Bride
Bayr ny Loughey       	Road of the Lake      	Bride
Bayr ny Marroo        	Road of the Dead      	Bride
Bayr ny Maynaghyn     	Road of the Monks     	German
Bayr ny n'Eayn        	Road of the Lambs     	Ballaugh
Bayr ny Nerinagh      	Irishman's Road       	Lezayre
Bayr ny Ooylyn        	Road of the Apples    	German
Bayr ny Pasheyder     	Potter's Road         	Patrick
Bayr ny Pollagh       	Road of the Pools     	Ballaugh
Bayr ny Quarralagh    	Quarry Road           	German
Bayr ny Thunnag       	Road of the Duck      	Ballaugh
Bayr Poyll Doo Aah    	Black Ford Pool Road  	Bride
Bayr Quiggin          	Quiggin's Road        	Rushen
Bayr Ruy              	Red Road              	Malew
Bayr Slieau ny Corony 	Corony Mountain Road  	Maughold
Bayr Sloo             	Smallest Road         	Bride
Bayr Tessyn           	Cross Road            	Malew
Bayr Thoar            	Bleach Green Road     	German
Bayr Woirrey          	Mary's Road           	Bride
Bayr y Creggan        	Road of the Rocky Place 	Bride
Bayr y Dam            	Road of the Dam       	Bride
Bayr y Garrett        	Garrett's Road        	Bride
Bayr y Harstal        	Goat Cliff Road       	Patrick
Bayr y Kaighin        	Kaighin's Road        	Bride
Bayr y Poyll Ruy      	Road of the Red Pool  	Bride
Bayr y Reeast         	Wasteland Road        	Bride
Bayr y Vriw           	Deemster's Road       	Ballaugh           
Bayr yn Ellan Rhennee 	Ferny Isle Road       	Ballaugh
Beary                 	Farm of the Shieling  	German
Beeal Feayn ny Geayee 	Wide Mouth of the Wind	Rushen
Beeal Liauyr          	Long Mouth            	Maughold
Beeal ny Bayryn       	Mouth of the Roads    	Bride
Beeal ny h'Aah        	Mouth of the Ford     	Bride
Beeal ny h'Aah        	Mouth of the Ford     	Lezayre
Beeal ny h'Ooig       	Mouth of the Cave     	Patrick
Beeal y Trooan        	Mouth of the Stream   	German
Beeal y Vayr          	Mouth of the Road     	Braddan
Beeal y Vayr          	Mouth of the Road     	Bride
Beeal y Vayr          	Mouth of the Road     	Rushen
Beinn Buigh           	Yellow Peak           	Patrick
Beinn Vradda          	Peak of Bradda        	Rushen
Beinnar               	Place of the Horns    	Santan
Bemaccan              	Prayer House          	Arbory
Ben Vane              	White Lady            	Conchan
Berag                 	Ragi's Farm           	Jurby
Berg                  	Hill                  	Conchan
Berk                  	Fort Creek            	Michael
Billey Hramman        	Elder Tree            	Bride
Billey Jeig           	Tithe Tree ?          	German
Billey Mooar          	Big Tree              	Bride
Block Eary            	Black Shieling        	Lezayre
Boayl Ard             	High Place            	Patrick
Boayl Chirrym         	Dry Place             	Bride
Boayl Creoi           	Hard Place            	Maughold
Boayl Daly            	Daly's Place          	Malew
Boayl Dawson          	Dawson's Place        	German
Boayl Ein             	Place of the Birds    	Ballaugh
Boayl Fadane          	Solitary Place        	German
Boayl Fasnagh         	Winnowing Place       	Patrick
Boayl Injeigyn        	Place of the Nooks    	Braddan
Boayl Jiass           	South Place           	German
Boayl Joogh           	Greedy Place          	German
Boayl Mekketts        	Place of ?            	Malew
Boayl Mooar           	Big Place             	German
Boayl ny Beisht       	Beast's Place         	Bride
Boayl ny Blockan      	Coalfish Place        	German
Boayl ny Frog         	Frog Place            	German
Boayl ny Geayee       	Windy Place           	Maughold
Boayl ny Geayee       	Windy Place           	Patrick
Boayl ny h'Ayrey      	Place of the Gravel   	Bride
Boayl ny h'Eaynin     	Place of the Precipice	Maughold
Boayl ny h'Oaie       	Place of the Graves   	Maughold
Boayl ny h'Ughtee     	Place of the Height   	Patrick
Boayl ny Jough        	Place of the Drinks   	Patrick
Boayl ny Muc          	Place of the Pigs     	Patrick
Boayl ny Niee         	Place of the Washing  	Maughold
Boayl ny Rhennee      	Ferny Place           	Maughold
Boayl ny Skeiy        	Place of the Wing     	Maughold
Boayl Olley           	Place of Wool         	Rushen
Boayl Rea             	Level Place           	Marown
Boayl Rea             	Level Place           	Patrick
Boayl Rhennee         	Ferny Place           	Braddan
Boayl Rhennee         	Ferny Place           	Lezayre
Boayl Rhennee         	Ferny Place           	Marown
Boayl Ruy             	Red Place             	German
Boayl Stack           	Stack Place           	German
Boayl Ushag           	Place of the Bird     	Maughold
Boayl Voyle           	Boyle's Fold          	Rushen
Boayl y Carn          	Place of the Cairn    	Maughold
Boayl y Churree       	Place of the Marsh    	Maughold
Boayl y Croaw         	Place of the Tree     	Maughold
Boayl y Daahder       	Dyer's Place          	German
Boayl y Gaaue         	Place of the Smith    	Maughold
Boayl y Spital        	Hospital Place        	German
Boayl y Trooan        	Place of the Stream   	Patrick
Boayl y Vayr          	Place of the Road     	Rushen
Boayl Yrjey           	Highest Spot          	German
Boayldyn              	Homestead Dale        	Braddan
Boayrd Runt           	Round Table           	Arbory
Boayrd yn Urley       	Eagle's Table         	Rushen
Bogyn                 	Bogs                  	Maughold
Bogyn Boght           	Poor Bogs             	Maughold
Bollagh               	Old Road              	Ballaugh
Bollagh               	Old Road              	German
Bollagh Jiarg         	Red Road              	Ballaugh
Bollagh Jiarg         	Red Road              	Bride
Bollagh Jiarg         	Red Road              	Rushen
Bollee Breckey        	Speckled Tracks       	Patrick
Bolley                	Track                 	Bride
Bolthann              	Place of May Festivity	Marown
Bonnad                	Bonnet                	Patrick
Bootysyn              	Boots                 	Rushen
Bordall               	Fort Dale             	Michael
Borrane               	Rocky District        	Patrick
Boshen                	Rock of the Brook     	Marown
Boshen                	Rock of the Brook     	Maughold
Boshen Mooar          	Big Rock of the Brook 	Maughold
Bowe Amyltee          	Big Cliff Tidal Rock  	Rushen
Bowe Goagyn           	Chasm Tidal Rock      	Rushen
Bowe Jiarg            	Red Tidal Rock        	Rushen
Bowe Jibdale          	Deep Glen Tidal Rock  	Rushen
Bowe Lhean            	Broad Tidal Rock      	Rushen
Bowe Norris           	Norris' Tidal Rock    	Malew
Bowe Veg              	Little Tidal Rock     	Rushen
Bowe yn Arree         	Watch Tidal Rock      	Rushen
Boweyn Carberry       	? Tidal Rocks         	Rushen
Braaid y Glionney     	Gorge of the Glen     	Lezayre
Bradda                	Broad Headland        	Rushen
Braust                	Road Farm             	Andreas
Bravag                	Broad Creek           	Malew
Bravost               	Road Farm             	Lezayre
Breck Aittin          	Speckled Gorsy Place  	Arbory
Breck Bwoaillee       	Speckled Fold         	Lonan
Breck Bwoailtyn       	Speckled Folds        	Santan
Breck Lhaggagh        	Speckled Hollow       	Maughold
Breck Woaillee        	Speckled Fold         	Lezayre
Breck Woaillee        	Speckled Fold         	Malew
Breck Woaillee        	Speckled Fold         	Patrick
Breck Wooaillagh      	Speckled Fold         	Bride
Breck y Broom         	Slope of the Spring   	German
Breckan               	Speckled Place        	Patrick
Breckan Bane          	Speckled White Field  	Maughold
Breckan ny Chibbyragh 	Speckled Well Field   	Maughold
Breckanyn             	Speckled Land         	Maughold
Breckee               	Speckled Place        	Lezayre
Brecknagh             	Speckled Land         	Jurby
Brecknagh             	Speckled Land         	Michael
Bregar                	Broad Garth           	Rushen
Breid                 	Gorge                 	German
Breid                 	Gorge                 	Patrick
Breid                 	Gulley                	Maughold
Breid                 	Sheltered Vale        	Marown
Breid Farran Fing     	Penny Land Gorge      	Lonan
Breid Foss            	Waterfall Gorge       	Lonan
Breid ny Boshen       	Rocky Brook Gorge     	Marown
Breid ny Darragh      	Gorge of the Oakwood  	Marown
Brerick               	Broad Bay             	Lezayre
Brick Fiddyr          	Trout Fry             	Bride
Broogh                	Bank                  	Bride
Broogh                	Bank                  	Maughold
Broogh                	Brink                 	Malew
Broogh                	Brink                 	Patrick
Broogh Bane           	White Bank            	Bride
Broogh Jiarg          	Red Brow              	Ballaugh
Broogh Jiarg          	Red Brow              	Lonan
Broogh Lhean          	Broad Bank            	Maughold
Broogh ny Dayllagh    	Bank of the Plain     	Maughold
Broogh ny Eaynin      	Brow of the Precipice 	Lonan
Broogh ny Fannag      	Bank of the Crow      	Maughold
Broogh ny Kennipey    	Hemp Bank             	Maughold
Broogh ny Laaghey     	Muddy Bank            	Maughold
Broogh ny Pishyragh   	Bank of the Peas      	Maughold
Broogh ny Soo         	Bank of the Berries   	Maughold
Broogh Ping           	Penny Bank            	Maughold
Broogh Sheear         	West Bank             	Bride
Broogh Shiar          	East Bank             	Bride
Broogh Shirrees       	Bank of Bellowing     	Bride
Broogh Vreeshey       	Bridget's Bank        	Bride
Broogh Vrisht         	Broken Bank           	Patrick
Broogh y Toalt        	Bank of the Barn      	Maughold
Brooinyn Broigh       	Dirty Banks           	Maughold
Brooinyn Glassey      	Green Brows           	Ballaugh
Brottby               	Steep Homestead       	Patrick
Brundal               	Spring Dale           	Lonan
Bry Ayrn              	Malt Portion          	Bride
Bryseth               	Brusi's Shieling      	Lezayre
Brystone              	Brusi's Farm          	Lezayre
Bun Cleighan          	Start of the Hedge    	Maughold
Bun ny n'Aahan        	Little Ford End       	Lonan
Bun Roauyr            	Thick End             	Rushen
Bun y Lhig            	Bottom of the Hollow  	Bride
Burroo                	Round Hill            	Rushen
Burroo 'n Edd         	Nest Hill             	Rushen
Burroo Meanagh        	Middle Round Hill     	Rushen
Burroo Mooar          	Big Round Hill        	Rushen
Burroo Sodjey         	Further Round Hill    	Rushen
Bussal Mooar          	Big Handkerchief      	Maughold
Bussal Sheeidey       	Silk Handkerchief     	Bride
Butt                  	Heap                  	Maughold
Butt Lheeah           	Grey Butt             	Lezayre
Butt Mooar            	Big Heap              	Bride
Bwoaillee             	Fold                  	Andreas
Bwoaillee Aittin      	Gorse Fold            	Lezayre
Bwoaillee Ard         	High Fold             	Patrick
Bwoaillee Ard Heear   	West High Fold        	German
Bwoaillee Ard Hiar    	East High Fold        	German
Bwoaillee Arran       	Fold of Bread         	Maughold
Bwoaillee Bane        	White Fold            	Lonan
Bwoaillee Bane        	White Fold            	Santan
Bwoaillee Beg         	Little Fold           	Malew
Bwoaillee Breck       	Speckled Fold         	Maughold
Bwoaillee Cabbalagh   	Chapel Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Cain        	Cain's Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Callen      	McAllen's Fold        	Maughold
Bwoaillee Cardle      	Cardle Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Carnane     	Cairn Fold            	Rushen
Bwoaillee Carnane Heese 	Lower Cairn Fold      	German
Bwoaillee Carnane Heose 	Upper Cairn Fold      	German
Bwoaillee Carney      	Carney's Fold         	Patrick
Bwoaillee Carrage     	Beetle Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Cashen      	Cashen's Fold         	Maughold
Bwoaillee Cashtal     	Castle Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Chayt       	Cat's Fold            	Bride
Bwoaillee Cheet Reesht	Come Again Field      	Maughold
Bwoaillee Chooidey    	Fold of the Portion   	Bride
Bwoaillee Chreoi      	Hard Fold             	Bride
Bwoaillee Clagh Bane  	White Stone Fold      	Maughold
Bwoaillee Claghane    	Stony Fold            	Bride
Bwoaillee Claghey     	Stony Field           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Cleiee Baney	White Hedges Fold     	Maughold
Bwoaillee Connee      	Gorsy Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee Corage      	Corage's Fold         	Malew
Bwoaillee Corni       	Corney's Fold         	Arbory
Bwoaillee Costain     	Costain's Fold        	Maughold
Bwoaillee Cowle       	Cowle's Fold          	German
Bwoaillee Cruitee     	Humped Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Crye        	Crye's Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Doarlish    	Fold of the Gap       	Maughold
Bwoaillee Dorrin      	Storm Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee Drommey     	Ridge Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee Drommey Jiarg 	Red Ridge Fold        	Maughold
Bwoaillee Drommey Vane	White Ridge Fold      	Maughold
Bwoaillee Fayle       	Fayle's Fold          	Rushen
Bwoaillee Garnane     	Cairn Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee Gell        	Gell's Fold           	German
Bwoaillee Gharroo     	Rough Fold            	German
Bwoaillee Gheayney    	Green Fold            	Rushen
Bwoaillee Ghoaldagh   	Foreign Fold          	Michael
Bwoaillee Ghoarlish   	Fold of the Gap       	Maughold
Bwoaillee Ghoo        	Black Fold            	Rushen
Bwoaillee Ghowin      	Deep Fold             	Malew
Bwoaillee Ghowin      	Deep Fold             	Maughold
Bwoaillee Ghowin      	Deep Fold             	Rushen
Bwoaillee Ghrine      	Thorny Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Glass       	Green Fold            	Lezayre
Bwoaillee Goair       	Goat's Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Greg        	Rock Fold             	Maughold
Bwoaillee Hallooin    	Earthy Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Hauldry     	Hauldry's Fold        	Arbory
Bwoaillee Hraagh      	Hay Fold              	Maughold
Bwoaillee Huinagh     	Rushy Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee Keeill Vayl 	Michael's Church Fold 	Bride
Bwoaillee Kinyag      	Kenag's Fold          	Patrick
Bwoaillee Leece       	Leece's Fold          	Andreas
Bwoaillee Leece       	Leece's Fold          	Bride
Bwoaillee Lieau       	Mountain Fold         	Patrick
Bwoaillee Losht       	Burnt Fold            	Lonan
Bwoaillee Losht       	Burnt Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee Mean        	Middle Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Mooar       	Big Fold              	Arbory
Bwoaillee n'Oarney    	Barley Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Noa         	New Fold              	Maughold
Bwoaillee Noa         	New Fold              	Rushen
Bwoaillee Noa ny Baa  	Cows' New Fold        	Andreas
Bwoaillee ny Braain   	Fold of the Quern     	Andreas
Bwoaillee ny Braain   	Fold of the Quern     	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Carvil   	Fold of the Horses    	Andreas
Bwoaillee ny Chibbyragh 	Well Fold             	German
Bwoaillee ny Chibbyragh 	Well Fold             	Patrick     
Bwoaillee ny Chonnee  	Gorse Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Clagh    	Stone Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Cleiee   	Hedges Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Dhammag  	Fold of the Bushes    	Andreas
Bwoaillee ny Dhammag  	Fold of the Bushes    	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Eayl     	Lime Fold             	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Feeagh   	Raven's Fold          	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Gabbil   	Horses' Fold          	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Gabbil   	Horses' Fold          	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Garnane  	Rocky Hill Fold       	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Geyrragh 	Sheep Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Giark    	Hen's Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Glagh    	Fold of the Stones    	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Goair    	Goats' Fold           	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Goayr    	Goat's Fold           	Andreas
Bwoaillee ny Goayr    	Goat's Fold           	German
Bwoaillee ny Greggan  	Rocky Place Fold      	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Gronkan  	Hillocks' Fold        	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Gussad   	Gusset Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny h'Aah    	Ford Fold             	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny h'Awin   	River Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Killey   	Church Fold           	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Liargee  	Hill Slope Fold       	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Mayr     	Fold of the Roads     	Marown
Bwoaillee ny Moanee   	Turbary Fold          	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Muc      	Pigs' Fold            	Malew
Bwoaillee ny Muck     	Pig's Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Shilleeid	Slug's Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee ny Shilleeid	Slugs Fold            	Bride
Bwoaillee ny Thammag  	Fold of the Bush      	German
Bwoaillee Poyll       	Pool Fold             	Maughold
Bwoaillee Quark       	Quark's Fold          	Maughold
Bwoaillee Quiddy      	Quiddy's Fold         	Jurby
Bwoaillee Rhennee     	Ferny Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee Shoggyl     	Rye Fold              	German
Bwoaillee Shoggyl     	Rye Fold              	Rushen
Bwoaillee Taggart     	Priest's Fold         	Lezayre
Bwoaillee Taggart     	Taggart's Fold        	Maughold
Bwoaillee Valaine     	Magdalen's Fold       	Maughold
Bwoaillee Vane        	White Fold            	Braddan
Bwoaillee Vane        	White Fold            	Bride
Bwoaillee Vane        	White Fold            	Marown
Bwoaillee Vane        	White Fold            	Maughold
Bwoaillee Vane        	White Fold            	Patrick
Bwoaillee Vane        	White Fold            	Santan
Bwoaillee Vargad      	Margaret's Fold       	Maughold
Bwoaillee Vargeen     	Martin's Fold         	Malew
Bwoaillee Veanagh     	Middle Fold           	Bride
Bwoaillee Veanee      	Middle Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Veg         	Little Fold           	Bride
Bwoaillee Veg         	Little Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Voayn       	Turf Fold             	Maughold
Bwoaillee Voirrey     	Mary's Fold           	Maughold
Bwoaillee Vooar       	Big Fold              	Bride
Bwoaillee Vooar       	Big Fold              	Maughold
Bwoaillee Vooar       	Big Fold              	Michael
Bwoaillee Vooar       	Big Fold              	Patrick
Bwoaillee Vooar Vullee	Top Big Fold          	German
Bwoaillee Vriggin     	Spotted Cow Fold      	Maughold
Bwoaillee Vutt Heear  	West Heap Fold        	Andreas
Bwoaillee Vutt Hiar   	East Heap Fold        	Andreas
Bwoaillee Wooar Heear 	West Big Fold         	German
Bwoaillee y Gharee    	Sour Land Fold        	Maughold
Bwoaillee y Vutt      	Heap Fold             	Bride
Bwoaillee y Wyllin    	Mill Fold             	Maughold
Bwoaillee Yialgagh    	Thorny Fold           	Arbory
Bwoaillee yn Chleyree 	Clerk's Fold          	Lezayre
Bwoaillee yn Eddan    	Streamlet Fold        	Rushen  
Bwoaillee yn Taggyrt  	Priest's Fold         	Patrick
Bwoaillee yn Thie     	Fold of the House     	Bride
Bwoaillee yn Vuilt    	Wether's Fold         	Maughold
Bwoaillee Yuan        	John's Fold           	Bride
Bwoailtee Beg         	Little Fold           	Arbory
Bwoailtyn Baney       	White Folds           	Malew
Bwoailtyn ny Killey   	Folds of the Church   	Bride
Bwoailtyn Rhennee     	Ferny Folds           	Malew
Bwoailtyn Vooarey     	Big Folds             	Bride
Byballo               	Grass Bank Ford Farm  	Conchan
Bygodd                	Priest's Farm         	Conchan
Byllown               	Lodinn's Farm         	Malew
Bymaughaig            	Keig's Farm           	Conchan
Byultan               	Place of May Festivity	Malew
Caaghyr               	Round Headland        	Rushen
Cabbal                	Chapel                	Lezayre
Cabbal                	Chapel                	Lonan
Cabbal Druiaght       	Duthracht's Chapel    	Marown
Cabbal Keyl           	Cecilia's Chapel      	Jurby
Cabbal ny Cooilley    	Chapel of the Nook    	Bride
Cabbal Ronnican       	Roincheann's Chapel   	Ballaugh
Cabbyl Bane           	White Horse           	German
Cabbyl Mooar          	Big Horse             	Patrick
Cabbyl Vane           	White Horse           	Patrick
Cabbyl y Chione Doo   	Horse of the Black Head 	Rushen
Cabbyl yn Lhieggey    	Horse of the Waterfall	Rushen
Caitnys               	Common                	Maughold
Cam                   	Crooked               	Patrick
Cam Ard               	High Curve            	German
Cam Lurgey            	Crooked Ridge         	Braddan
Cam Woaillee          	Crooked Fold          	Maughold
Cammall               	Ridge Hill            	Michael
Cappagh               	Tilled Plot           	Lezayre
Cardell               	Brushwood Dale        	Marown
Cardle                	Mill Glen             	Maughold
Cardle Veg            	Little Mill Glen      	Maughold
Cardle Vooar          	Big Mill Glen         	Maughold
Carn                  	Cairn                 	Lonan
Carn                  	Cairn                 	Maughold
Carn                  	Cairn                 	Rushen
Carn Beeal            	Cairn of the Opening  	Patrick
Carn Beg              	Little Cairn          	Maughold
Carn Lheeah           	Grey Cairn            	Malew
Carn Mooar            	Big Cairn             	Maughold
Carn Mooar Hutchin    	Hutchin's Big Cairn   	Patrick
Carn Sharragh Bane    	White Foal Carn       	Ballaugh
Carn Tolta            	Cairn of the Hill     	Patrick
Carn Ushag            	Bird Cairn            	Maughold
Carn Vael             	Michael's Cairn       	Michael
Carn Vane             	White Cairn           	Patrick
Carn y Chrock         	Cairn of the Urn      	Patrick
Carn y Clad           	Cairn of the Sea Edge 	Malew
Carn y Geay           	Cairn of the Wind     	Patrick
Carn y Vreid          	Cairn of the Gorge    	Rushen
Carn yn Arroo         	Corn Cairn            	Maughold
Carnane               	Cairn                 	Braddan
Carnane               	Cairn                 	Rushen
Carnane               	Rocky Hill            	Rushen
Carnane Bane          	White Cairn           	Lonan
Carnane Breck         	Speckled Cairn        	Maughold
Carnane Hiar          	Eastern Cairn         	Maughold
Carnane Rhennee       	Fernee Cairn          	Maughold
Carnigan              	Carnigan's Place      	Patrick
Carnodal              	Mill Stream Valley    	Ballaugh
Carrick               	Rock                  	Braddan
Carrick               	Rock                  	Lezayre
Carrick               	Rock                  	Lezayre
Carrick               	Rock                  	Lonan
Carrick               	Rock                  	Maughold
Carrick               	Rock                  	Michael
Carrick               	Rock                  	Patrick
Carrick               	Rock                  	Rushen
Carrick Creen         	Dry Sea Rock          	Maughold
Carrick Dhone         	Brown Rock            	Lonan
Carrick Lheeah        	Grey Rock             	Patrick
Carrick Mooinney      	Rock of the Shrubbery 	Rushen
Carrick ny Goagyn     	Rock of the Chasms    	Rushen
Carrick ny h'Eaynin   	Sea Rock of the Cliff 	Maughold
Carrick ny King       	Reef of the Headland  	Maughold
Carrick Philip        	Philip's Rock         	Rushen
Carrick Roayrt        	Spring Tide Rock      	Lonan
Carrick Veg           	Little Rock           	Rushen
Carrick y Chiyt       	Rock of the Cat       	Lezayre
Carrick y Cholloo     	Calf Rock             	Rushen
Carrick y Feeaih      	Rock of the Deer      	Maughold
Carrick y Kewley      	Kewley's Rock         	Rushen
Carrick y Voddey      	Rock of the Dog       	Maughold
Carrick yn Oaie       	Rock of the Grave     	Rushen
Carrthure             	Rocky Place           	Rushen
Cashtal               	Castle                	Marown
Cashtal Hiar          	East Castle           	Maughold
Cashtal Kione ny Goagyn 	Chasm End Castle      	Rushen
Cashtal Lajer         	Strong Castle         	Ballaugh
Cashtal Lough         	Castle Lake           	Jurby
Cashtal Lough         	Castle of the Lake    	Ballaugh
Cashtal Mooar         	Big Castle            	Patrick
Cashtal ny Waaid      	Sod Castle            	Braddan
Cashtal Ree Gorree    	King Orree's Castle   	Andreas
Cashtal Rushyn        	Castle Rushen         	Malew
Cashtal y Close       	Castle of the Enclosure 	Lezayre
Cashtal y Mucklagh    	Castle of the Pigsty  	Maughold
Cashtal y Stackey     	Stack Castle          	Rushen
Cashtal y Vuggane Mooar 	Big Buggane's Castle  	German
Cashtal yn Ard        	Castle of the Height  	Maughold
Cashtallyn            	Castles               	Lonan
Cashtallyn            	Castles               	Rushen
Cass Buigh Connee     	Yellow Gorse End      	Rushen
Cass ny h'Awin        	Foot of the River     	Malew
Cass ny h'Awin        	Foot of the River     	Santan
Cass Strooan          	Foot of the Stream    	German
Cass Strooan          	Stream End            	Rushen
Cass y Foawr          	Giant's Foot          	Maughold
Cass y Mwyllin        	Foot of the Mill      	Andreas
Cass yn Dreeym        	Foot of the Ridge     	Maughold
Cassan Struggan       	Stream Path           	Rushen
Cassey                	Causeway              	Andreas
Cassey                	Causeway              	Bride
Cassey                	Causeway              	Conchan
Cassey                	Causeway              	Maughold
Cassey                	Twisting Road         	Rushen
Cassey Moore          	Moore's Causeway      	Maughold
Charrick (yn)         	Rock (the)            	Rushen
Cheu Jiass            	South Side            	Patrick
Cheu Mooie            	Outside               	Maughold
Cheu ny Howe          	Side of the Howe      	Braddan
Cheu Traie            	Shore Side            	Lonan
Cheu Twoaie           	North Side            	Patrick
Cheu yn Phurt         	Harbour Side          	Conchan
Chibbraghyn ny Cooilley 	Wells of the Nook     	Bride
Chibbran              	Place of Wells        	Patrick
Chibbyr Airh          	Gold Well             	Lonan
Chibbyr Barra Harstal 	Well of Goat Cliff Bar	Patrick
Chibbyr Ciaran        	Ciaran's Well         	Lezayre
Chibbyr Claddagh      	Meadow River Well     	Ballaugh
Chibbyr Donkan        	Donkan's Well         	Lonan
Chibbyr Drine         	Thorn Tree Well       	Malew
Chibbyr Feeyney       	Wine Well             	Bride
Chibbyr Ferrish       	Fairy's Well          	Ballaugh
Chibbyr Ghlass        	Clear Well            	Bride
Chibbyr Glass         	Clear Well            	Ballaugh
Chibbyr Lheiy         	Calf's Well           	Ballaugh
Chibbyr Lhiattag      	Well of the Slope     	Maughold
Chibbyr Mooar         	Big Well              	Maughold
Chibbyr Murrag        	Pointed Reed Well     	Maughold
Chibbyr my Leath      	Well ?                	Maughold
Chibbyr Niglas        	Nicholas' Well        	Braddan
Chibbyr Niglus        	Nicholas' Well        	Lonan
Chibbyr ny Cheylley   	Well of the Wood      	Maughold
Chibbyr ny Cooilley   	Well of the Nook      	Bride
Chibbyr ny Cree Bane  	White Boundary Well   	Ballaugh
Chibbyr ny Fainaghyn  	Well of the Warts     	German
Chibbyr Pharick       	Patrick's Well        	Ballaugh
Chibbyr Pharick       	Patrick's Well        	Bride
Chibbyr Pharick       	Patrick's Well        	German
Chibbyr Pharick       	Patrick's Well        	Lonan
Chibbyr Ronney        	Ronan's Well          	Marown
Chibbyr Sanctan       	Sanctan's Well        	Santan
Chibbyr Skeah         	Gushing Well          	Maughold
Chibbyr Skeah         	Vomiting Well         	Lonan
Chibbyr Slieau Maggle 	Testicle Mountain Well	Michael
Chibbyr Strung        	Strung's Well         	Rushen
Chibbyr Tushtagh      	Tushtagh's Well       	Andreas
Chibbyr Unjin         	Ash Well              	Braddan
Chibbyr Unjin         	Ash Well              	Malew
Chibbyr Unney         	Ronan's Well          	Patrick
Chibbyr Vaghal        	Maughold's Well       	Maughold
Chibbyr Varkysh       	Mark's Well           	Bride
Chibbyr Voirrey       	Mary's Well           	Ballaugh
Chibbyr Vreeshey      	Bridget's Well        	Bride
Chibbyr Willy         	Willy's Well          	Bride
Chibbyr y Chiarn      	Lord's Well           	Ballaugh
Chibbyr y Chlaarey    	Well of the Plank     	Maughold
Chibbyr y Geill       	Well of the Spring    	Maughold
Chibbyr y Jane        	Jane's Well           	Maughold
Chibbyr y Phunch      	Well of the Punch     	Michael
Chibbyr y Pump        	Pump Well             	Maughold
Chibbyr y Vashtee     	Baptism Well          	Maughold
Chibbyr y Vashtee     	Baptism Well          	Patrick
Chibbyr y Vean        	Middle Well           	Bride
Chibbyr y Veayll      	Well of the Mull      	Rushen
Chibbyr y Vrooie      	Well of the Bank      	Bride
Chibbyr y Woirrey     	Mary's Well           	Maughold
Chibbyr yn Argid      	Silver Well           	Bride
Chibbyr yn Chrink     	Hill Well             	Maughold
Chibbyrt Belthane     	May Well              	Rushen
Chibbyrt Boaldyn      	May Well              	Rushen
Chibbyrt Catreeney    	St Cathrine's Well    	Arbory
Chibbyrt Catreeney    	St Cathrine's Well    	Rushen
Chibbyrt Poyll Sallagh	Well of the Dirty Pool	Patrick
Chrink Beggey         	Little Hills          	Bride
Chrink Crayee         	Clay Hills            	Bride
Chrink Gorrym         	Blue Hills            	Bride
Chrink Rhennee        	Ferny Hills           	Bride
Clabag                	Little Mouth          	German
Clabery               	Cliff Rock            	Malew
Claddagh              	River Bank            	German
Claddagh              	River Meadow          	Bride
Claddagh              	River Meadow Land     	Lezayre
Claddagh              	River Meadow Land     	Malew
Claddagh              	Riverbank Meadow      	Braddan
Claddagh Heose        	Top River Bank        	German
Claddagh ny Neearey   	? River Meadow        	Maughold
Claddagh Ushtey       	River Meadow Water    	Bride
Claddagh Wuigh        	Yellow River Meadow   	Patrick
Claddagh yn Sker      	River Meadow of Rocks 	Rushen
Clagh Ard             	High Stone            	Rushen
Clagh Bane            	White Stone           	Bride
Clagh Bane            	White Stone           	Lezayre
Clagh Bane            	White Stone           	Maughold
Clagh Bane            	White Stone           	Patrick
Clagh Hoit            	Standing Stone        	Lezayre
Clagh Hoit            	Standing Stone        	Maughold
Clagh Ouyr            	Dun Stone             	Maughold
Clagh Vane            	White Stone           	Arbory
Clagh Vane            	White Stone           	Ballaugh
Clagh Vane            	White Stone           	Santan
Clagh Vane Voalley    	White Stone Wall      	Rushen
Clagh Woaillee        	Stone Fold            	Maughold
Clagh Woaillee        	Stone Fold            	Santan
Clagh Woaillee        	Stony Fold            	Malew
Clagh Woaillee        	Stony Fold            	Patrick
Clagh Wooar           	Big Stone             	Patrick
Clagh y Daa Heet      	Two Meeting's Stone   	Rushen
Clagh y Dooinney Marroo 	Dead Man's Stone      	Lezayre
Clagh y Veilley       	Stone of the Basin    	Bride
Claghag               	Stepping Stones       	Lezayre
Claghyn Corragh       	Odd Stones            	Rushen
Claghyn Doo           	Black Stones          	Braddan
Claghyn Garroo        	Rough Stones          	Lonan
Claghyn ny Killey     	Stones of the Church  	Rushen
Clanaugh              	Slope                 	Lezayre
Clash Doo Kione Thoar 	Black Trench Bleach End 	German
Cleaynagh             	Slope                 	Santan
Cleaysh Lheeah        	Grey Ear              	Rushen
Cleigh Bane           	White Hedge           	Braddan
Cleigh Clagh          	Stone Hedge           	Lonan
Cleigh Clagh          	Stone Hedge           	Maughold
Cleigh Cor            	Hillock Hedge         	Malew
Cleigh Curree         	Hedge of the Marsh    	Ballaugh
Cleigh Drineagh       	Thorny Hedge          	Maughold
Cleigh Drommey        	Hedge of the Ridge    	Maughold
Cleigh Fainey         	Ring Fence            	Patrick
Cleigh Finn           	White Hedge           	Michael
Cleigh ny Cuilleig    	Hedge of the Corner   	Lonan
Cleigh ny Howe        	Fence of the Cairn    	Lonan
Cleigh ny Lheeannagh  	Meadow Hedge          	Patrick
Cleigh ny Moanee      	Turbary Hedge         	Lonan
Cleigh ny Moaney      	Turbary Hedge         	Malew
Cleigh ny n'Arraghyn  	Hedge of the Ramparts 	Maughold
Cleigh Roauyr          	Thick Hedge           	Malew
Cleigh yn Arragh      	Hedge of the Rampart  	Lezayre
Clenaige              	Little Meadow         	Maughold
Clepps                	Kleppr's Farm         	Conchan
Clepps y Creer        	Creer's Clepp's Farm  	Conchan
Clett                 	Rock                  	Lonan
Clett                 	Rock                  	Maughold
Clett                 	Rock                  	Rushen
Clett                 	Rock                  	Santan
Clett Albey           	Scottish Rock         	Rushen
Clett Aldrick         	Old People's Rock     	Rushen
Clett Herby           	Herbert's Rock        	Rushen
Clett Veanagh         	Middle Rock           	Rushen
Clett Wooar           	Big Rock              	Rushen
Clett yn Stackey      	Rock of the Stack     	Rushen
Clettyn yn Vurroo     	Round Hill Rocks      	Rushen
Close                 	Enclosure             	Bride
Close                 	Enclosure             	Lezayre
Close                 	Enclosure             	Maughold
Close Aimil           	Emily's Enclosure     	Ballaugh
Close Aittin          	Gorse Enclosure       	Bride
Close Balley Caley    	Caley's Farm Enclosure	Ballaugh
Close Balley Coraige  	Coraige's Fm Enclosure	Ballaugh
Close Bane            	White Enclosure       	German
Close Bane            	White Enclosure       	Malew
Close Bane            	White Enclosure       	Maughold
Close Beg             	Little Enclosure      	Arbory
Close Beg             	Little Enclosure      	Bride
Close Beg             	Little Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close Beg             	Little Enclosure      	Maughold
Close Beg             	Little Enclosure      	Patrick
Close Beg             	Small Enclosure       	Lezayre
Close Buigh           	Yellow Enclosure      	German
Close Bwoaillee Vooar 	Big Fold Enclosure    	Bride
Close Chiarn          	Lord's Enclosure      	German
Close Chirrym         	Dry Enclosure         	Lezayre
Close Clark           	Clark's Enclosure     	Ballaugh
Close Conning         	Rabbit's Enclosure    	Ballaugh
Close Conolye         	Conolye's Enclosure   	Lezayre
Close Cor Jiass       	South Hill Enclosure  	Ballaugh
Close Corrin          	Corrin's Enclosure    	Ballaugh
Close Corteen         	Corteen's Enclosure   	Andreas
Close Cottier         	Cottier's Enclosure   	Lezayre
Close Craig           	Craig's Enclosure     	Lezayre
Close Craine          	Craine's Enclosure    	Ballaugh
Close Craine          	Craine's Enclosure    	Jurby
Close Crine           	Kneen's Enclosure     	German
Close Cronstal        	Kraun's Dale Enclosure	Ballaugh
Close Cross           	Cross's Enclosure     	Patrick
Close Dick            	Dick's Enclosure      	German
Close Doagh           	Vat Enclosure         	Arbory
Close Donald          	Donald's Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close Dressagh        	Briary Close          	Arbory
Close Edmund          	Edmund's Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close Ferrish         	Fairy's Enclosure     	Ballaugh
Close Ffere           	Close of the Fair     	Lezayre
Close Fo Lieau        	Mountain Foot Enclosure 	Maughold
Close Fold            	Fold's Fold           	Rushen
Close Freoaie         	Heather Enclosure     	Lezayre
Close Garrett         	Garrett's Enclosure   	Maughold
Close Garroo          	Rough Enclosure       	Maughold
Close Gaul            	Gaul's Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close Gibbon          	Gibbon's Close        	Santan
Close Goldsmith       	Goldsmith's Enclosure 	Bride
Close Goldsmith       	Goldsmith's Enclosure 	Lezayre
Close Gorm            	Blue Close            	Lonan
Close Grest           	Grettir Farm Enclosure	Lezayre
Close Hay             	Hay Enclosure         	Andreas
Close Heear           	West Enclosure        	Bride
Close Heese           	Lower Enclosure       	Ballaugh
Close Heese           	Lower Enclosure       	Maughold
Close Hiar            	East Enclosure        	German
Close Hoal            	Further Close         	Lonan
Close Hom             	Tom's Enclosure       	Lezayre
Close Home            	Home's Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close Hommy Vane      	White Tommy's Enclosure 	Lezayre
Close Hough           	Rough Enclosure       	Rushen
Close Illiam          	William's Enclosure   	Maughold
Close Jiarg           	Red Enclosure         	Lezayre
Close Jiarg           	Red Enclosure         	Marown
Close Keeill Breaga   	Breaga's Church Enclosure 	Lezayre
Close Kelly           	Kelly's Enclosure     	Jurby
Close Keppaugh        	Tilled Enclosure      	Jurby
Close Kewney          	Kewney's Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close Kewney Beg      	Tiny Kewney's Enclosure 	Lezayre
Close Killip          	Killip's Enclosure    	Jurby
Close Kione Lough     	Lake End Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close Kneale          	Kneale's Enclosure    	Andreas
Close Kneale          	Kneale's Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close Kneen           	Kneen's Enclosure     	Lezayre
Close Lea             	Lea's Enclosure       	Malew
Close Leece           	Leece's Enclosure     	Patrick
Close Lheannee        	Meadow Enclosure      	Maughold
Close Liauyr          	Long Enclosure        	Andreas
Close Ling            	Heather Enclosure     	Lezayre
Close Mac y Teare     	McTeare's Close       	Patrick
Close McFayle         	McFayle's Enclosure   	Lezayre
Close Mean            	Middle Enclosure      	Ballaugh
Close Meanagh         	Middle Enclosure      	Lonan
Close Meanagh         	Middle Enclosure      	Maughold
Close Michael         	Michael's Enclosure   	German
Close Mollagh         	Rough Enclosure       	Lezayre
Close Mollagh         	Rough Enclosure       	Maughold
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Andreas
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Arbory
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Ballaugh
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Bride
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	German
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Lezayre
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Lonan
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Marown
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Maughold
Close Mooar           	Big Enclosure         	Patrick
Close Mooar Loughan Wee 	Yellow Lake Big Close 	Bride
Close Mooar y Chonnee 	Big Gorsy Enclosure   	Maughold
Close Moore           	Moore's Enclosure     	Malew
Close Moughtin        	Moughtin's Enclosure  	Ballaugh
Close Moughton        	Moughton's Enclosure  	Jurby
Close Noa             	New Enclosure         	German
Close Noa             	New Enclosure         	Lezayre
Close Noa             	New Enclosure         	Marown
Close Noa             	New Enclosure         	Maughold
Close Noa             	New Enclosure         	Michael
Close Noa             	New Enclosure         	Patrick
Close Noa Jiass       	South New Enclosure   	Bride
Close Noa Twoaie      	North New Enclosure   	Bride
Close Noa y Cubbon    	Cubbon's New Enclosure	Rushen
Close Noa y Kelly     	Kelly's New Enclosure 	Rushen
Close ny Brebag       	Kiln Enclosure        	German
Close ny Chibbyragh   	Well Enclosure        	Ballaugh
Close ny Chollagh     	Stallion's Enclosure  	Malew
Close ny Clagh        	Stone Enclosure       	Maughold
Close ny Cleigh       	Hedge Enclosure       	Maughold
Close ny Colloo       	Calf Island Enclosure 	Malew
Close ny Cooyrtey     	Court Enclosure       	Malew
Close ny Creggey      	Rocky Enclosure       	Ballaugh
Close ny Creggey      	Rocky Enclosure       	Bride
Close ny Eairkan      	Lapwing Enclosure     	Lonan
Close ny Erinee       	Farmers' Enclosure    	Andreas          
Close ny Gabbil       	Horses' Enclosure     	Bride
Close ny Gaule        	Strangers' Enclosure  	Lezayre
Close ny Gramman      	Lumpy Enclosure       	Maughold
Close ny h'Awin       	River Enclosure       	Lezayre
Close ny h'Awin       	River Enclosure       	Maughold
Close ny h'Oaie       	Enclosure of the Graves 	Bride
Close ny Laaghey      	Enclosure of the Mire 	German
Close ny Lheannagh    	Meadow Enclosure      	Maughold
Close ny Lheannee     	Meadow Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close ny Lheiy        	Enclosure of the Calves 	Maughold
Close ny Loghey       	Enclosure of the Lake 	German
Close ny Maynagh      	Monks' Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close ny Moaney       	Turf Enclosure        	Ballaugh
Close ny Moaney       	Turf Enclosure        	Lezayre
Close ny Moaney       	Turf Enclosure        	Maughold
Close ny Molley       	Close of the Honey    	Andreas
Close ny Nappan       	Hillock Enclosure     	Lezayre
Close ny Punt         	Pinfold Enclosure     	Santan
Close ny Scraa        	Roof Turf Enclosure   	Bride
Close ny Shuin        	Rushy Enclosure       	Maughold
Close ny Thunnag      	Duck's Enclosure      	Ballaugh
Close ny Traagh       	Hay Enclosure         	Maughold
Close Phlaggad        	Enclosure of Oats     	Bride
Close Pickard         	Pickard's Enclosure   	Malew
Close Ratcliffe       	Radcliffe's Enclosure 	Andreas
Close Rea             	Level Enclosure       	Andreas
Close Rea             	Lord's Enclosure      	Ballaugh
Close Reoaie          	Heather Enclosure     	Lezayre
Close Rhennee         	Ferny Enclosure       	Ballaugh
Close Rheynn Buigh    	Yellow Division Close 	Andreas
Close Sam             	Sam's Enclosure       	German
Close Sartfell        	Black Hill Enclosure  	Jurby
Close Shellee         	Willow Enclosure      	German
Close Shoggyl         	Rye Enclosure         	Michael
Close Slieau          	Mountain Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close Sooar y Kelly   	Kelly's Sour Enclosure	Rushen
Close Sour            	? Enclosure           	German
Close Steaon          	Stephen's Enclosure   	Maughold
Close Sthie           	Inner Enclosure       	Lonan
Close Taggart         	Taggart's Enclosure   	Ballaugh
Close Taggart         	Taggart's Enclosure   	Bride
Close Tappagh         	Tufted Enclosure      	Bride
Close Tooran          	Stack Enclosure       	Andreas
Close Vane            	White Enclosure       	Arbory
Close Vark            	Mark's Enclosure      	Andreas
Close Vark            	Mark's Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close Varteen         	Martin's Enclosure    	Bride
Close Vell            	Bell's Close          	Malew
Close Vicaragh        	Vicar's Enclosure     	Rushen
Close Warree          	Grandmother's Enclosure 	Maughold
Close Whinny          	Enclosure ?           	Malew
Close William         	William's Enclosure   	Andreas
Close Willy           	Willy's Enclosure     	Bride
Close Woods           	Wood's Enclosure      	Ballaugh
Close y Cabbyl        	Horse Enclosure       	Malew
Close y Callow        	Callow's Enclosure    	Ballaugh
Close y Cannell       	Cannell's Enclosure   	German
Close y Captan        	Captain's Enclosure   	Ballaugh
Close y Cashin        	Cashin's Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close y Chibbyr Ghlass	Clear Well Enclosure  	Bride
Close y Churree       	Marshy Enclosure      	Bride
Close y Constable     	Constable's Enclosure 	Patrick
Close y Coole         	Coole's Enclosure     	Lezayre
Close y Coraige       	Coraige's Enclosure   	Ballaugh
Close y Cowley        	Cowley's Enclosure    	Ballaugh
Close y Craige        	Craige's Enclosure    	Andreas
Close y Curragh Vollagh 	Rough Miry Enclosure  	Maughold
Close y Droghad       	Bridge Enclosure      	Andreas
Close y Gaaue         	Blacksmith's Enclosure	Maughold
Close y Gell          	Gell's Enclosure      	Ballaugh
Close y Gell          	Gell's Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close y Gell          	Gell's Enclosure      	Rushen
Close y Karran        	Karron's Enclosure    	Marown
Close y Kee           	Kee's Enclosure       	Lezayre
Close y Kelly         	Kelly's Enclosure     	Ballaugh
Close y Kerroo Doo    	Black Quarter Enclosure 	Bride
Close y Kewin         	Kewin's Enclosure     	Andreas
Close y Kewne         	Kewne's Enclosure     	Lezayre
Close y Key           	Kie's Enclosure       	Bride
Close y Keym          	Enclosure of the Style	Maughold
Close y Killey        	Church Enclosure      	Marown
Close y Killip        	Killip's Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close y Kirree        	Kirree's Enclosure    	German
Close y Kissack       	Kissack's Enclosure   	Ballaugh
Close y Lough         	Lake Enclosure        	Andreas
Close y Quaggin       	Quaggin's Enclosure   	Ballaugh
Close y Quayle        	Quayle's Enclosure    	Ballaugh
Close y Rhennee       	Ferny Enclosure       	Maughold
Close y Shenn Dooinney	Old Man's Enclosure   	Maughold
Close y Toalt         	Barn Enclosure        	German
Close y Vater         	Slope Enclosure       	Andreas
Close y Vayr          	Enclosure of the Road 	Lezayre
Close y Voaney        	Turbary Enclosure     	Ballaugh
Close y Vollagh       	Enclosure of the Road 	Andreas
Close y Vollee        	Enclosure of the Road 	Ballaugh
Close y Vollee        	Old Road Enclosure    	Lezayre
Close y Vriw          	Deemster's Enclosure  	Lezayre
Close y Vriw          	Deemster's Enclosure  	Malew
Close yn Ard Jaghin   	Archdeacon's Close    	Lezayre 
Close yn Argid        	Silver Enclosure      	Andreas
Close yn Argid        	Silver Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close yn Arroo        	Corn Enclosure        	Maughold
Close yn Eayl         	Lime Enclosure        	Maughold
Close yn Ellan        	Island Enclosure      	Lezayre
Close yn Ellan        	Island Enclosure      	Marown
Close yn Ollee        	Cattle Enclosure      	Lezayre
Cluggid               	Gullet                	Lezayre
Cluggid Blaeba        	Blaeberry Gorge       	German
Coan                  	Hollow                	Arbory
Coan                  	Hollow                	Bride
Coan                  	Hollow                	Lezayre
Coan                  	Hollow                	Maughold
Coan                  	Hollow                	Patrick
Coan Bane             	White Hollow          	Andreas
Coan Bane             	White Hollow          	Bride
Coan Buigh            	Yellow Hollow         	Ballaugh
Coan Claghagh         	Stony Hollow          	Bride
Coan Coon             	Narrow Hollow         	Bride
Coan Curnaght         	Wheat Hollow          	Bride
Coan Dhowin           	Deep Hollow           	Bride
Coan Dhowin Hiar      	East Deep hollow      	Bride
Coan Hughey           	Hugh's Hollow         	Bride
Coan Lheeah           	Grey Hollow           	Lezayre
Coan Mooar            	Big Hollow            	Bride
Coan Mooar            	Big Hollow            	Maughold
Coan Mooar            	Great Hollow          	Lonan
Coan ny h'Oaie        	Hollow of the Graves  	Bride
Coan ny Maynaghyn     	Hollow of the Monks   	Lonan
Coan Rhennee          	Ferny Hollow          	Patrick
Coan Rhennee          	Ferny Ravine          	Conchan
Coan Shellagh         	Willow Hollow         	Patrick
Coan Traagh           	Hay Hollow            	Bride
Coan y Cowle          	Cowle's Hollow        	Bride
Coan y Ryegrass       	Ryegrass Hollow       	Bride
Coan y Villey         	Tree Hollow           	Bride
Coan Yuan Hom         	John Tom's Hollow     	Bride
Coar Cross            	Cross' ?              	Ballaugh
Colby                 	Charcoal Farm         	Lonan
Colby                 	Koli's Farm           	Arbory
Colby                 	Kolli's Farm          	Lonan
Cold Bery             	Cold Cliff            	Rushen
Colden                	Summit                	Braddan
Colloo                	Calf                  	Rushen
Colloo Way            	Calf Bay              	Rushen
Commissary            	King's Enclosure      	Malew
Congary               	Rabbit Warren         	German
Connag                	Gorsy Place           	Maughold
Connaghan             	Gorse Bon Place       	Arbory
Conney Bunjah         	Gorse ?               	Marown
Conney Frangagh       	Place of Large Gorse  	Lezayre
Conney Frangagh       	Place of Large Gorse  	Maughold
Conney Mooar          	Great Gorse           	Ballaugh
Cooid ny Pingey       	Penny Portion         	Ballaugh
Cooil                 	Nook                  	Braddan
Cooil                 	Nook                  	Bride
Cooil                 	Nook                  	Lezayre
Cooil                 	Nook                  	Malew
Cooil Aittin          	Gorse Nook            	Bride
Cooil Ard             	High Nook             	Maughold
Cooil Bane            	White Nook            	Lezayre
Cooil Beggan          	Little Nook           	Braddan
Cooil Cam             	Crooked Nook          	Maughold
Cooil Cham            	Crooked Nook          	Bride
Cooil Cham            	Crooked Nook          	Malew
Cooil Cham            	Crooked Nook          	Patrick
Cooil Cleigh          	Corner of the Fence   	Malew
Cooil Cleiy           	Nook of the Hedge     	Maughold
Cooil Clieau          	Mountain Nook         	Maughold
Cooil Connee          	Gorse Nook            	Lonan
Cooil Darragh         	Oak Nook              	Michael
Cooil Doo             	Black Nook            	Bride
Cooil Doo             	Black Nook            	Jurby
Cooil Drommey         	Ridge Nook            	Bride
Cooil Ellen           	Ellen's Nook          	Maughold
Cooil Ghlass          	Green Nook            	Bride
Cooil Ineen           	Girl's Nook           	Marown
Cooil Injil           	Low Nook              	Marown
Cooil Lhiabbee        	Tomb Nook             	Jurby
Cooil ny Bingey       	Nook of the Jury      	Ballaugh
Cooil ny Brebag       	Nook of the Kiln      	Maughold
Cooil ny Chatt        	Nook of the Cat       	Ballaugh
Cooil ny Churree      	Marshy Nook           	Bride
Cooil ny Creggey      	Rocky Nook            	Bride
Cooil ny Croittey     	Nook of the Croft     	Maughold
Cooil ny Feeyney      	Nook of the Wine      	Maughold
Cooil ny Fynneig      	Nook of the Pods      	Bride
Cooil ny Goayr        	Nook of the Goats     	Ballaugh
Cooil ny Guiy         	Goose Nook            	Lezayre
Cooil ny Gurlan       	Nook of the Earth Nuts	Maughold
Cooil ny Gurragh      	Nook of the Marsh     	Maughold
Cooil ny h'Oaie       	Nook of the Graves    	Maughold
Cooil ny h'Oarney     	Barley Nook           	Maughold
Cooil ny h'Ollagh     	Cattle Nook           	Maughold
Cooil ny Liargee      	Nook of the Slope     	Bride
Cooil ny Marrey       	Sea Nook              	Maughold
Cooil ny Moaney       	Turbary Nook          	Bride
Cooil ny Mullagh      	Nook of the Summit    	Maughold
Cooil ny Ping         	Penny Nook            	Bride
Cooil ny Quallian     	Nook of the Pup       	Maughold
Cooil ny Reaghyn Hiar 	East Rams' Nook       	Bride
Cooil ny Rhennee      	Ferny Nook            	Bride
Cooil ny Vraghane     	Nook of the Brackan   	Maughold
Cooil Oddey           	Long Nook             	Maughold
Cooil Rea             	Level Nook            	Maughold
Cooil Rea ny n'Eean   	Bird's Level Nook     	Andreas
Cooil Reish           	Nook of the Span      	Maughold
Cooil Rhennee         	Ferny Nook            	Maughold
Cooil Ruy             	Red Nook              	Lonan
Cooil Shellagh        	Willow Nook           	Michael
Cooil Slieau          	Mountain Nook         	German
Cooil Tramman         	Elder Tree Nook       	Bride
Cooil Trass Beg       	Little Third Corner   	Bride
Cooil Troa            	Nook of the Current   	Maughold
Cooil Ulyst           	Nook of Olaf's Farm   	Braddan
Cooil Ushtey          	Water Nook            	Maughold
Cooil Vane            	White Corner          	Rushen
Cooil Vichal          	Michael's Nook        	Maughold
Cooil Vooar           	Big Nook              	Bride
Cooil y Chrink        	Corner of the Hill    	Santan
Cooil y Cowle         	Cowle's Nook          	Bride
Cooil y Knock         	Nook of the Hill      	Bride
Cooil y Lieen         	Flax Nook             	Bride
Cooil y Skillin       	Shilling Nook         	Andreas
Cooil y Vaatey        	Boat Nook             	Maughold
Cooil y Voddee        	Nook of the Dog       	Lezayre
Cooilee               	Little Nook           	Maughold
Cooyl Churragh        	Back Curragh          	German
Cooyl ny Cheylley     	Behind the Wood       	Maughold
Cooyl Thie            	Behind the House      	Bride
Cooyrt                	Court                 	Rushen
Cooyrt Hampton        	Hampton's Court       	Braddan
Cor                   	Round Hill            	Lezayre
Cor Breck             	Brushwood Slope       	Santan
Cor Breck             	Kori's Slope          	Santan
Cor Lheeah            	Grey Hill             	Malew
Cor Moanagh           	Turfy Hill            	Marown
Cor ny Greg           	Hill of the Rocks     	Lezayre
Cor ny Vaaid          	Hill of the Sods      	Patrick
Cor Roddy             	Roddy's Hill          	Patrick
Cor Stack             	Round Rock            	Maughold
Cor Valley            	Hill Farm             	Ballaugh
Cor Valley            	Hill Farm             	German
Cor Valley            	Hill Farm             	Marown
Cor Valley            	Hill Farm             	Rushen
Cor yn Charnane       	Hill of the Cairn     	Patrick
Cor yn Ellee          	Hill of the Fort      	German
Cor yn Faal           	Hill of the Hedge     	Jurby
Corna                 	Mill Glen             	Lezayre
Corna                 	Mill Water            	Malew
Cornaa                	Mill Glen             	Maughold
Cornama               	Mill River Ford       	Malew
Corneil ny Killagh    	Church Corner         	Michael
Corneil y Loughan     	Corner of the Lakelet 	Bride
Corneilagh            	Corner                	Rushen
Corony                	Mill Glen             	Maughold
Corony Beg            	Little Mill Glen      	Maughold
Corony Mooie          	Outer Mill Glen       	Maughold
Corrody               	Saint Ciaran          	Lezayre
Corrony               	Saint Ciaran          	Lezayre
Cosh ny Faaie         	Foot of the Flat      	Maughold
Cosh ny h'Ushtaghyn   	Foot of the Waters    	Lezayre
Cosh ny Moanagh       	Foot of the Turbary   	Maughold
Cosh ny Moanee        	Foot of the Turbary   	Maughold
Cosh ny Moaney        	Foot of the Turbary   	Lezayre
Cottery Plate         	?                     	Ballaugh
Couyrt                	Court                 	Andreas
Couyrt Maynaghyn      	Monks' Court          	Michael
Cown                  	Round Dry Hill        	Braddan
Crammag               	Little Hill           	Lezayre
Crammag               	Little Hill           	Maughold
Cramman               	Point                 	Bride
Cramman y Garrett     	Garrett's Point       	Bride
Cranstal              	Kraun's Valley        	Bride
Cranstal Vooar        	Kraun's Big Valley    	Bride
Crawyn                	?                     	Ballaugh
Creagh ny Chrink      	Boundary of the Hills 	Maughold
Creelagh              	Miry Place            	German
Creelagh              	Morass                	Patrick
Creelagh              	Shaking Bog           	Andreas
Creelagh              	Withered Place        	Ballaugh
Creenagh              	Withered Land         	Andreas
Creenagh              	Withered Land         	Arbory
Creenagh Vooar        	Big Withered Land     	Lezayre
Creg                  	Rock                  	Braddan
Creg                  	Rock                  	Bride
Creg                  	Rock                  	German
Creg                  	Rock                  	Marown
Creg                  	Rock                  	Maughold
Creg Adha             	Arthur's Rock         	Patrick
Creg Agneash          	Rock of Agneash       	Lonan
Creg Bane             	White Rock            	Lezayre
Creg Bane y Bill Villy	Billy Bill's White Rock 	Ballaugh
Creg Beg              	Little Rock           	Marown
Creg Bill Hom         	Bill Tom's Rock       	Patrick
Creg Costain          	Costain's Rock        	Malew
Creg Cruinn           	Round Rock            	Michael
Creg Doo              	Black Rock            	Malew
Creg Doo              	Black Rock            	Patrick
Creg Dullish          	Seaweed Rock          	Rushen  
Creg Feeagh           	Raven's Rock          	Bride
Creg Foalley          	Rock of Blood         	Rushen
Creg Glass            	Grey Rock             	Santan
Creg Hirlock          	Shirlock's Rock       	Rushen
Creg Hollin           	Holly Rock            	Maughold
Creg Inneen ny Dane   	Dane's Daughter Rock  	Rushen
Creg Inneen Thalleyr  	Tailor's Daughter Rock	Malew
Creg Keeill Bouyr     	Deaf Church Rock      	Lezayre
Creg Lhean            	Wide Rock             	Patrick
Creg Lheeah           	Grey Rock             	Lezayre
Creg Lheeah           	Grey Rock             	Patrick
Creg Lheeah           	Grey Rock             	Rushen
Creg Liauyr           	Long Rock             	Rushen
Creg Luke             	Luke's Rock           	Rushen
Creg Magher ny Garnane	Rock of the Cairn Field 	Maughold
Creg Malin            	Rock of the Brow      	German
Creg Mill             	Mill Rock             	Malew
Creg Mooar            	Big Rock              	Lezayre
Creg Mooar            	Big Rock              	Patrick
Creg Mwyllin          	Mill Rock             	Rushen
Creg Needle           	Needle Rock           	Patrick
Creg Ness             	Crow Headland         	Rushen
Creg ny Baa           	Cow's Rock            	Conchan
Creg ny Baih          	Rock of the Drowning  	Rushen
Creg ny Bollan Beggey 	Rock of Little Bollan 	Patrick
Creg ny Caillee       	Rock of the Hag       	Ballaugh
Creg ny Corony        	Mill Glen Rock        	Maughold
Creg ny Crock         	Rock of the Crock     	Patrick
Creg ny Gayt          	Rock of the Cats      	German
Creg ny Gayt          	Rock of the Cats      	Michael
Creg ny Goayr         	Rock of the Goats     	Lezayre
Creg ny Greeba        	Rock of Greeba        	Marown
Creg ny Mohlt         	Rock of the Wethers   	Maughold
Creg ny Mollan        	Wrasse Rock           	Maughold
Creg ny Neen          	Girls' Rock           	Rushen
Creg ny Scarroo       	Cormorants' Rock      	Rushen
Creg ny Souney        	Hollantide Rock       	Lezayre
Creg ny Vraain        	Rock of the Quern     	Patrick
Creg Ooig             	Cave Rock             	Maughold
Creg Rea              	Flat Rock             	Rushen
Creg Richard          	Richard's Rock        	Patrick
Creg Robin            	Robin's Rock          	Patrick
Creg Ruy              	Red Rock              	Patrick
Creg Stack            	Stack Rock            	Patrick
Creg Tim              	Tim's Rock            	Patrick
Creg Veanagh          	Middle Rock           	Rushen
Creg Veg              	Little Rock           	Maughold
Creg Watch            	Watch Rock            	Patrick
Creg Will Syl         	Will Sylvester's Rock 	German
Creg Wine             	Quine's Rock          	Marown
Creg Wooar            	Big Rock              	Patrick
Creg y Chabbyl        	Horse's Rock          	Marown
Creg y Chreel         	Creel Rock            	Rushen
Creg y Cor            	Round Detached Rock   	Bride
Creg y Cowin          	Cowin's Rock          	Braddan
Creg y Creale         	Kneale's Rock         	Bride
Creg y Cubbon         	Cubbon's Rock         	Rushen
Creg y Foawr          	Giant's rock          	Maughold
Creg y Gheinnee       	Sandy Rock            	Conchan
Creg y Jaghee         	Tithe Rock            	Rushen
Creg y Laggan         	Rock of the Hollow    	Patrick
Creg y Lheim          	Rock Leap             	Rushen
Creg y Lhish          	Lee Rock              	Rushen
Creg y Lhong          	Rock of the Ship      	Patrick    
Creg y Lhuishaig      	Blanket Rock          	Lonan
Creg y Raun           	Seal Rock             	Malew
Creg y Raun           	Seal Rock             	Patrick
Creg y Shag           	Cormorant's Rock      	Rushen
Creg y Voaral         	Mooring Rock          	Rushen
Creg y Vollan         	Rock of the Bollan    	Patrick
Creg y Vollan         	Rock of the Bollan    	Rushen
Creg y Vriw           	Deemster's Rock       	Bride
Creg y Vuggane        	Buggane's Rock        	Lonan
Creg y Whallian       	Whelp's Rock          	Braddan
Creg y Whallian       	Whelp's Rock          	Marown
Creg y Whallian       	Whelp's Rock          	Patrick
Creg yn Arroo         	Rock of the Corn      	Braddan
Creg yn Jeih          	Rock of the Tithe     	Patrick
Creg yn Oillan        	Gull's Rock           	Rushen
Creg yn Yeean         	Rock of the Bird      	Patrick
Creg yn Ynnag         	Whiting Rock          	Patrick
Cregby                	Ridge Farm            	Andreas
Creggan               	Rocky Place           	Lezayre
Creggan               	Rocky Place           	Malew
Creggan               	Rocky Place           	Maughold
Creggan               	Rocky Place           	Patrick
Creggan               	Rocky Place           	Santan
Creggan Aittin        	Gorsy Rocky Place     	Maughold
Creggan Bane          	White Rocky Land      	Patrick
Creggan Beg           	Little Rocky Place    	Arbory
Creggan Beg           	Little Rocky Place    	Bride
Creggan Beg           	Little Rocky Place    	Maughold
Creggan Creg Lheeah   	Grey Stone Rocky Place	Maughold
Creggan Doo           	Black Rocky Place     	Michael
Creggan Doo           	Black Rocky Place     	Rushen
Creggan Drine         	Thorny Rocky Place    	Maughold
Creggan Lheeah        	Grey Rocky Place      	Santan
Creggan Mooar         	Big Rocky Place       	Andreas
Creggan Mooar         	Big Rocky Place       	Bride
Creggan Mooar         	Big Rocky Place       	German
Creggan Mooar         	Big Rocky Place       	Maughold
Creggan Mooar         	Big Rocky Place       	Patrick
Creggan Mooar         	Big Rocky Place       	Patrick
Creggan ny Cooilley   	Rocky Place of the Nook 	Bride
Creggan ny Mraane     	Women's Rocky Place   	Patrick
Creggan Roauyr        	Thick Rocky Place     	Bride
Creggan y Cor         	Small Round Rocky Hill	Bride
Creggan y Veayll      	Rocky Bare Hill       	Rushen
Creggan yn Annag      	Crow's Rocky Place    	Marown
Creggan yn Arragh     	Rocky Rampart         	Lezayre
Cregganyn             	Rocky Places          	Bride
Creggyn Doo           	Black Rocks           	Rushen
Creggyn Minney        	Small Rocks           	Rushen
Creggyn Mooarey       	Big Rocks             	Rushen
Creggyn Vreckey       	Speckled Rocks        	Maughold
Cregneash             	Crow's Ness           	Rushen
Crielagh              	Shaking Ground        	Bride
Crielagh              	Shaking Ground        	Maughold
Cringle               	Round Hill            	Arbory
Crink Baney           	White Hills           	Maughold
Cro ny Bock           	Gelding's Pen         	Rushen
Croa Callin           	Callin's Sheep Pen    	Maughold
Croa ny Geyrragh      	Pen of the Sheep      	Maughold
Croau Creen           	Withered Bush         	Maughold
Croau Creen Neese     	Lower Withered Bush   	Maughold
Croch Breck           	Speckled Gallows      	German
Crogga                	Winding River         	Santan
Croit                 	Croft                 	Arbory
Croit                 	Croft                 	Bride
Croit                 	Croft                 	Rushen
Croit Aittin          	Gorse Croft           	Andreas
Croit Aittin Rhennee  	Gorse Croft of the Fern 	Maughold
Croit Allow           	Allow's Croft         	Lonan
Croit Ann             	Ann's Croft           	Bride
Croit Anny            	Ann's Croft           	Lonan
Croit Bane            	White Croft           	Maughold
Croit Bayr ny Geayee  	Croft of the Windy Road 	Bride
Croit Beg             	Little Croft          	German
Croit Bell            	Bell's Croft          	Arbory
Croit Bell            	Bell's Croft          	Malew
Croit Bill Pharick    	Bill Patrick's Croft  	Ballaugh
Croit Billy Juan Creale 	Wm John Kneale's Croft	Bride
Croit Boddagh         	Boyd's Croft          	Ballaugh
Croit Bwoaillee Losht 	Croft of the Burnt Fold 	Maughold
Croit Cabbal Leonard  	Leonard's Chapel Croft	Malew
Croit Callow          	Callow's Croft        	Lonan
Croit Carrin          	Carrin's Croft        	Lezayre
Croit Chalse          	Charles' Croft        	Bride
Croit Charles         	Charles' Croft        	Arbory
Croit Charry          	Charry's Croft        	Arbory
Croit Chiarn          	Lord's Croft          	Bride
Croit Chollum         	Collum's Croft        	Bride
Croit Cholquitt       	Colquitt's Croft      	Bride
Croit Chonnag         	Gorsy Place Croft     	Maughold
Croit Chonnell        	Connell's Croft       	Bride
Croit Chreen          	Withered Croft        	Bride
Croit Chreesteeney    	Christian's Croft     	Bride
Croit Christian Bane  	White Christian's Croft 	Lezayre
Croit Cleigh Curree   	Marsh Hedge Croft     	Ballaugh
Croit Close Mooar     	Big Enclosure Croft   	Bride
Croit Colley          	Colley's Croft        	Andreas
Croit Cooper          	Cooper's Croft        	Bride
Croit Corkill         	Corkill's Croft       	Michael
Croit Corlett         	Corlett's Croft       	Andreas
Croit Corrin          	Corrin's Croft        	Malew
Croit Costain         	Costain's Croft       	Arbory
Croit Cotteen         	Cotteen's Croft       	Malew
Croit Cottier         	Cottier's Croft       	Lezayre
Croit Cottiman        	Cottiman's Croft      	Bride
Croit Cowle y Reeast  	Cowle's Wasteland Croft 	Bride
Croit Cubbon          	Cubbon's Croft        	Andreas
Croit Cubbon          	Cubbon's Croft        	Rushen
Croit Cunnery         	Cunnery's Croft       	Lezayre
Croit Dan Lace        	Dan Lace's Croft      	Bride
Croit Darnel          	Darnel Croft          	Andreas
Croit Dhowin Bane     	Deep White Croft      	Maughold
Croit Doll            	Doll's Croft          	Bride
Croit Doo             	Black Croft           	Braddan
Croit Dreeym Langan   	Croft of the Long Ridge 	Bride
Croit Dreeym y Coggyl 	Tare Ridge Croft      	Bride
Croit Drineagh        	Thorny Croft          	Malew
Croit Duggen          	Duggen's Croft        	Bride
Croit Ealee           	Alice's Croft         	Bride
Croit Ellen Cowle     	Ellen Cowle's Croft   	Bride
Croit Ellison         	Ellison's Croft       	Bride
Croit Farrant         	Farrant's Croft       	Andreas
Croit Fer Thie        	Landlord's Croft      	Lonan
Croit Fox             	Fox's Croft           	Maughold
Croit Garrett         	Garrett's Croft       	Andreas
Croit Garrett         	Garrett's Croft       	Ballaugh
Croit Garrett         	Garrett's Croft       	Bride
Croit Gawne           	Gawne's Croft         	Bride
Croit Geinnee         	Sandy Croft           	Arbory
Croit Gellin Beg      	Little Gelling's Croft	Malew
Croit Giare           	Short Croft           	Arbory
Croit Gibbon          	Cubbon's Croft        	Arbory
Croit Gibbon          	Gibbon's Croft        	Lezayre
Croit Gilbert         	Gilbert's Croft       	Bride
Croit Golbrick        	Golbrick's Croft      	Andreas
Croit Granny          	Granny's Croft        	Maughold
Croit Grest           	Grettir's Farm Croft  	Lezayre
Croit Grimshaw        	Grimshaw's Croft      	Bride
Croit Gubbon          	Gubbon's Croft        	Ballaugh
Croit Hampton         	Hampton's Croft       	Santan
Croit Harry           	Harry's Croft         	Arbory
Croit Harry           	Harry's Croft         	Bride
Croit Harry Sayle     	Harry Sayle's Croft   	Bride
Croit Heear           	West Croft            	Maughold
Croit Heear           	West Croft            	Patrick
Croit Heese           	Lower Croft           	Lezayre
Croit Hiar            	East Croft            	Maughold
Croit Higgin          	Higgin's Croft        	Patrick
Croit Hoal            	Far Croft             	Patrick
Croit Hogg            	Hogg's Croft          	Maughold
Croit Hom Mooar       	Big Tom's Croft       	Bride
Croit Hom Ralfe       	Tom Ralfe's Croft     	Ballaugh
Croit Homase          	Thomas' Croft         	Bride
Croit Hommy           	Tommy's Croft         	Bride
Croit Hudgeon         	Hudgeon's Croft       	Santan
Croit Illiam Dhone    	Brown William's Croft 	Lonan
Croit Illiam Joughin  	William Joughin's Croft 	Bride
Croit Illiam Mylvoirrey 	Wm Morrison's Croft   	Bride
Croit Illiam Steaon   	William Stephen's Croft 	Maughold
Croit Inney Challan   	Callan's Girl's Croft 	Maughold
Croit Inney Cutchal   	Cutchal's Girl's Croft	Lonan
Croit Inney Kennish   	Kennish's Girl's Croft	Maughold
Croit Inney Killey    	Killey's Girl's Croft 	Lezayre
Croit Inney Quay      	Quay's Daughter's Croft 	Braddan
Croit Inney Quill     	Quill's Daughter Croft	Lonan
Croit Jiass           	South Croft           	Maughold
Croit John Home       	John Home's Croft     	Lezayre
Croit John Lace Cooper	John Lace Cooper Croft	Bride
Croit John Liauyr     	Long John's Croft     	Maughold
Croit Joughin         	Joughin's Croft       	Maughold
Croit Juan Teare      	John Teare's Croft    	Bride
Croit Kay             	Kay's Croft           	Bride
Croit Kay             	Kay's Croft           	Bride
Croit Keeill Nicholas 	Nicholas' Church Croft	Lonan
Croit Keeill ny Howe  	Headland Church Croft 	Maughold
Croit Keeill Vian     	Matthias' Church Croft	Lonan
Croit Keig            	Keig's Croft          	Santan
Croit Kerruish        	Kerruish's Croft      	Maughold
Croit Killey          	Killey's Croft        	Bride
Croit Killey          	Killey's Croft        	Lezayre
Croit Kione Dam       	Dam Head Croft        	Bride
Croit Knight          	Knight's Croft        	Andreas
Croit Leonard         	Leonard's Croft       	German
Croit Lheead          	Breadth Croft         	Maughold
Croit Lhieen          	Flax Croft            	Lezayre
Croit Liauyr          	Long Croft            	Andreas
Croit Liauyr          	Long Croft            	German
Croit Liauyr          	Long Croft            	Lezayre
Croit Liauyr          	Long Croft            	Maughold
Croit Liauyr          	Long Croft            	Rushen
Croit Lough Garree    	Rough Lake Croft      	Andreas
Croit Lowey           	Lowey's Croft         	Arbory
Croit Mc y Teare      	McTeare's Croft       	Andreas
Croit McAweey         	McAweey's Croft       	Lezayre
Croit McGawne         	McGawne's Croft       	Malew
Croit Michael         	Michael's Croft       	Rushen
Croit Mooar           	Big Croft             	Arbory
Croit Mylvoirrey      	Morrison's Croft      	Bride
Croit Mylvoirrey      	Morrison's Croft      	Santan
Croit Myre            	? Croft               	Lezayre
Croit Ned Mooar       	Big Ned's Croft       	Maughold
Croit Nelly           	Nelly's Croft         	Maughold
Croit Noa             	New Croft             	Patrick
Croit Norris          	Norris's Croft        	Andreas
Croit ny Braase       	Croft of the Potatoes 	Patrick
Croit ny Brooie       	Croft of the Brink    	Malew
Croit ny Bun          	End Croft             	Jurby
Croit ny Bushell      	Bushell's Croft       	Maughold
Croit ny Caardagh     	Smithy Croft          	Maughold
Croit ny Cabbag       	Croft of the Dock     	Andreas
Croit ny Carnane      	Little Cairn Croft    	Lezayre
Croit ny Carrown      	Carrown's Croft       	Lonan
Croit ny Clagh Baney  	White Stones' Croft   	Maughold
Croit ny Cleigh       	Croft of the Hedge    	Jurby
Croit ny Cloaie Bane  	White Stone Croft     	Lonan
Croit ny Conning      	Rabbits' Croft        	Ballaugh
Croit ny Cooilley     	Croft of the Nook     	Santan
Croit ny Coshyn       	Croft of the Feet     	Ballaugh
Croit ny Creggey      	Croft of the Rocks    	Maughold
Croit ny Croshey      	Croft of the Cross    	Bride
Croit ny Cushag       	Cushag Croft          	Lonan
Croit ny Erinee       	Irishmen's Croft      	Patrick
Croit ny Garnane      	Croft of the Cairns   	Maughold
Croit ny Geayee       	Windy Croft           	Bride
Croit ny Geilley      	Croft of the Spring   	Maughold
Croit ny Glionney     	Glen Croft            	Lonan
Croit ny Greiney      	Sunny Croft           	Bride
Croit ny Grooag       	Croft of the Grubs    	Rushen
Croit ny Guillyn Baney	White Boys' Croft     	Andreas
Croit ny Gurrin       	Corrin's Croft        	Ballaugh
Croit ny h'Aah Lhaggey	Hollow Ford Croft     	Maughold
Croit ny h'Awin       	River Croft           	Lezayre
Croit ny h'Ayrey      	Croft of the Gravel   	Bride
Croit ny Howe         	Croft of the Howe     	Lonan
Croit ny Kennipey     	Hemp Croft            	Maughold
Croit ny Killagh      	Church Croft          	German
Croit ny Killey       	Church Croft          	Malew
Croit ny Liargee      	Hillside Croft        	Rushen
Croit ny Moaney       	Croft of the Turbary  	Andreas
Croit ny Moaney       	Croft of the Turbary  	Patrick
Croit ny Moghil       	Shepherd's Croft      	Lezayre
Croit ny Moght        	Croft of the Poor     	Bride
Croit ny Molley       	Honey Croft           	Andreas
Croit ny Muc          	Pig's Croft           	Lezayre
Croit ny n'Eayn       	Lamb's Croft          	Lonan
Croit ny n'Eean       	Bird's Croft          	Lonan
Croit ny Ping         	Penny Croft           	Maughold
Croit ny Quill        	Quill's Croft         	Maughold
Croit ny Rullickey    	Churchyard Croft      	Marown
Croit ny Rutch        	Richard's Croft       	Maughold
Croit ny Sclate       	Slate Croft           	Ballaugh
Croit ny Ushag        	Croft of the Bird     	Andreas
Croit ny Voillan      	Gulls' Croft          	Lezayre
Croit Oarn            	Barley Croft          	Maughold
Croit Patrick         	Patrick's Croft       	Arbory
Croit Patrick Caine   	Patrick Caine's Croft 	Maughold
Croit Peddyragh       	McGilpeder's Croft    	Lonan
Croit Phaddy          	Paddy's Croft         	Bride
Croit Pheddyr         	Peter's Croft         	Maughold
Croit Pheddyr Jiass   	Peter's South Croft   	Maughold
Croit Pheg            	Peg's Croft           	Bride
Croit Philip          	Philip's Croft        	Maughold
Croit Philip ny Cowin 	Philip Cowin's Croft  	Maughold
Croit Phishyragh      	Pease Croft           	Bride
Croit Physic          	Medicine Croft        	Bride
Croit Pitts           	Pitts' Croft          	Bride
Croit Purt y Wyllin   	Mill Harbour Croft    	Maughold
Croit Quane           	Quane's Croft         	Bride
Croit Rachel          	Rachel's Croft        	Maughold
Croit Rance           	Rance's Croft         	Maughold
Croit Rawlin          	Rawlin's Croft        	Maughold
Croit Rhennee         	Ferny Croft           	Bride
Croit Rob Esther      	Rob Ester's Croft     	Maughold
Croit Rob Vooar       	Big Rob's Croft       	Maughold
Croit Robert Allen    	Robert Allen's Croft  	Maughold
Croit Robin           	Robin's Croft         	Bride
Croit Robin           	Robin's Croft         	Maughold
Croit Robin y Greasee 	Robin Cobbler's Croft 	Bride
Croit Ruy             	Red Croft             	Lonan
Croit Shey Ping       	Six Penny Croft       	Malew
Croit Skinner         	Skinner's Croft       	Andreas
Croit Steaon          	Steven's Croft        	Bride
Croit Strange         	Strange's Croft       	Maughold
Croit Thom Beg        	Little Tom's Croft    	Maughold
Croit Thom Rob Vooar  	Big Tom Robert's Croft	Maughold
Croit Thombaacey      	Tobacco Croft         	Andreas
Croit Tom Teare       	Tom Teare's Croft     	Bride
Croit Twoaie          	North Croft           	Maughold
Croit Uncle           	Uncle's Croft         	Bride
Croit Unerigg         	Unerigg Croft         	Maughold
Croit Vac Sayle       	McSayle's Croft       	Bride
Croit Valley ny Sleih 	People's Farm Croft   	Maughold
Croit Valley Skilley  	Skilley's Farm Croft  	Bride
Croit Vally           	Mally's Croft         	Maughold
Croit Vane            	White Croft           	Maughold
Croit Vargad          	Margaret's Croft      	Maughold
Croit Vargaid         	Margaret's Croft      	Rushen
Croit Vark            	Mark's Croft          	Bride
Croit Varteen         	Martin's Croft        	Malew
Croit Vaynaghyn       	Monks' Croft          	German
Croit Veg             	Little Croft          	Bride
Croit Veg             	Little Croft          	Lezayre
Croit Veg             	Little Croft          	Malew
Croit Veg             	Little Croft          	Maughold
Croit Veg             	Little Croft          	Santan
Croit Vess            	Bess' Croft           	Rushen
Croit Vessy           	Bessy's Croft         	Lezayre
Croit Vichal          	Michael's Croft       	Bride
Croit Virragh         	Pointed Croft         	Bride
Croit Vooar           	Big Croft             	Bride
Croit Vooar           	Big Croft             	German
Croit Vreeshey        	Bridget's Croft       	Bride
Croit Vroigh          	Dirty Croft           	Bride
Croit Vrown           	Brown's Croft         	Maughold
Croit Waagh           	Hare's Croft          	Maughold
Croit Warree          	Grandmother's Croft   	Bride
Croit William Corlett 	William Corlett's Croft 	Maughold
Croit Willy           	Willy's Croft         	Bride
Croit Willy           	Willy's Croft         	Maughold
Croit Woods           	Woods' Croft          	Maughold
Croit Wyllin          	Mill Croft            	Marown
Croit y Butt          	Croft of the Butt     	German
Croit y Cain          	Cain's Croft          	Michael
Croit y Caine         	Caine's Croft         	Malew
Croit y Caistill      	Caistill's Croft      	Bride
Croit y Caley         	Caley's Croft         	Lonan
Croit y Caley         	Old Woman's Croft     	Rushen
Croit y Callin        	Callin's Croft        	Maughold
Croit y Callin Vane   	White Callin's Croft  	Patrick
Croit y Camaish       	Camaish's Croft       	Bride
Croit y Carran        	Carran's Croft        	Malew
Croit y Charn         	Croft of the Cairn    	Lonan
Croit y Chellee       	Cockerel's Croft      	Bride
Croit y Chreggan      	Rocky Ground Croft    	Santan
Croit y Christeen     	Christian's Croft     	Bride
Croit y Chubbon       	Cubbon's Croft        	Bride
Croit y Churree       	Marshy Croft          	Bride
Croit y Chushen       	Cushion Croft         	Maughold
Croit y Cleator       	Cleator's Croft       	Patrick
Croit y Corkish       	Corkish's Croft       	Bride
Croit y Corlett       	Corlett's Croft       	Lezayre
Croit y Corrin        	Corrin's Croft        	Ballaugh
Croit y Corteen       	Corteen's Croft       	Bride
Croit y Cotteen       	Cotteen's Croft       	Lonan
Croit y Cowin         	Cowin's Croft         	Maughold
Croit y Cowle         	Cowle's Croft         	Bride
Croit y Crayee        	Clay Croft            	Bride
Croit y Creen         	Kneen's Croft         	Ballaugh
Croit y Creggan       	Rocky Croft           	Bride
Croit y Crellin       	Crellin's Croft       	German
Croit y Curleod       	Corlett's Croft       	Bride
Croit y Curragh       	Croft of the Mire     	Lezayre
Croit y Daa Phing     	Two Penny Croft       	Braddan
Croit y Doo Halloo    	Croft of the Black Land 	Malew
Croit y Drammag       	Lazy Person's Croft   	Santan
Croit y Droghad       	Bridge Croft          	Bride
Croit y Duke          	Duke's Croft          	Arbory
Croit y Fannee        	Flaying Croft         	Santan
Croit y Fidder        	Weaver's Croft        	Bride
Croit y Gaaue         	Blacksmith's Croft    	Bride
Croit y Garrett       	Garrett's Croft       	Bride
Croit y Ghoal Doo     	Black Stranger's Croft	Rushen
Croit y Ghreasee      	Cobbler's Croft       	Ballaugh
Croit y Goldsmith     	Goldsmith's Croft     	Bride
Croit y Greasee       	Cobbler's Croft       	Lezayre
Croit y Greyney       	Croft of the Green    	Arbory
Croit y Jurlyn        	Darnel Croft          	Andreas
Croit y Kaighin       	Kaighin's Croft       	Bride
Croit y Karran        	Karran's Croft        	Maughold
Croit y Keig          	Keig's Croft          	Bride
Croit y Keig          	Keig's Croft          	Jurby
Croit y Keig          	Keig's Croft          	Lezayre
Croit y Kelly         	Kelly's Croft         	Andreas
Croit y Kermeen       	Kermeen's Croft       	Maughold
Croit y Kewin         	Kewin's Croft         	Bride
Croit y Kewish        	Kewish's Croft        	Bride
Croit y Kewney        	Kewney's Croft        	Lezayre
Croit y Killey        	Killey's Croft        	Maughold
Croit y Kissack       	Kissack's Croft       	Andreas
Croit y Kneen         	Kneen's Croft         	Ballaugh
Croit y Kymmey        	Kym's Croft           	Bride
Croit y Laggagh       	Croft of the Hollow   	Andreas
Croit y Lieen         	Flax Croft            	Bride
Croit y Lough         	Lake Croft            	Andreas
Croit y Lough         	Lake Croft            	Bride
Croit y Lough         	Lake Croft            	Jurby
Croit y Loughan       	Croft of the Lakelet  	Bride
Croit y Lowey         	Lowey's Croft         	Rushen
Croit y Phundail      	Pinfold Croft         	Maughold
Croit y Phurt         	Harbour Croft         	Maughold
Croit y Phurt         	Harbour Croft         	Michael
Croit y Phurt         	Harbour Croft         	Santan
Croit y Quane         	Quane's Croft         	Bride
Croit y Quark         	Quark's Croft         	Ballaugh
Croit y Quark         	Quark's Croft         	Bride
Croit y Quark         	Quark's Croft         	Maughold
Croit y Quiggin       	Quiggin's Croft       	Malew
Croit y Quill         	Quill's Croft         	Lezayre
Croit y Quine         	Quine's Croft         	Maughold
Croit y Quirry        	Quirry's Croft        	Malew
Croit y Reeast        	Wasteland Croft       	Bride
Croit y Sayle         	Sayle's Croft         	Andreas
Croit y Skelly        	Skelly's Croft        	Maughold
Croit y Staa          	Croft of the Team     	Lezayre
Croit y Stowell       	Stowell's Croft       	Maughold
Croit y Taggart       	Taggart's Croft       	Malew
Croit y Thie Lhionney 	Ale House Croft       	Bride
Croit y Vaatey        	Boat Croft            	Braddan
Croit y Valley        	Village Croft         	Malew
Croit y Vartaragh     	Cripple's Croft       	Maughold
Croit y Vasooney      	Mason's Croft         	Bride
Croit y Vayr          	Croft of the Road     	Bride
Croit y Villey        	Tree Croft            	Bride
Croit y Vollee        	Croft of the Road     	Andreas
Croit y Vondy         	Vondy's Croft         	Santan
Croit y Voore         	Moore's Croft         	Jurby
Croit y Vraain        	Quern Croft           	Andreas
Croit y Woaillee Vane 	White Fold Croft      	Lonan
Croit y Wyllaragh     	Miller's Croft        	Maughold
Croit y Wyllin        	Mill Croft            	Lezayre
Croit y Wyllin        	Mill Croft            	Malew
Croit y Wyllin        	Mill Croft            	Maughold
Croit Yack            	Jack's Croft          	Bride
Croit Yack            	Jack's Croft          	Rushen
Croit Yane Yack       	Jane Jack's Croft     	Bride
Croit Yeoman          	Yeoman's Croft        	Bride
Croit Yeorge          	George's Croft        	Bride
Croit yn Aspick       	Bishop's Croft        	Maughold
Croit yn Eayn         	Lamb's Croft          	Maughold
Croit yn Uhllin       	Stackyard Croft       	Bride
Croit yn Vaylee       	Croft of the Bailiff  	Michael
Croit Yohnny          	Johnny's Croft        	Bride
Croit Yokey           	Jockey's Croft        	Braddan
Croit Yuan            	John's Croft          	Patrick
Croit Yuan Beg        	Little John's Croft   	Maughold
Croit Yuan Crow       	John Crow's Croft     	Bride
Croit Yuan ny Hough   	John's Headland Croft 	Maughold
Croit Yuan ny Killey  	Croft of John's Church	Maughold
Croit Yuan Vess       	John Bessie's Croft   	Rushen
Croittyn Cardle Veg   	Little Mill Glen Crofts 	Maughold
Croittyn Poyll Ushtey 	Water Pool Crofts     	Bride
Croityn Kinley        	Kinley's Crofts       	Arbory
Crokane               	Crokane's Place       	Andreas
Crongan               	Hillock               	Maughold
Crongan Heose         	Upper Hillock         	Maughold
Crongan Mooar         	Big Hillock           	Maughold
Crongan O             	Grandson's Hillock    	Ballaugh
Cronk                 	Hill                  	Andreas
Cronk                 	Hill                  	Arbory
Cronk                 	Hill                  	Bride
Cronk                 	Hill                  	German
Cronk                 	Hill                  	Malew
Cronk                 	Hill                  	Maughold
Cronk                 	Hill                  	Rushen
Cronk Ailey           	Hill of Fire          	Ballaugh
Cronk Aittin          	Gorsy Hill            	Maughold
Cronk Aittin          	Gorsy Hill            	Rushen
Cronk Aittin          	Gorsy Hill            	Santan
Cronk Andreas         	Andrew's Hill         	Bride
Cronk Armyn           	Hill of Weapons       	Ballaugh
Cronk Asbyrt          	Hill of Vespers       	Rushen
Cronk Ashley          	Ashley Hill           	Conchan 
Cronk Balley Kinry    	Henry's Farm Hill     	Arbory
Cronk Bane            	White Hill            	Braddan
Cronk Bane            	White Hill            	Bride
Cronk Bane            	White Hill            	German
Cronk Bane            	White Hill            	Maughold
Cronk Bane            	White Hill            	Patrick
Cronk Bane Beg        	Little White Hill     	Maughold
Cronk Bayr Noa        	Hill of the New Road  	Maughold
Cronk Beg             	Little Hill           	Arbory
Cronk Beg             	Little Hill           	Ballaugh
Cronk Beg             	Little Hill           	German
Cronk Beg             	Little Hill           	Maughold
Cronk Beg             	Little Hill           	Patrick
Cronk Beg             	Little Hill           	Santan
Cronk Beg Wass        	Lower Little Hill     	Maughold
Cronk Bing            	Shrill Hill           	Andreas
Cronk Bouyr           	Deaf Hill             	Bride
Cronk Breck           	Speckled Hill         	Andreas
Cronk Breck           	Speckled Hill         	German
Cronk Breck           	Speckled Hill         	Jurby
Cronk Breck           	Speckled Hill         	Lezayre
Cronk Breck           	Speckled Hill         	Malew
Cronk Breck           	Speckled Hill         	Rushen
Cronk Breckan         	Speckled Place Hill   	Rushen
Cronk Burn            	Hill of the Stream    	Braddan
Cronk Callin          	Callin's Hill         	Maughold
Cronk Cardle          	Mill Glen Hill        	Maughold
Cronk Casement        	Casement's Hill       	Patrick
Cronk Clement         	Clement's Hill        	Arbory
Cronk Coar            	Pleasant Hill         	Bride
Cronk Connee          	Gorse Hill            	Maughold
Cronk Corkey          	Hill of Oats          	Bride
Cronk Corrin          	Corrin's Hill         	Patrick
Cronk Creggan         	Rocky Hill            	Patrick
Cronk Crene           	Crene's Hill          	German
Cronk Cunney          	Gorse Bon Hill        	Rushen
Cronk Danny           	Danny's Hill          	Bride
Cronk Darragh         	Oak Hill              	Arbory
Cronk Darragh         	Oak Hill              	Santan
Cronk Davy            	Davy's Hill           	Maughold
Cronk Doo             	Black Hill            	Braddan
Cronk Doo             	Black Hill            	Bride
Cronk Doo             	Black Hill            	German
Cronk Doo             	Black Hill            	Malew
Cronk Doo             	Black Hill            	Maughold
Cronk Doo             	Black Hill            	Michael
Cronk Doo             	Black Hill            	Patrick
Cronk Doo             	Black Hill            	Santan
Cronk Doo Ling        	Black Hill of Heather 	Malew
Cronk Eary            	Shieling Hill         	Maughold
Cronk Fedjag          	Plover Hill           	Arbory
Cronk Fedjag          	Plover Hill           	Rushen
Cronk Freoaie         	Heather Hill          	Rushen
Cronk Freoaie         	Heather Hill          	Santan
Cronk Garroo          	Rough Hill            	Lezayre
Cronk Garroo          	Rough Hill            	Maughold
Cronk George          	George's Hill         	Maughold
Cronk Glass           	Green Hill            	Andreas
Cronk Glass           	Green Hill            	Ballaugh
Cronk Glass           	Green Hill            	Braddan
Cronk Glass           	Green Hill            	Bride
Cronk Glass           	Green Hill            	Patrick
Cronk Glion Chiast    	Sedge Glen Hill       	Rushen
Cronk Grianagh        	Sunny Hill            	German
Cronk Guilcagh        	Broom Hill            	Michael
Cronk Guilley Groamagh	Frowning Boy Hill     	Bride
Cronk Gussad          	Gusset Hill           	Maughold
Cronk Halsall         	Halsall's Hill        	Malew
Cronk Heear           	West Hill             	Santan
Cronk Heose           	Upper Hill            	Maughold
Cronk Howe Mooar      	Great Mound Hill      	Rushen
Cronk Injeig h'Inshey 	Hill of the Island Nook 	Bride
Cronk Johnny Willie   	Johnny Willie's Hill  	Bride
Cronk Keeill Abban    	Hill of Abban's Church	Braddan
Cronk Keeill Ean      	Hill of John's Church 	German
Cronk Keeill Traie    	Shore Church Hill     	Andreas
Cronk Killane         	Brushwood Hill        	Jurby
Cronk Knowle          	Hill of ?             	Lezayre
Cronk Koir            	Hill of the Kist      	Michael
Cronk Lad             	Lad's Hill            	Arbory
Cronk Lhean           	Broad Hill            	Bride
Cronk Lheannag        	Little Meadow Hill    	German
Cronk Lhiack          	Hill of the Stone     	Arbory
Cronk Lhiack          	Hill of the Stone     	Malew
Cronk Liauyr          	Long Hill             	Bride
Cronk Losht           	Burnt Hill            	Arbory
Cronk MacAleyn        	MacAleyn              	Marown
Cronk Mean            	Middle Hill           	Arbory
Cronk Meanagh         	Middle Hill           	Patrick
Cronk Meanagh         	Middle Hill           	Santan
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	Arbory
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	Bride
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	German
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	Jurby
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	Lonan
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	Maughold
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	Patrick
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	Rushen
Cronk Mooar           	Big Hill              	Santan
Cronk Mwarran         	Mwarran's Hill        	Patrick
Cronk Mwyllin         	Mill Hill             	Jurby
Cronk Nan Veg         	Little Nan's Hill     	Bride
Cronk Nelly Cowle     	Nelly Cowle's Hill    	Bride
Cronk Nic             	Nicholas' Hill        	Patrick
Cronk ny Arrey Laa    	Hill of the Day Watch 	Bride
Cronk ny Arrey Laa    	Hill of the Day Watch 	Jurby
Cronk ny Arrey Laa    	Hill of the Day Watch 	Rushen
Cronk ny Baghyl       	Hill of the Staff     	Maughold
Cronk ny Caitnys      	Hill of the Common    	Patrick
Cronk ny Claghyn Baney	White Stones Hill     	Arbory
Cronk ny Doaghey      	Hill of the Vat       	Bride
Cronk ny Fannag       	Crow's Hill           	Lonan
Cronk ny Fasney       	Hill of Winnowing     	German
Cronk ny Fedjag       	Hill of the Plover    	Michael
Cronk ny Geayee       	Hill of the Wind      	Malew
Cronk ny Geayee       	Windy Hill            	Bride
Cronk ny Goayr        	Hill of the Goats     	Marown
Cronk ny Guiy         	Hill of the Geese     	Michael
Cronk ny h'Oaie       	Hill of the Graves    	Patrick
Cronk ny Keeill Bouyr 	Hill of the Deaf Church 	Lezayre
Cronk ny Killey       	Church Hill           	Andreas
Cronk ny Killey       	Church Hill           	Bride
Cronk ny Killey       	Hill of the Church    	German
Cronk ny Lheannagh    	Hill of the Meadow    	German
Cronk ny Lheannagh    	Hill of the Meadow    	Michael
Cronk ny Liargee      	Hill of the Hill Slope	Maughold
Cronk ny Loughan Shuin	Rushy Lakelet Hill    	Bride
Cronk ny Maggyl       	Testicle Hill         	Rushen
Cronk ny Marroo       	Hill of the Dead      	Santan
Cronk ny Moaney       	Hill of the Turbary   	Patrick
Cronk ny Moaney       	Turbary Hill          	Conchan
Cronk ny Moghil       	Hill of the Shepherds 	Michael
Cronk ny Muickey      	Pigs' Hill            	Bride
Cronk ny n'Inneen     	Daughter's Hill       	Bride
Cronk ny Pishyragh    	Hill of the Peas      	Andreas
Cronk ny Pishyragh    	Hill of the Peas      	Bride
Cronk ny Quiggal      	Hill of the Distaff   	German
Cronk ny Scleat       	Slate Hill            	Maughold
Cronk ny Shee         	Hill of the Fairies   	Malew
Cronk Ould            	Owle's Hill           	Ballaugh
Cronk Rhennee         	Ferny Hill            	Bride
Cronk Rhennee         	Ferny Hill            	Malew
Cronk Rhennee         	Ferny Hill            	Maughold
Cronk Ruagh           	Red Hill              	Lezayre
Cronk Ruagh           	Red Hill              	Patrick
Cronk Ruy             	Red Hill              	Andreas
Cronk Ruy             	Red Hill              	Patrick
Cronk Ruyagh          	Red Hill              	Bride
Cronk Ruyagh          	Red Hill              	Maughold
Cronk Shellagh        	Willow Hill           	Patrick
Cronk Shynnagh        	Fox Hill              	Arbory
Cronk Skeilt          	Cleft Hill            	Ballaugh
Cronk Skybbylt        	Nimble Hill           	Rushen
Cronk Slemyn          	Slemyn's Hill         	Santan
Cronk Stowell         	Stowell's Hill        	Maughold
Cronk Sumark          	Short Ridge Hill      	Lezayre
Cronk Unjin           	Ash Hill              	Ballaugh
Cronk Urleigh         	Hill of Slaughter     	Michael
Cronk Urley           	Eagle's Hill          	Maughold
Cronk Vally Heese     	Mally's Lower Hill    	Bride
Cronk Vally Wass      	Mally's Hill Below    	Bride
Cronk Warree          	Grandmother's Hill    	Bride
Cronk Wass            	Lower Hill            	Maughold
Cronk Wattleworth     	Wattleworth's Hill    	Maughold
Cronk y Chaitnys      	Hill of the Common    	Patrick
Cronk y Chayt         	Cat's Hill            	Maughold
Cronk y Ching         	Hill of the Head      	Patrick
Cronk y Chiyt         	Hill of the Cat       	Braddan
Cronk y Chlagh Bane   	White Stone Hill      	Ballaugh
Cronk y Chooyl        	Hill of the Walk      	Lonan
Cronk y Chrogherey    	Hill of the Hangman   	Michael
Cronk y Chymmey       	Kym's Hill            	Bride
Cronk y Cliwe         	Hill of the Sword     	Jurby
Cronk y Cowin         	Cowin's Hill          	Maughold
Cronk y Creale        	Kneale's Hill         	Bride
Cronk y Cree          	Boundary Hill         	Andreas
Cronk y Crine         	Quine's Farm          	Santan
Cronk y Croghery      	Hangman's Hill        	Lezayre
Cronk y Doole         	Doole's Hill          	Arbory
Cronk y Doonee        	Hill of the Church    	Rushen
Cronk y Driney        	Hill of the Thorn     	German
Cronk y Fidder        	Weaver's Hill         	Bride
Cronk y Gheill        	Hill of ?             	Bride
Cronk y Ghiat         	Hill of the Field     	Bride
Cronk y Guilckagh     	Hill of the Broom     	German
Cronk y Jane          	Jane's Hill           	Maughold
Cronk y Keeillagh     	Hill of the Churchyard	Lezayre
Cronk y Killey        	Hill of the Church    	Michael
Cronk y Lheeanee      	Meadow Hill           	Rushen
Cronk y Lheiy         	Hill of the Calf      	Maughold
Cronk y Niannan       	Niannan's Hill        	Patrick
Cronk y Quark         	Quark's Hill          	Maughold
Cronk y Scottey       	Scot's Hill           	Jurby
Cronk y Shoggyl       	Rye Hill              	Andreas
Cronk y Skeddan       	Herring Hill          	Maughold
Cronk y Skeig         	Hill of the Hawthorn  	Michael
Cronk y Station       	Lookout Hill          	Bride
Cronk y Sthowyr       	Hill of the Pole      	Ballaugh
Cronk y Stubbyl       	Stubble Hill          	Maughold
Cronk y Thalloo Losht 	Burnt Land Hill       	Rushen
Cronk y Thatcher      	Thatcher's Hill       	Arbory
Cronk y Thie          	Hill of the House     	Maughold
Cronk y Tholtan       	Hill of the Ruin      	Bride
Cronk y Toshee        	Hill of the Chieftain 	German
Cronk y Vaaid         	Hill of the Sods      	Patrick
Cronk y Vaase         	Hill of the Cattle    	Patrick
Cronk y Varchan       	Merchant's Hill       	Maughold
Cronk y Vargee        	Hill of the Fair      	Jurby
Cronk y Vayr          	Hill of the Road      	Lonan
Cronk y Voddee        	Hill of the Dog       	Andreas
Cronk y Voddee        	Hill of the Dog       	Bride
Cronk y Voddee        	Hill of the Dog       	German
Cronk y Vowlan        	Hill of ?             	Bride
Cronk y Watch         	Hill of the Watch     	Arbory
Cronk y Watch         	Hill of the Watch     	Bride
Cronk y Wyllin        	Hill of the Mill      	Patrick
Cronk y Yeul          	Hill of ?             	Marown
Cronk yn Aaie         	Hill of the Flat      	Patrick
Cronk yn Amman        	Hill of the Tail      	Patrick
Cronk yn Arrey        	Hill of the Watch     	Rushen
Cronk yn Illiu        	Hill of the Wolf      	Patrick
Cronk yn Irree Laa    	Hill of the Rising Day	Rushen
Cronk Yuan            	John's Hill           	Patrick
Cronkan               	Little Hill           	Ballaugh
Cronnag               	Hillock               	Braddan
Cronnag               	Tidal Rock            	Rushen
Crosby                	Cross Farm            	Marown
Crosby                	Farm of the Cross     	Bride
Crosby Beg            	Little Cross Farm     	Bride
Crosby Mooar          	Big Cross Farm        	Bride
Crosh                 	Cross                 	Lonan
Crosh Balley Queeney  	Queeney's Farm Cross  	Rushen
Crosh Breck           	Speckled Cross        	German
Crosh Ivor            	Ivor's Cross          	Malew
Crosh Mollee Mooar    	Great Deceiving Cross 	Rushen
Crosh Mooar           	Big Cross             	German
Crosh ny Kiare Raaidyn	Cross Four Ways       	Malew
Crosh Pharlane        	Bartholomew's Cross   	Patrick
Crosh Voalley         	Wall of the Cross     	Braddan
Crosh Woaillee        	Cross Fold            	Maughold
Crosh yn Ullican      	Cross of the Tomb     	Arbory
Crossag               	Crossing Place        	Maughold
Crossag               	Little Crossing       	Malew
Crypathy              	?                     	Maughold
Curragh               	Marshy Ground         	Bride
Curragh               	Marshy Ground         	Maughold
Curragh               	Mire                  	Santan
Curragh               	Swamp                 	Lezayre
Curragh Acyr          	Acre Mire             	Ballaugh
Curragh Andrew        	Andrew's Marsh        	Maughold
Curragh Aspick        	Bishop's Marsh        	Ballaugh
Curragh Balley Fayle  	Fayle's Farm Marsh    	Bride
Curragh Balley Varkish	Mark's Farm Marsh     	German
Curragh Bane          	White Marsh           	German
Curragh Beg           	Little Marsh          	Bride
Curragh Beg           	Little Marsh          	Maughold
Curragh Beg           	Little Mire           	Lezayre
Curragh Bugogue       	Blackthorn Marsh      	German
Curragh Carnodal      	Mill Stream Dale Marsh	Ballaugh
Curragh Cottier       	Cottier's Marsh       	Rushen
Curragh Cowle         	Cowle's Marsh         	Andreas
Curragh Craine        	Craine's Marsh        	German
Curragh Creen         	Withered Marsh        	Maughold
Curragh Curry         	Curry's Marsh         	Andreas
Curragh Doo           	Black Marsh           	German
Curragh Doo           	Black Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh Feeagh        	Raven's Marsh         	German
Curragh Garee         	Marsh of the ?        	German
Curragh Garey         	Marsh of the Garden   	German
Curragh Garraghan     	Dorgan's Farm Marsh   	German
Curragh Garrett       	Garrett's Marsh       	Lezayre
Curragh Glass         	Green Marsh           	German
Curragh Glass         	Green Marsh           	Marown
Curragh Glass         	Green Marsh           	Patrick
Curragh Greeba        	Greeba Marsh          	German
Curragh Grenaby       	Green Farm Marsh      	Bride
Curragh Heose         	Upper Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh Hoal          	Far Marsh             	Maughold
Curragh Hom           	Tom's Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh Howe          	Marsh of the Mound    	Rushen
Curragh Illiam        	William's Mire        	Ballaugh
Curragh Jiass         	South Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh Kelly         	Kelly's Marsh         	German
Curragh Kennaugh      	Kennaugh's Marsh      	German
Curragh Keyl          	Narrow Marsh          	German
Curragh Kip Mooar     	Big Tree Trunk Marsh  	Marown
Curragh Lheannee      	Meadow Marsh          	Marown
Curragh Meanagh       	Middle Marsh          	Lezayre
Curragh Mollagh       	Rough Marsh           	Andreas
Curragh Mollagh       	Rough Marsh           	Bride
Curragh Mollagh       	Rough Marsh           	German
Curragh Mollagh       	Rough Marsh           	Lezayre
Curragh Mollagh       	Rough Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh Mooar         	Big Marsh             	Bride
Curragh Mooar         	Big Marsh             	Maughold
Curragh Mooar         	Great Marsh           	German
Curragh Mooie         	Outer Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh Moore         	Moore's Marsh         	Bride
Curragh Noa           	New Marsh             	Maughold
Curragh ny Droghad    	Bridge Marsh          	Andreas
Curragh ny Eary       	Shieling Marsh        	Marown
Curragh ny Gabbil     	Horses' Marsh         	Maughold
Curragh ny Guiyee     	Marsh of the Geese    	Bride
Curragh ny h'Aah Niee 	Washing Ford Marsh    	Maughold
Curragh ny h'Awin     	River Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh ny Laaghey    	Muddy Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh ny Liargagh   	Marsh of the Slope    	Marown
Curragh ny Moaney     	Mire of the Turbary   	Lezayre
Curragh ny Plaggad    	Oat's Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh ny Puddase    	Potato Marsh          	Maughold
Curragh Pharick       	Patrick's Marsh       	Bride
Curragh Ping          	Penny Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh Sam           	Sam's Marsh           	Maughold
Curragh Tappagh       	Tufted Marsh          	Bride
Curragh Valley Sleih  	People's Marshy Farm  	Maughold
Curragh Vally         	Mally's Marsh         	Maughold
Curragh Vreeshey      	Bridget's Marsh       	Bride
Curragh Woods         	Wood's Marsh          	Maughold
Curragh y Clague      	Clague's Marsh        	Patrick
Curragh y Clieau      	Mountain Marsh        	Maughold
Curragh y Clugaish    	Clucas' Marsh         	Maughold
Curragh Yuan          	John's Marsh          	Maughold
Daa Ghlion            	Two Glens             	Maughold 
Daa Raad              	Two Roads             	Lezayre
Dalby                 	Glen Farm             	German
Dalby Lag             	Glen Farm Hollow      	German
Dalerache             	Dale ?                	Malew
Dalhamer              	Crag Dale             	Marown
Dam ny Marroo         	Pool of the Dead      	Bride
Dam Varkysh           	Mark's Pool           	Bride
Dam y Tarroo Ushtey   	Water Bull Dam        	Maughold
Darrag                	Bog Oak               	German
Darragh               	Place of Oaks         	Rushen
Darree                	Place of Oaks         	Lezayre
Dayl Liot             	Ljotr's Glen          	Jurby
Dayl ny Killey        	Church Dale           	Lezayre
Dayl Vaiht            	Drowned Dale          	Lezayre
Dayll                 	Flat Land             	Maughold
Dayll yn Ollee        	Plain of the Cattle   	Bride
Dhoon                 	Fort                  	Maughold
Dhoon Veg             	Little Fort           	Maughold
Dhoon Vooar           	Big Fort              	Maughold
Dhowin                	Deep Place            	Bride
Dhowin                	Deep Place            	Maughold
Dhowin Mooar          	Down's Big Land       	Andreas
Dhowinane             	Deep Place            	Maughold
Doarlish Allen        	Allen's Gap           	Maughold
Doarlish Ard          	High Gap              	German
Doarlish Cashen       	Cashen's Gap          	German
Doarlish Cubbon       	Cubbon's Gap          	Ballaugh
Doarlish Curree       	Gap of the Mire       	German
Doarlish Eayn         	Empty Gap             	German
Doarlish Magher y Skeag 	Hawthorn Field Gap    	Maughold
Doarlish Mooar        	Great Gap             	German
Doarlish ny h'Ollee   	Gap of the Cattle     	Maughold
Doarlish ny Mwaagh    	Gap of the Hares      	Andreas
Doarlish ny Mwaagh    	Gap of the Hares      	Bride
Doarlish ny Whingey   	Gap of the Yoke       	Maughold
Doarlish Rourey       	Gap of the Steep Bank 	Maughold
Doarlish Vooar        	Big Gap               	Maughold
Doarlish y Cassan     	Gap of the Footpath   	Bride
Dollagh Beg           	Little Black Lake     	Ballaugh
Dollagh Mooar         	Big Black Lake        	Ballaugh
Doo                   	Black River           	Ballaugh
Doo                   	Black Water           	Braddan
Doo Aah               	Black Ford            	Conchan
Doo Aah               	Black Ford            	Lezayre
Doo Halloo            	Black Land            	Rushen
Doo Lion              	Black Glen            	Bride
Doo Logh              	Black Lake            	Lezayre
Doo Poyllagh          	Black Pool Place      	Lezayre
Dooar                 	Water                 	Maughold
Doogh Halloo          	Black Land            	Bride
Doolish               	Douglas               	Conchan
Doonagh Asston        	Asston's Church       	Andreas
Dooys                 	Black Land            	German
Dowin                 	Deep Place            	Braddan
Dowin                 	Deep Place            	Santan
Draght                	Drag Way              	Maughold
Dreeym                	Ridge                 	Andreas
Dreeym                	Ridge                 	Braddan
Dreeym                	Ridge                 	Lonan
Dreeym                	Ridge                 	Maughold
Dreeym Bane           	White Ridge           	Santan
Dreeym Bayr Sloo      	Smallest Road Ridge   	Bride
Dreeym Beary          	Shieling Farm Ridge   	German
Dreeym Bwee           	Yellow Ridge          	German
Dreeym Connee         	Gorsy Ridge           	Maughold
Dreeym Daly           	Daly's Ridge          	Lezayre
Dreeym Doo            	Black Ridge           	Maughold
Dreeym Eary Dayl      	Shieling Glen Ridge   	Lezayre
Dreeym Holby          	Colby Ridge           	Lonan
Dreeym Lang           	Long Ridge            	German
Dreeym Lang           	Long Ridge            	Marown
Dreeym Lang           	Long Ridge            	Maughold
Dreeym Langan         	Long Ridge            	Bride
Dreeym ny Cor Skeag   	Ridge of the Thorns   	Maughold
Dreeym ny Drughaig    	Ridge of the Dog Rose 	Maughold
Dreeym ny Geyll       	Ridge of the Springs  	Michael
Dreeym ny Liargagh    	Hill Slope Ridge      	Maughold
Dreeym ny Sheeig      	Small Stacks Ridge    	Maughold
Dreeym Ruy            	Red Ridge             	Malew
Dreeym Scarree        	Ridge of the Division 	Maughold
Dreeym Vane           	White Ridge           	Lezayre
Dreeym y Close        	Ridge of the Enclosure	Maughold
Dreeym y Coggyl       	Ridge of the Tares    	Bride
Dreeym y Gharee       	Ridge of the Waste Land 	Maughold
Dreeym y Shoggyl      	Ridge of the Rye      	Bride
Dreswick              	Rock Creek            	Malew
Drinagh               	Thorny Place          	German
Drine                 	Thorny Place          	Santan
Droghad               	Bridge                	Andreas
Droghad               	Bridge                	Bride
Droghad Bane          	White Bridge          	Conchan
Droghad Campell       	Campbell's Bridge     	Marown
Droghad Charry        	Charry's Bridge       	Arbory
Droghad Cranstal      	Kraun's Valley Bridge 	Bride
Droghad Cubbon        	Cubbon's Bridge       	Arbory
Droghad Curragh Pharick 	Patrick's Mire Bridge 	Bride
Droghad Fayle         	Fayle's Bridge        	Rushen
Droghad Heywood       	Heywood's Bridge      	Conchan
Droghad Keeill Pharick	Patrick's Church Bridge 	Bride
Droghad Kinley        	Kinley's Bridge       	Santan
Droghad Rea           	Level Bridge          	Andreas
Droghad y Caggey      	Bridge of the Battle  	Patrick
Droghad y Caine       	Caine's Bridge        	Marown
Droghad y Whallag     	Bridge of the Flies ? 	Lezayre
Drommey Ruyagh        	Red Ridge             	Michael
Drone                 	Hump                  	Lezayre
Dronnan               	Hump                  	German
Drughaig              	Place of Hip Thorn    	Rushen
Druin Lenny           	Leonard's Hump        	Michael
Dub ny h'Ollagh       	Pool of the Cattle    	Maughold
Dub y Wuigh           	Yellow Pool           	Lezayre
Dubbaghyn y Close Noa 	New Enclosure Pools   	Lezayre
Dubbey Mooar          	Great Pool            	Ballaugh
Dubbyr y Fidder       	Weaver's Dub          	German
Dullyr Ushtey         	Dark Water            	German
Dun Ashton            	Ashton's Fort         	German  
Eago                  	Edge Headland         	Maughold
Eairnerey             	Eagle's Aerie         	Rushen
Eary                  	Shieling              	German
Eary                  	Shieling              	Lezayre
Eary                  	Shieling              	Marown
Eary                  	Shieling              	Maughold
Eary Assey            	O'Hassey's Shieling   	Patrick        
Eary Bane             	White Shieling        	Lezayre
Eary Beg              	Little Shieling       	Braddan
Eary Beg              	Little Shieling       	German
Eary Braid            	Shieling of the Gorge 	German
Eary Cottiman         	Cottiman's Shieling   	Ballaugh       
Eary Cushlin          	Cosnahan's Shieling   	German
Eary Dale             	Shieling Dale         	Lezayre
Eary Earnan           	Earnan's Shieling     	Malew          
Eary Glass            	Green Shieling        	German
Eary Horkell          	Thorkell's Shieling   	Michael
Eary Joarey           	Stranger's Shieling   	Marown
Eary Kellag           	Kelly's Shieling      	Marown
Eary Kellue           	Kellue's Shieling     	Lezayre
Eary Kelly            	Kelly's Shieling      	Lezayre
Eary Lewin            	Lewin's Shieling      	Andreas
Eary Lhean            	Broad Shieling        	German
Eary Liauyr           	Long Shieling         	Santan
Eary Mooar            	Great Shieling        	German
Eary Mooie            	Outer Shieling        	Maughold
Eary ny Gawne         	Gawne's Shieling      	Michael
Eary ny Gione         	End Shieling          	Michael
Eary ny Soie          	Shieling of the Seat  	Marown
Eary Phoyll Wooar     	Big Pool Shieling     	German
Eary Rhody            	O'Rody's Shieling     	German           
Eary Shynnagh         	Fox Shieling          	Arbory
Eary Stein            	Stein's Enclosure     	Arbory
Eary Vane             	White Shieling        	Marown
Eary Veen             	Fertile Hill Pasture  	Braddan
Eas Coon              	Narrow Waterfall      	Ballaugh
Eas Wooar             	Great Waterfall       	Patrick
Eaynin Heear          	West Precipice        	Maughold
Eaynin Hiar           	East Precipice        	Maughold
Eaynin Mooar          	Big Precipice         	German
Eaynin Vooar          	Big Precipice         	Maughold
Echewle               	Edge Mountain         	Arbory
Edd Feeagh Vooar      	Great Raven's Nest    	Marown
Eddyr Ghaa Woanee     	Between Two Turbaries 	Rushen
Eddyr y Goal          	Inside the Fork       	Maughold
Eeraghyn              	Furrows               	Lezayre
Eeraghyn              	Furrows               	Maughold
Ein                   	Place of Birds        	Andreas
Elby                  	?                     	German
Ellan                 	Island                	Andreas
Ellan                 	Island                	Ballaugh
Ellan                 	Island                	Bride
Ellan                 	Island                	Jurby
Ellan                 	Island                	Lezayre
Ellan Aittin          	Gorse Island          	Jurby
Ellan Bane            	White Island          	Lezayre
Ellan Croobagh        	Lame Island           	Patrick
Ellan Garrett         	Garrett's Island      	Ballaugh
Ellan Glass           	Green Island          	Lezayre                        
Ellan Mooar           	Big Island            	Ballaugh
Ellan Mooar           	Big Island            	Lezayre
Ellan ny Braase       	Island of the Potatoes	German
Ellan ny Mochil       	Isle of the Herdsman  	German
Ellan Rhennee         	Ferny Island          	Ballaugh
Ellan Rhennee         	Ferny Island          	Bride
Ellan Squeen          	Burnt Clearing Island 	Ballaugh
Ellan Vretyn          	Isle of Wales         	Malew
Ellan Willies         	Willie's Island       	Bride
Ellan y Callow        	Callow's Island       	Ballaugh
Ellan y Foillan       	Isle of the Gull      	Lezayre
Ellan y Kay           	Kay's Farm            	Jurby
Ellan y Voddee        	Isle of the Dog       	Ballaugh
Ennaug                	End Creek             	Rushen
Eskedale              	Ash Dale              	Maughold
Eua Stad              	Yngvi's Farm          	Maughold
Eye                   	Isthmus               	Rushen
Faaie                 	Flat                  	Arbory
Faaie                 	Flat                  	Bride         
Faaie                 	Flat                  	Maughold
Faaie Balley Beg      	Little Farm Flat      	Bride
Faaie Balley Kewish   	Kewish's Flat         	Bride
Faaie Balley Kymmey   	McKym's Farm Flat    	Bride
Faaie Balley ny Barney	Gap Farm Flat         	Maughold
Faaie Cabbalagh       	Chapel Flat           	Bride
Faaie Cam             	Crooked Flat          	Patrick
Faaie Cashin          	Cashin's Flat         	Maughold
Faaie Cheyl           	Narrow Flat           	Maughold         
Faaie Chirrym         	Dry Flat              	Bride            
Faaie Chreggan        	Rocky Flat            	Bride
Faaie Chrink          	Hill Flat             	Maughold
Faaie Chrosh          	Cross Flat            	Bride
Faaie Chubeyr         	Cooper's Flat         	Rushen
Faaie Claddee         	Marsh Flat            	Ballaugh
Faaie Cleiy           	Hedge Flat            	Maughold
Faaie Cleree          	Clerk's Flat          	Ballaugh
Faaie Cooyl y Garee   	Flat Behind the Scrub 	Maughold
Faaie Cottier         	Cottier's Flat        	Bride
Faaie Cowle           	Cowle's Flat          	Bride
Faaie Crennell        	Crennell's Flat       	Bride
Faaie Cronk Creen     	Dry Hill Flat         	Maughold
Faaie Crosby Hiar     	East Flat of Cross Farm 	Bride
Faaie Crosby Hiar     	West Flat of Cross Farm 	Bride
Faaie Faasagh         	Wild Flat             	Patrick
Faaie Garee Killey    	Killey's Scrub Flat   	Maughold
Faaie Gheinnee        	Sandy Flat            	Bride
Faaie Gheinnee        	Sandy Flat            	German
Faaie Ghlass          	Green Flat            	Bride
Faaie Ghowin          	Deep Flat             	Bride            
Faaie Ghressagh       	Briar Flat            	Bride
Faaie Ghressagh       	Briar Flat            	Maughold
Faaie Glion Trooan    	Stream Glen Flat      	Bride
Faaie Greddagh        	Parched Flat          	Arbory
Faaie Heear           	West Flat             	Arbory
Faaie Heear           	West Flat             	Bride
Faaie Heear           	West Flat             	Maughold
Faaie Heese           	Lower Flat            	Maughold
Faaie Heose           	Upper Flat            	Maughold
Faaie Hiar            	East Flat             	Arbory
Faaie Hiar            	East Flat             	Bride
Faaie Hiar            	East Flat             	Maughold
Faaie Hoal            	Far Flat              	German
Faaie Hoal            	Further Flat          	Maughold
Faaie Hwoaie          	North Flat            	Bride
Faaie Jiass           	South Flat            	Maughold
Faaie Kitchen         	Kitchen Flat          	Ballaugh
Faaie Liauyr          	Long Flat             	Arbory
Faaie Liauyr          	Long Flat             	Maughold
Faaie Losht           	Burnt Flat            	Bride
Faaie Meanagh         	Middle Flat           	Maughold
Faaie Mollagh         	Rough Flat            	Patrick
Faaie Mooar           	Big Flat              	Michael
Faaie Mooar           	Big Flat              	Patrick
Faaie Mooie           	Outer Flat            	Bride
Faaie Mooie           	Outer Flat            	Maughold
Faaie Nan Vane        	Nan's White Flat      	Bride
Faaie Noa             	New Flat              	Maughold
Faaie ny Baghyl       	Flat of the Staff     	Maughold
Faaie ny Barney       	Flat of the Gap       	Maughold
Faaie ny Cabbal       	Chapel Flat           	Ballaugh
Faaie ny Chibbyragh   	Flat of the Well      	Bride
Faaie ny Cooag        	Cuckoo Flat           	Maughold
Faaie ny Cooil Shellee	Willow Nook Flat      	Bride
Faaie ny Creggey      	Flat of the Rock      	Bride
Faaie ny Croittey     	Flat of the Croft     	Maughold
Faaie ny Dhrammag     	Flat of the Bushes    	Bride
Faaie ny Giattyn Beggey 	Little Fields Flat    	Bride
Faaie ny Gramman      	Lumpy Flat            	Maughold
Faaie ny Greg         	Flat of the Rocks     	Maughold
Faaie ny h'Aah        	Flat of the Ford      	Bride
Faaie ny h'Oaie       	Flat of the Graves    	Bride
Faaie ny h'Oalan      	Flat of the Wafers    	Andreas
Faaie ny h'Oaysht     	Lamb's Flat           	Maughold
Faaie ny Keirdee      	Flat of the Smithy    	Rushen
Faaie ny Lheannagh    	Meadow Flat           	Maughold
Faaie ny Lhiondaig    	River Meadow Flat     	Bride
Faaie ny Raaidey      	Road Flat             	Bride
Faaie ny Straiddey    	Flat of the Street    	Maughold
Faaie Oarn            	Barley Flat           	Bride
Faaie Quane           	Quane's Flat          	Bride
Faaie Rhullick        	Burial Ground Flat    	Bride
Faaie Rob             	Rob's Flat            	Ballaugh
Faaie Shayrey         	Sister's Flat         	Maughold
Faaie Taggart         	Taggart's Flat        	Maughold
Faaie Thaggyr         	Causeway Flat         	Bride
Faaie Toalt           	Barn Flat             	Bride  
Faaie Traie           	Shore Flat            	Patrick
Faaie Twoaie          	North Flat            	Maughold
Faaie Valley Cowell   	Cowell's Farm Flat    	Maughold
Faaie Valley Saig     	Issac's Farm Flat     	Maughold
Faaie Veg             	Little Flat           	Arbory
Faaie Veg             	Little Flat           	Arbory
Faaie Veg             	Little Flat           	Bride
Faaie Veg             	Little Flat           	German
Faaie Veg             	Little Flat           	Maughold
Faaie Veg             	Little Flat           	Patrick
Faaie Veg             	Little Flat           	Patrick
Faaie Veg             	Little Flat           	Santan
Faaie Vooar           	Big Flat              	Bride
Faaie Vooar           	Big Flat              	Maughold
Faaie Vrown           	Brown's Flat          	Bride
Faaie Whannell        	McHonylt's Flat       	Bride
Faaie Yiass           	South Flat            	Bride
Faaie yn Dooinney Mooar 	Big Man's Flat        	Andreas
Faaie yn Gharee Mooar 	Big Shrubbery Flat    	Maughold
Faaie yn Spooyt Vane  	White Spout Flat      	Maughold
Faaie yn Toalt        	Barn Flat             	Maughold
Faaie yn Vayr Ruy     	Red Road Flat         	Bride
Faaieaghyn            	Flats                 	Lezayre
Faaigh                	Flat                  	Malew
Faaldraw              	River Meadow Fence    	Malew
Fainey Fouyryn        	Ring of Havests       	Marown
Famman Kitterland     	Tail of the Rocky Isle	Rushen
Fang                  	Sheep Pen             	Malew
Fank                  	Green Sward           	Bride
Fannag Veg            	Little Crow           	Patrick
Fannag Vooar          	Big Crow              	Patrick
Far Lagg              	Upper Hollow          	Marown
Farberry              	Bay Cliff             	Lonan
Farrane Beg           	Little Spring         	Maughold
Farrane ny Geaylin    	Spring of the Shoulder	Maughold
Farraneyn             	Springs               	Bride
Farraneyn             	Springs               	Maughold
Feed Dial             	Twenty ?              	German
Fir Moss              	Fir Marsh             	Lezayre
Fistard               	Fish Garth            	Rushen
Fleshwick             	Green Creek           	Rushen
Fleshwick Beg         	Little Green Creek    	Patrick
Fliughlagh            	Wet Place             	Maughold
Fo Cheeill            	Under the Church      	Lezayre
Fo Cronk              	Under the Hill        	Marown
Fo Lieau              	Below the Mountain    	Maughold
Fo Lieau Heear        	Under the Mountain West 	Maughold
Fo Lieau Hiar         	Under the Mountain East 	Maughold
Fo Raad               	Under the Road        	German
Follit y Vannan       	? of the Kid          	Maughold
Forsdal               	Waterfall Glen        	Patrick
Frase Scarree         	Upwards Division      	Maughold
Fratlag               	?                     	Braddan
Freoagh               	Heather               	Patrick
Freoaie Jiass         	Southern Heather      	Maughold
Fulltagh              	Cliff                 	Rushen
Fulta                 	Cliff                 	Rushen
Gaafher               	?                     	Ballaugh
Gaaig                 	Cleft                 	Bride
Gaaig y Loughan       	Cleft of the Lakelet  	Bride
Gansey                	Magic Bay             	Rushen
Gar Woaillee Veg      	Little Rough Fold     	Maughold
Gar Woaillee Vooar    	Big Rough Fold        	Maughold
Garaghyn Chamaish     	Camaish's Gardens     	Bride
Garaghyn Chottier     	Cottier's Gardens     	Bride
Garee                 	Garee                 	Maughold
Garee                 	Shrubbery             	Arbory
Garee                 	Shrubbery             	Lezayre
Garee                 	Shrubbery             	Malew
Garee                 	Shrubbery             	Rushen
Garee                 	Shrubbery             	Santan
Garee Aittin          	Gorse Shrubbery       	Braddan
Garee Aittin          	Gorse Shrubbery       	Maughold
Garee Aittin          	Gorse Shrubbery       	Santan
Garee Aspick          	Bishop's Shrubbery    	Arbory
Garee Bane            	White Shrubbery       	Arbory
Garee Bane            	White Shrubbery       	Lezayre
Garee Beg y Cubbon    	Cubbon's Tiny Shrubbery 	Rushen
Garee Carragh         	Rough Shrubbery       	Patrick
Garee Cashin          	Cashin's Shrubbery    	Maughold
Garee Cassey          	Causeway Shrubbery    	Michael
Garee Chassagh        	Winding Shrubbery     	German
Garee Craine          	Craine's Shrubbery    	Rushen
Garee Cregeen         	Cregeen's Shrubbery   	Conchan
Garee Cronk y Thie    	House Hill Shrubbery  	Maughold
Garee Cubbon          	Cubbon's Shrubbery    	Maughold
Garee Doo             	Black Shrubbery       	Marown
Garee Doo             	Black Shrubbery       	Patrick
Garee Eoylley         	Dung Shrubbery        	Arbory
Garee Fanny           	Fanny's Shrubbery     	Rushen
Garee Fliugh          	Wet Shrubbery         	Braddan
Garee Ghlass          	Green Shrubbery       	Bride
Garee Heear           	West Shrubbery        	Arbory
Garee Hiar            	East Shrubbery        	Arbory
Garee Hoal            	Outer Shrubbery       	Santan
Garee Hollin          	Holly Shrubbery       	Arbory
Garee Jiass           	South Shrubbery       	Rushen
Garee Kate            	Kate's Shrubbery      	Rushen
Garee Keeill Vreeshey 	Bridget's Church Shrubbery	Marown
Garee Kinry           	Kinry's Shrubbery     	Rushen
Garee Lheeah          	Grey Shrubbery        	Santan
Garee Liauyr          	Long Shrubbery        	Maughold
Garee Losht           	Burnt Shrubbery       	Maughold
Garee Mat             	Mat's Shrubbery       	Arbory
Garee Meanagh         	Middle Shrubbery      	Santan
Garee Meen            	Fine Shrubbery        	Ballaugh
Garee Mooar           	Big Shrubbery         	Arbory
Garee Mooar           	Big Shrubbery         	Lezayre
Garee Mooar           	Big Shrubbery         	Rushen
Garee Nell            	Nell's Shrubbery      	Maughold
Garee Noa             	New Shrubbery         	Lonan
Garee Noa             	New Shrubbery         	Maughold
Garee ny Chibbyragh   	Well Shrubbery        	Conchan
Garee ny Gabbil       	Horses' Shrubbery     	Maughold
Garee ny Mohlt        	Wether's Shrubbery    	Braddan
Garee ny Raad         	Road Shrubbery        	Maughold
Garee Phundail        	Pinfold Shrubbery     	Patrick
Garee Quayle          	Quayle's Shrubbery    	Maughold
Garee Rhennee         	Ferny Shrubbery       	Arbory
Garee Taggart         	Taggart's Shrubbery   	Maughold
Garee Twoaie          	North Shrubbery       	Maughold
Garee Valley Cowell   	Cowell's Farm Scrub   	Maughold
Garee Valley ny Sleih 	People's Farm Shrubbery 	Maughold
Garee Valley Shellag  	Willow Farm Shrubbery 	Maughold
Garee Valley Skeig    	Ship Creek Farm Scrub 	Maughold
Garee Vane            	White Shrubbery       	Rushen
Garee Veg             	Little Shrubbery      	Maughold
Garee Veg ny Slatt    	Little Osier Shrubbery	Maughold
Garee Vooar           	Big Shrubbery         	Maughold
Garee Vreinn          	Dirty Shrubbery       	Maughold
Garee Vroigh          	Dirty Shrubbery       	Maughold
Garee yn Slat         	Shubbery of the Rod   	Patrick
Gareeyn               	Shrubberies           	Maughold
Garey                 	Garden                	Malew
Garey Beg             	Little Garden         	Lezayre
Garey Breck           	Speckled Garden       	Bride
Garey Carown          	Carown's Garden       	Malew
Garey Chamaish        	Camaish's Garden      	Bride
Garey Cry             	Cry's Garden          	Patrick
Garey Feeyney         	Wine Garden           	Bride
Garey Feeyney         	Wine Garden           	Marown
Garey McTaggart       	McTaggart's Garden    	Malew
Garey Mooar           	Big Garden            	Bride
Garey Mooar           	Great Garden          	Patrick
Garey Noa             	New Garden            	Patrick
Garey ny Cleragh      	Clerk's Garden        	Maughold
Garey Sallee          	Willow Garden         	Bride
Garey yn Droghad      	Bridge Garden         	Bride
Garey yn Loughan Vooar	Big Pool Garden       	Maughold
Garraghan             	Rough Place           	Braddan
Garree Ealee          	Alice's Shrubbery     	Arbory
Garroo Clagh          	Rough Stone           	Rushen
Garroo Hoar           	Rough Manured Field   	Maughold
Garroo Lheannagh Heese	Lower Rough Meadow    	Maughold
Garroo Lheannagh Heose	Upper Rough Meadow    	Maughold
Gart                  	Field                 	Marown
Gart                  	Tilled Field          	Andreas
Geay y Vullagh        	Wind of the Summit    	Maughold
Geaylin               	Shoulder              	Maughold
Geaylin               	Shoulder              	Rushen
Geaylin Vaghal        	Maughold Shoulder     	Maughold
Geaylin Vooar         	Great Shoulder        	Maughold
Geinnagh Doo          	Black Sand            	Patrick
Geinnagh Vane         	White Sand            	Patrick
Geinnagh Veg          	Little Sand           	Patrick
Geinnaghyn            	Sandy Places          	Bride
Giat                  	Field                 	Bride
Giat                  	Field                 	Maughold
Giat                  	Road                  	Lezayre
Giat Beg              	Little Field          	Bride
Giat Beg              	Little Field          	Lezayre
Giat Beg              	Little Field          	Maughold
Giat Bill Gawne       	Bill Gawne's Gate     	Ballaugh
Giat Bill Gawne       	Bill Gawne's Road     	Ballaugh
Giat Craige           	Craige's Gate         	Andreas
Giat Craige           	Craige's Road         	Andreas
Giat Drineagh         	Thorny Field          	Bride
Giat Eayl             	Lime Field            	Bride
Giat Hom Ned          	Tom Ned's Gate        	Ballaugh
Giat Hom Ned          	Tom Ned's Road        	Ballaugh
Giat Hramman          	Elder Tree field      	Bride
Giat Killip           	Killip's Gate         	Lezayre
Giat Killip           	Killip's Road         	Lezayre
Giat Leodest          	Leot's Farm Road      	Andreas
Giat McSayl           	McSayl's Road         	Andreas
Giat Mooar            	Big Field             	Bride
Giat ny Bing          	Gate of the Jury      	Maughold
Giat ny Bing          	Road of the Jury      	Maughold
Giat ny Chibbyragh    	Well Field            	Bride
Giat ny Gabbil        	Horses' Field         	Bride
Giat ny h'Aah         	Ford Field            	Bride
Giat ny Lheiy         	Road of the Calves    	Lezayre
Giat Shoggyl          	Rye Road              	Andreas
Giat Skinner          	Skinner's Gate        	Andreas
Giat Skinner          	Skinner's Road        	Andreas
Giat Willy Robin      	Will Robin's Road     	Lezayre
Giat y Cabbyl Clagh   	Stone Horse Field     	Bride
Giat y Chor Valley    	Hillock Farm Field    	Bride
Giat y Chowle         	Cowle's Field         	Bride
Giat y Cronk Chirrym  	Dry Hill Gate         	Lezayre
Giat y Gharee Vooar   	Big Shrubbery Field   	Maughold
Giat y Vainney        	Road of the Milk      	Lezayre
Giat y Vater          	Road of the Slope     	Andreas
Giat y Whane          	Quane's Road          	Andreas
Giat y Woie           	Road of the Hare      	Andreas
Giattyn Beggey        	Little Fields         	Bride
Giau Cham             	Winding Creek         	Rushen
Giau Doo              	Black Creek           	Rushen
Giau Gort             	Stale Creek           	Arbory
Giau Harry Pharick    	Harry Patrick's Creek 	Rushen
Giau Hole             	Cave Hole             	Rushen
Giau Jeeragh          	Straight Creek        	Rushen
Giau Lang             	Long Creek            	Rushen
Giau Lion Wether      	Glen Wether Creek     	Rushen
Giau ny Gabbyl        	Horses Creek          	Rushen
Giau ny Geyrragh      	Creek of the Sheep    	Rushen
Giau ny Moayrd        	Creek of the Tables   	Rushen
Giau ny Spyrryd       	Creek of the Spirits  	Rushen
Giau Ruyal            	Red Creek             	Rushen
Giau Ving             	Melodious Creek       	Rushen
Giau Wick             	Gullet Creek          	Lonan
Giau Wooar            	Big Creek             	Maughold
Giau Yiarn            	Iron Creek            	Rushen
Giau yn Ellan         	Creek of the Island   	Rushen
Giau yn Ooig          	Creek of the Cave     	Rushen
Gib Dale              	Deep Glen             	Malew
Gib Dale              	Deep Glen             	Rushen
Gil                   	Ravine                	Lezayre
Gil                   	Ravine                	Michael
Gil Aldrick           	Old People's Creek Glen 	Rushen
Gil yn Eas            	Waterfall Gill        	German
Giln                  	Ravine                	Lonan
Glaick                	Small Hollow          	Ballaugh
Glashin               	Streamlet             	Malew
Glass                 	Stream                	Conchan
Glass Cor             	Green Hillock         	Bride
Glass Thalloo         	Green Land            	Maughold
Glass Woaillee        	Green Fold            	Arbory
Glay Ton              	Hill Farm             	Rushen
Glion                 	Glen                  	Bride
Glion                 	Glen                  	German
Glion                 	Glen                  	Santan
Glion Agneash         	Edge Ness Glion       	Lonan
Glion Annie           	Annie's Glen          	Bride
Glion Auldyn          	Glen of the Swans     	Lezayre
Glion Balley Quiggin  	Quiggin's Farm Glen   	Santan
Glion Beg             	Little Glen           	Michael
Glion Broigh          	Dirty Glen            	German
Glion Bwoaillee Woirrey 	Glen of Mary's Fold   	Maughold
Glion Callin          	Callin's Glen         	Patrick
Glion Cam             	Crooked Glen          	German
Glion Cam             	Winding Glen          	Malew
Glion Cannell         	Cannell's Glen        	Michael
Glion Challan         	Allan's Glen          	Maughold
Glion Cherrey         	Sheep Glen            	Maughold
Glion Chirrym         	Dry Glen              	Maughold
Glion Coan            	Narrow Glen           	Conchan
Glion Coull           	Hazel Glen            	Lezayre
Glion Cowne           	Cowne's Glen          	Lonan
Glion Cruggerey       	Cristory's Glen       	Conchan
Glion Curragh         	Marshy Glen           	Patrick
Glion Darragh         	Oak Glen              	German
Glion Dhowin          	Deep Glen             	Bride
Glion Dhowin          	Deep Glen             	Rushen
Glion Doo             	Black Glen            	Ballaugh
Glion Doo             	Black Glen            	Ballaugh
Glion Doo             	Black Glen            	Conchan
Glion Doo             	Black Glen            	Lezayre
Glion Doo             	Black Glen            	Lonan
Glion Doo             	Black Glen            	Maughold
Glion Doo             	Black Glen            	Patrick
Glion Dooaghan        	Dark Glen             	Patrick
Glion Dorraghey       	Dark Glen             	Marown
Glion Elican          	Tomb Glen ?           	Santan
Glion Faba            	? Glen                	German
Glion Feeagh          	Raven's Glen          	Braddan
Glion Foss            	Waterfall Glen        	Lonan
Glion Gaish           	Causeway Glen         	Michael
Glion Ghlass          	Green Glen            	Maughold
Glion Gill            	Gill's Glen           	German
Glion Greb            	Glen of ?             	Michael
Glion Grenick         	Green Creek Glen      	Santan
Glion Keeill Core     	Priests' Church Glen         	Patrick
Glion Keeill Crogh    	Priests' Church Glen         	Patrick
Glion Keeill Pharick  	Patrick's Church Glen 	Bride
Glion Keeill Vail     	Michael's Church Glen 	Lezayre
Glion Kerd            	Kerd's Glen           	German
Glion Leaghyr         	Rushy Glen            	Bride
Glion Lough           	Lake Glen             	Marown
Glion Mooar           	Big Glen              	Bride
Glion Mooar           	Great Glen            	German
Glion Mooar           	Great Glen            	Lezayre
Glion Mooar           	Great Glen            	Lonan
Glion Mooar           	Great Glen            	Michael
Glion Mooar           	Great Glen            	Patrick
Glion Mucklagh        	Pigsty Glen           	German
Glion Muigh           	Yellow Glen           	Patrick
Glion Needle          	Niven's Glen          	Patrick
Glion Nellan          	Nellen's Glen         	German
Glion ny Billey Gorrym	Glen of the Blue Trees	Lezayre
Glion ny Brack        	Glen of the Trout     	Patrick
Glion ny Giark        	Glen of the Hen's     	Michael
Glion ny Goayr        	Glen of the Goats     	Patrick
Glion ny Gounee       	Young Cow's Glen      	Ballaugh
Glion ny Guiy         	Glen of the Geese     	Michael
Glion ny Gurragh      	Marshy Glen           	Maughold
Glion ny h'Aah        	Glen of the Ford      	Braddan
Glion ny h'Aah        	Glen of the Ford      	Maughold
Glion ny h'Ard        	Glen of the Height    	Maughold
Glion ny h'Assag      	Glen of the Weasel    	Maughold
Glion ny Lomarcan     	Lonely Glen           	Maughold
Glion ny Maarliagh    	Robber's Glen         	Patrick
Glion ny Mohlt        	Glen of the Wethers   	Rushen
Glion ny Tramman      	Glen of the Elders    	Lezayre
Glion Obbeeyn         	Glen of Spells        	German
Glion Quaggan         	Quaggan's Glen        	German
Glion Rushen          	? Glen                	Patrick
Glion Ruy             	Red Glen              	Lonan
Glion Shellagh        	Willow Glen           	Ballaugh
Glion Shellan         	Bee's Glen            	German
Glion Shiast          	Sedge Glen            	Rushen
Glion Shoggyl         	Rye Glen              	Ballaugh
Glion Shoggyl         	Rye Glen              	Maughold
Glion Shuggyl         	Rye Glen              	Bride
Glion Shuin           	Rush Glen             	Maughold 
Glion Thoar           	Bleaching Glen        	German
Glion Thoar           	Bleaching Glen        	Michael
Glion Tragh           	Shore Glen            	Santan
Glion Traght          	Shore Glen            	Bride
Glion Tramman         	Elder Tree Glen       	Lezayre
Glion Trooan          	Stream Glen           	Bride
Glion Trunk           	Strowan's Glen        	Michael
Glion Unjin           	Ash Tree Glen         	Bride
Glion Valley Cowell   	Cowell's Farm Glen    	Maughold
Glion Varrool         	Ward Fell Glen        	Maughold
Glion Veg             	Little Glen           	Maughold
Glion Veg             	Little Glen           	Rushen
Glion Vooar           	Big Glen              	Rushen
Glion y Cassey        	Causeway Glen         	Maughold
Glion y Cheyll        	Wood Glen             	Maughold
Glion y Cheyllys      	Sound Glen            	Rushen
Glion y Close Mooar   	Big Enclosure Glen    	Maughold
Glion y Dhoon         	Glen of the Fort      	Maughold
Glion y Killey        	Church Glen           	Lezayre
Glion y Nane Jeig     	Glen of the Eleven    	Lezayre
Glion y Rheynn        	Division Glen         	Maughold
Glion y Spreih        	Spray Glen            	Maughold
Glion y Taggart       	Priest's Glen         	Lezayre
Glion y Taggart       	Taggart's Glen        	Lezayre
Glion y Wyllin        	Mill Glen             	Maughold
Glion yn Aah Ruy      	Red Ford Glen         	Maughold
Glion yn Injeig       	Glen of the Nook      	Lezayre
Glion yn Injeig       	Nook Glen             	Maughold
Glion Yuan Jack       	John Jack's Glen      	Patrick
Gluggeraght           	Gurgling              	Maughold
Goayr                 	Goat                  	Malew
Gob                   	Mouth                 	German
Gob Bane              	White Headland        	Maughold
Gob Breck             	Speckled Point        	Patrick
Gob Broie             	Boiling Point         	Patrick
Gob Carrin            	Point of the Cairn    	Lezayre
Gob Charry            	Charry's Point        	Patrick
Gob Doo               	Black Point           	Bride
Gob Eago              	Edge Headland Point   	Maughold
Gob Gorrym            	Blue Point            	Andreas
Gob Jiarg             	Red Headland          	Rushen
Gob Kallow            	Low Lying Point       	Rushen
Gob Keyl              	Narrow Point          	Patrick
Gob Liack             	Slate Headland        	Santan
Gob ny Beinney        	Headland of the Peak  	Rushen
Gob ny Beinney        	Summit Point          	Patrick
Gob ny Braddan        	Salmon Point          	Patrick
Gob ny Caillee        	Hag Headland          	Maughold
Gob ny Callin         	Callin's Point        	Patrick
Gob ny Cassan         	Path Point            	Patrick
Gob ny Creggyn Glassey	Grey Rocks Point      	Michael
Gob ny Daa Slieau     	Two Mountain Point    	Lonan
Gob ny Geayee         	Mouth of the Wind     	Conchan
Gob ny Gimmryn        	Hymyn's Point         	Patrick
Gob ny Girvan         	Point of the Dab ?    	Maughold
Gob ny Gree           	Boundary Point        	Lezayre
Gob ny h'Eaynin       	Precipice Point       	Patrick
Gob ny Howe           	Promontary Headland   	Maughold
Gob ny Meayl          	Bare Point            	Lezayre
Gob ny Muck           	Pig's Point           	Bride
Gob ny Purt Mooar     	Big Harbour Headland  	Maughold
Gob ny Rauney         	Seal Headland         	Maughold
Gob ny Rheynn         	Division Point        	Lonan
Gob ny Scuit          	Spout Headland        	Maughold
Gob ny Silvas         	Sylvester's Point     	Lonan
Gob ny Skeiy          	Wing Headland         	Maughold
Gob ny Slate          	Slate Point           	German
Gob ny Stowell        	Stowells' Point       	Lonan
Gob ny Stroaney       	Nose Headland         	Maughold
Gob Ruy               	Red Point             	Andreas
Gob y Chashtal        	Castle Headland       	Maughold
Gob y Ching Ouyr      	Dun End Point         	Lezayre
Gob y Chruink         	Hill Headland         	Maughold
Gob y Creggagh        	Rocky Point           	Braddan
Gob y Dagon           	Dagon Point           	German
Gob y Jane            	Jane's Headland       	Patrick
Gob y Quiggin         	Quiggin's Point       	Patrick
Gob y Reeast          	Waste Headland        	Maughold
Gob y Skeddan         	Herring Point         	German
Gob y Vollee          	Point of the Old Road 	Lezayre
Gob y Volley          	Point of the Old Road 	Ballaugh
Gob yn Ellan          	Island Point          	Patrick
Gob yn Oaie           	Grave Headland        	Rushen
Gob yn Uill           	Point of Blood        	Lonan
Gob yn Ushtey         	Point of the Water    	Patrick
Golane                	Stone Pillar          	Jurby
Gollage               	Fork                  	Patrick
Gortan                	Little Tilled Field   	Patrick
Grammah               	Knoll                 	Rushen
Granane               	Sunny Place           	Lonan
Grandnes              	Beach Headland        	Maughold
Grangee               	Granary               	Lezayre
Grawe                 	Ravine                	Lonan
Greeba                	Peak                  	German
Greena                	Common                	Rushen
Greie                 	Fishing Line          	German
Grenaby               	Green Farm            	Bride
Grenaby               	Green Farm            	Malew
Grenaby Beg           	Little Green Farm     	Bride
Greney Mooar          	Great Common          	Arbory                    
Grenick               	Green Creek           	Santan
Grenicle              	Little Green          	Arbory
Grer                  	Pit                   	Rushen
Gresby                	Pasture Farm          	Braddan
Grest                 	Grettir's Farm        	Lezayre
Gretch                	Gretti's Farm         	Lonan
Grettest Heese        	Gretti's Lower Farm   	Lonan
Griananeyn            	Sunny Spots           	Bride
Groudle               	Narrow Glen           	Conchan
Grunt Charry          	Sharry's Ground       	Michael
Grunt ny Cream        	Ground of Cream ?     	Patrick
Grunt ny Ghailley Mooar 	Big Stomach Ground    	German
Grunt ny Paitchyn     	Children's Ground     	Patrick
Grunt Sollys          	Bright Ground         	Patrick
Grunt y Villey        	Tree Ground           	German
Gudness               	Priest's Ness         	Lonan
Guilcagh              	Broom Place           	Andreas
Gullad                	Gulley                	Maughold
Gullad                	Gulley                	Patrick
Gullad Ben Parry      	Patrick's Wife's Gully	Patrick
Gullad Buigh          	Yellow Inlet          	Malew
Gullad Chreagh Moainee	Turf Stack Inlet      	Malew
Gullad Graney         	Ugly Gully            	Patrick
Gullad Jemmy Dhone    	Brown Jimmy's Gully   	Patrick
Gullad Martha         	Martha's Gully        	Malew
Gullad ny Ghow        	Oxen Inlet            	Braddan
Gullad ny Guiy        	Inlet of the Geese    	Malew
Gullad Pheddyr        	Peter's Gully         	Patrick
Gussad                	Gully                 	Bride
Gussad                	Gully                 	Maughold
Hango                 	Hill of Hanging       	Malew
Hanmer Hould          	?                     	Andreas
Harstal               	He Goat Precipice     	Patrick
Hasna                 	?                     	Lezayre
Hee Kerna             	Mouth ?               	Maughold
Hentrae               	Heni's Pasture        	Malew
Hippany               	Lucky Rock            	Rushen
Hoanes                	Lookout Farm          	Lonan
Hollyn                	Holly Place           	Bride
Holm Town             	Island Town           	German
Horalett              	Haraldr's Slope       	Conchan
Hough                 	Hough                 	Patrick
Howdstrake            	Headland Track        	Conchan
Howe                  	Headland              	Maughold
Howe                  	High Land             	Braddan
Howe Ballaskeig       	Ship Creek Farm Head  	Maughold
Howe ny Meain         	Mine Headland         	Maughold
Howe Vane             	White Headland        	Maughold
Howe Veg              	Little Headland       	Maughold
Howe Vooar            	Big Headland          	Maughold
Hross Fell            	Horse Mountain        	Lonan
Immyr                 	Strip of Land         	Bride
Immyr Bane            	White Strip           	Maughold
Immyr Claghagh        	Stony Ridge           	Patrick
Immyr Garee           	Shrubbery Ridge       	Patrick
Immyr Glass           	Green Ridge           	Andreas
Immyr Liauyr          	Long Ridge            	German
Immyr ny h'Aaie       	Kiln Butt             	Bride
Inis Michil           	Michael's Isle        	Malew
Inish                 	Island                	Andreas
Injebreck             	Ingi's Slope   	Braddan
Injeig                	Little Island         	Rushen
Injeig                	Nook                  	Patrick
Injeig Vlieaun        	Milking Nook          	German
Injeig Voanee         	Turbary Nook          	Bride
Injeig Voaney         	Turfy River Fork      	Andreas
Ippney                	Lucky Rock            	Rushen
Isbery                	Ice Cliff             	Rushen
Jalloo                	Image                 	Maughold
Jeddin                	Place of Darnel       	Lezayre
Jeebin                	Fish Net Place        	German
Jiarg Rhennee         	Red Ferny Place       	Lezayre
Johneois              	Downey's Place        	Andreas
Jurby                 	Beasts' Farm          	Jurby
Jurby                 	Ivar's Farm           	Jurby
Karrin                	Ciaran                	Lezayre
Kee Mooar             	Great Brow            	Patrick
Keeill Abban          	Abban's Church        	Braddan
Keeill Breaga         	Breaga's Church       	Lezayre
Keeill Callan         	Callane's Church      	Lonan
Keeill Casherick      	Holy Church           	Maughold
Keeill Catreeney      	Catherine's Church    	Arbory
Keeill Coonlagh       	Conley's Church       	Jurby
Keeill Corrody        	Ciaran's Church       	Lezayre
Keeill Corrony        	Ciaran's Church       	Lezayre
Keeill Crogh          	Priests' Church       	Patrick
Keeill Cronk yn Owe   	Headland Hill Church  	Maughold
Keeill Crore          	Priest's Church       	Patrick
Keeill Crump          	Priests' Church       	Andreas
Keeill Eoin           	John's Church         	German
Keeill Hooishaghan    	Church of ?           	Michael
Keeill Ingan          	Fingan's Church       	Marown
Keeill Kenny          	Kenneth's Church      	Braddan
Keeill Malonagh       	Church of ?           	Maughold
Keeill Moirrey        	Mary's Church         	Arbory
Keeill Moirrey        	Mary's Church         	Ballaugh
Keeill Moirrey        	Mary's Church         	German
Keeill Moirrey        	Mary's Church         	Lonan
Keeill Moirrey        	Mary's Church         	Maughold
Keeill Moirrey        	Mary's Church         	Rushen
Keeill ny Howe        	Headland Church       	Maughold
Keeill ny Saggart     	Priest's Church       	Maughold
Keeill Oran           	Oran's Church         	Arbory
Keeill Pharick        	Patrick's Church      	Rushen
Keeill Pharick Drommey	Patrick's Ridge Church	German
Keeill Pharlane       	Bartholomew's Church  	Malew
Keeill Pharlane       	Bartholomew's Church  	Michael
Keeill Phoogan        	Church ?              	Lezayre
Keeill Tushtagh       	Church ?              	Andreas
Keeill Vachud         	Machud's Church       	Patrick
Keeill Vachut         	Machud's Church       	Patrick
Keeill Vael           	Michael's Church      	Arbory
Keeill Vael           	Michael's Church      	Lezayre
Keeill Vael           	Michael's Church      	Maughold
Keeill Varkys         	Mark Church           	Bride
Keeill Vartyn         	Martin's Church       	Andreas
Keeill Vian           	Matthew's Church      	Bride
Keeill Vichal         	Michael's Church      	Maughold
Keeill Vout           	Machud's Church       	Patrick
Keeill Woirrey        	Mary's Church         	Maughold
Keeill Woirrey        	Mary's Church         	Patrick
Keeill yn Chiarn      	Lord's Church         	Patrick
Keim ny Meayn         	Mine Path             	Rushen
Kella                 	Cold Isle             	Lezayre
Kella                 	Cold Isle             	Patrick
Keppel                	Champion's Mountain   	Conchan
Keppel                	Kappi's Mountain      	Conchan
Keristal              	Rock Farm             	Braddan
Kerroo Barley         	Barley Quarter        	Arbory
Kerroo Barool         	Ward Mountain Quarter 	Malew
Kerroo Barron         	Barron's Quarter      	Patrick
Kerroo Chamaish       	Camaish's Quarter     	Bride
Kerroo Chirrym        	Dry Quarter           	Andreas
Kerroo Croie          	Cry's Quarter         	Jurby
Kerroo Cruinn         	Corkan's Quarter      	Michael
Kerroo Doo            	Black Quarter         	Ballaugh
Kerroo Doo            	Black Quarter         	Bride
Kerroo Doo            	Black Quarter         	Conchan
Kerroo Doo            	Black Quarter         	Patrick
Kerroo Doo            	Black Quarter         	Santan
Kerroo Downey         	Downey's Quarter      	Andreas
Kerroo Garroo         	Rough Quarter         	Andreas
Kerroo Garroo         	Rough Quarter         	German
Kerroo Glass          	Green Quarter         	Michael
Kerroo Glass          	Green Quarter         	Patrick
Kerroo Kerd           	Kerd's Quarter        	German
Kerroo Keyl           	Narrow Quarter        	Andreas
Kerroo Keyl           	Narrow Quarter        	Malew
Kerroo Keyl           	Narrow Quarter        	Patrick
Kerroo McFayle        	McFayle's Quarter     	Andreas
Kerroo Meanagh        	Middle Quarter        	Arbory
Kerroo Mooar          	Big Quarter           	Andreas
Kerroo Mooar          	Big Quarter           	German
Kerroo Mooar          	Big Quarter           	Lezayre
Kerroo ny Creg        	Rock Quarter          	Lezayre
Kerroo ny Glagh       	Stony Quarter         	German
Kerroo ny Gronk       	Hill Quarter          	Bride
Kerroo ny h'Ard       	High Quarter          	Maughold
Kerroo ny Traie       	Shore Quarter         	Bride
Kerroo Rhennee        	Ferny Quarter         	Malew
Kerroo Skaly Vooar    	Big McSkelly's Quarter	Andreas
Kerroo y Phurt        	Harbour Quarter       	Bride
Kerroo Yon            	John's Quarter        	Rushen
Kerrow Corrin         	Corrin's Quarter      	Rushen
Kerrow Glass          	Green Quarter         	German
Kerrow ny Clough      	Stony Quarter         	Patrick
Keslot                	?                     	German
Kessa                 	Causeway              	German
Kessa                 	Twisting              	Rushen
Kessah                	Causeway              	Santan
Kew                   	Kewe's Place          	German
Kewaig                	Little Hollow         	Braddan
Keyljee               	Wooded Place          	Rushen
Keyll                 	Wood                  	Maughold
Keyll Rheynn Keylleragh 	Wooded Division Wood  	Maughold
Keyll Vaddrell        	Madrell's Wood        	Maughold
Keyll yn Cosheraght   	Hill Foot Wood        	Maughold
Keym Looney           	Lonney's Stile        	Maughold
Killagh ny Goayr      	Church of the Goats   	Patrick
Killane               	Brushwood land        	Jurby
Kimmeragh             	McKym's Place         	Bride
Kione                 	Head                  	Bride
Kione Aodh            	Aodh's Hill           	German
Kione Arragh          	Rampart End           	Lezayre
Kione Beg             	Little Head           	Rushen
Kione Cammal          	Hill Ridge End        	German
Kione Croit y Droghad 	Bridge Croft End      	Bride
Kione Dam             	Dam End               	Bride
Kione Dooag           	End of the Black Land 	Patrick
Kione Droghad         	Bridge Head           	Andreas
Kione Droghad         	Bridge Head           	Conchan
Kione Droghad         	Bridge Head           	Michael
Kione Eiragh          	? Head                	German
Kione Faestal         	Fish Cliff Headland   	Patrick
Kione Heear           	West End              	Bride
Kione Hiar            	East End              	Bride
Kione Hiar ny Faaie   	East Headland Flat    	Maughold
Kione Jiass           	South End             	Bride
Kione Lhiargee        	Hill Side End         	Arbory
Kione Lough           	Lake End              	Bride
Kione ny Garee        	Shrubbery End         	Rushen
Kione ny h'Albey      	Scottish Head         	Rushen
Kione ny h'Ard        	Headland Height       	Maughold
Kione ny h'Arroo      	Corn Headland         	Maughold
Kione ny h'Ayrey      	Ayre Head ?           	Bride
Kione ny h'Eaynin     	Headland Precipice    	Maughold
Kione ny h'Ughtee     	Headland Slope        	Maughold
Kione ny Lheannagh    	Meadow End            	Bride
Kione ny Lheannagh    	Meadow Headland       	Maughold
Kione Roauyr          	Broad Headland        	Patrick
Kione Roauyr          	Broad Headland        	Rushen
Kione Slieau          	Mountain End          	Patrick
Kione Toccar          	Causeway End          	German
Kione Traugh          	Strand End            	Rushen
Kione Twoaie          	North End             	Bride
Kione Vaghal          	Maughold Head         	Maughold
Kione y Cleynaugh     	Slope End             	Lezayre
Kione y Faaie         	End of the Flat       	Andreas
Kione y Goagyn        	Chasm Headland        	Rushen
Kione y Spaainey      	Headland ?            	Rushen
Kione y Traie         	End of the Shore      	Rushen
Kionnan               	Little Head           	Patrick
Kirk Esconn           	Esconn's Church       	Andreas
Kirk Maloney          	Maloney's Church      	Patrick
Kirk Michael          	Michael's Church      	Michael
Kirk Michell          	Michael's Church      	Malew
Kirkill               	Church Mountain       	Rushen
Kishtey Wooar         	Big Chest             	Maughold
Kitterland            	Rocky Island          	Rushen
Kitterland            	Rocky Islet           	Maughold
Knock Aittin          	Gorse Hill            	Lezayre
Knock Aittin          	Gorse Hill            	Marown
Knock Aittin          	Gorse Hill            	Maughold
Knock Aloe Beg        	Allow's Little Hill   	Patrick
Knock Aloe Mooar      	Allow's Big Hill      	Patrick
Knock Bane            	White Hill            	Bride
Knock Coyrle          	Counsel Hill          	Bride
Knock Doo             	Black Hill            	Maughold
Knock Doo Mooar       	Great Black Hill      	Malew
Knock Garroo          	Rough Hill            	Maughold
Knock Kishtey         	Chest Hill            	Patrick
Knock Kneale          	Kneale's Hill         	Andreas
Knock ny h'Ard        	Hill of the Height    	Bride
Knock ny Moaney       	Hill of the Turbary   	Maughold
Knock ny Moghlane     	Old Hedges Hill       	Marown
Knock ny Quaiylagh    	Meeting Hill          	Maughold
Knock Rhennee         	Ferny Hill            	Bride
Knock Rushen          	? Hill                	Malew
Knock Shapel          	Chapel Hill           	Jurby
Knock Sharry          	Sharry's Hill         	German
Knock y Dooney        	Sunday Hill           	Andreas
Knock y Dowan         	Dowan's Hill          	Jurby
Knock y Dowan         	Fort Hill             	Jurby
Knock y Gheill        	Spring Hill           	Bride
Knock y Lheiy         	Calf Hill             	Bride
Knock y Lhiy          	Colt Hill             	Bride
Knock y Lochlainn     	Lochlainn's Hill      	Santan
Knock y n'Eean        	Birds' Hill           	Andreas
Knock y Shoggyl       	Rye Hill              	Marown
Knock y Thie Lhionney 	Ale House Hill        	Bride
Knock y Toalt         	Barn Hill             	Bride
Knock y Tonnysh       	Hill of Plenty        	Lonan
Knock y Troddan       	Hill of Contest       	Braddan
Knock y Vaare Vooar   	Big Summit Hill       	Bride
Knock y Vayr Vooar    	Big Road Hill         	Bride
Knock y Vrew          	Brew's Hill           	Malew
Knockan               	Little Hill           	Ballaugh
Knockan Aalin         	Beautiful Hillock     	Santan
Knockan y Lheiy       	Calf Hillock          	Marown
Kor                   	Round Hill            	Lezayre
Kreketts              	?                     	Malew
Kyrk Sansan           	Church ?              	Rushen
Laagagh Mooar         	Big Swamp             	Andreas
Laagh Ghlass          	Grey Mire             	Maughold
Laagh Vooar           	Big Mire              	Bride
Laagh Vooar           	Big Mire              	Maughold
Laare Vooie           	Threshing Floor       	Maughold
Lag                   	Hollow                	Lezayre
Lag                   	Hollow                	Patrick
Lag Avil              	? Hollow              	Patrick
Lag Bane              	White Hollow          	Ballaugh
Lag Bwoaillee         	Fold Hollow           	Patrick
Lag Creggan           	Rocky Hollow          	Patrick
Lag Dhoan             	Brown Hollow          	German
Lag Doo               	Black Hollow          	German
Lag Keeill            	Church Hollow         	Lezayre
Lag ny Cailleeyn      	Hags' Hollow          	Lezayre
Lag ny Darragh        	Oak Hollow            	Lezayre
Lag ny Grianane       	Sunny Hollow          	Lezayre
Lag ny Maarliagh      	Thief's Hollow        	Patrick
Lag ny Shune          	Rushy Hollow          	Patrick
Lag ny Traagh         	Hay Hollow            	Patrick
Lag ny Villey         	Tree Hollow           	Patrick
Lag y Vollagh         	Old Road Hollow       	Marown
Laggagh               	Hollow                	Lezayre
Laggagh Veg           	Little Hollow         	Andreas
Laggan                	Little Hollow         	Ballaugh
Laggan                	Little Hollow         	Marown
Laggan                	Little Hollow         	Patrick
Laggan                	Little Hollow         	Rushen
Laggan Agneash        	Edge Ness Hollow      	Lonan
Lagganyn              	Hollows               	Patrick
Laggey Vollagh        	Rough Hollow          	Andreas
Laksaa                	Salmon River          	Lonan
Lammall               	Lamb Mountain         	German
Lane y lheannee       	Meadow Lane           	Patrick
Lang Ness             	Long Nose             	Malew
Lann Eachainn         	Eachainn's Place      	Conchan
Lathar Vane           	White Swamp           	Andreas
Le Garre              	Enclosure (the)       	Rushen
Le Lawe Gayse         	Hill ? (the)          	Malew
Le Lond Folds         	?                     	Malew
Le Mod                	Meeting               	Rushen
Le Nutt Fold          	?                     	Malew
Leacanyn              	Stones                	Rushen
Leodest               	Leot's Farm           	Andreas
Lewaigue              	Bay Slope             	Maughold
Lez Ayre              	The Ayre ?            	Lezayre
Lhag                  	Hollow                	Arbory
Lhag                  	Hollow                	Bride
Lhag Balley Keigh     	McKie's Farm Hollow	Bride
Lhag Birragh          	Pointed Hollow        	Conchan
Lhag Bwoaillee        	Fold Hollow           	Lonan
Lhag Doo              	Black Hollow          	Bride
Lhag Doo              	Black Hollow          	Lonan
Lhag Ghlass           	Green Hollow          	Maughold
Lhag ny Glagh         	Stony Hollow          	Bride
Lhag ny Killey        	Church Hollow         	Rushen
Lhag ny Moddey        	Dogs' Hollow          	Bride
Lhag ny Mullag        	Hollow of the Cask    	Maughold
Lhag ny Voillan       	Gulls Hollow          	Bride
Lhag Skinner          	Skinner's Hollow      	Maughold
Lhag Vane             	White Hollow          	Maughold
Lhag Vollagh          	Rough Hollow          	Maughold
Lhag Vooar            	Big Hollow            	Bride
Lhag Woaillee         	Fold Hollow           	Bride
Lhag Woaillee         	Fold Hollow           	Maughold
Lhag Woaillee Kermeen 	Kermeen's Fold Hollow 	Maughold
Lhag y Lieen          	Flax Hollow           	Maughold
Lhag y Sheel          	Seed hollow           	Santan
Lhag y Voddey         	Dog's Hollow          	Bride
Lhaggagh              	Hollow                	Bride
Lhaggagh Ghlass       	Green Hollow          	Maughold
Lhaggagh Mooie        	Outer Hollow          	Bride
Lhaggagh Veg          	Little Hollow         	Bride
Lhaggagh Vooar        	Big Hollow            	Bride
Lhaggagh Yuys         	Fir Hollow            	Bride
Lhaggan               	Hollow                	Lonan
Lhaggan               	Little Hollow         	Bride
Lhaggan               	Little Hollow         	Maughold
Lhaggan Veanagh       	Middle Little Hollow  	Maughold
Lhaggan Veg           	Tiny Hollow           	Bride
Lhaggan Veg           	Tiny Hollow           	Maughold
Lhaggan Veg Heese     	Lower Little Hollow   	Maughold
Lhaggan Vooar         	Big Hollow            	Bride
Lhaggan Vooar         	Big Hollow            	Maughold
Lhaggan y Close       	Enclosure Hollow      	Bride
Lheannee              	Meadow                	Arbory
Lheannee              	Meadow                	Bride
Lheannee              	Meadow                	Lezayre
Lheannee              	Meadow                	Maughold
Lheannee              	Meadow                	Rushen
Lheannee Andra        	Andrew's Meadow       	Patrick
Lheannee Arick        	Arick's Meadow        	Lezayre
Lheannee Balley Croshey 	Cross Farm Meadow     	Ballaugh
Lheannee Beg          	Little Meadow         	Ballaugh
Lheannee Beg          	Little Meadow         	Lezayre
Lheannee Beg          	Little Meadow         	Lezayre
Lheannee Bugogue      	Blackthorn Meadow     	German
Lheannee Charran      	Carran's Hollow       	Maughold
Lheannee Cheyl        	Narrow Meadow         	Andreas
Lheannee Cheyl        	Narrow Meadow         	Maughold
Lheannee Chliogagh    	Sedge Meadow          	Bride
Lheannee Choon        	Narrow Meadow         	Bride
Lheannee Chreen       	Withered Meadow       	German
Lheannee Chruinn      	Round Meadow          	Bride
Lheannee Chruinn      	Round Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee Close Mooar  	Big Enclosure Meadow  	Maughold
Lheannee Cottier      	Cottier's Meadow      	Rushen
Lheannee Cowell       	Cowell's Meadow       	Maughold
Lheannee Cubeyr       	Cooper's Meadow       	Bride
Lheannee Curragh Hoal 	Far Marsh Meadow      	Maughold
Lheannee Droghad      	Bridge Meadow         	German
Lheannee Droghad      	Bridge Meadow         	Rushen
Lheannee Faaie        	Flat Meadow           	Maughold
Lheannee Feeyney      	Wine Meadow           	Bride
Lheannee Fo Cheeill   	Meadow Under the Church 	Lezayre
Lheannee Garroo       	Rough Meadow          	Lezayre
Lheannee Gharroo      	Rough Meadow          	German
Lheannee Ghlion Truan 	Glen Stream Meadow    	Bride
Lheannee Golane       	Standing Stone Meadow 	Jurby
Lheannee Heear        	West Meadow           	Bride
Lheannee Heese        	Lower Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee Heose        	Upper Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee Hiar         	East Meadow           	Bride
Lheannee Hoal         	Yonder Meadow         	Maughold
Lheannee Howe Mooar   	Great Mound Meadow    	Rushen
Lheannee Jiass        	South Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee Kaye         	Kaye's Meadow         	Jurby
Lheannee Keyl         	Narrow Meadow         	Ballaugh
Lheannee Keyl         	Narrow Meadow         	Malew
Lheannee Kione Droghad	Bridge Head Meadow    	Rushen
Lheannee Kneen        	Kneen's Meadow        	Lezayre
Lheannee Liauyr       	Long Meadow           	Maughold
Lheannee McSayle      	McSayle's Meadow      	Andreas
Lheannee Noa          	New Meadow            	Maughold
Lheannee Noa          	New Meadow            	Rushen
Lheannee ny Baghyl    	Staff Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee ny Corony    	Mill Stream Meadow              	Maughold
Lheannee ny Creggey   	Rock Meadow           	German
Lheannee ny h'Ard     	High Meadow           	Maughold
Lheannee ny h'Awin    	River Meadow          	Braddan
Lheannee ny h'Awin    	River Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee ny h'Oarn    	Barley Meadow         	German
Lheannee ny h'Ollay   	Swan Meadow           	Bride
Lheannee ny Mrack     	Trout Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee Poyll Rea    	Clear Pool Meadow     	German
Lheannee Runt         	Round Meadow          	German
Lheannee Runt         	Round Meadow          	Rushen
Lheannee Skelly       	Skelly's Meadow       	Maughold
Lheannee Sthie        	Inner Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee Streeu       	Strife Meadow         	Malew
Lheannee Thweite      	Thweite's Meadow      	Braddan
Lheannee Totaby       	Mani's Farm Hill Meadow 	Malew
Lheannee Twoaie       	North Meadow          	Maughold
Lheannee Valley Fayle 	Fayle's Farm Meadow   	Bride
Lheannee Vane         	White Meadow          	Lezayre
Lheannee Vark         	Mark's Meadow         	Jurby
Lheannee Vark         	Mark's Meadow         	Malew
Lheannee Veg          	Little Meadow         	Bride
Lheannee Veg          	Little Meadow         	Maughold
Lheannee Veg          	Little Meadow         	Rushen
Lheannee Veg Yuan     	John's Little Meadow  	Bride
Lheannee Voillan      	Gulls' Meadow         	Bride
Lheannee Vollagh      	Rough Meadow          	Andreas
Lheannee Volley       	Road Meadow           	Ballaugh
Lheannee Vooar        	Big Meadow            	Bride
Lheannee Vooar        	Big Meadow            	German
Lheannee Vooar        	Big Meadow            	Maughold
Lheannee Vooar        	Big Meadow            	Rushen
Lheannee Vreck        	Speckled Meadow       	Bride
Lheannee Vrew         	Brew's Meadow         	Lezayre
Lheannee y Droghad    	Bridge Meadow         	Bride
Lheannee y Valley Beg 	Little Farm Meadow    	Bride
Lheannee Yiarg        	Red Meadow            	Bride
Lheannee Yuan Ruy     	Red John's Meadow     	Maughold
Lheanney Vainney      	Milk Meadow           	Lezayre
Lheantyn Veggey       	Little Meadows        	Rushen
Lheeah Cosh Strah     	Grey River Holm       	Lezayre
Lheeah Traaghan       	Grey Meadow Pasture   	Patrick
Lheim Feeaih          	Deer Leap             	Lezayre
Lheim y Chynee        	Foxes Leap            	Rushen
Lhen Mooar            	Big Brushwood      	Andreas
Lhen Traugh           	Shore Glen            	Bride
Lhiabbee Geaylin      	Shoulder Tomb         	Maughold
Lhiabbee OConnaly     	OConnely's Tomb       	Lezayre
Lhiack ny Wirragh     	Assembly Stone Pillar 	Rushen
Lhiaght y Kinry       	Kinry's Tomb          	Marown
Lhiannag              	Heather Creek         	German
Lhiargee 'n Eas       	Waterfall Slope       	Patrick
Lhiargee Beg          	Little Slope          	Lezayre
Lhiattag              	Slope                 	Maughold
Lhiattee              	Slope                 	Maughold
Lhiattee Close y Vollee 	Slope Road Enclosure  	Maughold
Lhiattee ny Beinney   	Side of the Summit    	Rushen
Lhiattee ny Lheanee   	Meadow Side           	Patrick
Lhieggey              	Waterfall             	Rushen
Lhieggey Illiam       	William's Waterfall   	Maughold
Lhing                 	Pool                  	Bride
Lhing                 	Pool                  	Patrick
Lhing Ash             	Pool ?                	Andreas
Lhing Berree Dhone    	Brown Berree's Pool   	Maughold
Lhing Doo             	Black Pool            	German
Lhing Doo             	Black Pool            	Maughold
Lhing ny Mwyllin Beg  	Little Mill Pool      	Maughold
Lhing y Ghlashtin     	Water Goblin's Pool   	Maughold
Lhing y Vaarlee       	Robbers' Pool         	Malew
Lhingey               	Pool                  	Patrick
Lhingey ny Cooilley   	Pool Nook             	Lonan
Lhingey ny Eaynin     	Precipice Pool        	Lonan
Lhingey ny Glashtyn   	Water Sprite Pool     	Lezayre
Lhingey ny h'Eary     	Hill Pasture Pool     	Maughold
Lhingey Vooar         	Big Pool              	Maughold
Lhiondaig             	River Meadow          	Bride
Lhiondaig             	River Meadow          	Maughold
Lhiondaig Cashen      	Cashin's River Meadow 	Maughold
Lhiondaig ny Moaney   	Turbary River Meadow  	Maughold
Lhiondaig Vooar       	Big River Meadow      	Maughold
Lhiondaig Vynthey     	River Meadow Mint     	Maughold
Lhoob                 	Gully                 	Patrick
Lhoob Doo             	Black Gulley          	Patrick
Lhoob Dowin           	Deep Winding Road     	Maughold
Lhoob ny Charn        	Cairn Loop            	Rushen
Lhoob y Reeast        	Waste Gulley          	German
Liargagh              	Slope                 	Arbory
Liargagh              	Slope                 	Bride
Liargagh              	Slope                 	German
Liargee               	Slope                 	Bride
Liargee               	Slope                 	Lezayre
Liargee               	Slope                 	Malew
Liargee               	Slope                 	Maughold
Liargee               	Slope                 	Patrick
Liargee               	Slope                 	Rushen
Liargee               	Slope                 	Santan
Liargee Aah Whallian  	Whelp's Ford Slope    	Braddan
Liargee Baa           	Cow's Slope           	Lezayre
Liargee Breck         	Speckled Slope        	Braddan
Liargee Breck         	Speckled Slope        	Michael
Liargee Chreetch      	Creetch's Hill Slope  	Maughold
Liargee Colvin        	Colvin's Slope        	German
Liargee Doo           	Black Slope           	German
Liargee Doo           	Black Slope           	Maughold
Liargee Frissel       	Frissel's Slope       	Maughold
Liargee Garroo        	Rough Hill Slope      	Maughold
Liargee Gharroo       	Rough Slope           	Lonan
Liargee Grawe         	Slope Ravine          	Lonan
Liargee Hollyn        	Holly Slope           	Rushen
Liargee Meanagh       	Middle Slope          	Lonan
Liargee Mooar         	Great Slope           	Patrick
Liargee Mooie         	Outer Slope           	Lonan
Liargee Noa           	New Hill Slope        	Maughold
Liargee ny Chibbyragh 	Hill Slope Well       	Maughold
Liargee ny Creggey    	Stony Slope           	Bride
Liargee ny Croau Creen	Withered Bush Slope   	Maughold
Liargee ny Glagh Bane 	White Stone Slope     	Bride
Liargee ny Moaney     	Turbary Hill Slope    	Maughold
Liargee ny Mucklagh   	Piggery Slope         	Lonan
Liargee Quayle        	Quayle's Hill Slope   	Maughold
Liargee Rea           	Level Hill Slope      	Maughold
Liargee Rhennee       	Ferny Slope           	Lezayre
Liargee Rhennee       	Ferny Slope           	Marown
Liargee Rhennee       	Ferny Slope           	Maughold
Liargee Ruy           	Red Slope             	Marown
Liargee Sthie         	Inner Slope           	Lonan
Liargee Traie         	Shore Slope           	Patrick
Liargee Vallure       	Yew Tree Farm Slope   	Maughold
Liargee Vane          	White Slope           	Maughold
Liargee Veanagh       	Middle Slope          	Bride
Liargee Veanagh       	Middle Slope          	Maughold
Liargee Veg           	Little Slope          	Bride
Liargee Veg           	Little Slope          	Lonan
Liargee Vooar         	Big Slope             	Bride
Liargee Vooar         	Big Slope             	Lezayre
Liargee Vooar         	Big Slope             	Maughold
Liargee Wooar         	Big Slope             	Marown
Lieh Bog              	Soft Half             	Rushen
Lieh Cherroo ny Gronk 	Hill Half Quarter     	Bride
Lieh Kerroo           	Half Quarter          	Ballaugh
Lieh Kerroo           	Half Quarter          	Lonan
Lieh Kerroo           	Half Quarterland      	Patrick
Ling Butt             	Heather Heap          	Lezayre
Ling Close            	Heather Enclosure     	Lezayre
Lion (y)              	Glen (the)            	Maughold
Liontan               	Little Glen           	Michael
Liugh Woaillee        	Wet Fold              	Bride
Llain y Croit         	Croft Lane            	Arbory
Lough                 	Lake                  	Bride
Lough                 	Lake                  	Malew
Lough                 	Lake                  	Maughold
Lough Balley Kinnag   	Kenag's Farm Lake     	Andreas
Lough Balley yn Vayr  	Road Farm Lake        	Bride
Lough Caine           	Caine's Lake          	Ballaugh
Lough Cheyl           	Narrow Lake           	Andreas
Lough Cheyl           	Narrow Lake           	Maughold
Lough Chiarn          	Lord's Lake           	Santan
Lough Cranstal        	Kraun's Valley Lake   	Bride
Lough Cunner          	Cunner's Lake         	Andreas
Lough Curragh Pharick 	Lake of Patrick's Mire	Bride
Lough Dem             	Dam Lake              	Bride
Lough Doo             	Black Lake            	Ballaugh
Lough Drughaig        	Dog Rose Lake         	Andreas
Lough Drughaig        	Dog Rose Lake         	Bride
Lough Ghlass          	Green Lake            	Maughold
Lough Giat y Whane    	Quane's Road Lake     	Andreas
Lough Glass           	Grey Lake             	Patrick
Lough Hom             	Tom's Lake            	Andreas
Lough Howe Mooar      	Great Mound Lake      	Rushen
Lough ny Baa          	Lake of the Cow       	Conchan
Lough ny Goayr        	Goat's Lake           	Bride
Lough ny Greagh       	Lake of the Stacks    	Ballaugh
Lough ny Shynnagh     	Fox Lake              	Andreas
Lough Pharick         	Patrick's Lake        	Lezayre
Lough Queenagh        	Quane's Lake          	Bride
Lough Route           	Route's Lake          	Jurby
Lough Skillicore      	Rocky Firth  ?        	Malew
Lough Veg             	Little Lake           	Bride
Lough Veg             	Little Lake           	Michael
Lough Willie          	Willie's Lake         	Bride
Lough y Callow        	Callow's Lake         	Maughold
Lough y Carran        	Carran's Lake         	Maughold
Lough y Lord          	Lord's Lake           	Bride
Lough y Varron        	Barron's Lake         	Andreas
Loughan               	Lakelet               	Bride
Loughan               	Pond                  	Patrick
Loughan               	Small Lake            	Lezayre
Loughan Ferish        	Fairy's Pond          	Ballaugh
Loughan Hwoaie        	North Lakelet         	Bride
Loughan Keeill Vael   	Michael's Church Lake 	Maughold
Loughan ny Chibbyragh 	Well Lakelet          	Bride
Loughan ny Gabbil     	Horses' Lakelet       	Bride
Loughan ny Guiy       	Goose Pond            	Lezayre
Loughan ny Maidjey    	Plank Lakelet         	Michael
Loughan ny Maynagh    	Monks Lakelet         	Michael
Loughan ny Muck       	Pigs' Lakelet         	Bride
Loughan Ruy           	Red Pond              	Ballaugh
Loughan Sallagh       	Dirty Lakelet         	Bride
Loughan Shellee       	Willow Lakelet        	Bride
Loughan Shuinyn       	Rushy Lakelet         	Bride
Loughan Vahee         	Bahee's Lakelet       	Bride
Loughan Veg           	Little Lakelet        	Bride
Loughan Vooar         	Big Lakelet           	Bride
Loughan Vooar         	Big Lakelet           	Maughold
Loughan y Shuin       	Rushy Pond            	Jurby
Loughan y Vaatey      	Boat Pond             	Jurby
Loughan Yiass         	South Lakelet         	Bride
Loughanyn             	Lakelets              	Bride
Maarliagh             	Thief                 	Michael
Maase                 	Great Ridge           	German
Maase Beg             	Little Ridge          	Andreas
Maase Beg             	Little Ridge          	Bride    
Magher Ard            	High Field            	Bride
Magher Bane           	White Field           	Lezayre
Magher Bane           	White Field           	Maughold
Magher Bane           	White Field           	Patrick
Magher Bane Hiar      	East White Field      	Maughold
Magher Beg            	Little Field          	Arbory
Magher Beg            	Little Field          	Bride
Magher Beg            	Little Field          	German
Magher Beg            	Little Field          	Maughold
Magher Beg            	Little Field          	Patrick
Magher Booiagh        	Pleasant Field        	Rushen
Magher Breck          	Speckled Field        	Maughold
Magher Breck Carn     	Speckled Field Cairn  	Maughold
Magher Cabbal         	Chapel Field          	Bride
Magher Caggee         	Battle Field          	Rushen
Magher Cain           	Cain's Field          	Maughold
Magher Cassidy        	Cassidy's Field       	Bride
Magher Catreeney      	Catherine's Field     	Arbory
Magher Chibbyragh     	Well Field            	Bride
Magher Chirrym        	Dry Field             	Bride
Magher Chonney        	Gorse Bon Field       	Rushen
Magher Chorkish       	Corkish's Field       	Bride
Magher Chrink         	Hill Field            	Bride
Magher Clagh Bane     	White Stone Field     	Bride
Magher Cleigh Roauyr  	Thick Hedge Field     	Patrick
Magher Cleigh Vane    	White Fence Fold      	Arbory
Magher Cooyl Thie     	Field Behind the House	Maughold
Magher Cooyl Thie     	Field Behind the House	Santan
Magher Cooyl y Thie   	Field Behind the House	Bride
Magher Crayee         	Clay Field            	Bride
Magher Creagh         	Stack Field           	Bride
Magher Creg Lheeah    	Grey Rock field       	Maughold
Magher Dam            	Dam Field             	Bride
Magher Eayil          	Lime Field            	Lezayre
Magher Fo yn Vayr     	Field Below the Road  	Bride
Magher Ghlion         	Glen Field            	Rushen
Magher Giat           	Gate Field            	Patrick
Magher Goal Lheeanagh 	Forked Meadow Field   	Maughold
Magher Heear          	West Field            	Maughold
Magher Heese          	Lower Field           	Bride
Magher Heese          	Lower Field           	Maughold
Magher Hiar           	East Field            	Maughold
Magher Hunter         	Hunter's Field        	Patrick
Magher Hwoaie         	North Field           	Rushen
Magher Injil          	Low Field             	Patrick
Magher Jiarg          	Red Field             	Patrick
Magher Jiass          	South Field           	Maughold
Magher Jim Mat        	Jim Mat's Field       	Bride
Magher Johnny         	Johnny's Field        	Bride
Magher Juan           	John's Field          	Bride
Magher Keeill         	Church Field          	Lezayre
Magher Kelly          	Kelly's Field         	Bride
Magher Kelvin         	Kelvin's Field        	Maughold
Magher Keyl           	Narrow Field          	Maughold
Magher Killagh y Chiarn 	Lord's Church Field   	Patrick
Magher Kitty          	Kitty's Field         	Bride
Magher Knock Aittin   	Gorsy Hill Field      	Maughold
Magher Liauyr         	Long Field            	Bride
Magher Liauyr         	Long Field            	Rushen
Magher Liauyr Jo      	Joe's Long Field      	Patrick
Magher Lough          	Lake Field            	Rushen
Magher Lough          	Lake of the Plain     	Lezayre
Magher Lough Drughaig 	Hip Thorn Lake Field  	Bride
Magher Maria          	Maria's Field         	Maughold
Magher Martin         	Martin's Field        	Maughold
Magher Meanagh        	Middle Field          	Bride
Magher Meanagh        	Middle Field          	Maughold
Magher Meanagh        	Middle Field          	Patrick
Magher Mooar          	Big Field             	Bride
Magher Mooar          	Big Field             	Malew
Magher Mooar          	Big Field             	Maughold
Magher Mooar          	Big Field             	Patrick
Magher Mooar ny Corrony 	Corony Big Field      	Maughold
Magher Mooie          	Outer Field           	Bride
Magher Mooie          	Outer Field           	Maughold
Magher Mucklagh       	Pigsty Field          	Bride
Magher Mwyllin        	Mill Field            	Arbory
Magher Noa            	New Field             	Maughold
Magher ny Chibbyragh  	Well Field            	Maughold
Magher ny Clagh       	Stone Field           	Ballaugh
Magher ny Claghyn     	Field of Stones       	Maughold
Magher ny Claghyn Baney 	White Stones Field    	Bride
Magher ny Claghyn Baney 	White Stones Field    	Patrick
Magher ny Coigagh     	Loom Field            	Bride
Magher ny Gabbyl      	Horses' Field         	Braddan
Magher ny Garnane     	Field of Cairns       	Maughold
Magher ny h'Aah       	Ford Field            	Braddan
Magher ny h'Eayl      	Lime Field            	Bride
Magher ny h'Eaylley   	Lime Field            	Maughold
Magher ny h'Eaynin    	Precipice Field       	Maughold
Magher ny h'Oaieghyn  	Graves' Field         	Lezayre
Magher ny Hough       	Height Field          	Andreas
Magher ny Lheannagh   	Meadow Field          	Bride
Magher ny Traie       	Shore Field           	Patrick
Magher Oarn           	Barley Field          	Patrick
Magher Paddy          	Paddy's Field         	Maughold
Magher Quarrie        	Quarrie's Field       	Bride
Magher Quinney        	Quinney's Field       	Santan
Magher Raahagh        	Prosperous Field      	German
Magher Reeast         	Wasteland Field       	Rushen
Magher Rhennee        	Ferny Field           	Rushen
Magher Roish y Dorrys 	Field Before the Door 	Bride
Magher Roish y Thie   	Field Before the House	Bride
Magher Sayle          	Sayle's Field         	Bride
Magher Simon          	Simon's Field         	Lezayre
Magher Skinner        	Skinner's Field       	Bride
Magher Sooar          	Sour Field            	Arbory
Magher Stack          	Stack Field           	Patrick
Magher Sthie ny h'Ayrey 	Inner Ayre Field      	Bride
Magher Thoar          	Bleach Green Field    	Andreas
Magher Toar           	Manured Field         	Bride
Magher Tuill Liauyrey 	Long Holes Field      	Patrick
Magher Twoaie         	North Field           	Maughold
Magher Valley Skeig   	Ship Creek Farm Field 	Maughold
Magher Vushel         	Bushel's Field        	Rushen
Magher Wass           	Near Field            	Rushen
Magher y Bhutt        	Heap Field            	Maughold
Magher y Broogh       	Bank Field            	Bride
Magher y Chabbal      	Chapel Field          	Rushen
Magher y Chaggee      	Battle Field          	Conchan
Magher y Chassan      	Footpath Field        	Maughold
Magher y Cheayn       	Sea Field             	Rushen
Magher y Cheirn       	Mountain Ash Field    	Maughold
Magher y Cheirn       	Rowan Tree Field      	Patrick
Magher y Chliwe       	Sword Field           	Rushen
Magher y Chooill Slieau 	Mountain Nook Field   	Santan
Magher y Chree        	Boundary field        	Lezayre
Magher y Chreg Vane   	White Rock Field      	Patrick
Magher y Clieau       	Mountain Field        	Maughold
Magher y Clover       	Clover Field          	Ballaugh
Magher y Coirrey      	Cauldron Field        	Lezayre
Magher y Costain      	Costain's Field       	Maughold
Magher y Cowle        	Cowle's Field         	Bride
Magher y Croit        	Cottage Field         	Bride
Magher y Cronk        	Hill Field            	Bride
Magher y Dam          	Dam Field             	Maughold
Magher y Freoaie      	Heather Field         	Maughold
Magher y Fuygh        	Timber Field          	Maughold
Magher y Gharey       	Garden Field          	Patrick
Magher y Giat         	Gate Field            	Maughold
Magher y Kew          	Kew's Field           	Maughold
Magher y Lough Heear  	West Lake Field       	Maughold
Magher y Muickey      	Pig Field             	Arbory
Magher y Phoyll       	Pool Field            	Maughold
Magher y Phundail     	Pinfold Field         	Bride
Magher y Quayle       	Quayle's Field        	Malew
Magher y Rhennee      	Fern Field            	Maughold
Magher y Skeag        	Hawthorn Field        	Maughold
Magher y Skillin      	Shilling Field        	Bride
Magher y Thie         	House Field           	Maughold
Magher y Thie Breek   	Brick House Field     	Bride
Magher y Thie Losht   	Burnt House Field     	German
Magher y Thowl Mooar  	Big Hole Field        	Patrick
Magher y Toalt        	Barn Field            	Santan
Magher y Tooran       	Midden Field          	Patrick
Magher y Towl Crayee  	Clay Hole Field       	Bride
Magher y Traie        	Shore Field           	Maughold
Magher y Vainney      	Milk Field            	Arbory
Magher y Vainstyr     	Master's Field        	Bride
Magher y Vurroo       	Round Hill Field      	Rushen
Magher y Warrag       	Wit's Field           	Patrick
Magher y Wyllin       	Mill Field            	Rushen
Magher yn Aiee Eayl   	Lime Kiln Field       	Maughold
Magher yn Eayl        	Lime Field            	Maughold
Magher yn Edd         	Nest Field            	Rushen
Magher yn Oalsum      	Tether Field          	Maughold
Magher yn Skeag       	Hawthorn Field        	Bride
Magher Yuan           	John's Field          	Bride
Magheryn Mooie        	Outer Fields          	Maughold
Magheryn Traie        	Shore Fields          	Bride
Maghey y Guttyr       	Gutter Field          	Patrick
Mannisyn Beggey       	Little Javelins       	Rushen
Mannisyn Mooarey      	Big Javelins          	Rushen
Manowle               	Mani's Hill           	Malew
Martland              	Border Land           	Lonan
Meary Mooar           	Great Border Land     	Santan
Meary Veg             	Little Border Land    	Santan
Meayl                 	Bare                  	Rushen
Medall                	Middle                	Braddan
Meer Kerroo           	Quarter Piece         	German
Meir y Foawr          	Giant's Fingers       	German
Meir y Foawr          	Giant's Fingers       	Maughold
Middenstead           	Midden Farm           	Ballaugh
Mirescog              	Miry Wood             	Lezayre
Moanagh               	Turbary               	Maughold
Moanaghyn             	Turbaries             	Maughold
Moanee                	Turbary               	Maughold
Moanee                	Turbary               	Santan
Moanee Cashin         	Cashin's Turbary      	Lonan
Moanee Chas           	Turbary Place         	Lezayre
Moanee Cottier        	Cottier's Turbary     	Conchan
Moanee Curleod        	Corlett's Turbary     	Maughold
Moanee Curragh        	Turbary Mire          	Lezayre
Moanee Hoaness        	Lookout Turbary       	Lonan
Moanee Immyr          	Turbary Strip         	Maughold
Moanee Kewne          	Kewne's Turbary       	Lezayre
Moanee Meanagh        	Middle Turbary        	Conchan
Moanee Mollagh        	Rough Turbary         	Conchan
Moanee Mollagh        	Rough Turbary         	Michael
Moanee Mooar          	Big Turbary           	Patrick
Moanee ny Moddey      	Turbary of the Dogs   	Malew
Moanee Orkill         	Corkill's Turbary     	Maughold
Moanee Pherick        	Patrick's Turbary     	Braddan
Moanee Quay           	Quay's Turbary        	Lezayre
Moanee Quilleash      	Quilleash's Turbary   	Maughold
Moanee Rea            	Level Turbary         	Maughold
Moanee Robinson       	Robinson's Turbary    	German
Moanee Slegaby        	Slegaby Turbary       	Conchan
Moaneeyn              	Turbaries             	Santan
Moaney                	Turbary               	German
Moaney Laggagh        	Turbary Hollow        	Marown
Moaney Mooar          	Big Turbary           	Malew
Moaney Mooar          	Big Turbary           	Malew
Moaney ny Muckley     	Pigs' Turbary         	Marown
Moannee Vuckey        	Pig's Turbary         	Lezayre
Mollagh Mooar         	Big Rough Place       	Patrick
Mollagh Vane         	White Rough Place     	Patrick
Mollanyn              	Friable Places        	Bride
Mollanyn Beggey       	Little Friable Places 	Bride
Monall                	Turfy Place           	Andreas
Monell                	Little Turbary        	Santan
Mooar Keeill          	Great Church          	Arbory
Mooiragh              	Place by the Sea      	Lezayre
Mooney                	Shrubbery             	Lonan
Mouru                 	Ruddy River           	Malew
Mucklagh y Vagheragh  	Pigsty of the Field   	Maughold
Mullagh               	Top                   	German
Mullagh Dawson        	Dawson's Top          	German
Mullagh Glass         	Green Top             	Maughold
Mullagh ny Creggey    	Summit of the Rock    	Bride
Mullagh ny Geayee     	Summit of the Wind    	Lonan
Mullagh ny Gronk      	Hill Summit           	Bride
Mullagh ny Rhennee    	Ferny Summit          	Bride
Mullagh Ouyr          	Dun Summit            	Lonan
Mullagh y Chrink      	Top of the Hill       	Maughold
Mullagh y Ghlionnan   	Top of the Little Glen	Maughold
Mullagh y Phundail    	Pinfold Summit        	Bride
Mullagh y Reurey      	Top of the Steep Bank 	Maughold
Mullagh y Sniaul      	Snaefell Summit       	Lezayre
Mullagh y Vagher      	Top of the Field      	Lezayre
Mullagh y Vartaragh   	Cripple's Summit      	Bride
Mullee                	Tops                  	Maughold
Mullen Glion ny Gro   	Mill Glen of Nuts     	Marown
Munenyrzana           	Ravan Grass Thicket   	Andreas
Mwannal ny Guiy       	Goose Neck            	Braddan
Mwatlag               	Whelk                 	Patrick
Mwyllin Abbagh        	Abbey Mill            	German 
Mwyllin Aragher       	Faragher's Mill       	Malew
Mwyllin Aspick        	Bishop's Mill         	Braddan
Mwyllin Balley Nicholas 	Nicholas' Farm Mill   	Marown
Mwyllin Beg           	Little Mill           	German
Mwyllin Beg           	Little Mill           	Lonan
Mwyllin Colvin        	Colvin's Mill         	Patrick
Mwyllin Corran        	Corran's Mill         	Braddan
Mwyllin Garrett       	Garrett's Mill        	Lezayre
Mwyllin Geayee        	Windmill              	Bride
Mwyllin Glionney      	Glen Mill             	Patrick
Mwyllin Harry         	Harry's Mill          	Michael
Mwyllin Keeill Pharick	Patrick's Church Mill 	Bride
Mwyllin Mooar         	Great Mill            	Malew
Mwyllin Mooar          	Great Mill            	Patrick
Mwyllin ny h'Aash     	Hill Mill             	Lezayre
Mwyllin ny Liargee    	Mill Slope            	Bride
Mwyllin ny Moddey     	Dogs' Mill            	Lezayre
Mwyllin ny Smeyr      	Blackberry Mill       	Lezayre
Mwyllin Oates         	Oates' Mill           	Braddan
Mwyllin Rheynn Eas    	Waterfall Division Mill 	German
Mwyllin Sayle         	Sayles Mill           	Patrick
Mwyllin Ton           	Mill Ton              	Lezayre
Mwyllin y Caine       	Caine's Mill          	Marown
Mywllin y Cloaie      	Stone Mill            	Patrick
Mwyllin y Corran      	Corran's Mill         	Conchan
Mwyllin y Cowle       	Cowle's Mill          	German
Mwyllin y Gaue        	Smith's Mill          	Michael
Mwyllin y Geayee      	Windmill              	Andreas
Mwyllin y Ghreasee     	Cobbler's Mill        	Lonan
Mwyllin y Kelley      	Kelly's Mill          	Michael
Mwyllin y Kew         	Kewe's Mill           	German
Mwyllin y Liargee     	Slope Mill            	Andreas
Mwyllin y Moddey      	Dog Mill              	Bride
Mwyllin y Quinney     	Quinney's Mill        	Santan
Mwyllin y Thammag     	Bush Mill             	Lezayre
Mwyllin y Voddey      	Dog Mill              	Bride
Myers                 	?                     	Jurby
Nab                   	Little Hill           	Marown
Naish                 	Assembly              	Braddan
Nappan                	Hillock               	Lezayre
Nappan                	Little Round Hill     	Jurby
Nappan                	Small Hill            	Lezayre
Nappan Doo            	Black Hillock         	Lezayre
Nathan                	?                     	Patrick
Neb                   	?                     	German
Nerlough              	Place of Slaughter ?  	Michael
Neueraid              	?                     	Lezayre
Nikkesen              	Water Goblin Stream   	Lonan
Noa Raad              	New Road              	Lezayre
Normode               	North Meeting Place   	Marown
Northop               	North Village         	German
Nouru                 	Ruddy River ?         	Malew
Nyalsa                	Halsall's Flat?       	Maughold
Obbyr Laa Mooar       	Big Day's Work        	Bride
Obbyr Laa ny Guilley  	Day's Work of the Boys	German
Obbyraghyn Laa        	Works of a Day        	Bride
Oirr Vooar            	Great Edge            	Rushen
Ooig Beg              	Little Cave           	German
Ooig Dorraghey        	Dark Cave             	Patrick
Ooig Dullish          	Seaweed Cave          	Patrick
Ooig Mooar            	Big Cave              	German
Ooig ny Chimleeyn     	Cave of Chimneys      	Patrick
Ooig ny Claghyn Baney 	White Stones Cave     	Patrick
Ooig ny Gollan Geayee 	Swallow Cave          	Patrick
Ooig ny Keeill Goayr  	Goats' Church Cave    	Patrick
Ooig ny Meeal         	Cave of the Mouths    	Patrick
Ooig ny Seyir         	Carpenters' Cave      	Patrick
Ooig Stack            	Stack Cave            	Patrick
Ooig Vooar            	Big Cave              	Maughold
Ooig Vooar            	Big Cave              	Patrick
Ooig y Daa Chione     	Two Heads' Cave       	Patrick
Ooig y Thombagey      	Tobacco Cave          	Patrick
Ooighyn Doo           	Black Caves           	Lonan
Ormeshau              	Ormarr's Headland     	Maughold
Orrisdale             	Haering's Farm        	Malew
Orrisdale             	Orri's Farm           	Rushen
Orrisdale             	Sandy Bank Farm       	Rushen
Orristal              	Moor Fowl Estate      	Michael
Oxrayzer              	Cairn of the Oxen     	Malew
Oxwath                	Ox Ford               	Malew
Paal ny Ferish        	Fairy's Fence         	Lonan
Paik Arthur           	Arthur's Pasture      	Lezayre
Pairk                 	Pasture               	Andreas
Pairk                 	Pasture               	Bride
Pairk                 	Pasture               	Maughold
Pairk                 	Pasture               	Santan
Pairk Beg             	Little Pasture        	Maughold
Pairk Colby           	Koli's Farm Pasture   	Arbory
Pairk Common          	Common Pasture        	Rushen
Pairk Doo             	Black Pasture         	Maughold
Pairk Heear           	West Pasture          	Maughold
Pairk Hiar            	East Pasture          	Maughold
Pairk Juan Jiarg      	Red John's Pasture    	Michael
Pairk Llewellyn       	Llewellyn's Pasture   	Maughold
Pairk Mooar           	Big Pasture           	Malew
Pairk Mooar           	Big Pasture           	Maughold
Pairk Mooie           	Outer Pasture         	Bride
Pairk Noa             	New Pasture           	Maughold
Pairk ny Killey       	Church Pasture        	Arbory
Pairk ny Lheiy        	Calves' Pasture       	Maughold
Pairk Rum             	Roome's Pasture       	Maughold
Pairk Sthie           	Inner Pasture         	Bride
Pairk Taubman         	Taubman's Pasture     	Rushen
Pairk Valley Cowle    	Cowle's Farm Pasture  	Bride
Pairk Valley Fayle    	Fayle's Farm Pature   	Bride
Pairk y Chiarn        	Lord's Pasture        	Rushen
Pairk y Doctor Heese  	Doctor's Lower Pasture	Maughold
Pairk y Doctor Heose  	Doctor's Upper Pasture	Maughold
Pairk y Voshen        	Boshen's Pasture      	Maughold
Pairk yn Aaie Veg     	Little Flat Pasture   	Bride
Pairk Yuan Jiarg      	Red John's Pasture    	Michael
Pargys                	Paradise              	Bride
Peeley                	Peel                  	German
Peesh Illiam          	William's Portion     	Maughold
Penny Pot             	?                     	Lezayre
Perwick               	Harbour Creek         	Rushen
Pheastal              	Horse Precipice       	Rushen
Phurt (y)             	Harbour               	Bride
Ping Laagh Ghlass     	Penny Grey Mire       	Maughold
Ping Land             	Penny Land            	Maughold
Ping ny Brooie        	Penny River Bank      	Maughold
Ping y Phundial       	Penny Pinfold         	Bride
Pisco                 	?                     	Braddan
Pistol                	Fish Rock             	Santan
Pit Harry Cabbagh     	Stuttering Harry's Pit	Rushen
Plaase                	Palace                	Braddan
Poddaugh              	Place of the Pot      	Lezayre
Poer Ton              	De La Poer Farm       	German
Pot Doo               	Black Pot             	Rushen
Poyll                 	Pool                  	Rushen
Poyll Breinn          	Stinking Pool         	Arbory
Poyll Breinn          	Stinking Pool         	Malew
Poyll Daah            	Dye Pool              	Jurby
Poyll Doo Aah         	Black Ford Pool       	Bride
Poyll Doo Aah         	Black Ford Pool       	Lezayre
Poyll Ewan            	Ewan's Pool           	Maughold
Poyll Hood            	Hood's Pool           	Rushen
Poyll Killey          	Church Pool           	Lonan
Poyll ny h'Airney     	Sloe Thorn Pool       	Bride
Poyll ny h'Ayrey      	Ayre Pool             	Bride
Poyll Rea             	Smooth Pool           	German
Poyll Richie          	Richard's Pool        	Arbory
Poyll Roish           	Pool of the Wood      	Braddan
Poyll Ruy             	Red Pool              	Bride
Poyll Sallagh         	Dirty Pool            	Malew
Poyll Skeddan         	Herring Pool          	Bride
Poyll Ushtey          	Water Pool            	Bride
Poyll Vaaish          	Pool of Death         	Arbory
Poyll Veeyl           	Midges' Pool          	Rushen
Poyll yn Arlane       	Firlot Pool           	Bride
Poyll yn Ollee        	Cattle Pool           	Bride
Poyllan Tom           	Tom's Little Pool     	Bride
Poyllican             	Little Pool           	Marown
Purt                  	Fort                  	German
Purt                  	Haven ?               	Ballaugh
Purt Beg              	Little Harbour        	Patrick
Purt Chiarn           	Lord's Harbour ?      	Rushen
Purt Coon             	Narrow Harbour        	Braddan
Purt Cooyn            	Narrow Harbour        	Conchan
Purt Cornaa           	Mill Glen Harbour     	Maughold
Purt Cranstal         	Kraun's Valley Harbour	Bride
Purt Grant            	Grant's Harbour       	Rushen
Purt Grenick          	Green Creek Harbour   	Santan
Purt Hom Creale       	Tom Kneale's Harbour  	Patrick
Purt le Moirrey       	Saint Mary's Port     	Rushen
Purt Lewaigue         	Lewaigue Harbour ?    	Maughold
Purt Masool           	Moss Mountain         	Patrick
Purt Mooar            	Big Harbour           	Maughold
Purt ny Cabbage       	Cabbage Harbour       	Santan
Purt ny Ceabagh       	Clod Harbour          	Santan
Purt ny Cooilley      	Port of the Corner    	Lonan
Purt ny h'Inshey      	Island Harbour        	German
Purt ny Kiare as Feed 	Four and Twenty Harbour 	Maughold
Purt ny Lady          	Harbour ?             	German
Purt ny Muck          	Pigs' Harbour         	Maughold
Purt ny Shee          	Fort of the Fairies   	Braddan
Purt Philip           	Philip's Harbour      	Patrick
Purt Shurriee         	?                     	Bride
Purt Veg              	Little Harbour        	Rushen
Purt Veg              	Little Harbour        	Santan
Purt y Bloghan        	Coalfish Harbour      	Maughold
Purt y Candas         	Fort ?                	German
Purt y Shee           	Haven of Peace        	Braddan
Purt y Slate          	Slate Port            	Rushen
Purt y Vaatey         	Boat Harbour          	Conchan
Purt y Vaatey         	Boat Harbour          	Rushen
Purt y Wyllin         	Mill Harbour          	Maughold
Quaiyl yn Aspick      	Bishop's Court        	Michael
Quarral               	Quarry                	German
Quing                 	Yoke                  	Maughold
Raad ny Kiare as Feed 	Four and Twenty Road  	Maughold
Raad y Phurt          	Harbour Road          	Maughold
Raaidey               	Near the Road         	Maughold
Rabog                 	Rocky Creek           	Braddan
Raby                  	Roe Farm              	Lonan
Raclay                	Roe Deer Cliff        	Rushen
Raggatt               	Roe Deer Path         	Patrick
Raggey                	Cattle Path ?         	Malew
Rarick                	Roe Deer Creek        	Rushen
Rass ny Muc           	Shrubbery of the Pigs 	Rushen
Rea Oddey             	Long Flat Field       	Arbory
Rea Vayr              	Level Road            	Bride
Rea Voanee            	Level Turbary         	Bride
Reeallagh             	Thin Soil             	Bride
Reeast                	Waste                 	Andreas
Reeast                	Waste                 	Ballaugh
Reeast                	Waste                 	Bride
Reeast                	Waste                 	Jurby
Reeast                	Waste                 	Malew
Reeast                	Waste                 	Maughold
Reeast                	Waste                 	Rushen
Reeast                	Waste Land            	Santan
Reeast Beg            	Little Waste          	Bride
Reeast Buigh          	Yellow Moor           	Patrick
Reeast Dhone          	Brown Waste           	Andreas
Reeast Heese          	Lower Waste           	Bride
Reeast Heese          	Lower Waste           	German
Reeast Heose          	Upper Waste           	Bride
Reeast Jiass          	South Waste           	Bride
Reeast Logan          	Logan's Wasteland     	German
Reeast Logan          	Logan's Wasteland     	Maughold
Reeast McSayle        	McSayle's Waste       	Andreas
Reeast Mooar          	Big Moor              	Braddan
Reeast Mooar          	Big Waste             	Bride
Reeast Mooar          	Big Waste             	Lezayre
Reeast Mooar          	Great Waste           	Michael
Reeast Mooie          	Outer Waste           	Maughold
Reeast ny Quaillian   	Pups' Waste           	Bride
Reeast Sthie          	Inner Waste           	Maughold
Reeast y Caiskell     	Caiskell's Waste      	Andreas
Reeastagh Bwee        	Yellow Waste          	Bride
Regaby                	Ridge Estate          	Andreas
Regis Via             	Royal Way             	Lezayre
Renick                	?                     	Arbory
Reuyran               	Dug Place             	Patrick
Rhaa                  	Opening               	Lonan
Rhaa Mooar            	Big fort              	Maughold
Rheaby                	Roe Deer Farm         	Patrick
Rhennee               	Ferny Place           	German
Rhennee               	Ferny Place           	Patrick
Rhennee Killey        	Ferny Place Church    	Patrick
Rhennee Vane Veg      	Small White Ferny Place 	Bride
Rhennee Vane Vooar    	Big White Ferny Place 	Bride
Rhenniagh             	Ferny Place           	Bride
Rhenniagh             	Ferny Place           	Marown
Rhenniagh Vooar       	Big Ferny Place       	Bride
Rheynn                	Division              	Lezayre
Rheynn                	Division              	Marown
Rheynn                	Division              	Maughold
Rheynn                	Division              	Santan
Rheynn Abb            	Abbot's Division      	Maughold
Rheynn Awin           	River Division        	Bride
Rheynn Awin Beg       	Little River Division 	Bride
Rheynn Charree        	Foals' Division       	Marown
Rheynn Corkey         	Oats' Division        	Bride
Rheynn Cullyn         	Holly Division        	Maughold
Rheynn Cullyn         	Holly Ridge           	Michael
Rheynn Doo            	Black Division        	Jurby
Rheynn Eas            	Waterfall Division    	German
Rheynn Eash           	Division ?            	Bride
Rheynn Freoaie        	Heather Division      	Lezayre
Rheynn Gorm           	Blue Division         	Andreas
Rheynn Hullad         	Owl's Division        	Malew
Rheynn Lhean          	Broad Division        	Maughold
Rheynn Liauyr         	Long Division         	Bride
Rheynn Liauyr         	Long Division         	Lezayre
Rheynn Losht          	Burnt Division        	Maughold
Rheynn Mooar          	Big Division          	Maughold
Rheynn Oddey          	Long Division         	Andreas
Rheynn Owle           	Cowle's Division      	Bride
Rheynn Roauyr         	Thick Division        	Maughold
Rheynn Ruy            	Red Division          	Maughold
Rheynn Sell           	Willow Division       	Lonan
Rheynn Sheaynt        	Blest Division        	Malew
Rheynn Shellan        	Bee Division          	German
Rheynn Shellan        	Bee division          	Michael
Rheynn Skeilt         	Split Division        	Braddan
Rheynn Traie          	Shore Division        	Lezayre
Rheynn Urling         	Ridge of Slaughter?	Michael
Rheynn Vane           	White Division        	German
Rheynn Vaynagh        	Monks' Division       	Lezayre
Rheynn y Joe          	Joe's Division        	Maughold
Rheynn Yemmy          	Jemmy's Division      	German
Rheynnyn Shellagh     	Willow Divisions      	Michael
Rhullick              	Churchyard            	Lezayre
Rhullick Chibbyr Coan 	Well Hollow Churchyard	Lezayre
Rhullick ny Quakeryn  	Quakers' Burial Ground	Maughold
Rhumsaa               	Raven's Isle          	Maughold
Rhumsaa               	Raven's River         	Maughold
Rhumsaa               	Wild Garlic River     	Maughold
Rig                   	Ridge                 	Bride
Rig                   	Ridge                 	Lonan
Roddagagh             	Moor Gall Place       	Ballaugh
Ronaldsway            	Reginald's Ford       	Malew
Roose                 	Marsh                 	Lezayre
Rougimany             	?                     	Patrick
Rourey                	Steep Bank            	Maughold
Rourey Mooar          	Big Steep Bank        	Maughold
Rourey Mooar          	Big Steep bank        	Bride
Roze Fell             	Ruddy Mountain        	Malew
Ruy Ellan             	Red Island            	Lezayre
Ruy Gobbagh           	Red Point Place       	Bride
Ruyan                 	Reddish Land          	Maughold
Sand Wick             	Sandy Creek           	Malew
Sand Wick Bowe        	Sandy Creek Tidal Rock	Malew
Sandall               	Sandy Glen            	German
Sandy Giat            	Sandy Road            	Jurby
Sanrebrek             	Sandy Slope           	Marown
Santwat               	Sand Ford             	Patrick
Sart Fell             	Black Mountain        	Jurby
Scarlett              	Cormorant's Cleft     	Malew
Scottean              	?                     	Malew
Scra Voalley          	Mire Rampart          	German
Scregganagh           	Rocky Place           	Lonan
Scrundal              	Wooded Dale           	Ballaugh
Scuttyn               	Rumps                 	Lonan
Sharragh Bane         	White Foal            	Ballaugh
Shaslagh Vooar        	Big Barren Place      	Bride
Sheidaghan            	Windy Place           	Marown
Shelgagh              	Hunting Place         	Bride
Shelgagh              	Place of the Hunt     	Rushen 
Shelgee               	Place of Hunting      	Rushen
Shellag               	Seal Creek            	Bride
Shellag               	Shell Creek           	Bride
Shellagh y Quark      	Quark's Willow Place  	Bride
Shenn Banejagh        	Old Lea Land          	Marown
Shenn Chleigh         	Old Hedge             	Patrick
Shenn Chlose          	Old Enclosure         	Maughold
Shenn Chroit          	Old Croft             	Maughold
Shenn Croit           	Old Croft             	Andreas
Shenn Croit           	Old Croft             	Michael
Shenn Liargagh        	Old Slope             	Michael
Shenn Liargee         	Old Hill Slope        	Maughold
Shenn Thalloo         	Old Ground            	Maughold
Shenn Thalloo         	Old Land              	Lezayre
Shenn Thalloo         	Old Land              	Patrick
Shenn Thalloo Sthie   	Old Inner Land        	German
Shenn Thalloo Twoaie  	North Old Ground      	Maughold
Shenn Thie            	Old House             	Patrick
Shenn Uhllin Veg      	Little Old Stackyard  	Maughold
Shenn Uhllin Vooar    	Big Old Stackyard     	Maughold
Shenn Valley          	Old Farm              	Bride
Shenn Valley          	Old Farm              	Jurby
Shenn Valley          	Old Farm              	Malew
Shenn Valley          	Old Farm              	Patrick
Shenn Valley Harra    	Harra's Old Farm      	German
Shenn Voayl           	Old Place             	Braddan
Shiaull Bane          	White Sail            	Patrick
Shoanar               	Rushy Place ?         	Patrick
Shughlaig             	Hunting Place         	Michael
Shughlaig Quiggin     	Quiggin's Hunting Place 	Michael
Shughlaig y Cain      	Cain's Hunting Place  	Michael
Skeagyn               	Hawthorn Berries      	Bride
Skeirrip              	Cormorant Rock        	Lonan
Skelshon              	?                     	Malew
Sker                  	Sea Rock              	Bride
Skerestal             	Rock Farm             	German
Skerraneyn            	Little Rocks          	Malew
Skibrick              	Ship Ridge            	Malew
Skillion              	Shell Creek           	Braddan
Skinscoe              	Bright Rift           	Lonan
Skortyn               	Chasms                	Rushen
Skortyn               	Clefts                	Conchan
Skoryn                	Chasms                	Lonan 
Skyal                 	Wooded Hill           	Lezayre
Skynnershill          	?                     	Malew
Slack                 	Hollow                	German
Sleckbyr              	Slope Farm            	Jurby
Slegaby               	Slope Farm            	Conchan
Slieau Aleyn          	Aleyn's Mountain      	Patrick
Slieau Carn Ajole     	Hill Edge Cairn       	Lonan
Slieau Carn Gerjoil   	Mountain ?            	Lonan
Slieau Chiarn         	Lord's Mountain       	Marown
Slieau Chiarn Gerjoil 	Joyful Lord Mountain  	Lonan
Slieau Curn           	Mountain ?            	Ballaugh
Slieau Doo            	Black Mountain        	Michael
Slieau Freoaghane     	Bilberry Mountain     	Michael
Slieau Karrin         	St Ciaran's Mountain            	Lezayre
Slieau Lewaigue       	Bay Slope Mountain    	Maughold
Slieau Lhean          	Broad Mountain        	Lonan
Slieau Lhean          	Broad Mountain        	Maughold
Slieau Meayl          	Bare Mountain         	Conchan
Slieau Mooar          	Big Mountain          	Patrick
Slieau ny Glagh       	Mountain of the Stones	Malew
Slieau ny Maggle      	Testicle Mountain     	Michael
Slieau ny Maynagh     	Monks' Mountain       	Lezayre
Slieau Ouyr           	Dun Mountain          	Lezayre
Slieau Ouyr           	Dun Mountain          	Maughold
Slieau Ree            	King's Mountain       	Conchan
Slieau Reoaie         	Heather Mountain      	Conchan
Slieau Ruy            	Red Mountain          	Conchan
Slieau Ruy            	Red Mountain          	Lonan  
Slieau Ruy            	Red Mountain          	Maughold
Slieau Veg            	Little Mountain       	Maughold
Slieau Volley         	Mountain Old Road     	Lezayre
Slieau Volley         	Mountain Road         	Ballaugh
Slogh                 	Hollow                	Maughold
Slogh                 	Hollow                	Patrick
Slogh Eary            	Shieling Hollow       	Patrick
Slogh ny Gabbil       	Hollow of the Horses  	Maughold
Slogh y Coull         	Hazel Hollow          	Maughold
Slough Eary           	Pit Shieling          	Patrick
Smeale                	Smith's Homestead     	Andreas
Snae Fell             	Snow Mountain         	Lezayre
Sniaul                	Snaefell	Lezayre
Sonnan Beg            	Little Luck?	German
Sonnan Mooar          	Big Luck?	German
Sooiaghyn             	Fertile Places        	Bride
Sooiaghyn Beg         	Little Fertile Places 	Bride
Sound                 	?                     	Patrick
Spooyt Vane           	White Spout           	Maughold
Spooyt Vane           	White Waterfall       	Michael
Squeen                	Burnt Clearing        	Ballaugh
Staarvey              	Rough Shallow Ford    	German
Stack                 	Stack                 	German
Stack                 	Stack                 	Patrick
Stack Mooar           	Big Rock              	Maughold
Stack Noa             	New Stack             	German
Staward               	Staward	Lezayre
Stockaland            	Tree Stump Ground     	Maughold
Stockfield            	Block Hill            	German
Strenebeck            	Narrow Stream         	Maughold
Striggle              	?                     	Andreas
Stroan ny Gro         	Nut Stream            	Maughold
Stroo ny Keyllys      	Current of the Channel	Bride
Strooan Barrool       	Ward Mountain Stream  	Patrick
Strooan Bayr Lieau    	Mountain Road Stream  	Patrick
Strooan ny h'Aah Niee 	Washing Stream Ford   	Maughold
Strooan ny Mrack      	Trout Stream          	Maughold
Strooan ny n'Eean     	Birds' Stream         	Maughold
Strooan Teare         	Teare's Stream        	Patrick
Strooan y Kirkey      	Church Stream         	German
Stroon Curleod        	Corlett's Stream      	Maughold
Sulby                 	Soli's Farm           	Jurby
Sulby                 	Soli's Farm           	Lezayre
Tarrastack            	Seaweed Stack         	Malew
Testraw               	?                     	Arbory
Testraw               	?                     	Braddan  
Thaggyr               	Causeway              	Maughold
Thalloo Baghyl        	Staff Land            	Maughold
Thalloo Balley        	Farm Land             	Ballaugh
Thalloo Broigh        	Dirty Ground          	Maughold
Thalloo Callin        	Callin's Land         	Maughold
Thalloo Camaish       	Camaish's Land        	Bride
Thalloo Chowle        	Cowle's Land          	Bride
Thalloo Chrink        	Hill Land             	Bride
Thalloo Chustal       	Cushtal's Land        	Bride
Thalloo Clieau        	Mountain Ground       	Maughold
Thalloo Colquitt      	Colquitt's Land       	Maughold
Thalloo Cooyl Thie    	Rear House Ground     	Maughold
Thalloo Cowle         	Cowle's Land          	Maughold
Thalloo Crayee        	Clay Land             	Bride
Thalloo Curragh       	Mire Land             	Andreas
Thalloo Eayil         	Lime Land             	Arbory
Thalloo Eayl          	Lime Ground           	Maughold
Thalloo Eayl          	Lime Land             	Bride
Thalloo Eayl Heose    	Upper Lime Ground     	Maughold
Thalloo Faaie Skeag   	Hawthorn Flat Ground  	Maughold
Thalloo Gort          	Stale Land            	Malew
Thalloo Jiarg         	Red Ground            	Maughold
Thalloo Kaighin       	Kaighin's Ground      	Maughold
Thalloo Koir          	Land of the Chest     	Arbory
Thalloo Looney Heese  	Looney's Lower Ground 	Maughold
Thalloo Looney Heose  	Looney's Upper Ground 	Maughold
Thalloo Losht         	Burnt Ground          	Maughold
Thalloo Losht         	Burnt Land            	Bride
Thalloo Losht         	Burnt Land            	Patrick
Thalloo Mc y Joughin  	McJoughin's Land      	Bride
Thalloo Michell       	Michael's Land        	Maughold
Thalloo Mollagh       	Rough Land            	Lonan
Thalloo Noa           	New Ground            	Maughold
Thalloo Noa           	New Land              	Patrick
Thalloo ny Beishteig  	Insects' Ground       	Maughold
Thalloo ny Eaylley    	Limed Ground          	Maughold
Thalloo ny Eoylley    	Manured Ground        	Maughold
Thalloo ny Geyrragh   	Sheep Land            	Bride
Thalloo ny Greas      	Industry Land         	Bride
Thalloo ny Grease     	Place of Industry     	Andreas
Thalloo ny Groa       	Sheep Pen Ground      	Maughold
Thalloo ny Guiy       	Land of the Geese     	Patrick
Thalloo ny h'Ard Heose	High Upper Ground     	Maughold
Thalloo ny h'Eayl     	Lime Ground           	Bride
Thalloo ny h'Eaynin   	Precipice Ground      	Maughold
Thalloo ny h'Ollee    	Cattle Ground         	Maughold
Thalloo ny Lhig       	Hollows Land          	Bride
Thalloo ny Ligg       	Hollows Land          	Andreas
Thalloo ny Phlaggad   	Oat's Ground          	Maughold
Thalloo Quay          	Quay's Land           	Patrick
Thalloo Quayle        	Quayle's Land         	German
Thalloo Quilleash     	Quilleash's Ground    	Maughold
Thalloo Quine         	Quine's Ground        	Maughold
Thalloo Quislin       	Cosnaghan's Land      	Patrick
Thalloo Roauyr Vane   	White Fat Land        	Patrick
Thalloo Sooar         	Sour Land             	Arbory
Thalloo Thie          	House Land            	Andreas
Thalloo Traie         	Shore Land            	Bride
Thalloo Traie         	Shore Land            	Maughold
Thalloo Treishteil    	Trusty Land           	Bride
Thalloo Vac Emmal     	McEmall's Land        	Maughold
Thalloo Vasoonagh     	Mason's Land          	Bride
Thalloo Walter Miller 	Walter Miller's Land  	Malew
Thalloo Will          	Will's Land           	Maughold
Thalloo yn Chrink     	Hill Land             	Andreas
Thalloo yn Trooan     	Stream Land           	Andreas
Thalloo yn Trooan     	Stream Land           	Bride
Thalloo Yuan          	John's Land           	Maughold
Thammag               	Bush                  	German
Thammag Vrisht        	Broken Bush           	Bride
Thie Claddee          	Marsh House           	Ballaugh
Thie Eary             	Shieling House        	Patrick
Thie Runt             	Round House           	German
Thie Steaon y Vayr    	Stephen the Road House	Bride
Thoannaghyn Beggey    	Little Bottoms        	German
Tholt Mean            	Middle Hill           	Lezayre
Tholt y Woaillee      	Fold Hill             	Lezayre
Tholtan Phrtaase      	Potato Tholtan        	Maughold
Threlja               	Trolls' Water         	Patrick
Tinvaal               	Assembly Hill         	German
Tittin                	?                     	Patrick
Toar                  	Fold                  	Maughold
Toar Curnaght         	Wheat Field           	Maughold
Toar Ghlass           	Green Manured Field   	Bride
Toar ny Croit         	Bleaching Green Croft 	Patrick
Toar Oarn             	Barley Field          	Maughold
Toar Ouw              	Marsh Pennywort Field 	Bride
Toar Phlaggad         	Oats Field            	Maughold
Toar Veg              	Little Field          	Maughold
Toar Vullagh          	Summit Manured Field  	Bride
Toar y Lhig           	Hollow Field          	Maughold
Toar yn Owe           	Marsh Pennywort Field 	Maughold
Toccar                	Causeway              	German
Toccar                	Causeway              	Lezayre
Togharaghyn Beggey    	Little Doweries       	Michael
Toinn Chleiy y Vayr   	Road Hedge Bottom     	Bride
Toinn ny Cree         	Boundary Bottom       	Bride
Toinn ny Faaie        	Flat Bottom           	Maughold
Toinn ny Gronk        	Hill Bottom           	Bride
Toinn ny Lheannagh    	Meadow Bottom         	Maughold
Toinn ny Raaidyn      	Roads Bottom          	Bride
Toinn Rheynn Awin     	River Division Bottom 	Bride
Toinn Tolta           	Bottom Hill Land      	Patrick
Toinn Vane            	White Bottom          	Malew
Toinnaghyn Boggey     	Soft Bottoms          	Michael
Tolt y Goonell        	McDannell's Hill      	Santan
Tolta Mitchell        	Michael's Hill        	Maughold
Toltan ny Goayr       	Goats' Hill           	Lezayre
Tom y Cleigh          	Tom of the Hedge      	German
Tom y Kelleig         	Tom of the Callig     	German
Toor Adha             	Arthur's Tower        	Patrick
Tosaby                	Mani's Farm Knoll     	Malew
Towl Bill Nick        	Bill Nick's Land      	Patrick
Towl Creg y Vuggane   	Buggane's Rock Hole   	Lonan
Towl Doo              	Black Hole            	Patrick
Towl Eaynin y Ruyghey 	Lichen Cliff Hole     	Maughold
Towl y Glashtin       	Glashtin's Hole       	Arbory
Towl y Phoagee        	Hole of the Bag       	Malew
Towllan               	Depression            	Maughold
Traie Cabbage         	Cabbage Shore         	Patrick
Traie Carn            	Cairn Shore           	Maughold
Traie Carran          	Karran's Shore        	Patrick
Traie Cronkan         	Hillock Shore         	Patrick
Traie Dullish         	Seaweed Shore         	Patrick
Traie Ein             	Bird's Shore          	Patrick
Traie Feoghaig        	Periwinckle Shore     	German
Traie Foawir          	Giant's Shore         	Maughold
Traie Keirn           	Mountain Ash Shore    	Maughold
Traie Keyl            	Narrow Shore          	Santan
Traie Lagagh          	Shore Hollow          	Patrick
Traie Lhean           	Broad Shore           	Maughold
Traie ny Faiyr Mollagh	Rough Grass Shore     	Patrick
Traie ny Feeyney      	Wine Shore            	Maughold
Traie ny Foillan      	Gull's Shore          	Maughold
Traie ny Gill         	Ravine Shore          	Santan
Traie ny h'Eairkan    	Lapwing Shore         	Maughold
Traie ny Halsall      	Halsall's Shore       	Maughold
Traie ny Harstal      	Goat Cliff Shore      	Patrick
Traie ny Lheeannagh   	Meadow Shore          	Patrick
Traie ny Lhingey      	Pool Shore            	Patrick
Traie ny Saagh        	Cask Shore            	Maughold
Traie ny Shag         	Shag Shore            	Maughold
Traie ny Sloat        	Shore of Puddles      	Santan
Traie ny Uainaigue    	Wind Bay Shore        	Maughold
Traie ny Voillan      	Gulls' Shore          	Patrick
Traie Ooigyn          	Caves' Shore          	Michael
Traie Rea             	Level Shore           	Patrick
Traie Tuill Liauyrey  	Long Holes Shore      	Patrick
Traie Vane            	White Shore           	Patrick
Traie Vane            	White Strand          	German
Traie Vrisht          	Broken Shore          	Patrick
Train Ard             	High Train            	German
Train ny Garroo       	Rough Ground Train    	German
Trassyn               	Thirds                	Lezayre
Tremmissary           	Thrumr's Garth        	Conchan
Tremode               	Thrumr's Place        	Conchan
Trollaby              	Troll's Farm          	Marown
Trollaby              	Trolli's Farm         	Marown
Trolliag              	Trollag's Place       	Santan
Trolly Pot            	?                     	Patrick
Tuar Oarn             	Barley Green Place    	Lezayre
Tuill Liaurey         	Long Holes            	Patrick
Turlagh               	Dry Lake              	Andreas
Ught Bane             	White Slope           	Maughold
Ught Vane             	White Slope           	Lezayre
Ughtagh               	Steep Slope           	Bride
Ughtagh Brish My Chree	Break My Heart Hill   	German
Ughtee Crosh          	Cross Hill            	Patrick
Ughtee Losht          	Burnt Hill            	Patrick
Uhllin                	Stackyard             	Maughold
Uhllin Hramman        	Elder Tree Stackyard  	Bride
Ulican                	Little Tomb           	Braddan
Ushtairs              	? Rock                	Lonan
Ushtey Glion ny h'Aah 	Glen Ford Water       	Maughold
Ushtey Mie Halloo     	Good Land Water       	Malew
Ushtey ny Abbagh      	Abbot's Water         	Lezayre
Vaish Mooar           	Great Ridge           	Santan
Veayl (y)             	Bare Hill             	Maughold
Veinn (yn)            	Summit                	Patrick
Voanee (yn)           	Turf Pit              	Lezayre
Volgan (y)            	Little Windy Place    	Maughold
Vowlan                	Little Road ?	Lezayre
Wallberry             	Hawk's Cliff          	Braddan
Ward Fell             	Watch Mountain        	Malew   
Whaiylagh (yn)        	Little Court (the)    	Malew
Wynowehill            	?                    	Malew
Ynnyd Jiarg           	Red Place             	German